Eric R. Naeslund The Human Brain Project HD

Cybernetics and bio telemetry. Experiments on human beings. The State using individuals for medical experimentation and developing brain control systems with implants and supercomputers able to control large populations and individuals. The perfect tool to create the state within the state.

This is a lecture by R. Naeslund in Stockholm Sweden about the Human Brain Proejct that is still going on today in Sweden in the US.

D.O.P.E. ft Twice: I’m a Machine (Like a robot)

One of the first songs about what micro chipping & trans-humanism does to people. Please share.

“As soon as you have the microchip in you, your life is no longer in your own hands. It is not in the hands of your biology, fate, destiny, god or your own. It’s in the hands of a human being, controlling a computer. Transhumanists and other enthusiasts, claim that the chip will enhance your abilities, ignoring the bad aspects of this technology, which can create computer-controlled slaves. ”

Carmen or Twice, says.

Jose Delgado (José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado)

Jose Delgado

Jose Delgado

Jose Delgado wrote around 500 articles on implantation of electrodes in brains of humans and animals and believed in a “pscyhocivilized society”, in which people could alter and influence their own brain functions with the help of electrodes. He implanted around 25 patients with electrodes and published a book in 1969 about his ideas and research.

One of his patients tried to resist the remote influence but couldn’t. Another one was moving his head from the left to the right all the time and insisted that he did so by his free will. A 25 year old woman smashed the guitarr that she played peacefully just a second ago to the wall, after stimulation of a region in the limbic system, which regulates emotion.

Read more:

GPS-Tracking: The Nano Guardian Anti-kidnapping chip is activated when bio sensors sense distress

Here is a new generation tracking device that can be implanted into the human body. The chip is FDA-approved and functions as a RFID-chip (radio frequency identification chip) and is GPS-enabled, that is, it can track individuals down through satellites. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. The positioning is real-time, with no delays. The chip is small and usually implanted between the shoulder and the elbow area of an individual’s right arm. Continue reading

Mr. James Walbert’s, Removal of Foreign Bodies: Doctor’s Letter of Damages

James Walbert, American inventor, has been secretly implanted a few years ago, and because of complications after implanting the cochlear implant while he had been asleep for an unnormal amount of time, discovered several implants and went to court, won the law suit, but the harassment didn’t really stop. The reason is that the implants are remotely activated or activated even by his own nervous system. Here is the Doctor’s Letter, explaining the murderous damages of the implants. Continue reading