TI “Symptoms”

Targeted Individuals Symptoms

 Picture: The most visible and common TI-symptom, especially in the first stages when the attacks are uncontrolable and the body has not coped with them yet, are the red eyes.

Here we try to classify all kind of symptoms that targeted individuals experience on one page.

We refer to “symptoms” as both “effects” and “control mechanisms”. They have both functions at once.

Mind Control

Control and manipulation of thoughts, feelings and ultimately behavior

  • Control of thoughts and thought patterns; feelings and their expression; behavior control.
  • Dark NLP and gang stalking (street theater) that anchor feelings to certain words, and sometimes colors, certain types of people or objects… Creating the illusion of ”guilt”.
  • Hypnotic ”trigger words” that results in specific sensations, feelings or behaviors.
  • Monitoring attention both where to look but also what to think about and in what terms.
  • Real time mind reading before it becomes aware; erasing thoughts and memories; short time memory problems.
  • Induced memories and ”synthetic” associations (that are believed to be made by a computer that is aware of the context).
  • Induced dreams or manipulation of dreams.

Social Control

Isolation of individuals through social and societal systems of control.

  • Fabrication of false evidence that justifies ”Crime prevention” (fabrication of evidence of crime and rumor spreading); In almost every case, Targeted Individuals are accused of a sex crime with no chance to defend oneself.
  • Sudden unemployment.
  • Loss of friends, because of rumors or direct control.
  • The perpetrators take over the friendship and social life of the TI. They are always rude, and manipulative and not real friends.
  • Creating ”symptoms” of Mental Illness (voices in the subcounscious, V2K; trying to describe what is happening for others) putting the individual in psychiatric care.
  • Creating ”symptoms” of Substance Abuse (tampering food with drugs, poisons or medications; blurred vision; red eyes; disorientation; head aches; memory loss; difficulty talking or making sense) destroying the targeted individuals reputation;
  • Creating ”symptoms” of Insuline related diseases (pain in the spinal cord, back of the head, terrible head aches, high blood sugar levels, enormous fatigue) creating early retirement or poverty because of inability to work.
  • Creating “symptoms” or dementia because of apparent difficulty, sometimes, to express one’s feelings and thoughts; memory problems when the “attacks” are enormous.


  • Thought surveillance. TI:s thoughts are read in real time.
  • Looking though Targeted Individuals eyes and seeing what the targeted individual sees. Knowing where the targeted individual directs attention.
  • GPS surveillance. The Targeted Individual is tracked down at any time, in real time.
  • Remote Neural Monitoring: Some targeted individuals claim that a person’t brain can function as a fingerprint and that can be picked up by satellites. That enables both surveillance of the individual and thoughts.
  • Gang stalkers often let the Targeted Individual know that he / she is under surveillance and can’t escape. They can come up and insult the TI, or say something that is only known by the Targeted Individual, as an indication of ”remote (real time) mind reading”.
  • Financial surveillance. It looks like every penny a Targeted Individual has is counted and only a certain amount is allowed for the Targeted Individual to gain.

Torture: Physical, Mental & Psychological

TIs experience pain in every part of the body

The Human Body

Psysical pain due to ICT-Implants or non-lethal weapons

  • Direct pain in the body around the clock and that only gets worse and worse due to ICT-Implants or other kind of devices, often labeled by Targeted Individuals as non-lethal weapons, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) or simply radiation.
  • Pain in the spinal cord.
  • Pain in the back of the head.
  • Pain in the “amygdala” or the limbic system.
  • Pain in the forehead.
  • “Cooked”  brain.
  • Electroshocks in the brain.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Tooth ache.
  • “Heart attacks”
  • Pain in vital organs: liver, stomach, heart, lungs, eyes.
  • Iching eyes – leading to tears and red eyes.
  • Food is poisoned.
  • Electronic sexual “rapes” during sleep or while awake, probably with ICT-implants.

Hypnotical trigger words

  • Can mimick any of the above symptoms: radiation, pain, bad tastes, head aches, and so on or trigger unbearable fatigue.
  • The trigger words come in whole sequences, like they were taking out of a dictionary with all synonims and all words that sound alike.
  • While some trigger words have effects on the mind and body, other’s have emotional effects only (sensibilisation of the Targeted individual to certain words, that trigger negative emotions, like disgust, fear, anger).
  • The trigger words are sometimes reinforced through dark NLP and gang stalking.
  • Trigger words are in the beginning very difficult to discover because they are coupled with the TIs routines.  The brain can’t differentiate always between what it is made to believe and what really happens.
  • Once discovered, they are “released”; becoming aware of the “truth” wins over the lie that the mind has been told. When they are discovered, new trigger words will be programmed into the subcounscious.

Mental pain

  • Loud syntethic telepathy. The attackers talk with some of the victims 24/7. They use interrogation techniques that are only used in the CIA or secret service. That is labeled also V2K (voice to skull, or loud synthetic telepathy). A learning computer with a synthetic voice that can be modulated in any voice, can take over partially or full time, after the initial stages. This keeps the victim awaken and always tired.
  • Silent synthetic telepathy. The victim doesn’t hear the attackers but there is thought manipulation, directing their attention.

Psychological pain

  • Bullying at work, friends and family suddenly lost leading to Isolation. Bullying in general.
  • Because of what appears, as social problems with other people, the Targeted Individul moves to a place where the “attackers” and the “manipulators” can spread around any kind of rumor for people in the neighborhood and can take control in another way.
  • Gang stalking (rude people in crowds that appear and insult the individual, using both verbal and non-verbal communication). Having 20 people, or more, strategically placed to for example look with a hateful look at the Targeted Individual. They are all strangers, they are all rude. They appear every time the TI is outside, and it can take many different expressions. Sometimes it looks like they have some kind of scheme and the harassment follows a pattern, and when it achieves a certain stage, they reset themselves and it startes all over again.
  • Street Theater: A group of people playes a whole show for the individual, and it appears to follow a predetermined plot.
  • Following the Targeted Individual’s thinking. The thought surveillance is perceived as humiliating.
  • The home is entered and the perpetrators don’t steal things, but can destroy them or they can leave objects that don’t belong there. They often seem to enter with a key, because the doors are not forced.
  • Thefts in town, at airports: money of belongings.
  • Destroyed means of transportation: car or bike.

Total lack of support

  • When the Targeted Individual meets health professionals they are not interested in what the TI tells them. Symptoms are treated in the “old fashioned” way. Many times TIs are forced to take the wrong medication and to agree to sometimes stigmatizing labels in order to receive their pension.
  • In certain countries, the TI, can be forced into psychiatry, where total loss of human rights occurs.
  • Blacklisting often leads to inability for the TI to find work, or has to accept a job way under their specialization. At the new job, the TI is constantly under harassment and is bullied.
  • The police participates in the harassment and is totally insensitive to what the TI goes through.
  • The media ignores the TI-cause.

Other symptoms

  • Strange coincidences happen all the time, several times a day.
  • The TI can in his thoughts intercept what it’s going to be on TV in a while, depending on subject of interest. Some TIs are sure that the people on TV are copying them or harassing them.
  • “What you think about becomes reality”
  • Expectations turn out exactly to the opposite leading to cognitive dissonance.


1,036 thoughts on “TI “Symptoms”

  1. please help me. I have been a TI since March 10 2004 because I turned in big drug dealers and child pornography the person I turned in was paul teuffola his previous girlfriend turned him in too and started having the same problems before I did. Once I realized what it was I have been to the fbi, secret service I was a sworn in special agent under the name of cynthia smith, as my code name I really need your help they are kidnapping kids and hiding them in a neighborhood where I used to live and the cops are involved their all imigrants from germany and a few other countrys. this is edangering my life. 503-799-0794 I attend
    everest college and Im trying to get a real badge to arrest these people. I want to be and victims advocate

      • I have been a TI since childhood, my life being one big of ostracism and loss. In school I was intentionally given misdirection as an education, leaving me unprepared for the adult challenges of life. I was kept in the dark socially as well, and always had psychologists trying to pry into my life. As an adult I had been able to pull things together and try to make something of myself, but somehow everything I had achieved was mysteriously taken away from me from powers behind the scenes. My marriage came to divorce, my jobs all ended bluntly, my friends made to think the worst of me… a vicious cycle of solitude… but it wasn’t until two years ago that things took a turn for the worst. I became the victim of visual and auditory control in which the perpetrators tried to make me believe they had kidnapped and ritually harmed my family members. It wasn’t bad enough that they’d estranged me from my family, my job, and all forms of society. They had to make me witness a mock butchery and rape of those I loved, and admitted to me that it was via a big black box device which looked like a subwoofer but transmitted to the brain via frequencies whatever computer simulation they wanted in order to try to break me. I spent a week in a psyche ward and am now a complete recluse. My sleeplessness is getting worse, so is the ringing in the ears, the memory problems, the aching lower spine and hips, and the rashes. I just can’t believe the gaul of these people, making me witness such horrors. For a long time I wanted to die so that I could forget what I’d seen. I’m not so wracked by it now, now that I know it was all a staged fake brutal incident, but my mind has been more than raped and I am angry about it.

      • I have been put on to a program (data-asylum) on “satellite” supported remote BioAPI and RNM and am getting organically burnt down via “psychotronic” frequencies.

        The German operators on V2K state that the “Fraunhofer-programs” applied to me within a decimation program involving all technology and mind-control programs available incl. “brain-link” and “brain mapping” are part of a collateral agreement involving “Australian German innovative research programs”, and are brutally acting as ” grey ops” within Australia.

        I was wondering if you could make further enquiries to be freed from the bio-data harvesting data asylum applications, I am getting heavily tormented and hit by frequencies which burn and hurt badly. D.E.W. has been used in my environment as well as severe psychotronic frequencies.

        They’re stating this situation to be part of a collateral agreement camouflaged as Australian German Research Co-operation.

        If you could help to make the appropriate enquiries to have me freed from this hostage-taking situation.

        I live in Brisbane. Please respond !

      • My name is Devin Armstrong and I am the founder of the Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals.
        I have created this coalition for all of us who are awake and aware and being targeted to be able to fight!!!

        My (OUR) forum/website is the BEST so,ution for our problems and allows us all to support eachother in an organized way, spread the truth, expose the lies, wake others up and brainstorm solutions to our common problems (Since nobody else will)

        It is up to US to figure this out together. A divided house cannot stand…and neither can we… In order to survive and win this invisible war, we must get together HERE AND NOW at the website below…
        Nobody else is going to help us! They won’t accept the truth until there are enough of us together to make them!

        I need as many people as possible to GO TO THE FORUM NOW PLEASE and POST YOUR STORIES!
        Copy and paste if you have to…I have created all types of subjects and categories and there is a DEBATE section in every single one for us to weed out the bullshit and come to conclusions.
        I am looking for LEADERS to help me lead the people to freedom and wake up and recruit others ASAP
        any questions? 4014002031 or DevinA920@gmail.com




        My name is Devin Armstrong and I am the founder of the Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals.
        I have created this coalition for all of us who are awake and aware and being targeted to be able to fight!!!

        My (OUR) forum/website is the BEST solution for our problems and allows us all to support eachother in an organized way, spread the truth, expose the lies, wake others up and brainstorm solutions to our common problems (Since nobody else will)

        It is up to US to figure this out together. A divided house cannot stand…and neither can we… In order to survive and win this invisible war, we must get together HERE AND NOW at the website below…
        Nobody else is going to help us! They won’t accept the truth until there are enough of us together to make them!

        I need as many people as possible to GO TO THE FORUM NOW PLEASE and POST YOUR STORIES!
        Copy and paste if you have to…I have created all types of subjects and categories and there is a DEBATE section in every single one for us to weed out the bullshit and come to conclusions.
        I am looking for LEADERS to help me lead the people to freedom and wake up and recruit others ASAP
        any questions? 4014002031 or DevinA920@gmail.com





        When you find yourself thinking of something you don’t want to be thinking about…
        Remember that trying NOT to think about it will only make you think about it MORE

        If you’re making inappropriate connections between things that shouldn’t be, because of how you relate things in life,

        Do NOT make or even “notice” connections in your brain between things that aren’t or shouldn’t be connected.
        Many connections are not really significant and only seem so because you have MADE them so

        For example,
        An orange has nothing to do with a parachute unless you think about an orange and then a parachute. If you think about a parachute every time you think of an orange, you will strengthen their connection.
        The connection they would have is ONLY because you created it.

        Do NOT use your OWN thinking against yourself & do NOT let them either!
        CARING is problem; DO NOT CARE; Imagine they aren’t even monitoring you.

        They’re NOT talking, arguing, opposing or supporting you; Just making it SOUND like they ARE!
        What they MAKE themselves APPEAR to think about you ARE meaningless DISTRACTIONS.

        Much of what you hear are RECORDINGS, programmed to be “played” when you’re thinking, saying or doing certain things.

        And most importantly…

        EVERY word is INTENTIONAL and they WANT you to hear it!!!
        EVERY SINGLE WORD you hear has a PURPOSE, so IGNORE THEM!!!

        I copied this text onto an image in paint on my computer and set it as my background so I couldn’t forget it.

      • do you want the sollution? it is verry easy.

        Ringing in the ears is caused by the implants output.

        In my case an oscillating magnet in my ear.

        it”s output creats the siseling in our head. The ssSss..

        a passing car for eample creats an Sssss. This is due to it”s elecktro magneti field.

        So how do you find the implant?

        It is verry simple and i have figured it out.

        An elecktronic razor creates an elecktro magnetic field. Near or on the implant the Ringing in the head. The sizzeling in the head will get worse.

        We need an rf scanner to scan for an implant and to find one you need something that creates an elecktro magnetic field as an razor but one that makes no sound.

        I had to help those with an ultrasound to put the defice exact on that spot where the implant is to see a black spot.. You will not find it in an other way..

        Just share this information whit everryone. And explain them to listen to the ringing in their head wile searching with an razor for example..

      • LEEDS WEST YORKSHIRE! no chips or nonsense just corrupt transport police officer Stephenson, this bitch works at the leeds train station you know the one under the big OWL graffity mural, short frumpy cow looks like drew barymore on steroids.Any ways university students around leeds and businesses started something after some social network incidences, there after I couldn’t get these bastard students to leave me alone, hackers got into my computer found out where I lived, asked neighbours to watch me and pass on what I was doing, idiots filmed me with their phones and passed on to more people who I was. After months I was targeted around Leeds, York, Manchester and even abroad. People Gang stalking, this is the shit they do in Leeds, even the Leeds city council participate in this humiliating and stalking system. Officer Stephenson had me unlawfully detained and I was assaulted by her and another officer for asking for my stuff back politely, this was for trying to report some popular residents. Since, the entire town has turned on me, some MPs stalk you here, the police after reporting the officers to IPCC started to gang stalk me with residents. The repetitively began to remind me of what the police abused me, over and over again. Through noise nuisance near my home, speeding motorbikes, than chordinated sirences were blasted off to specific things I did on my computer that these police officers would dissaprove, these sirens would only go off if I was doing something specific, so if I was looking up Madonnas bullshit it would be quiet, if I was sending an email to a law firm about what the police did the sirens would go off with 3 police and ambulance up and down our street. Some times they did this up to 50 times in one day, 34 times through out the night.
        Than idiots started to make odd repetitive noises and sounds on purpose around me to irritate me, I lived here all my life and never had to put up with this until my neighbours started drilling for 4 years at my walls and hammer. Oh than they set my house on fire the police didn’t think I was important enough for them to investigate this
        Rumors black mail and people insulting me were ever I would go, they began to tell people around I was mental, so I had to go to a psychologist have a diagnoses, and carry a letter stating “this woman is more saner than you lot, she has just accute stress” I wanted the doctor to add ” So leave her the fuck a lone”
        The police have manipulated all the law firms in leeds so I couldn’t get legal representation. The police hacked into my computer and targeted everything and every one I was linked with.

        Electronic harassment, everything I do on my computer is often being monitored 4 niehgbours made it their mission every day to let me know, so did some police and some ambulance even went that far, everyday they did this for 3 years. Tossers honking their car horns to specific things you do online, sirens being set off, they hijack your keyboard with keylogs, CHAVS with fuck else to do remotely hacking but also bent police and ambulance staff going on some power trip. Than somebody mentioned MENWITH HILL RAF Harrogate, they are supposed to use their service to monitor terrorists and Russian rockets flying in, the also target civilians using Synthetic telepathy with their satelites, they read your mind I was told and let you know through different way, playing low radio frequencies, some animals here act weird as hell like their being remotely tassered, I suffered from the worst headaches up to 3 days I could barely walk with my head veins swelling twice as large, had a CT scan they found nothing thankfully. I had a semi heart attack and sharp convulsing jaw spasm the entire 2016, again the doctors werent sure what the fuck was going on, I felt like I was being remotely tortured but kept asking the doctors about the health side of things, instead of focusing on nonesense.

        Gang stalking is harassing an individual doing the same repetitve shit around them until they loose it and end their lifes or end up homeless. With in 2015 I lost everything, my degree studies, work, careers, I have nothing left. How I was before this all started in 2015, has ended, Im a reclusive for these reasons often to avoid the Redladder theatrics these tossers started on me and uni students with the police, it just all got too exausting. If your at hospital waiting for an appointment and the police show up with a woman handcuffed and start carrying on at you for no reason, your in agony and want to be left alone, what do you do?

        Being covertly threatened through this type of harassment and stalking has ended my life for good.

      • I have no chips just headaches leeds, ambulances police and residents signaling and harassing me for years, don’t know if its MENWITH HILL RAF Criss Angel CIA but why? somebody said they can simple have the neighbours switch on a low frequency wave that has voices and causes ear ringing. If I wear earplugs I can’t hear this shit. The white supremacist in Leeds is run by all white ambulance staff and police. This never happened to me until some USA individuals got involved. I look like a wreck now and hackers keep hijacking my computer, ambulance have asked everyone to treat me like a dog. Some said this was GOOGEL satellites, why?

      • these people are criminals/ it‘s a hate group. All my friends were never my friends they are all involved in this hate group it’s sick and psychopathic

      • Yea they are a hate group. 99 percent of the people I know are involved in someway in that hate group there is only a few people who actually respect my privacy and actually don’t spred crap about me. And actually mind their freaking business. The rest are not my friends or act like family towards me at all. So I know exactly what your going threw. None of those 99 percent are not supportive at all so yes im practily isolated. I stop shopping at certain business because they too have a difficult time respecting my privacy and are a part of the rumers that is spread about me. Why should I spend my money with them nope any going to do it no matter how nice they make it sound. When I see their associates engage in making comments about my personal stuff good bye. And yea they are totally sociopaths they lack complete empathy or compassion or understanding. They have that sick smile on their face. Witch is fine eventually they will get caught nothing last forever. Just like relationships they never last forever either and marriages are to the point where they don’t last forever either. So I’m pretty confident the more we talk about this the more likely they will get caught

      • And that 1 percent of peope who’ve actully Minded their own buisness and not spread crap about me. I would say I prolly have the best relationships with and I actually feel like I want them around. The rest of the people I can do without them. Don’t need them in my life nor do I want them in my life and I would love to kick their asses out of my life perminality

      • And that 1 percent of peope who’ve actully Minded their own buisness and not spread crap about me. I would say I prolly have the best relationships with and I actually feel like I want them around. The rest of the people I can do without them. Don’t need them in my life nor do I want them in my life and I would love to kick their asses out of my life perminality



      • Me too
        I am a TI since January of 2004, living in Arizona. I have not been able to use the real Internet in three years until two days ago when I tricked three cell phones using different sign-in combinations between Android and iPhone, then logging out and logging back into Private Internet Access. I finally was on the real net again, but instead with my ISP who was AT&T, doing an IP check, it revealed, my ISP was Hurricane Electric. A few hours later, using a different AT&T phone, the IP check revealed, my ISP was Hetzner.de in Germany. Has AT&T partnered with Internet Service Providers over Pover Lines? My hands hurt like hell from holding the cell phone and Fter a couple of minutes I have to put it on the table. A week ago I connected a new printer to an outlet, not to my computer yet, the power went out in our entire neighborhood for over two hours. This the second time that I caused a power outage because of AT&T. What I have gone through since 2004 is out of this world! Unbelievable! Horrible! I have been declared SMI, I believe it stands for severely mentally disabled, schizophrenic and delusional. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me but I better not tell that to the County doctors who diagnosed me or I will definitely be put in the nuthouse forever. I have a lot to say, been trying to call to reach someone, someone to talk to but my phones are not getting through or are intercepted. My mail has been tampered with for years, some of it arrives glued back together. It’s a sad world!
        Maybe some day I reach someone?
        Daniella, Fort Mohave
        My email address is supervised by someone, I noticed there is a second person on the account

      • I am also a TI. I have been my entire life but did not put it all together until a few years ago. I trust no one. I lost everything. These evil, soulless Lizards have even impersonated ‘God’ language to me. I believe nothing outside of myself. They follow me from shelter to shelter and have even followed me into the ER. Their latest campaign is to convince me that true love is at hand. Not so!!!! I love myself and reject everything else. Many lovers out here are undercover spies/agents anyway. I self isolate and find it most beneficial for my spiritual development. They attempt to send me messages on tee shirts, billboards, license plates, which I have learned to disregard and laugh as I walk by. They continue to attack my health as well. A man was recently arrested for stealing my identity I learned last week. Hopefully this is the beautiful beginning of Karma. And that’s all I wanted to say: THEY ALL WILL FACE KARMA. WE ALL WERE GRANDFATHERED UNDER THIS ENERGY; GOOD AND EVIL ALIKE, SO DON’T WORRY. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND REVISIT THE STORY OF LAZARUS. Take care TI family.

      • Hi i am an Austrlian ex private investigator with over 20 years expereince that is helping Dr Helen Tsigounis whom is trying to return to Australia but she has been the subject of constant intimidation and threats by facebook posting by Satanic Masonic network in Greece. The book the Red Back Web gives the full story of why Dr Tsogounis is being targeted.

      • Hi Helen I am TI too it begain when I was living in Australia in 1974; I can understand how u feel; keep fighting for ur human rights bye.

      • You’re academically trained. Can you answer one question; – do you know of any actually working way to block or distort the multitude of signals we’re bombarded with ?

      • Hey ms hellen. I am a targeted individual and i am getting through with only one thing and that is doing what i want to and not worrying about who is watching and what they have to say. Please spread this easy way to better it to others.

      • Good day Dr. Helen! If you are still around I am Remegio Balane a TI for 26 years up to date. We started comnecting to TI’s around the world through Skype. Remegio Balane is my username.

      • im in the uk there is am airforcebase near harrogate using powerful satalits for years on residents. I have been tormeted for 24 months in this town electronic harassment, our home devices switching randomly in tims to us, radiators vibrating, neighbours gang stalking and plugimg modems to hack into your computer, i have has my mind read for months, tormented by ambulances n police blasting of sirens in cue to specific things i would think to torment me near my home for months asking neighbours to signal to me indirectly that their being contacted with info about what im doing on my electeonics and what IM THINKING. The coincidences got disturbing until I stoped leaving my home to get away from the stalking, my phone and laptop have been taken over for two years all my data monitored even entering text results are insulting or like somebody is interfering. The military base nearby or some hackers harassing me but the mind reading, satelites would explain the continues headaches and electronics malfunction, they are going to kill me if this is electronic weapons but if its a mind reader or even illusionist how would they do this 24/7 THE US AND UK MILITARY HAVE SOME SERIOUS EXPLANATIONS TO GIVE I DETEST POLITIANS AND MILIRARY THAT ABUSE CIVILIANS TO COVER UP THEIR MISTAKES OR PSYCHOPATHIC ENTERRAINERS THAT USE PSYCHICH MEANS TO TORMENT YOU.

      • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

        Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

        We are looking for:
        a. Development Team Members
        b. Recruitment Team Members
        c. Literary Media Team Members
        d. Visual Media Team Members
        e. Site Administrators
        f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
        g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
        h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program

        Beverly Jonas

      • I am trying to get my story out. It’s different. What I thought was V2K was not and I suspect that is true for most TI’s you do not need to suffer.

        1) eliminate the other alternatives-its important
        stop drugs
        go to a psychiatrist

        2) prevent hackiing on your cell phone

        3) prevent hacking on you laptop
        add Tor Browser
        Technitium MAC Address Changer

        4) set up different specialicist MD appoitments
        its easy complain about Teninitist hearing problems – you get a through check out
        complain about eye pain

        5) add to your cell phone the following – all free, all from Google Play Sstore
        Traceroute – catch hackers
        RF background
        RFID Tracker
        Bug Detector

        Do these things. I hope it helps

      • Hi Helen,
        I’m from Sydney & have been a victim of targeting since the 1980’s. It seems alot of people have been involved in covering up this crazy torment & abuse for a very long time in Australia & abroad. Apparently 80% of victims are woman, with the use of V2K, mind reading technologies & gangstalking, i am very concerned about their safety & that of their kids. I am wondering if you will be releasing another book, as crimes against women seem to have increased recently, i believe there may be a link. Kris

      • Hi, I am a T.I. in the country where the house of the Devil is located: U.S.A. I am an immigrant from Venezuela who lives in San Jose, CA and just want to say that I am tired and bored of the lack of creativity of perpetrators with their harassment and sabotage. Always the same for last 4 years or so with me, the best way is to ignore them, they are just a piece of shit, brainless, manipulated morons who are controlled by their demons supervisors; we have the power to do whatever we want. We are part of God and having Faith, we are undestructible!

      • Its a computer that does the majority of the work. Once you realize it is a computer that is trying to mimic a person, also realize that you don’t give one damn bit about a computer that is harassing you. I can go into the terminal on my mac and type “Say” I fucking hate your guts. Then press enter. The computer will tell me, I hate your guts. Now, how many of you would find that bothersome? Don’t. Just begin ignoring this fucking thing with every ounce of energy you have because the thing is ran off a typical wall outlet.

      • Hello,

        I was referring to the perpetrators and their daily street theater:
        * Following me everywhere
        * Idiots walking with sunglasses from anywhere in an empty street
        * Using their cells as antennas on public transportation
        * Making aware to people ahead of time about my presence before arriving to any store, market, etc, changing behavior, no eye contact
        * Neighbors leaving their lights on all nights inside their houses
        * Neighbors “coincidentally” leaving or arriving at the same like myself everyday
        * Sabotaging any social activity

        They are not computers, they are morons who are commanded to harass and sabotage. After years, always the same, boringgggg!!!

      • It’s a combination of both. They run the program with computers but they also use people. They eventually changed their tactics in my case. I think I’m being poison now, I don’t have much time left. They have a version of the program designed for you so how they execute it depends mostly on your habits.

      • Your right about one thing Joseph they do have some form of demon within them you can clearly see it in there eyes when they look at you they look at you with hatred or the evil eye as they call it. I haven’t lost faith in god but however I have lost faith in the fact that there someone for me a partner. I have lost faith in the fact that there are really kind hearted people that want to surround me and bring happyness to my world and want to see me happy. Most people I encounter are taking away my happyness instead of bringing it.

      • I was a xray tech at a hospital and was work mobbed and then harassed even after I resigned daily. All my friends are in this hate group my neighbors my doctors etc it is SICK.

      • Some says we should educate the public. In my opinion it is bad idea. The public is not only clueless but their brain is not intelligent enough to process this type of shit. We should stop wasting time with these ppl. Also the CIA is desperate and don’t want to Admit to their crime and is hiring thugs to spread rumor about us. Bottom line stay healthy ppl. They are mind controlling you but they are possible doing this to the public too. You can’t and do not want to save them. You would get killed over saving a bunch of dummies that are doomed to be screwed over anyway. Last and not least. Um ok I’m done. Let the public protect the poor vulnerable government and let us have some peace for god sake.

    • I am getting tortured by a German group keeping me hostage: The BNCI
      HORIZON 2020, illegally operating RNM satellites and keeping Germans,
      a lot of them, hostage on BioAPI in Australia. They keep humans as
      “subjects to neuromorphic experimentation” and torture them remotely.
      The guys have shown up, broken into my accommodation, disabled my car
      and stole my ID to immobilize me so they can use thir bio-tracking and
      super-computer-systems better on me. It is terrorising.

      Anyone who can help me off the holocausting network of the BNCI
      Horizon 2020, who is keeping me as a “psychotronically tortured
      hostage for experimentation”, operating in NZ and Australia on a SP
      level cloud network, using a satellite and BioAPI’s, bio-feedback,
      EEG, neurophones, a spinnaker machine, V2K etc., please contact me.
      What they’re doing to me is horrendous, torturing and 24/7. Easy to
      look up on: “deep black lies”, “wordpress/rudy2”,
      “sociopolitica-mindcontrol2/part06.htm” or “bibliotecapleyades”.

      The German BNCI Horizon 2020, are quickly looked up on the net, so is “German conglomerations of the brain project”, which is the network holding me captive.

      Please contact me with any support/advise as to how to get off their
      holocausting, terrorising remotely applied tortorous network.

      How to, in my case, potentially investigate criminal networks using BioAPI/satellite/V2K/neurophones/gang stalking/remote harrassment

      The groups 24/7 talking into my neurological system using the not-so-uncommon-anymore synthetic telepathy are identifying themselves as follows: There is the collaboration between a “brain initiative/brain project” and the “BNCI Horizon 2020”.
      The people, that call themselves “scenario members”, abusively talking into my brain, are, as they say, partly “outsourced”.
      The outsourced “scenarios” are paid by industrial conglomerations, as they say e.g. Frahns,Juelich, Fraunhofer etc.
      Other “scenario members” are indeed from an institution directly, to ensure the intellectual property they gathered via data-backflow on a, as they say, licensed network. This kind of system is also outlined in an interview with Henry Markram.

      Some “scenario members” have identified themselves as a BCI (brain-to computer) interest group of German T.U’s and Universities.

      Other people talking into the neurological system have mentioned, that they are “outsourced German sub-groups” holding a share in funding and/or salary for securing intellectual property harvesting an organism for organisations such as Fraunhofer, Juelich, and organisations outlined in the “brain project” conglomerates.

      Some of the German speakers are talking into the neurological system from BCI/mint-labs in Germany, most of them claim to be within Australia.

      All of them have a great interest in the remotely obtained so-called MRI’s and data-backflow. Some say for “hybrid-purposes”, “cloning”, “special screening” or just for transfer of intellectual property on licensed networks for the conglomerated industries.

      While there is outsourced groups, working for an industry or industry group, when you’re being talked into your brain, there is also members of e.g. a T.U., a “hire scenario”, and people from within the outsourced industry, and people directly working in an industry abusingly talking into the neurological system.
      The information they gave me, is, that BNCI, funded by the Federal Republic research funding sector, Helmholtz and the European Commission, plays the part of conducting a highly funded competitive program, e.g. “find the organism via satellite, and create projection of the visual and other cortex for special screening.
      This is being supported by anyone online, from tiring out the brain, trying out different psychotronic frequencies, and following “coercive” and “fraternising” ways of addressing and distracting the brain for the purpose of “cornering the individual”, and to induce falsified values on the MRI. E.g. If the brain gets aggravated psychotronically and by being called names telepathically, the values showing on the data-backflow look more interesting to some industries preferring falsified brain data.

      Some funding programs require a mentally ill brain to be part of what they call a “ground-breaking-experiment”. To achieve this, brain-data have to be falsified. Since their interest is using a totally healthy brain for long-term abuse, which is then manipulated psychotronically to re-inforce choice of the right organism for on-going funding. Making the brain appear aggravated and inducing trauma also creates are by far more interesting picture to look at as they explained to me.

      Through the above-mentioned psychotronic falsification of brain data and psychotronic sleep-deprivation, it is then possible to project and special-screen a supposed schizophrenic brain via data-backflow / MRI. Traditionally, there is sleep deprivation, then aggravation, then “co-ercing” into a horizontal position for remote MRI screening.

      Not following this protocol results in psychotronic punishment via BioAPI and satellite bio-feedback and GPS tracking. Getting fried.

      Non-compliance is always being followed up on. The BNCI and industries on the wider network, due to their competitive funding scheams and number of participants on the network, is keen on keeping the victim 24/7 in an exhausted, horizontal position to enable easy aquisition of remote MRI’s.

      As they say, there is also black-files in place to incarcerate the individual in an institution or prison should need be.

      While many industries rely on the data-backflow and MRI’s for further accreditation and funding, the BNCI is in it for their own collecting of hybrid-brain creation/brain modulation/cloning of a brain, funded post-doctorandum-programs, (I have then looked it up) as clearly outlined on their program-websites. Both BNCI and the left-overs of the “brain project” are majorly funded and conglomerated with numerous and various industries, harvesting the data of an organism for as they say medical and sinister purposes.

      A complaint with the police in the beginning of this horrendous experience has resulted in the officers driving me straight into a psychiatry, this is something the BNCI and network participants are banking on.
      This seems how this kind of complaint is being handled, probably world-wide. Having had a citizen’s life that’s something to get used to.

      Being incarcerated in a place where the network had no problem to apply gas-lighting scenarios, causing further decimation and harvesting those data for special screening and profit.

      As I have been told, and I am a slave and hostage to their practice for 2 years now, trying everything to get out of the satellite signal/BioAPI/V2K and psychotronic abuse, I will be harvested to death, with data back flow and MRI’s witnessing the progress. They’re all profiteering.

      Anyone that can help me out of this horrendous situation, please contact me.
      There is so many participants that are in possession of my “biological finger-print” with virtual access to a BioAPI and satellite-supported bio-feedback-GPS-tracking system that I almost think it’d have to be a technical solution rather than confronting organisations and their outsourced network participants to let me go.

      Be aware that the visual cortex is mapped as well, so “they can see what I see”.
      Help me out of the abuse of BioAPI/satellite/bio-tracker/neurophones/V2K and constant decimation if you can ! Thank you.

      Finally, I would like to explain how this technology works and the
      implications behind it. Each RNM satellite system has 400 channels,
      each channel capable of remotely reading one human mind per second.
      The satellite system can project electromagnetic precision beams at
      each target (up to 400 individuals at any time) and place each
      targeted persons within an electromagnetic field. They can then us…e
      this EMF to extract EEG data from the human brain.

      This data is then transmitted from the satellite back down to a
      receiver and decoded with a computer system to extract
      subvocalizations, visual, auditory, and sensory information to be
      interpreted and presented before an NSA official on a monitoring
      screen. Every human being gives off their own bioelectric magnetic
      resonate frequency which corresponds with their biometric ID. A
      fingerprint if you will that identifies and distinguishes each
      individual. Almost like a unique radio frequency that they can tune in
      to. Electromagnetic frequencies and extra-low frequencies are sent to
      the brain from these satellite systems to trigger what is called an
      “evoked potential” within the brain of the targeted person. An
      electric and magnetic reaction in the human mind that creates a spike
      in brainwave activity and an interferance wave pattern in relation to
      the transmitted EMF and ELF from the satellite system that can be
      mapped out and deciphered. Electromagnetic signals of different
      frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject
      in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform
      which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference
      waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is
      re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and
      amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual
      viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis.

      The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating
      signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired
      change in electrical activity therein. To transmit communications back
      down to the targeted individual, a corresponding EMF signal is beamed
      directly into the auditory cortex of that individual from the RNM
      satellite system and the person can literally hear the NSA official or
      the computer system feeding back communications with them in real
      time. They can also apply other methods of responding to such
      communication. They can used ground based directed microwave
      technology that uses microwaves with the wavelength of acoustic waves
      which essentially transmits data from what is called a GWEN tower
      directly to the cochlea of the individual to produce a different
      effect. This is called LRAD or S-Quad technology and is more commonly
      used by the U.S. military against innocent civilians in an activity
      known as gang stalking to make the individual enter psychosis. Scalar
      beam technology and high frequency radio transmissions can also be
      used to produce similar effects.

      The BNCI 2020 is using this technique
      in conjunction with BioAPI and psychotronic energies to keep people
      captive and use them as “subjects to human experimentation”.

      Should anyone be interested in more information and what is being done to what they call their “target”, feel free to contact me.

      who can help me off the network of the German conglomerates of the brain project and the German groups of the BNCI Horizon 2020 is welcome to contact me !

      Thank you !

      • Hello Wolf,

        thanks for the hint with BNCI Horizon 2020. I have looked at the program and already read some papers and find it very interesting from a technical perspective. The techniques described here are , in my opinion, the current state of civil research. When you get you teeth into it, you can learn a lot. As a German who lives in a city in which one of the companies that are listed under the company, is headquartered, I do not believe that the program BNCI Horizon 2020 has to do with the phenomenon of “Targeted Individual”. What is described there, has therefore nothing to do with it, because the techniques used in “targeted individuals” are much more advanced.

        I’m being watched since at least 2009 and “sonicated”, that is, I “hear” a sound short beyond auditory threshold. In addition, I’ve already been twice in a “season”, from September 2011 to early 2012 and September 2015 to now. “Season” means I will be “discussed”, that is, I “hear” the voices of people who interrogate me and maltreat and torture me around the clock.

        I work as a freelance software developer. One of the defined goals of the “voices” is to disavow me and get me out of the job, so to isolate me and to belittle or destroy my income. That is also the reason why I suspect that the people who are engaged there and are the “voices” to speak, are people from the gray area between the secret services and organized crime. So they are losers from the outset, and will also be the losers if the theme “Targeted Individual” enters the public spotlight. That must be our goal as victims – these people and the issue to drag into the light, like it happened with Snowden.

        Contact: lazarus.2016.@outlook.com

        Hallo wolf,

        danke für den Hinweis mit BNCI Horizon 2020. Ich habe mir das Programm angeschaut und schon einige Papers gelesen und finde es aus technischer Sicht sehr interessant. Die dort beschriebenen Techniken sind der aktuelle Stand der zivilen Forschung. Wenn man sich damit beschäftigt, kann man eine Menge lernen. Als Deutscher der in einer Stadt lebt, in welcher eine der Firmen, die unter Firmen gelistet sind, ihren Hauptsitz hat, glaube ich allerdings nicht, dass das Programm BNCI Horizon 2020 mit dem Phänomen “Targeted Individual” zu tun hat. Was dort beschrieben wird, hat aus meiner Sicht deshalb nichts damit zu tun, weil die Techniken, die bei “Targeted Individuals” verwendet werden, viel fortgeschrittener sind.
        Ich werde seit mindestens 2009 beobachtet und “beschallt” und “besprochen”, d.h. ich “höre” einen Ton kurz unter der Hörgrenze. Zusätzlich bin ich bereits zweimal in einer “Saison” gewesen, von September 2011 bis Anfang 2012 und vom September 2015 bis jetzt. “Saison” bedeutet, ich werde “besprochen”, d.h. ich “höre” die Stimmen von Menschen, die mich verhören und rund um die Uhr malträtieren und quälen.
        Ich arbeite als Freelance Softwareentwickler. Eines der definierten Ziele der “Stimmen” ist es, mich zu desavouieren und mich aus dem Job zu bekommen, also mich zu isolieren und mein Einkommen zu schmälern bzw. zu vernichten. Das ist auch der Grund warum ich vermute, dass die Menschen, die dort engagiert sind und die “Stimmen” sprechen, aus dem Graubereich zwischen Geheimdiensten und organisierter Kriminalität stammen. Sie haben also von vornherein verloren, und werden auch die Verlierer sein, wenn das Thema “Targeted Individual” in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Das muss unser Ziel als Betroffene sein – diese Leute und das Thema ans Licht zu zerren, ähnlich wie es bei Snowden passiert ist.

      • Hello Wolf, I have been subjected to the technology/torturers since 2005. I am being slowly murdered. I believe that ISIS is at work using weaponry prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Here is one of my theories: That the U.S. is trying to hijack an ISIS system which MRI-scans the populace in general and that ISIS has certain MRI templates which they can scan the populace for and then kill these people (smart people, Christians). In order to keep the ISIS device from locking in on all of these brains and then killing all of these people there is a “scramble” being performed upon us. This is only one theory, but I believe that it and all of the the ones you listed above are all correct. Since the technology exists, it will and is being used in every way humanly and inhumanely imaginable. Lets hope the good guys get this under control and get rid of it forever.

        I hope that day will be soon. They send me veiled threats to my son in synthetic dreams. They have also gangraped me several times and have made threats to my son then too. These are Islamics, some posing as Italian and Hispanic, but they are on a widespread Jihad here in Sacramento, CA.

      • Hi wolf

        Thankyou for shareing that information with the rest of us.

        Please keep us up to date on this discussion forum as this is important.

        If there is one thing I am very good at and that’s working things out specifically in science and technology.

        I will read this over again today 1st may 2016 and start to draw a flow diagram from the transmitter side to the receiver side including info of the satalite computer program and the satalite and supercomputer capability.

        Any software engineers on this discussion will be of help.
        We need to know how every single element of this horrible program works and disconnect it cleverly from our selves so they have no control over everyone.
        Plotting down the coordinates of the stations and satalites in space would be very helpful.

        like I say I will work it out anyway and map the program just with a pen and paper. Like a flow diagram step by step.

        they are not attacking innocent human beings and getting away with it. Everyone get ready for a massive advancement and revolution of our race.

      • Hi
        My frend by kill from this tech. and I I barely survived..this is NO human technology.Nobody in the world escape.


      • Hallo, wolf, I am very sad to hear what “they” are doing to you and others in this blog.
        I am living in germany as well, and I have bee wondering all the time, what happned to me lately.
        Now I found out that they got all the technology to murder or harass people slowly and very disgustingly.
        This must end.
        Do you know if all TI´s automatically are subject to being chipped someway somehow? I am only a silly housewife, so I need to collect information in order to understand what these inhumans are doing to all of us.
        be safe and I m in Heidelberg-mannheim area.

      • wolf how can i contact you ?? iv alot i need to talk to you about , its been going on for years now. im living in manchester in the u.k.

      • Have your children yourselves. Because as soon as you are born this begins. So have a natural birth, at home, no shots, no outside doctors. Maybe yourself and your partner can study how to do this before you give birth to your child. Also. Ignore them. Penetrate your mind with your own thoughts everyday. Say good things about yourself in your head, and no matter how much they reply and tell you the opposite keep going. Insult them too. Once I used race. I kept calling the voice in my head inferior and he got so mad he was silent for days. Study study study, get a doctorates and make sure you don’t get in trouble for anything. Make sure that your record is spotless. If you have any issues from your past make sure you have a logical explanation for any wrong doing. Once you get your doctorates, come forward and tell people the truth. You will have credibility working in your favor. The more of us that have some significant form of credibility, the more likely people will take us seriously when we come forward. Why would 20 well educated people with no history of mental illness say this were happening to them if it were not true? We also have to find a way to warn children as early as possible about this and make it more interesting for them to look into. If someone could figure out how to take the stigma away from coming forward and saying publicly that this is happening, then we will be well on our way to taking this DEPOPULATION PROJECT down.

        It is meant to keep the people at the top on top and prevent the little people from achieving. They want you to do one of three things: 1. Submit to control. Willingly stay poor or at the level you are on. 2. Lose your mind. Enter an institution, because you will have limited access to resources. 3. Kill yourself. Because this country is becoming overpopulated. In fact the world is getting crowded. This system is the leading cause of mass shootings, why? Depopulation experiment.

        Write books on this. Tell everyone who isn’t aware of this. Many are going through this and they don’t even know it yet. I found out very recently, and when I look back I realize it was happening for a long time without my knowledge. Write about this. Make films and documentaries about it. Hold meetings if you can.

        If you need someone I am here. Ijeomambajonas@gmail.com. I’m ready to take them down. I don’t feel hopeless. I’ve collected a lot of concrete evidence that this is happening to me. I’m not giving up.

      • I am a targeted individual too for 26 years now non-stop 24/7 to th present. I am an electrician with basic understanding of electronics. I can’t try now the possible solution to isolate oneself from the microwave signal bombardment because I become jobless with all my best qualification. Try to live in a house sorrounded by marbles plates or ceramics. Inside and outside. Try first an area of your room. I am Remi Balane of Philippines. I am dealing with magnetic free electrical energy. This microwave problems can be solved by absorbing the waves directed to you and burning the signal down to earrh ground. That is an stealth technology idea. If you have tried the ceramics insulation with your room and the ringing in your ears are gone or reduced please contact me in this e-add: remigioabalane53@gmail.com. If you do, we can help each other to eliminate this menace of the whole humanity. We will try together thousands of ways to destroy this technolgy. Keep on praying… God is our only ally this time. God bless you!

      • Hello, my name is Connie color I am a TI for five years now I have voice to skull Toture and microwaved I’m severely depressed and just need someone to talk to here’s my phone number 608-692-3077

      • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

        Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

        We are looking for:
        a. Development Team Members
        b. Recruitment Team Members
        c. Literary Media Team Members
        d. Visual Media Team Members
        e. Site Administrators
        f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
        g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
        h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program

        Beverly Jonas

      • All you people are not crazy You are not being targeted by the government. You are being targeted by demons or evil spirits. All of these symptoms you guys are having comes from attacks by evil spirits not the government. Somehow you got involved with the fallen angels or demons who call themselves spirit guides. They mascarade as angels of light but they are devils or demons. If you believe Meditation, spirit guides, and ascended masters you open yourself up to demonic oppression. need to know about dangers of new age movement and devil worshipping. Your only way out of this demonic deception is to find the Lord Jesus Christ.

      • If I’m in fact being targeted it’s not by demons as you say but by people. Your god has done not a damn thing to address it either. Regardless I’m at a point in my life questioning why I need people. If they are targeting me and making my life as difficult as possible and denying me the ability to enjoy life why do I need them. Why so they can continue to take advantage of me? So they can scam me out of money? So they can rob me of what freedoms I have left? So they can control my life and nanny me to where I cannot make my own decisions in how I want to live and just because they don’t agree with my life style they feel the need to control every aspect of my life? So they can continue to influence and minopolate me and lie to me? No. Truly I don’t need them. If that’s how they wanna play I’d rather be in a far away cave away from society. I wanna point out this was not like this in the 90s. The 90s were the best years of my life where I felt I was able to do the things I wanted to do with my life and I felt in control of my life and where no one was influencing my life in any way and I also felt like no one was targeting me. It also was a time where no one was attacking you and falsely accusing you of stuff. Also my privacy was actually private. Now that’s not the case. So excuse me for not really wanting to engage people anymore and to where I feel the need to go far far away to show everyone what it’s like to live their lives without me. To show them I don’t need them anymore not when they attack me and demonise me and control my happyness. Your god has done nothing to protect people’s freedoms, liberty, and the per suite of happyness. God has done nothing to ensure due process. It’s guilty until proven innocent now.

      • Give me a shout don t want to say much buy thing you this I think the same torture sucks moist now. Is what I go though

      • I have been a victim too and 36 this explains all my life having personal hells from preteen years, childhood, younger childhood, now as an adult. I thought of suicide planned it out and sleep with noices in my head and every urge gone. Like I was born to suffer, I can’t even tell if I’m having a kundalini awakening like what I wanted or if it’s this shit. I have mediumship skills and spooks get involved in this too. I have some psychic gifts and these people use tech that confuses you about what works and what don’t. I watched the news and saw people mimick me for the 1st time. Death is the only way out and i’m not allowed to leave, I wish I reincarnated on another planet. I’m a misanthrope now, and don’t deal with anyone.

      • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

        Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

        We are looking for:
        a. Development Team Members
        b. Recruitment Team Members
        c. Literary Media Team Members
        d. Visual Media Team Members
        e. Site Administrators
        f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
        g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
        h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program

        Beverly Jonas

      • I think it s about ripping information from your brain. They pretty much are letting scientist practicing reading your brain. They trick you into thinking they can already read your brain to reduce your brain power in order to read easier. Pretty soon they will b able to see from your eye. It s not just us. It s thousand of American being brain read

      • They are way beyond what you’re proposing. Google V2K, Remote Neural Monitoring, join Facebook and search targeted individuals. Visit website: PactsIntl.org. Look for the shielding manual and other literature. Your take,ing their ability and placing it in the stone age in comparison to what it really is.

    • My name is Dominic Friscia I have been subject to targeted individual since 2010 and I guess earlier. My email is dominicfriscia@yahoo.com I see that a large majority are aware, but that consciousness is low. It is a past time to gangstalk. People don’t care about violating others.

    • Are you on
      tisos.weebly.com ?
      The more targeted people we gather on this sight the more exposure we receive. Exposure equals safety.
      Your targeted sister,

      • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

        Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

        We are looking for:
        a. Development Team Members
        b. Recruitment Team Members
        c. Literary Media Team Members
        d. Visual Media Team Members
        e. Site Administrators
        f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
        g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
        h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program

        Beverly Jonas

    • That is wonderful. We need officers who going to tell the truth. I hve beem attack seem 2012 when I got on disability. For back pain, now I hve cancer from then. I try to stay in God word’s the bible.

    • Have your children yourselves. Because as soon as you are born this begins. So have a natural birth, at home, no shots, no outside doctors. Maybe yourself and your partner can study how to do this before you give birth to your child. Also. Ignore them. Penetrate your mind with your own thoughts everyday. Say good things about yourself in your head, and no matter how much they reply and tell you the opposite keep going. Insult them too. Once I used race. I kept calling the voice in my head inferior and he got so mad he was silent for days. Study study study, get a doctorates and make sure you don’t get in trouble for anything. Make sure that your record is spotless. If you have any issues from your past make sure you have a logical explanation for any wrong doing. Once you get your doctorates, come forward and tell people the truth. You will have credibility working in your favor. The more of us that have some significant form of credibility, the more likely people will take us seriously when we come forward. Why would 20 well educated people with no history of mental illness say this were happening to them if it were not true? We also have to find a way to warn children as early as possible about this and make it more interesting for them to look into. If someone could figure out how to take the stigma away from coming forward and saying publicly that this is happening, then we will be well on our way to taking this DEPOPULATION PROJECT down.

      It is meant to keep the people at the top on top and prevent the little people from achieving. They want you to do one of three things: 1. Submit to control. Willingly stay poor or at the level you are on. 2. Lose your mind. Enter an institution, because you will have limited access to resources. 3. Kill yourself. Because this country is becoming overpopulated. In fact the world is getting crowded. This system is the leading cause of mass shootings, why? Depopulation experiment.

      Write books on this. Tell everyone who isn’t aware of this. Many are going through this and they don’t even know it yet. I found out very recently, and when I look back I realize it was happening for a long time without my knowledge. Write about this. Make films and documentaries about it. Hold meetings if you can.

      If you need someone I am here. Ijeomambajonas@gmail.com. I’m ready to take them down. I don’t feel hopeless. I’ve collected a lot of concrete evidence that this is happening to me. I’m not giving up.

    • Hello, for all of you thinking you are being targeted and that the goverment is trying to get you and use you as guinea pigs to experiment and develop mind control technologies. Its not true, and even if it was. Thinking about it and talking about it to so you can belive its not yourselfes isnt going to help. What you must do is to learn not to listen to the voices and the negative thoughts. you must aknowledge that the negative thinking is there and that the voices are there. But do not try to listen to the voices, but if you do listen to the voices or thoughts. Hear what they say and thats that. Do not try to understand why they say those things, like for example they say you are this you are that. then you just accept they think that about you, and you dont think any more about it And do the same about the negative thinking. Do not indulge in the negative thinking and voices, but rather let them pass by, you can learn this easy, just google how to observe thougts. And i promise you guys, if you keep doing what i said, namely observing the thoughts and not beliving them, but just accept that they are there, they will eventually dissappear. Remember, its your thoughts that are there beacuse you belive what the voices tell you and that makes you think in a certain way. But also remember, its really not you, its just a learned way of thinking a habit that you do beacuse of illusions of who you are, and that illusion comes from you beliving the voices and indulging in them (and belive me even if you think you like the way of thinking the voices have given you, you really dont. Remember, what you are expiriencing is a spiritual problem. It may come from a spirit or mind control. But i belive spirit, as the ones that have recovered from paranoid delusions and voices. have had the voices dissappeared and the same with the thoughts. So really, if you keep battling by simply observing the thoughts/or let them go. You will learn to eventually come in contact with your true self again. And the spirit or mind controllers will dissappear. And most important, do not be paranoid or thinking people in the streets is out to get you, and when you do, learn to let the paranoid thoughts go, do not indulge in them, do not try to understand them, just let them go. Trust me, many people have fully recovered and so can you. Do not listen to all mind control crap, it will only make your delusions worse. And for those thinking, this guy is talking nonsense, google schizophrenia recovered. Here is one video for you to watch to get hope; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDblspgSoc0 and remember your mind is being played tricks on to make you belive all kinds of bullshit. And being in sites like this, is just fueling the delusions, wich wont make you guys better. Trust me, im battling paranoia and delusions, and the way to recover is really easy, just dont indulge in the voices and bad thoughts! Be free, and be certain in yourself and the good in you, and do not indulge in negativity. Indulge in what you truly want and need, and that is love and good will. I know you can do it, you are good persons with good hearts, but are just troubled by wrong impressions of yourselfes beacuse you indulge in paranoid thinking, negative thinking, and voices. Please trust me, just learn not to indulge in any kind of negative thinking and voices. BE FREE, BE LOVING, AND MOST IMPORTANT USE YOUR WILL TO NOT INDULGE IN NEGATIVITY. ITS REALLY THE ANSWER. And remember, the times you actually indulge in the negative thinking, dont beat yourself up, just get in the zone and let the negativity pass. TRUST ME! PEACE AND LOVE ❤

      • Thank you, I know you mean it in a good way and you also may be correct. I hope this helps everybody, but many are already too faar and for those is needed to know that this SHIt is done secretly and only a FEW people on the world know how it works. They are able to input thoughts in your mind and also sourround like sound. Beleive me, I have noticed a few details which are not disease like, which show the truth.

      • Please accept this writing without prejudice. I’d like to direct the following as my observant opionion to tis in retrospect to the advice above. Firstly, I’d like to acknowledge that the advice given might have been offered in good faith; however, with saying that I’d like to advise you that I have heard almost the same identical thing from someone who I am most certain has been a victim of satanic abuse/ mind control. A person who when is not under the influence to inflict evil intentions offers the same kind of advice based on nothing other than what would appear to be their own opionion; thus suggesting their might have been an underlying motive. What I have come to realize from those tis I have directly spoken to, and from the ti testamonies of which I’ve read via the Internet is that we all have some very remarkable things in common; and although some of these traits are not exact, they still possess a common denominator. One thing that I’d like to address in reference to that is we are smart in our own but worthy way. In this consideration it is imperative to remind yourself to trust your own instincts when taking advice from ANYONE! ( I have always been trusting of people ; now I’ve sadly come to realize that as a target ive been subjected to mostly people with deceiving and manipulative intentions. BEWARE! ) I am fortunate to have a discerning spirit which means that I can mostly tell when someone is sincere. For those of you who are not as fortunate, read between the lines before you accept anyone’s advice, or their opinion for that matter. For an example although the above advice could very well have been given in good faith, it didn’t leave a good impression. Therefore, I wouldn’t be too quick to linger on those words. If it doesn’t make you feel good then it most likely was meant to be that way.


      My name is Devin Armstrong and I am the founder of the Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals.
      I have created this coalition for all of us who are awake and aware and being targeted to be able to fight!!!

      My (OUR) forum/website is the BEST solution for our problems and allows us all to support eachother in an organized way, spread the truth, expose the lies, wake others up and brainstorm solutions to our common problems (Since nobody else will)

      It is up to US to figure this out together. A divided house cannot stand…and neither can we… In order to survive and win this invisible war, we must get together HERE AND NOW at the website below…
      Nobody else is going to help us! They won’t accept the truth until there are enough of us together to make them!

      I need as many people as possible to GO TO THE FORUM NOW PLEASE and POST YOUR STORIES!
      Copy and paste if you have to…I have created all types of subjects and categories and there is a DEBATE section in every single one for us to weed out the bullshit and come to conclusions.
      I am looking for LEADERS to help me lead the people to freedom and wake up and recruit others ASAP
      any questions? 4014002031 or DevinA920@gmail.com




      My name is Devin Armstrong and I am the founder of the Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals.
      I have created this coalition for all of us who are awake and aware and being targeted to be able to fight!!!

      My (OUR) forum/website is the BEST solution for our problems and allows us all to support eachother in an organized way, spread the truth, expose the lies, wake others up and brainstorm solutions to our common problems (Since nobody else will)

      It is up to US to figure this out together. A divided house cannot stand…and neither can we… In order to survive and win this invisible war, we must get together HERE AND NOW at the website below…
      Nobody else is going to help us! They won’t accept the truth until there are enough of us together to make them!

      I need as many people as possible to GO TO THE FORUM NOW PLEASE and POST YOUR STORIES!
      Copy and paste if you have to…I have created all types of subjects and categories and there is a DEBATE section in every single one for us to weed out the bullshit and come to conclusions.
      I am looking for LEADERS to help me lead the people to freedom and wake up and recruit others ASAP
      any questions? 4014002031 or DevinA920@gmail.com



      • Be strong.Dont let them manipulate your mind.They want you to feel as if you are loosing your mind.Contrl freaks.I see them around me every day..But GOD has given a tremendous ability to discern the scum bags.

    • Hello, my name is Connie I have been a TI for five years I have voice to skull torture and I microwaved all day. My quality-of-life is zero I’m looking for someone else who is suffering like me I’m gonna leave you my phone number please give me a call we need to know that we are loved. 608-692-3077

    • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

      Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

      We are looking for:
      a. Development Team Members
      b. Recruitment Team Members
      c. Literary Media Team Members
      d. Visual Media Team Members
      e. Site Administrators
      f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
      g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
      h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program

      Beverly Jonas

    • Hi
      I sympathize with the horrfic experience of being a target and gang stalked. I have been a target for 6yrs, so I certainly know EXACTLY what your going through and how your feeling. It sucks.. it does and totally unfair, that so many of us have been targeted for different reasons and has completely changed our lives. There are ways to beat these cowardly losers.. Hang in there, easier said than done I know, but just keep in mind that your not alone. Please contact at me:



      When you find yourself thinking of something you don’t want to be thinking about…
      Remember that trying NOT to think about it will only make you think about it MORE

      If you’re making inappropriate connections between things that shouldn’t be, because of how you relate things in life,

      Do NOT make or even “notice” connections in your brain between things that aren’t or shouldn’t be connected.
      Many connections are not really significant and only seem so because you have MADE them so

      For example,
      An orange has nothing to do with a parachute unless you think about an orange and then a parachute. If you think about a parachute every time you think of an orange, you will strengthen their connection.
      The connection they would have is ONLY because you created it.

      Do NOT use your OWN thinking against yourself & do NOT let them either!
      CARING is problem; DO NOT CARE; Imagine they aren’t even monitoring you.

      They’re NOT talking, arguing, opposing or supporting you; Just making it SOUND like they ARE!
      What they MAKE themselves APPEAR to think about you ARE meaningless DISTRACTIONS.

      Much of what you hear are RECORDINGS, programmed to be “played” when you’re thinking, saying or doing certain things.

      And most importantly…

      EVERY word is INTENTIONAL and they WANT you to hear it!!!
      EVERY SINGLE WORD you hear has a PURPOSE, so IGNORE THEM!!!

      I copied this text onto an image in paint on my computer and set it as my background so I couldn’t forget it.

    • I am a TI but nobody believes me. I have been brain washed and nobody, lawyers, social workers, etc can help. I have been forced to take medication that never helps. I never sleep and disgusting filthy garbage is spoken to me 24/7. I can’t make it stop and have night terrors. I lost my job and can’t get another and running out of money.

      • I exactly know how you feel. I became a TI in early 2004 and have been self-employed most of the time. These people in charge seem to hire individuals and businesses to harm you. I have been financially defrauded countless times and lost my businesses due to it. Thank God for my faith in God who gives me strength and my education, I keep getting up, try to heal and rebuild. I have done it 3 or 4 times. Nobody ever believed me neither, They forced an injection into my hip in the Palm Springs, CA hospital, while they had the wrong patient chart in front of them. They knew what they were doing! Then they even placed a security guard in front of my door, I had not seen a doctor yet! It is a very difficult life to live as a TI. you have to stay strong! Don’t let it affect you if you can find a way to live with it, it will be much easier for you than to show your weaknesses. They want you to struggle, have your blood pressure go up and cause you physical problems. I kept telling myself, “I am better than these idiots!” That’s what I called them, “idiots”.
        In about August of 2020 when I was in a lane where the street signal was red, the passenger door opened up on the car in front of me, the passenger spit on the ground, closed the door and as the light turned green, traffic continued. At first I thought nothing of it until this sort of behavior repeated itself over and over and over. This was my last encounter being a TI, I was either let go or they just had enough of me, not sure. This is just unreal, I never had a day’s rest where ever I was in 16 years! You are you, you are in control of your own mind, try, just try to control your own mind and never give up! Are there other TI’s who have been let go?

    • Request a cease and desist form from covert surveillance harassment for your family, friends, yourself, and pets. Best of luck, God bless 🙂

    • frequencycollege.godaddy.com

      Hidden Valley
      January 19, 2018

      I live for my Country

      Yet I die for you

      I die for my Country

      As I live as I do

      I love for my Country

      Yet my love feels blue

      I cry for my Country

      Yes I cry for you

      I look for my Country

      To be strong and true

      I look at why its not

      I now am looking at you

      I long for my Country

      To stand up as one

      Yet I find myself alone

      I guess my battle has begun

      Keith Lankford

    • Please make sure that’s your path you pick and reach your goals to make Ti’s live’s better and safe and grounded


    • You need to turn to God! Accept jesus into your life and fight the good fight with love. Don’t try to convince others what is happening to you because it is happening to you… jesus is calling on us to help and we need to keep having faith! Don’t focus on the things they have tried with you… focus on God, love and goodness!



    • I’ve been a target for over 4 years and I’m 76 years old. I have been physically tortured to the point of death. They don’t seem to care that I know who they are. They want my social security check and identity because I have a clean background. If it weren’t for my faith in Jesus, I would not have made it.

      • I love you faithful Jesus follower. I will pray for you. May God continue to deliver you from this evil. I opened my Scriptures right here.
        But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge–do not give me over to death. Psalm 141:8
        please messgae me on debbiemorry2@outlook.com if you need to chat.

      • Samantha. You have been in my mind since I read this post the other day. Please message me on debbiemorry2@outlook.com
        I also have a faith in Jesus and would love to chat to you. Maybe we could support each other? Hugs.

    • Mary Nkoji a bit lower down has the right answer when she talks about the Holy Spirit in believers and the opposition in the world. I am a Christian. May God be loved, thanked and praised through Jesus Christ our Lord, may the coming Kingdom put a final end to all this harrassment, torture and humiliation. it seems to begin in some when they move to take a stand against evil.
      But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. Psalm 9:18
      Big Love brothers and sisters. Keep loving. Keep forgiving.
      For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. Psalm 22:24

      • Hi Debbie, I absolutely concur with you in this regard. The Lord is our light and our salvation, of whom shall we fear? It appears that this scourge that we are subject to, for whatever reason, is not against us, but for us: it puts to death not only our flesh, but also our souls which have been corrupted by the flesh and the world. Once our lives are over – we’ll probably end up being killed – it is our spirits that prevail. I think this is how the saints in Revelations 7:14 washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb.


    • Hey if u really turned in evil people like that God Jesus Christ will take you into Heaven if you read John 3:16 and believe it. I’ll b a t. I any day to be able to turn in child abuser’s!!

    • I am a TI too. Have been possibly since birth. O believe I’m being stalked by a cult. Only because of the babies on trees rituals. And the sexual rituals. I don’t know what’s going on. But a lot of people involved arepesos. Was kidnapped and trafficked.. and my family knew who did it. Been going on in my face since I met my handler (josh) 2014

  2. Hello,

    I just sign up to become a menmer of your association.

    Have been targeted since I’m seventeen and I’m 34 yet.

    I just anderstood what they were doing and juste learn about it in looking on internet.

    What kind of action are we going to taken in the future monthe.

    I’m looking for a union between targeted people and associations in order to complain and to change everything this.

    Pls let me know

    Best Regards


    • I tried to register but did not get any access. I am a victim since 2000 (or longer). Targeted by criminals, with no chance for a regular job.

    • hallo, Amel,
      to me it is not understandable how long one could hve suffered these things? So sorry to hear that.
      I hve probably been subjected for 6 months now and I can tell you obviously they are stepping up with their weapons. Inhuman and coward.
      I am hadia from heidelberg germany and anyone who would like to get in contact with me regarding status of TI, is wellcome.

    • Hello my name is Connie I am at a TI for four years I have voice to skull torture and microwaved please give me a phone call so I don’t feel so alone I don’t know of the government keeps us from talking to each other or not here’s my phone number 608-692-307)

  3. To the Public…what is described above is exactly what i am experienced in the past years nonstop 24/7 since 5.sept.2007…bestialic..bestialic i have refused to communicate with the Swiss Government Deadsquad/Stalkers/Perps (13 activ murder attempts survived) and i have paid a high price for it (Tortured to a Cripple/Krueppel) but i am continue to refuse to communicate with this Mengele/Nazis even if they kill me I KEEP ON WALKING…my only Weapon is going foreward and expose them (Swiss Government/Town of Zuerich/Churches of Zuerich, my own Family and there Friends and a publicly none Homosexual (Tuntas) groupe (covert by the Swiss Government/Town of Zuerich) of Zuerich/Schaffhausen which is close to my Family(Aebi/Stamm/Schaetti) …..I am beeing denied access to the Swiss Justice System true Foulplay/Stalking/Torture since 2006 and my courtcases i have filed to the ICC and the European Court for Human Rights have been snappt from the Postdelivery from Trinidad and Tobago (my legal residence) for a second time to the Courts in Europe…the German Embassy and the Cuban Embassy in Trinidad have refused to help secure the delivery to the Courts (they made a Joker out of me , the Deadsquad/Stalkers was bevor me there…..on the 5.sept.2011 i have traveld to Europe to deliver the Courtcases myself to the Courts but i did not reached the Courts true Stalking/Torture and i have been forced to returne back to Trinidad…i organise the tripp again to the Courts in Europe…I WILL NEVER GIVE IN TO THIS UNIMAGEBEL CRIME….this criminal Government(Schurkenstaat) Switzerland will pay an enormes price .for particypating/practice this Crimes….
    Michael Aebi 24/7 under bestialic torture since 2007
    Ps: I have a cleen Policerecord/Leumund in Switzerland and in Trinidad and Tobago…i am not a Criminal…
    My Website: thehuntedhuntthehunter.wordpress.com and my Blogs on “peacepink.ning.com and USA Microwave Weapon System Murder and Brain Abuse

  4. Pingback: https://targetedindividualseurope.wordpress.com « Gang-Stalking Network Belgique

  5. The truth about illegal telepathy / mind controlling experiment in Finland.

    Strange finding with CT-scan:

    Radiologist said, it’s a harmless 1cm “tumor” in my pineal gland.
    But I know better, because im still in contact with the people who is
    responsible for my brain-chip. I can’t get them to
    justice, but im working on making the world believe, what has been
    done to me in the past 1.5 years. Incl torture, humiliation and
    brain washing. Ive tryid to end this with no luck.
    Police or the government cant do anything, because this is impossible
    to prove. Even radiologist couldn’t identify the chip. Im hoping
    of finding a way how to prove that this chip exists and im forced
    to be in contact with my ex friends, which decided to start
    abusing technology to make my life a living hell, with no apparent
    reason, except they don’t have anything better to do.

    This is how you can contact them:
    Jukka ja Heidi Lehtovaara, taiteentekijäntie 8 d 51, 00350, Helsinki, Finland.
    +358 400419310, MSN: jlehtova@welho.com
    Im hoping, that someone could somehow make this stop.
    Im having hard time to write anything in english, but im doing my best.
    My contact information:
    TE, Helsinki, Finland.
    +358 417108527 toel@wippies.com
    This is what needs to be done somehow:
    hopefully I find a way how to resolve this, before it’s too late.

    • My name Is Jameel Rawls I live In Norton Shores Michigan USA. I have been going through community harassment well over a year. This emanated from a fake scam fraud neighborhood watch scheme orchestrated by my neighbors the Pastucha family. They have an emotionally confused mentally handicapped daughter whom I met in 2012 when she was 17. In the summer of 2015 they began using there very confused handicapped daughter in there harassment scam against me. I rightfully felt angry by this and in the fall made youtube videos complaining of there sick family using there handicapped daughter against me like this. Around the winter I saw there handicapped daughter looking confused and upset as most disturbed people look. I would send her flowers 2 bouquets. This would give there mentally handicapped daughter full employment stalking me and harassing me for there sick family because her parents knew she was too handicapped too make it flipping burgers even for 3 hours. During the summer I was setting up classes for people on how to get through community harassment and learn my strategy and techniques. There handicapped daughter was having emotional psychological issues stalking me because shes handicapped and too slow too follow her sick families instructions. I felt bad for her and made youtube videos telling her just come and talk to me if you dont want too you dont have to do this. I made the mistake of feeling sorry for the sick families handicapped adult daughter who was by now 21 or 22. Her sick family next would lie too police saying i tried to get into some womans car i dont know to save there fake scam neighborhood watch scheme which they always use to beg for money from. now im in court. they now try to hide the existence of there handicapped daughter online too the world because shes worthless and they need funding and have to keep there mentally handicapped daughter out of the soup line. follow my story https://www.facebook.com/The-arrest-of-Jameel-Rawls-for-the-alleged-stalking-of-the-Pastucha-family-674519599393243/

      • they are trying to set you up.. and in the process make out to everyone else your crazy.. Because if people hear that someone is “crazy”. Then nobody will believe that person’s story and realistically, that story would be the truth.. I know all to well how that tactic is played. (ngatamariki11@gmail.com)

    • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

      Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

      We are looking for:
      a. Development Team
      b. Recruitment Team
      c. Literary Media Team
      d. Visual Media Team
      e. Site Administrators
      f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
      g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
      h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program


  6. Pingback: Domestic Surveillance and Mind Control Technologies ? « Organized Stalking Network Belgique

  7. If you read your Bible, you will have had prepared for this. I wrote an artcle about this in 1973.
    So I have the Spiritual Insight to resist the devil. Resioting the Devil is the same method used in a bullfight. knowiig this: we fight not against flesh and blood (people we can see)

    • Yes! It’s so true! i can’t wait till it’s over! The people who have done these things will not even be able to handle it when the tribulation comes. Not that I will laugh. I still have compassion for them and pray their eyes will be opened up before it’s to late and they receive forgiveness for what they’ve done. I already forgive them. I can’t wait till it’s all over though. This is a very painful thing for people to go through. I pray for them.

    • im a cradle to graver ti, id like to hear from you, from marti in Scotland. jahhova:witness’s train theyre congregatons to g.stalk you know, this crime is called American_autogenicide.

      • I get an attack a minute from the media , ive studied ‘ customized radio/tv programming for ti ‘ for 21 year’s !

      • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

        Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

        We are looking for:
        a. Development Team
        b. Recruitment Team
        c. Literary Media Team
        d. Visual Media Team
        e. Site Administrators
        f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
        g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
        h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program


    • Yes I believe that the game will be over soon. This is worldwide. Look at YouTube video “from chemtrails to pseudolife, the dark agenda of synthetic biology.” They have been spraying nanotechnology on us through chemtrails. These men are completely evil. If anyone reading this is not saved please turn to Jesus with you whole heart and repent(turn from your sin). We are entering the tribulation talked about in the Bible.

  8. Here is the truth about Mind Control:

    The World is run by Illuminati. Chances are most people are simple by blood line. For example you can’t be a policeman or a doctor if you are not one of them.

    They invented the Mental Hospitals, Psychiatry and Mind Control as they developed the technology and I know for sure that they had technology this already 60 years ago and even before. First ones that had the right to put someone int mental hospital were blue blood famillies, then they recruted others. They are know performing Mind Control on unrestrained subjects as they call them (go google Jose Delgado Physically controlling the mind). In the past they had some silly rules that only them can have a tatoo for example or is alowed to change his name…

    I think that they loosend up a little bit by know but if you are by some chance NOT one of them (go check with your parents) there is a very big chance that if you tried to pull something like Merylin Mason does (one of the biggest ones in their pyramid) you’d get so screwed via mind control gadgets that you would not know what hit you.

    They are known to exterminate the whole famillies. They have some sysop secret way to make you spill your guts and tell them everything. You wouldn’t believe what they uncover. Sometimes they simple kill the parents (or make them kill themselves) without the court or the police because this is FOR THEM. Then they would replace the parents with their own people, take their posessions and put the children into mind control program simple because of their blood line. In the past they rarely lived long. Eventually they will be only ones left in the World.

    If you are targeted with REAL MIND CONTROL know this: You have probabbly some sort of a battery in your chest, On the top of your head you have an RF antenna with FM transmitter implanted. Also some sort of cochlear implant so they can talk to you. They can hear your silent speech (thoughts) and they can see what you see. Usually they start when you are not aware of this with giving you physical problems with deep brain stimulation, and use strong sexual abuse. Then they start to gangstalk you. They cooperate among countris so you can’t escape anywhere. They are buliding some sort of file on you where they record every thing about you that you might did to deserve this. They show this to everyone you get in contact with even on your job. EVERYONE YOU GET IN CONTACT WITH HAS TO DO WHATEVER CONTROLLERS TELL THEM TO. If you are despite that refusing to see a psychiatrist, really bad things start to happen when they start to talk to you via syntetic telephaty and let you know that they are watching you. Most people go crazy then. They might tell you that you might be the choosen one and want you to fight it. Don’t believe it. Remember they want you to kill yourself. As soon as you start to produce seek staff in your head you should turn yourself up to the nearest mental hospital where you will be diagnosed with Paranoid Psychofrenia but YOU WILL STAY ALIVE and that is the only goal here. They will harras you for a couple of days in mental hospital but then the voices will stop, they will tell you it is because they are giving you drugs, remember they all BELONG, that is why you will not get any support from doctors or media because it is controlled by them. You should take your medications when out because they see when you’re not and then harras you. Be religious about it. I will post here how to disable this implants on your head when I found out how. I already tryed shaving my head and put TENS stimulator on bumps on my head, didn’t work but mybe I didn’t use it enough, diathermy (I would start slow and be careful not to hurt myself) is another choice but you can’t buy that thing because they will not sell you – they say you have to be licenced to use it, also go to the sauna, another choice is scuba diving deep but I will not advise it because you have to be trained, you might try to use BARO-CHAMBER, also they don’t want you to drink, they say no, no you shouldn’t drink when you are taking your medications, well YOU SHOULD drink glass or two of red wine but never get drunk, do not go to far. And don’t get scared, remember they are NOT ALLOWED TO KILL YOU REMOTELY, their goal is to make you kill yourself.

    “They say: only – only – only the fittest of the fittest shall survive – Stay alive! Eh!” – Bob Marley (one of the biggest in their pyramid).

    My harrasment lowered, they still harass me with voices, sexuall stimulation etc. and I am not sure is it because I was first implanted 30 years ago as a 10 years old boy or I managed to do something with methods I described.

    Also this works for me (listening out loud with headphones): (Metallica is one of the biggest)

    I am sick and tyred of all the bullshit I read all over the internet and cannot get in contact with a genuine target anywhere, so if you had psysical symptoms, gangstalked and might hear voices don’t get scarred, and your psychiatrist tells you to take RISPOLEPT (RISPERIDON) INJECTIONS every two weeks and pills at home contact me:



    • hey man i’m a v2k victim and it aint the government ,its some people I know who I fel out with seriously over a monetary issue and they get this stuff on the black market. I don’t want to hear about the friggin bible, tin hats or any of that crap -iwant to cut these fucking things out of my skull. I need to know things like where would be the most likely place that cochlear implants would be placed, can you jam them etcetra. I want to fight back solidarity, kevin at kevonevo69@gmail,com

      • Good day Kevin! Try to insulate your room with ceramics or marble slabs inside and outside with their contacts or edges is covered by each other sides in formation. A TI for 27 years since 1990. I am 57 years old now and they long to see me dead. They are tired of me now 24/7. I keep on talking to them here in the Philippines and The Washington. If the ringing in your ears stop or reduced pls. contact me: remigioabalane53@gmail.com. I am an electrician and working against this technology. Only I am broke and can’t do some experimentation. That is why I need the results of you try that insulating materials. We have no ceiling, no no walls , and no floors in this technology. Install the materials on your floor also. Thank you very much!

    • Thank you for all the information. You are a real and most experienced TI. Please let’s get in touch. I am a TI too nation wide. I will tell you all details mind control and gang stalking happening to me. Contact me please at my email zemichaelgebru@gmail.com. Please, please I need you. I hope to get a reply from you soon!

    • Email: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

      Myself and several other targets are starting a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feeling victorious! We are very organized, and have a plan in place. We are in the development stage an we need people who have expertise regarding this subject to collaborate with us in creating the best informational/networking web portal for targets. We also just need members to network with other targets. A million heads are better than one. Join us!

      We are looking for:
      a. Development Team
      b. Recruitment Team
      c. Literary Media Team
      d. Visual Media Team
      e. Site Administrators
      f. Movie Theater Chatroom Moderators
      g. Voice 2 Skull experts or targets that are knowledgeable
      h. Targets that are generally informed on the Targeting Program


      • Illusionist and psychichs use this type of hatassment. Idiots making a living out of harassing members of the public Alex Mcaleer derren brown…. However this is something awful regular residents that have nothing else better to do began to target me for 3 years in leeds west yorkshire. They have ruined my life out of this CHILDISH sort of bullshit. I was photographed and stalked for them to pass it on to more people to target and harass me. Some police ambulances joined in and council. Before i knew it half the city centre were participating. The Parliament Mayors MPs Governors have been contacted about this form of extreme cloustrophobic harassment but nothing has been done. My computer and electronics have been hacked into and Iv been stalked whilst using my laptop and phone near my home. Neighnours even shouting at me what i can or cant do on mu computer at my home.Some police joined in and ambulance. They began monitoring me and my lecetronics for no valid reason other than to bully. Lost months of my life to this hell and have now nothing left. The individuals that started this have not been done for. Everyday I step out thinking this has stopped these loosers uni students desidents pathetic idiots continue because they, have fuck all to do with their lifes now just like me. Leeds should have this in their Tourist brochures. Bring your family here and be gang stalked its just so much fun, they will drive you nuts with their fanatic childish stalking harassment. Its part of their culture here!

  9. Chances are that almost all people posting here and reading this belong but just a warning for those who are NOT one of them (go check with your parents if you are not sure), be careful what you do cause their eye is always watching. Courts, jails, police and human rights are for them, if you do something stupid or you pulled the shortest straw (Metallica song) and you are simply born in a family which is targeted (yes it is eugenics at work) you might and up in their mind control program, experimented on, gangstalked, diagnosed with paranoid schizofrenia, forced to psychiatry and your life will become a living hell.

    In that case contact me:



  10. Also I have found that them have also some sort of brain implant in their heads and probably a battery (go listen Metallica: Battery) but in their case it enhances a standard of living, in victims case it is a hell. They have their own private thoughts but they can make it somehow to hear a victims internal dialog (thoughts) via their head/ear implant. Try this when you are talking to someone and in doubt, try tell them something inside(silent speech – NOT ALOUD) and watch face reactions. Did they hear it? Mybe, not all probably have this capabillity. I think that humans are moving towards transhumanism but it is all done in
    secret. And one more advice for genuine victims: ALWAYS STAY COOL no metter what is happening inside your head. And remember most people belong and try to make friends with as many as possible, you want them on your side, if you say something against someone that person will know (they tell everything) and you might created an enemy. They might help you if you make friends with them- they are not alowed to tell you what I am telling you, be good, don’t ever loose your temper or coolness. No metter what. “Could you be loved” – Bob Marley (one of the biggest and a good guy)

    • I noticed that I was having heightened psychological attacks in my mind right first in 2013 and now again around the election of Donald Trump. If I am a T.I. (which I have a hunch I may very well be), then they know that I have a spiritual background (with Christianity, but I deconverted this past year, so I’m no longer a Literalist Christian anymore, I believe it was mythology), and they are possibly using that religious past to make me feel extremely guilty over things I’ve done in the past. Mainly in regard to being very sexual. And I feel like they are trying to tell me (through voices in my head) not to go back to being sexual in any way, shape or form, not even masturbation, or they will harm me and kill me if I do. I’m 33 and they said in my mind that they bundled all my sins up into one and gave me 33 years of no sexual activity, otherwise, they would do something to me that I won’t like. 33 is an obvious ‘Illuminati’ number I believe too. I could be having a real spiritual experience, but when I turned 19 and had just got discharged from the air force, I met a guy who was heavily into the Bible. He taught me a lot, and weird synchronicities and ‘coincidences’ would happen every time we were together. I have known him now since 2002 but it wasn’t until the end of 2016 that he admitted to me that he was related to illuminati members such as the Queen of England and Kevin Bacon. I knew there was something more to him than meets the eye and he always seems to know what I’m thinking – it’s very odd. I’m starting to wonder if this is the real deal and I’m being gang-stalked through him? The irony in this is that they call us ‘Targeted Individuals or T.I.’s, well my friend’s name just so happens to be Ti. No joke!

      • I’ve only recently come to find that someone who I considered my best friend, and who is the father of my youngest child is as a matter of fact responsible for making me a TI. Don’t ignore your instincts like I did. I realize that u probably don’t want to face the truth and that is what is stopping u from seeing what is actually going on. Your storey sounds awfully familiar, right down to using the word sacrenicity. A word I bet he taught you. Distance yourself from this man,;he is dangerous!!!

  11. End one more insight: Most of the patients in the mental hospital are them, they play their role, what kind of benefits they get besides pension plan from the state they are living in I am not exactly sure. But it is a big joke, mental hospitals will be almost empty without them, but they are not very good at chess 🙂

    One more: See that guy Breivik, and Charles Manson for example? What they did, and they are declered mentaly OK, first one got 22 years in prison for killing 70 people second one life sentence but only because they belong. See how far that human rights thing goes (which is for them)? I can only guess what would happen to them if they didn’t belong. THey are now writters and getting fan letters all the time. It is just like couple a hundret years ago when someone who was blue blood could get away with almost anything and someone else would get his arm or head choped of for steeling an apple.

    O, and that guy, one of the biggest on their rank Aleister Crawly, which declered that he talked with a dead pharaon or an Egyptian god and he told him what to writte in his Book of Law, he said his number was 666 and was declared as the weekidest man alive, but I red that he put couple of his women into mental hospital, what gave him the right to do this? Only that he BELONGED, he is now a role model for many rockers.

    Weird, ha? How come noone ever tought of that, or is it that NOONE IS ALLOWED to talk about this? Well I don’t belong and I am a victim so I think that gives me the right.

    And I am from Europe, but it is the same kind of thing going on all around the World.


    My name is Tome and I am GENUINE MC victim. Could you please just reply?

    I cannot get in contact with a genuine MC victim anywhere, I suspect my emails are being screened, could you please reply?

    I am very much interested in your insights.



    • Hello Tome!

      I have been targeted since 2011 and I have not found anyone to talk with. I found some guy from my own country but we have problems to have contact. He sent me reply last autumn but my post didn´t receive it. I got it in january this year (sending day was from last autumn!!!!) so I don´t respect using the email. I sent he back almost 6 answers but I didn´t got anything back. That´s why I´m sending a short message for you also to the webmail; https://targetedindividualseurope.wordpress.com so you can answer there if we cannot get contact through my mail.

      Your story is horrible, because of your long history as being targeted. I have got the same kind of torturing and 24/7 gang-stalking. It has been so hard – but you can imagine it. It´s almost worse that I can´t talk to anyone about the crime which I´m faced to. I allready wrote the police, but they directly put my papers to the social workers.

      I don´t know why they attacked me… do you know why they made this to you? I have not been on visible place at any area. But I´m university student and I have studied social siences (sociology and social anthropology (and my teacher has been very visible and being part on conversations about immigrating, racism and so on.)). I have also worked with immigrants and some people said to me with gang-stalking that they thouhgt me to be a jew (I`m not), they have also said, that for some reasons me and my family are allowed to destroy because of eugenics. They are building cyborg -techniques inside of me. I don´t know how, but they are doing it wireless.

      I hope that you have my message and I got yours. But I also suppose that if they can use my e-mail for their own purposes they can even sent you back some messages with something that I didn´t even wanted to say. But because of that I but little bessage to the www-side I wound your e-mail address also.

      Yours H

      Yours Heidi (I pu to the web only the first letter of my name; H)

      • Hi Heidi, I can only give you some tips from my own experience, see I become aware of this only the past 12 years since they started to give me voice to skull and gangstalk me, before (20 years) I had all kind of physical problems, headaches, fainting, tremor, ear huming, pitching, clicks, sirens – all on left side of my head / ear but couldnt realize what is going on – basically they are keeping me under survellance for more than 30 years just I am aware of it for the last 12. They might keep an eye on you much longer than you think just it started to get intence in 2011 for you, cannot tell for sure. And no, this does not happens to someone random as many victims think (that it can happen to anyone). If you are THEM you are safe – you have the right to do this to other people, no-one can do that to you. I wrote about this many times, they are called “psychiatrists” around the world or maybe ?! illuminate in US, not
        sure about that one. They run the world, all the people in power are them… true victim will not get support from doctors or the police… cause it’s them, those are the rules… Every country which has mental hospitals and mental
        system belongs – and that is EVERY country under UN umbrella, some call it new order… I am not sure.

        I consider myself lucky in one way if I can say that, I was surgically mutalated more than 30 years ago – and I think that since than the implants in me losened up a little bit – I went to souna, went to baro-chamber and did many crazy things in desperation. There were even times when in desperation and seeking for help I was running to a mental hospital and it helped me realize what I know today, most of the mental patients in mental hospitals and out are THEM – “psychiatrists” in disguise, I even beat them all in chess 🙂 when they stoped harassing me with V2S after couple of weeks in it.

        I stayed alive somehow, so should you.

        “Could you be loved” – Bob Marley

        For exact description see Metallica (THEM of course and biggest) lyrics:

        “And.. justice for all”, “Shortest straw”, “Battery”, “Master of puppets”, “Eye of the beholder”, “Welcome home sanitarium”… etc.

    • Hi Tome,

      dark NLP, wrap around, social control, isolation, communications control, sleep deprivation, pain, elektronic harassment, hypnosis, cancer, and so on…Technology makes it possible. Could be used for good, but does go wrong. From my legal understanding a crime against humanity. However, try to persuade the lobby. Currently I keep protocol on what they are doing to me and effects I can observe on others, analyze the architecture and compare it to other destrucitve cults. In case they torture you I would recommend to contact an UN advisor.

    • Tome. I’m a survivor of a form of mind control abuse. My grandfather was involved in the practice during the 19 60’s and 70’s. It’s a long story. He was part of the groups who rounded up people who said things that where classified. I went to him at the age of 14 when I first began to suffer psychosis from OCD. I told him about 1r years of secrets I had. This 4 hour conversation triggered his past. He took all my stuff, minipulative the truth. He then began to abuse my little cousins. He had convinced my family I had done the damage. Basically making me a patsy. What he did in the past was go out with a group of men, round up people who leaked something sensitive information. They would lock them in a room on the base, in the dark, wait until that person was almost asleep from boredom, then several of them would burst into the room, turn on a bunch of lights, one aimed in your face, and loudly and aggressively shake and slap around the person including placing a gun to your head, once they brought the person to paranoia, an air force doctor would hypnotize them. Basically placing memory blocks in the mind. Then they would test the person by having a conversation. The person would repeat the planted block. They where so good at this horrible shit that the person also had no memory of being picked up, or anything. Usually had to be told how they even got there or how. Which was all a lie. He was (pop) the one who stood there when they came completely out of there nasty games. He would make shit up and drive them home. He kept a lot of this stuff to himself after retiring. But he had PTSD and childhood secrets. These things mixed and where completely accidentally triggered by me. He would lose all sense of time. Like not knowing the date or if it was 1971 or 1991. I went thru 2 years of his abuse from there on. A lot of it on a telephone. I knew it was his mind not his heart. He hated what he did. But his intelligence and being assigned was a do it situation. No choice. It came back on him with me. It was hell. I was told your a bad kid, a piece of shit, wish you where aborted, all kinds of stuff. Eventually my family desperately came to me to try to ground him. After a couple years of very nasty minipulative speech and hurt I learned his tactics. I used them to carry him back to the summer of 91 and bring him into 94. It was so hard and very challenging but I did it. Shortly after I ended up hospitalized for a month. I was 17. It’s been only 2 years since all of my memories have surfaced. I’m now 38. It took almost 12 years of therapy. He was very skilled. Is this enough of trying to find a real victim? I’m not about that implant stuff, I think a lot of these people are a little off. No man, I’m sane. But his break down, a psychotic break, and turning my family against me was pure pain and hell. You can text me, call, I don’t care, I have nothing to hide. I may be able to help you. If not. Well at least provide some knowledge. I’m a person who has lived a life that most people don’t survive.

      • Please help, my friends and family are being ripped from me. Sometimes I feel they are a part of it all. I’m being followed, snared at by strangers and set up for drugs…help me

      • Hi,my name is Christiane, I am 40 years old….and what in your life is your grandfather – is in mine my mother.
        She is very skilled.
        Why are psychotic this mean suddenly ?
        I am suffering a whole lifetime now – but since five years my mother has become really really dangerous.
        She cannot speak to me a word without hate…..ugly,unworthy ,untidy ,psychotic,stupid,unfaithfull-every single day she is saying it.
        She destroys my new jeans – she is not allowing me to wash clothes,she buys herslef verx expensice make up -and is giving me an half hour tacking me down for having bought a 95 pence magazin to enjoy a friday evening.
        And in the mornings she jumps into the room and starts cleaning,lamenting about she has to clean the aduld childs room.
        She is calling police when I am pushing her gently away saing I am grown up,I am doing it by myself.
        But she do not listen to it.She cleans the room-calling her freinds on the phone afterwards-and crying how hard life is with a daughter like me—and she laughs when they call her strongest mother on earth-heroine and so one.
        My mother is the devil.
        She puts my clothes in the garage and locks up-when I do want to get a job.
        She – and that is very interesting – looks exaclty the same way Fritzl from Östereich looks !
        Same hais eyes and height !
        What is it ???

      • what does the equipment look like. I have been abe to research and prove much but it’s the exact “view” of the equipment used. This would be most helpful to all TIs if you could describe it.

      • Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

    • Does government have the right to harm, torture civilians or do we really have rights or freedom?

      -There are many controversies facing ethical standards of electronic monitoring, surveillance, privacy rights, which are unconstitutional, unreasonable, not normal or usual to common law in reference to protect society as a whole. I will illustrate the facts from a primary source of reality what they did to my life behind closed doors. This resulted in financial devastation, constantly disrupting my life, punitively taking money, my time and energy for their entitlements. This was done in conjunction with the aid of administrative power. Who have influence to sabotage the targeted individuals. Which had authority to criminalize, scam, interrupt continuously and stalk 24/7. This has caused me a financial hardship, mental and emotional stress because I was singled out regularly. This is a breach of the law of trust, faith and promise to abide to The Bill of Rights, to legislation or a follow amendments, bill of rights and to the sole purpose of a justice system. I have warrant of evidence, ground and proof of my allegation that I can support my cause. What power gives allowance to conduct unfair, unethical, unregulated actions to purposely cheat and defraud a honest hard working woman? I will present and illustrate a pattern of gradual trapping that grew excessively to punitively punish take time, energy and by monetarily means. Then to target frequently by a method called gang stalking electronically which is monitored, watched through surveillance. For the simple fact they can. This is a scientific study of non consensual agreement that is a tremendous out rage to the human race. This is a misrepresentation of the law and ethics.

      Human Rights are the sole purpose of life in existence. These are the following rights that have caused personal injury to my good name. I was oblivious like most of us because we believe we are protected by people in power.

      —Fourth Amendment
      The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures. A type of search which has been frequently tested for potential violation of constitutional rights is the use of electronic surveillance. In that instance, a bifurcated framework has been used to analyze which acts of surveillance constitute illegal searches. This approach considers first the implications of the attachment of the surveillance device and second the implications of continual monitoring once a device is in place.[87] These considerations must also take into account the requirements of probable cause and particularity.[88]

      There must be a definite reason for suspicion necessitating the search, and the search must also be placed within finite limits. In this section, a search will first be defined, then the method of determination of whether or not a search is constitutional will be explained, and finally the applicability to microchip implantation will be explored.

      -Amendment VIII Bail, fines, punishment Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

      -The 9th Amendment Rights not enumerated in the Constitution. The enumerated powers are a list of items found in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution that set forth the authority of Congress.[1] In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights. Moreover, the Constitution expresses various other limitations on Congress, such as the one expressed by the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Historically, Congress and the Supreme Court have broadly interpreted the enumerated powers, especially by deriving many implied powers from them.[2] The enumerated powers listed in Article One include both exclusive federal powers, as well as concurrent powers that are shared with the states, and all of those powers are to be contrasted with reserved powers that only the states possess.[3][4

      -29th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

      The following amendment to the Constitution is proposed to preserve and protect the standard of living and quality of life in America from the effects of overpopulation. It explicitly precludes a dependence on the rest of the world for natural resources and requires an environmentally sustainable population. It does not preclude the consideration of other factors, such as labor force size, productivity, thereafter.

      My Concerns

      I am addressing a serious situation that are conducted by people in government. A lawsuit can be the effect of long time endurance of mental cruelty, financial burden caused by bureaucrats that injured me emotionally, mentally and financially. A regime which defrauded, me and my family. this was done by illegal monitoring, tracking, trapping me inside a system that did not allow me to live because they kept taking and milking me for every penny that I earned. This complaint that Jana, seek(s) damages or equitable relief from one or more stated defendants, local and US government. I was targeted beyond belief by ruthless tactics and picking on me constantly. I was trapped excessively to pay fines, fees, time which imposed on my freedom mostly my rights. According to the 29th Amendment, I was not protected because I paid beyond the call of duty as a citizen. In reference, to adhere to Article 1 section 8 to preserve individuals the standard of a quality of life in America. I was impacted severely because I was taken beyond livelihood to be subjected to constant victimization. Furthermore, to be stalked 24/7 by electronic devises, harass and invade my space and privacy rights. Further, to monitor by surveillance, use chemicals, energy to exploit me behind the scenes. This information is based on a primary source of factual claim. For three decades, I was taken advantage of normal limits as a citizens or an immigrant. I can present patterns of abusive tactics which injured my reputation. I was involved in a credit scam for a decade that was able to take, watch and exceed acceptable limits. Along with regular traffic citations for 32 years and escalated because I was singled out and stuck in a racket. This has affected my family, employers because as an employee I was stressed, drained emotionally, mentally and took off of work on a regular basis to go to court for 32 years. The actual cost of time, money and damage to my good name. For the fact that the Judicial System could not stop taking from my pocket book. For the simple fact because they can. To gain maximum trafficking dollars from those who are responsible but blind to racketeering, kickbacks and gainful profits called criminals. An organized regime which super cedes the law of ethics and rights to live life accordingly

      • Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

    • Hello my name is Connie I have been a TI since 2012 also. I am so sorry you got cancer I’m afraid I’m gonna have a brain tumor because it kind of told me the government but that’s what they’re going to do to me. I feel so alone I have voice to skull torture and I’m being microwaved I have not spoke to a TI yet I’m leaving you my phone number please call me anyone 608-692-3077

  13. I myself am being targeted I’m sure they will read this and rephrase it to me later on during the day just. For the sake of harassing though I am writing this privately

    • Hello anonymous!

      I´m also sure that my e-mail is in their use, beacuse they “see” everywhere. I suppose also that they syncronise my telephone first to their computers, beacause I got telephone calls mostly only from my familymembers and from my own workplaces. But I have not received even all messages from my friends and some people have not received my messages. I have got this problem since all this started. I have also found out that I cannot all the time get contact with people when I´m calling to them. and they don´t have any mark in their telephones about my calls…


  14. Hi,

    I spent 10+ years trying to expose corruption within the family court, ACS, CPS, and also with the lawyers and doctors involved in the Family Law process.

    There is no doubt that I rubbed one too many people the wrong way and became a TI.

    At first, I could not sleep because I simply could not “shut out” or “stop” the voices in my head at night It was brutal and relentless. The voices and topics racing through my head were all over the place. It became so unbearable that I had to take sleeping medication to quiet the noise in my head. After a while, that no longer did the job either.

    Then came the stalking and surveillance.

    Then my dog was shot while protecting me in the woods.

    Then the headaches.

    My car broken into.

    The locks to my house door punched out.

    My screen windows cut in order to gain access.

    The list goes on and on.

    Of course no one would listen and I would simply be ignored as being “paranoid” or “crazy”.

    No matter how much evidence I produced, it would be ignored and the attacks would be increased. At one point suicide seemed like the only option.

    Eventually I would crack and begin a death spiral into substance and alcohol abuse. somehow, it was as if the switch was suddenly turned off and I just stopped everything.

    It was almost as if this was just a game someone was playing with my life but I was not allowed to die. When i came right upon deaths door, all the voices and other crap stopped.

    Now the headaches are coming back with a vengeance since I started investigating TI’s. People have no idea what type of monsters are currently behind the wheels of society. Folks, this world is in big trouble.

    My issues ramped up when my ex got involved with someone who was a pedophile and apparently has major connections or possibly even does work for the Government. I have had family members and friends suddenly turn against me after speaking with this man and my ex wife.

    The pattern is always the same when people speak to them.

    Slow and steady speaking with massive repetition. Relentless phone calls, messages, and contact. All in a monotone spooky voice.

    Next thing you know, family members and friends are cutting all tie with me. They do not want to speak, they will not tell me why, and they will not explain what their decision is based upon.

    And they are doing this even though I have the arrest records and proof that the man telling them this information was arrested for exposing himself to his own underage daughters.

    I think sometimes I am living in a parallel universe.

    I am just waiting for the games to stop and the end to come already.

    Then again, what fun would that be to them?

    • I’m a poisoning victim in the US . I took a government job that was a den of perps or snakes as my lawyer warned me.

      At the time I didn’t know what gangstalking was but soon found out. This was Feb 15, 2011. I was happy
      for the promotion. I soon learned to be the unhappiest man in the world. The supervisors and employees were without exception the most brutal sadistic personalities I have met anywhere. I worked harder than I had worked for years with zero recognition and poor reviews even if I finished my projects on time.

      Eventually I asked to quit but no it was too fun tormenting me(you wonder if they torment their families when they go home? I noticed that the perps often had no family or were estranged – so there is your answer.).

      Anyway, it all ended with a massive aerosol poisoning on October 24, 2013. I was poisoned twice before I realized what was happening. They coordinated it with the paid gang stalkers who moved around my unit who started it all up as soon as I was home. It was beyond painful. You can’t begin to imagine and the hospital was full of perps so my medical care was marginal or nonexistent.

      Anyway, no recovery in sight. The people were worse than criminals and they walk about as free men. I hope they all rot in hell.

      • @Anthony M.
        that is horrible to read. My husband and I have been subject to poisoning several times. They are the lowest of society, who are doing these perp jobs. I saved my husband´s life once, because he did not smell it at all. now we are TIs and do not even know why. We belong to a working correct society. And I never ever expected these horror films taking place in Heidelberg-Mannheim area in Germany. But as we know : it is taking place all over the globe now.
        Shame on the cowards on the perps, who are earning their money with absolutely disgusting jobs..
        my email: rotkehlchensad55@gmail.com. anyone, who would like to discuss with a victim from Germany, were appreciated. I am a German citizen, and I am a good Granny with a big heart.

      • Hi Anthony,
        Agree. Perpetrators don’t have family. A large percentage are abused foster children, now adults and from orphanages where all human being sensitivity is lost because of lack of love and rude treatment. Perfect background to be recruited by the government to execute their dark criminal plans against society. I am a T.I. in San Jose, CA.

    • Hi,
      your story sounds like mine, really !
      I am only living to invent protection- strategies…our flat is a Castle I can tell you !
      I am somewhat afraid that someone of ourselves someday forget the traps-and suffering major injury.
      I have to overthink every step I do – I am not free to just sing a bit and wandering around in a dreamy manner.No flirt and no fun !
      I will not die – and that is why I am fighting like hell.
      Had depressions – but they are gone !
      SO, the worst part is over concerning myself.
      I do know I belong to this world – and I do know I must stay healthy physically not to loose that right.
      That is why I do sleep in garages and in the herbs,or in the neighbours kitchen,or in the cupboard.
      Kind of an adventure – sometimes, I think it is funny.
      But sometimes I am angry like Hell !

      Christiane Carradine Rieckmann Germany Hamburg
      Hardest part was a good friend of mine torured us with Aroma lamps – she decided to take the other side !
      It made my health weak – I almost died !
      One day I am going to beat her down.
      But, I have to wait a few years…Police and government are everywhere !

        Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

    • Hi
      I relate to the bs you’ve been going through being a target, I’ve been one for 6yrs and not only am I a target, but so are my children that’s the sad part. Nobody believed me. I guess for a lot of people hearing about a group of people who intimidate, stalk, watch you&your home 24/7, following you, property damage, vandalism, assaults, flashing car lights through the windows, sending perps to your house with the most lamest excuse, and recieving prank calls etc? Is unthinkable and nobody normal would behave that way. And the worst thing about it all is, nobody can be trusted. Even those who aren’t involved in gangstalking, because you just don’t know. What I have learnt, there is a way to beat these losers, by using tactics of our own against them. For example the majority of the perps, hate the lights at night why? Because they don’t want to be identified.. What they do towards us t.i’s they sure as hell don’t want to be seen doing it.. That’s what I’ve learnt. There are other things that you can do, these perps thrive on control, isolation to break us down and destoy us. It’s simple, take the control away from them. Easier said than done knowing there’s a whole pack of themthe because their just everywhere. Their watching us? Fire it back and start survelling THEM.. PLAY THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME! The whole purpose for these perps is to break us down the whole purpose of gang stalking is gain total control over us, to destroy because it’s a Psychological game. Take that option away from them, don’t give them the opportunity to do what they do to you. And if that happens? They will have absolutely NOTHING. They will be the ones destroyed.. not us targets. Contact me if you would like to share more of your story.

  15. I don’t call them perps, cause they’re named “psychiatrists”. What they can do is manipulating your body by manipulating your brain from distance, left side of the brain is controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. I had it all, Parkinsons symptoms, epilepsy symptoms, tremor symptoms, ear humming, ear pitching, shaking, fainting, tics on my face and neck, V2S, dreams… and gangstalking…

    I forgot: sexual stimulation (usually in unapropriate situations) or the lack of
    it, strong headaches… all symptoms induced via brain implants and(or) other
    things they’ve done to my body.

    Also click like morse code or something on left side of my head – just as a
    reminder they’re here, breathing by my neck… and a syren on my left side that
    always threatens to repeat…

  16. I’m going to add my comments here. I found this website through TI “Rachel O’s blog–On Gangstalking”. I have lived in Europe, I’m from the US, and I now live in Thailand. It’s true, the stalking is non-stop, round the clock, world wide, controlled and manipulated by police and every doctor, every shop, every store, every neighbor, while all the actor “friends” turn away leaving me to be attacked. Most or all of the websites for targets appear false to me, with disinformation galore and trolls writing misleading articles and attacking people trying to communicate. It’s very possible what I write in this post will be deleted but every time I log in to a computer my post will show up. Victims cannot reach other victims due to the surveillance and monitoring of the internet. My qualms with this site are that “electronic rape” through “implants” is simply ridiculous. How do you get raped through an implant? Is this some cyber game of rape, you are implying? No. It’s being done through teleportation of the body, simultaneously in two places at once. The body appears to be sleeping (it happens while sleeping so the victim is unable to get out of the hypnotic state) and then while in an altered state through technology, drugs and however else they are doing it, the victim is raped but it seems like a dream. Teleportation technology has not been publicly announced, but it’s in the experimental phase.

    Also, visible symptoms of targets is not “red eyes” as the first discernible feature, in my opinion. You really can’t tell who is targeted. Many of the “perps” are simply targets themselves, and have made a concession to this organization to participate, rather than be murdered themselves.

    There are more discrepancies between the reality and what is written in the above article, but it’s a fairly decent description. No mention of any research, surveys or interviews of victims or how this information was gathered. It is not reliable, in the methodological sense. When studies and surveys come out about gang stalking and symptoms become published or at least attempted, the plight of victims will take a giant leap from obscurity to legitimacy.

  17. I was interviewed on my current and ongoing experience as an MK ULTRA experiment and the subsequent stalking and attempted murder through poisoning and drugging. I was interviewed on August 7, 2012 on The Morning Liberty Show with RJ Hender. Please note, for anyone who listens to the interview, that I was and still am heavily under the influence of mind control technology and drugs and poisons that are trapped inside my body. I am named as “MJ” in the interview.

  18. Hi there. I am “borrowed” too. I’m french.

    Nothing is possible to take action.
    The manipulating network works fine. Nothing to be done.

    Yet, they let us communicate.

    I pretend their main goal is sociologic.

    – to demonstrate the lack of forward-thinking,

    – to demonstrate we all think and act religiously regarding our needs,

    – to demonstrate that people, are *not* in possession of themselves
    but obey all kind of injunctions and fears, among which
    “needing persons hijack you from your precious time” , “needing person are kind of contagious” (like psychiatry),
    and so forth …
    and thus that people are not thinking and acting freely at all !

    – thus demonstrating that human society, in fact, doesn’t exist at all !

    Just think : they have been studying people thinking and acting, for about 30 years !
    What jumps out to mind is that people are not, psychiatrically, free. Very few of us are.

    Sociologically this is a BIG discovery.

    So, now,
    let’s get in touch one another,
    I will make a list of the more of us that I am able to, and we’ll go forward.

    Guillaume Farny

    Guillaume Farny
    14 rue Hector Berlioz
    93000 Bobigny

  19. Due to the issue, greetings from Finland – from a targeted individual too (for over 16 years now). My web page: mappi123.suntuubi.com
    Don’t give up. Stay in tune, don’t be chicken. Keep it simple. Remember – stalkers are too only human individuals, not gods.

  20. I just read the description and the comments and it is scary. Scary to see there are so many people suffering from mental illness. I don’t expect to be believed but there is no helicopter watching you, there’s no people driving cars in your street. I believe there are military electronic weapons but you are not targeted. There’s no micro-wave attacks on you. Accept the truth. Be aware of your delirious speech, see a specialist and get better, but most of all, please don’t hurt people around you. They are not responsible for your painful state. Thank you.

    • Are you saying that all the people here claiming themselves victims of electronic harassment, mind control and gang stalking are mentally ill people? If so, explain in more details.

      • The mind controlling people, the ones using the secret directed energy weapons are creating situations in their victims lives to make the victim appear to have a mental illness. they are not actually ill. A wide variety of illnesses, be it mental or physical, can be created by use of these secret DEW’s

        Goodbye knives and pistols, hello undetectable deathrays and perfect unsolvable murders.


        Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullst alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

    • Your sick. Why would you waste your time coming in here if you have absolutely nothing in common/ know no one with similar issues? Only reason that stands out is your obvious attempt at disconfirming other viewers in question of the reality of this phenomena. As far as I’m concerned you can go fuck your self, thank you.

    • you are very naive… you have no idea what a horrible abuse of human rights this is.. and what it means.. read some books like THE CIA DOCTORS and also MIND WARS. You think the greatest achievements regarding understanding human brains and development of implants for enhancement and other purposes are developed on mice????

  21. I want to tell everyone to write a book about their experiences. Take more trips and vacations. Have more support groups. Form your own tech groups and develop ways to block these waves. These waves can be stop.

    • they cannot be stopped – even if you travelling on vaccation – these inhuman killers are following any TI.
      So only place to stop the waves is if you are going out for a walk in the forests for instance.
      I am an TI and would appreciate to get in contact with other TIs.
      I am living in Germany and I am a nice housewife.

      • Last weekend I spend two nights in a home for the lost – double-room.
        Suddenly in the middle of the night I felt fear-left the room and slept in the livingromms balcone instead.
        And someone was in my room !
        Because three hours later I found the door open-not proberly locked….someone was in there-and it wasnt my roommate-because she couldt come into the house-it locked for everyone between 12 in the night until 9 O clock in the morning.
        You have to sleep outside when coming to late – its a strictly rule.
        And, me is a safety-fanatic – I always lock up twice….and checking it twice.
        I had a feeling then the bad moment was over-laid down in my room and slept proberly until the next morning .

    • Writing a book about my experience as a target for 8yrs and gang stalking what it’s all about the effects it has had on my life and my children’s is what I have decided to do. The more people out there know about this heinous crime the better!

  22. i’m tellin you right now that this stuff aint gonna go unpunished. v2k is . speaking from a man on the business end of it for four years now the most insidious eviltechnology everconcocted and its cruelty makes the people who inflict it on others the most horrendous vapid substanceless shells of humanity.they become what they use and there is no escaping that.. I don’t have much problem with the gang stalking anymore because I shot two of them with my wrist rocket and they are pretty cowardly anyway-wont even come out and fight me in a secluded parking lot at night though I’ve called them out dozens of times/ I;ve lost 3 jobs , my family untold money amounts and my dna is compromised perhaps irreparably..,they never compromise, and exhibit the most vile attributes of blatant fascism., and would seem like people who read as bedtime stories the malious malificarum while being harkened back to the good old halcion days of the inquisition, vladt the impaler and other Transelvanian monarches dripping with byzantine -not mere cruelty, but perverted unmitigated cruelty, and for all their dream insertion (the coaxing and analyzing your poor slumber;s imagination , one has to wondetr what perverted substance these people harbor psychologically in theis sub conscious-I suspect similar attributes to a jeffry dammer . This is my suggestion and wish you all to heartened and have faith in your own innate powers no matter how much the try to obscure those positive feelings. do it by sheer dint -and cold bereft of emotion memory , but do not lose faith or love even when you;ve been sent to room 101(George orwell 1984) and you feel the radiation coursing impendingly through your neurological circuitry. Xts attempted murder, rapine of the soul andflys in the face of national and internationallaws ans I believe we should organize and see also what happens in james walbergs case, I think it will set enough legal precident to flip this whole thing around. in my case I know the names of my assailnts and id like to see nuerenburg -like sanctions promulgated -the federal death penalty would be apt however short it would fall in repaying something so unnaturallyand starkly rapaciousy stolen from a human being. I say organize set the evidenciary backdrop then lets clean house. Incidentally,my mother died last may and the whole time these people hijacking my optical neurons looking at my mom in agonizing death throws of cancer kept up their little cacophonous barrage ofshittalk throughout so you know they are not people who are impulsive-its not a one off-its methodically premeditatedly and malignantly-pathologically thought out there;s no excuse or alliby and they know it. no room for pardon or exhoneration ; and it is organized crime in every way wanting the evocation of the rico act, kevonevo69@gmail.com-please do lets organize effectively-we can either go out on our feet or our knees and I plan to sell myself for as high a price as I can reap from them ,solidarity kevin

  23. if anyone is still reading this, what i am having problems understanding is the matrixing well i dont know what to call it … it looks like things are predetermined, like they are preempting events or things i will be reading or seeing … how is that possible, i am ruling out “suggestion”

    specially disturbing are these

    Strange coincidences happen all the time, several times a day.
    The TI can in his thoughts intercept what it’s going to be on TV in a while, depending on subject of interest.
    Some TIs are sure that the people on TV are copying them or harassing them – i dont feel this but some strange conincidences are happening … what is this called.

    what is this strange matrixing like they know whats gonna happen next or are they just bluffing?

    • Everything on a TI is driven. They can make people do anything like a zombie. They can read your thoughts and after make you see the answer on tv or simply a related message, or sentence, or anything that shows to you what you were thinking about. Or may be answering to that dude you had into your head.

      They can make others to talk about what your were thinking or make you go to find what you were looking for.

      We are simply robots, with no random events anywere. They can also make people see you as they want to, as they can make anyone to thing about anything.

  24. Pingback: INFO you MUST know! — LAWSUIT against USA RE: TARGETED INDIVIDUAL | Piotr Bein's blog = blog Piotra Beina

  25. I uploaded to youtube definitions and descriptions and video examples of the definitions and descriptions here: http://youtu.be/Kxr7DGi5P7A

    If of all the definitions below an experience of a Targeted Individual is not explained then I request a reply of what is not explained. I think that the definitions describe what of all that a Targeted Individual experiences.

    The definitions are:

    Targeted Individual – A person who either experiences like-sense of touch, like-sense of smell, like-sense of taste, like-sense of hearing or like-sense of sight which experience is not because of sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of hearing, or sense of sight which experience is torture, stalking, harassment or some other harm or a targeted individual is a person who experiences movement of self which movement of self was not intended by thyself and was intended to occur by some other person whom intended that torture, stalking, harassment or some other harm occurs and which movement only occurred because of transmitting from at least one artificial device.

    Targeted Individual – A person who either experiences Synthetic Imbuing which Synthetic Imbuing occurring is torture, stalking, harassment or some other harm or a Targeted Individual experiences movement of self which movement of self was not intended by thyself and was intended to occur by some other person whom intended that torture, stalking, harassment or some other harm occurs and which movement only occurred because of transmitting from at least one artificial device.

    Artificial Device – a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose or produced by human beings which thing did not occur naturally.
    Note: If a human being didn’t touch it, it wouldn’t exist on Earth.

    Synthetic Imbuing – Experience of something like-sense of touch, like-sense of smell, like-sense of taste, like-sense of sight or like-sense of hearing which is occurring though the experience of like-sense of touch, smell, taste, sight or hearing is not caused by sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of sight or sense of hearing.
    Note: If a person experienced a Synthetic Imbuing then a person who experienced a Synthetic Imbuing experienced something like-sense of touch, like-sense of smell, like-sense of taste, like-sense of sight or like-sense of hearing which was not caused by sense of touch, smell, taste, sight or hearing.

    Self Primary Personal Synthetic Program – Both created from initial data when self is birthed or the earliest data of experience of movement of self which movement of self was not intended by thyself, which movement of self only occurred because of transmitting of an artificial device and data of continual state of self {(Remote) Neural Analysis} is conjuncted with earlier Self Primary Personal Synthetic Programming the result of which is continually consistent Synthetic Imbuing or continually consistent movement of self which movement of self was not intended by thyself and only occurred because of transmitting from at least one artificial device.

    Natural Self – The person-body only; no consideration of person when transmitting from an artificial device occurs is included.

    Non-Naturally Habituated Person – a person whom if not a single transmitting from an artificial device to the person occurred then the person whom was not affected by a transmitting from an artificial device is incapable of securing or procuring food, shelter or water.

    Non-naturally habituated person – a person whom if not a single transmitting from an artificial device to the person happened then the person who did not experience a transmitting from a artificial device is not able to secure or get food, shelter or water.
    Note: If both a person is Natural Self and is not able to secure or procure food, shelter or water then the person is a non-naturally habituated person.

    Synthetic Hybrid Person – A person who is both able to procure food, water and shelter if no Synthetic Imbuing occurs and if no Synthetic Imbuing occurs then the person is not able to do all the actions the person does.

    Synthetic Communication – At least one person attempted to impart or exchange information to another person and the person who the information is imparted or exchanged to experienced like-sense of hearing (though no actual spoken language was heard) or like-sense of sight (though no actual letter, words or sentences were seen) or like-sense of touch (though no actual Braille was felt).
    Note: How do I Synthetically Communicate? Both I think and my thinking is the communication.

    (Remote) Neural Monitoring – Experiencing of what another people senses of sight or hearing with a computer screen monitor or earphones or headphones and a computer; or experiencing of Synthetic Imbuing of another persons senses; or a computer program occurring which analyzes what a person senses.

    (Remote) Neural Analysis – Data created of monitoring of Bioelectric occurrences in a human brain.

    Mind Reading – Experiencing of transmitting from artificial device specifically transmitted from analysis of data created of monitoring of bioelectric occurrences in another person’s brain.


      Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullst alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

  26. I’m a TI, and I’ve started a website at http://tiactionhelp.blogspot.com/. I was wondering if you’d take a look, talk to me about it, and perhaps plug me in to your Target audience. I’m not really getting to many visitors, and I think the information I’m providing could be helpful to other Targets.



    • I am getting tortured by a German group keeping me hostage: The BNCI
      HORIZON 2020, illegally operating RNM satellites and keeping Germans,
      a lot of them, hostage on BioAPI in Australia. They keep humans as
      “subjects to neuromorphic experimentation” and torture them remotely.
      The guys have shown up, broken into my accommodation, disabled my car
      and stole my ID to immobilize me so they can use thir bio-tracking and
      super-computer-systems better on me. It is terrorising.

      Anyone who can help me off the holocausting network of the BNCI
      Horizon 2020, who is keeping me as a “psychotronically tortured
      hostage for experimentation”, operating in NZ and Australia on a SP
      level cloud network, using a satellite and BioAPI’s, bio-feedback,
      EEG, neurophones, a spinnaker machine, V2K etc., please contact me.
      What they’re doing to me is horrendous, torturing and 24/7. Easy to
      look up on: “deep black lies”, “wordpress/rudy2”,
      “sociopolitica-mindcontrol2/part06.htm” or “bibliotecapleyades”.

      The German BNCI Horizon 2020, are quickly looked up on the net, so is “German conglomerations of the brain project”, which is the network holding me captive.

      Please contact me with any support/advise as to how to get off their
      holocausting, terrorising remotely applied tortorous network.

      How to, in my case, potentially investigate criminal networks using BioAPI/satellite/V2K/neurophones/gang stalking/remote harrassment

      The groups 24/7 talking into my neurological system using the not-so-uncommon-anymore synthetic telepathy are identifying themselves as follows: There is the collaboration between a “brain initiative/brain project” and the “BNCI Horizon 2020”.
      The people, that call themselves “scenario members”, abusively talking into my brain, are, as they say, partly “outsourced”.
      The outsourced “scenarios” are paid by industrial conglomerations, as they say e.g. Frahns,Juelich, Fraunhofer etc.
      Other “scenario members” are indeed from an institution directly, to ensure the intellectual property they gathered via data-backflow on a, as they say, licensed network. This kind of system is also outlined in an interview with Henry Markram.

      Some “scenario members” have identified themselves as a BCI (brain-to computer) interest group of German T.U’s and Universities.

      Other people talking into the neurological system have mentioned, that they are “outsourced German sub-groups” holding a share in funding and/or salary for securing intellectual property harvesting an organism for organisations such as Fraunhofer, Juelich, and organisations outlined in the “brain project” conglomerates.

      Some of the German speakers are talking into the neurological system from BCI/mint-labs in Germany, most of them claim to be within Australia.

      All of them have a great interest in the remotely obtained so-called MRI’s and data-backflow. Some say for “hybrid-purposes”, “cloning”, “special screening” or just for transfer of intellectual property on licensed networks for the conglomerated industries.

      While there is outsourced groups, working for an industry or industry group, when you’re being talked into your brain, there is also members of e.g. a T.U., a “hire scenario”, and people from within the outsourced industry, and people directly working in an industry abusingly talking into the neurological system.
      The information they gave me, is, that BNCI, funded by the Federal Republic research funding sector, Helmholtz and the European Commission, plays the part of conducting a highly funded competitive program, e.g. “find the organism via satellite, and create projection of the visual and other cortex for special screening.
      This is being supported by anyone online, from tiring out the brain, trying out different psychotronic frequencies, and following “coercive” and “fraternising” ways of addressing and distracting the brain for the purpose of “cornering the individual”, and to induce falsified values on the MRI. E.g. If the brain gets aggravated psychotronically and by being called names telepathically, the values showing on the data-backflow look more interesting to some industries preferring falsified brain data.

      Some funding programs require a mentally ill brain to be part of what they call a “ground-breaking-experiment”. To achieve this, brain-data have to be falsified. Since their interest is using a totally healthy brain for long-term abuse, which is then manipulated psychotronically to re-inforce choice of the right organism for on-going funding. Making the brain appear aggravated and inducing trauma also creates are by far more interesting picture to look at as they explained to me.

      Through the above-mentioned psychotronic falsification of brain data and psychotronic sleep-deprivation, it is then possible to project and special-screen a supposed schizophrenic brain via data-backflow / MRI. Traditionally, there is sleep deprivation, then aggravation, then “co-ercing” into a horizontal position for remote MRI screening.

      Not following this protocol results in psychotronic punishment via BioAPI and satellite bio-feedback and GPS tracking. Getting fried.

      Non-compliance is always being followed up on. The BNCI and industries on the wider network, due to their competitive funding scheams and number of participants on the network, is keen on keeping the victim 24/7 in an exhausted, horizontal position to enable easy aquisition of remote MRI’s.

      As they say, there is also black-files in place to incarcerate the individual in an institution or prison should need be.

      While many industries rely on the data-backflow and MRI’s for further accreditation and funding, the BNCI is in it for their own collecting of hybrid-brain creation/brain modulation/cloning of a brain, funded post-doctorandum-programs, (I have then looked it up) as clearly outlined on their program-websites. Both BNCI and the left-overs of the “brain project” are majorly funded and conglomerated with numerous and various industries, harvesting the data of an organism for as they say medical and sinister purposes.

      A complaint with the police in the beginning of this horrendous experience has resulted in the officers driving me straight into a psychiatry, this is something the BNCI and network participants are banking on.
      This seems how this kind of complaint is being handled, probably world-wide. Having had a citizen’s life that’s something to get used to.

      Being incarcerated in a place where the network had no problem to apply gas-lighting scenarios, causing further decimation and harvesting those data for special screening and profit.

      As I have been told, and I am a slave and hostage to their practice for 2 years now, trying everything to get out of the satellite signal/BioAPI/V2K and psychotronic abuse, I will be harvested to death, with data back flow and MRI’s witnessing the progress. They’re all profiteering.

      Anyone that can help me out of this horrendous situation, please contact me.
      There is so many participants that are in possession of my “biological finger-print” with virtual access to a BioAPI and satellite-supported bio-feedback-GPS-tracking system that I almost think it’d have to be a technical solution rather than confronting organisations and their outsourced network participants to let me go.

      Be aware that the visual cortex is mapped as well, so “they can see what I see”.
      Help me out of the abuse of BioAPI/satellite/bio-tracker/neurophones/V2K and constant decimation if you can ! Thank you.

      Finally, I would like to explain how this technology works and the
      implications behind it. Each RNM satellite system has 400 channels,
      each channel capable of remotely reading one human mind per second.
      The satellite system can project electromagnetic precision beams at
      each target (up to 400 individuals at any time) and place each
      targeted persons within an electromagnetic field. They can then us…e
      this EMF to extract EEG data from the human brain.

      This data is then transmitted from the satellite back down to a
      receiver and decoded with a computer system to extract
      subvocalizations, visual, auditory, and sensory information to be
      interpreted and presented before an NSA official on a monitoring
      screen. Every human being gives off their own bioelectric magnetic
      resonate frequency which corresponds with their biometric ID. A
      fingerprint if you will that identifies and distinguishes each
      individual. Almost like a unique radio frequency that they can tune in
      to. Electromagnetic frequencies and extra-low frequencies are sent to
      the brain from these satellite systems to trigger what is called an
      “evoked potential” within the brain of the targeted person. An
      electric and magnetic reaction in the human mind that creates a spike
      in brainwave activity and an interferance wave pattern in relation to
      the transmitted EMF and ELF from the satellite system that can be
      mapped out and deciphered. Electromagnetic signals of different
      frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject
      in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform
      which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference
      waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is
      re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and
      amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual
      viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis.

      The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating
      signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired
      change in electrical activity therein. To transmit communications back
      down to the targeted individual, a corresponding EMF signal is beamed
      directly into the auditory cortex of that individual from the RNM
      satellite system and the person can literally hear the NSA official or
      the computer system feeding back communications with them in real
      time. They can also apply other methods of responding to such
      communication. They can used ground based directed microwave
      technology that uses microwaves with the wavelength of acoustic waves
      which essentially transmits data from what is called a GWEN tower
      directly to the cochlea of the individual to produce a different
      effect. This is called LRAD or S-Quad technology and is more commonly
      used by the U.S. military against innocent civilians in an activity
      known as gang stalking to make the individual enter psychosis. Scalar
      beam technology and high frequency radio transmissions can also be
      used to produce similar effects.

      The BNCI 2020 is using this technique
      in conjunction with BioAPI and psychotronic energies to keep people
      captive and use them as “subjects to human experimentation”.

      Should anyone be interested in more information and what is being done to what they call their “target”, feel free to contact me.

      who can help me off the network of the German conglomerates of the brain project and the German groups of the BNCI Horizon 2020 is welcome to contact me !

      Thank you !

      • this last is what they do too me for 5 years, they put me into phycosis every two weeks I am frying.. I am burning alive. torture. how do I hold

    • I am also a Targeted Individual for 2 years. My problems started after I looked into the Galactic federation of light and starseeds. At first I wanted to be part of them so I read one of the books they had on starfleets and motherships. Since then I was targeted. I trully believe that is a Satanic group and those spaceships are fallen angels and that group who called themselves starseeds channel evil spirits. So you are not being targeted by the government. You are being targeted by the New Age movement AKA Lightworkers or starseeds. Don’t be deceive the New Age Movement Lightworkers or starseeds are the new witches in town. Please people wake up. Get baptized and try to get that curse off of yourselves.

  27. They kidnapped my cat and returned him to me rat-poisoned a week later. Now, two years later, another cat is missing and my dog shows me where she smells something “wrong” by the fence where the cat goes in and out of the yard. When I ask her if the smell is person or dog, man or woman, by holding out my hands and giving her 2-choice simple questions she insists it is a human male that she smells. Her answers are the same every time, even when I switch up the hand and word associations. Her hair stands up and she’s pissed. She’s a very large pitt-bull with a little labrador and smart. They stole my cat the day before his 10th birthday. They are scared of my dog and won’t come in the yard now, just hide behind the fence and leave their Marlboro butts laying on the ground in their favorite hiding spot (probably on purpose so I see the mess). Pansies.

    I haven’t been able to breathe outdoors for years. That’s how it all started. I woke up drowning in mucus every night for 4 1/2 years. All of it started right after some creepy guy infiltrated my life and tried to kill me by sabotaging my car (and failed, obviously). If I don’t leave home now it’s not as bad. But if I leave or talk too much online it gets worse again. When I go outside, even for only a minute, the chemtrail toxins STICK to me like a magnet and the smell is so strong I have to scrub the hell out of my skin to get it off. I can smell it on myself but not on my boyfriend, even after he has been outdoors for several hours. I also have battled morgellons (hint: take a LOT of vitamin C, liposomal if you can). Have they “magnetized” certain people to chemtrail metals while others are “set” to repel them? It seems like a very likely possibility to me.

    I have already been almost completely cut off from all my previous friends and most of my family. I left the city becasue of the suffocation problems because I thought it was just pollution but now I know better. Now I’m surrounded by neighbors who are sadistic and borderline retarded both. They kill and burn everything that grows, obsessively. I had to put up a fence because they were killing plants and whole trees in my yard by cutting and driving in nails (strange, yes). I’m sure some of them are working for the pervert’s. They are exactly the type of creeps that would relish such decrepid employment.

    My dad has been a target for decades. My grandpa (dad’s dad) was a freemason. Dad said grandpa got shot in the chest with some sort of weapon and died from a heart attack. He showed me where the attacker was hiding in the bushes. My dad rejected the creeps, and that may be why he was targeted. He is a genius and (atleast half) of their bloodline, so they wanted him. But he calls them child molesting satan worshippers and sees them for the mentally handicapped, disgusting bags of crap they are.

    The more they attack me and my pets the more I will write and talk about it. (Just know that, perv’s). They are too cowardly to attack me straight on. Cowardly pansy’s. They are so cowardly it’s pathetic. Must be because they know I’d kick their asses with nothing but my fingernails and teeth, simply because you can’t kill someone who God still wants alive. Impossible. So instead, they hurt my pets, who are just little, helpless things. The perv’s like to hurt little helpless animals because they are seriously sick and think proudly of their sadistic sickness due to their lack of legitimate talent or abilities. They are not good at anything, so they attempt to be good at being mentally ill and really stupid, and succeed at failing.

    Faraday-cages are one way to go for some relief. Make one for your internet or cable box, or if you can, live or sleep in one! Metal roof and siding, tinfoil windows. It does help some.

    • But wait! There’s more! Today I went out placing signs and posters around “missing cat.” There was the creep, following me, taking down my signs. He drove right past me as I walked with my signs, pulled over and took down the missing cat sign I had just put up. So I yelled (from about a 100 feet away) “why are you taking down my signs?!” What a COWARD!! I could see him startled with FEAR that I even spoke to him. “You aren’t allowed to put them up” Then he quickly got in his truck and drove away. What a CREEP! I had to go home, print out more posters and do it ALL OVER AGAIN! Unbelievable!

      • I am astonished that there’s MORE!! Same day too! It’s ridiculous but it’s such a perfect example of “gang stalking” I just have to say what else happened today so others with odd situations can get some ideas of what sort of childishly stupid things these people (if you can call them people!) do. I got a phone call this evening from some 40-50ish age chain-smoking-sounding woman saying that my missing cat just went under the fence in my yard. “Quick, go outside and call him…” Of course I had to call him, just in case, but he wasn’t there.

        This is a perfect example of a psyciatrically fu**ed attempt to bring someones hopes up and then smash them into disappointment. It’s a vague, kniving way to upset a person without any clear evidence that it was intentional. If I am to tell anyone that I think it was intentional they would simply say “they must have been mistaken.” But when relentless, unprovably-intentional, cruel things happen over and over it is obviously not just coincidence. The bad-“joke” phone call also implies that some creep has actually stolen my cat and has him, whether they really do or not, causing further potential anguish. They will do things that are so absurd people will laugh at you and call you crazy. I have a perfect example from my dad:

        A couple times a week for several years my dad would get angry in the morning, claiming that his brother stole his only-worn-once underwear out of the clothes dryer and replaced them with old, dirty, poop-stained underwear! Ha Ha! Yes, I laughed too! The mind tends to assume that Dad dirtied his own new underwear with poop-stains and was paranoid…He also claimed his brother had stolen some of his walabee shoes. This went on for years. Then one day I noticed that for the first time in many years my grandpa’s shop was un-padlocked. Nobody had a key since grandpa died except my uncle. I had not seen the inside of the shop since I was about 7 years old, so I was curious and had to have a look. What do you think I found? A shitload of close to new men’s underwear! And some of dad’s wallabee shoes.

        So don’t think a constant-flowing herd of jerks or repetitive stupid gags is just “coincidence” necessarily. These people are like eleven year old, sadistic little boys with their stupid games. It’s their job. They are big, bad spies (they think…HA!) More like cowardly goblins. They want us to doubt ourselves until we have lost our confidence in our own sanity and crumble. It’s all psychiatric games. Remember that. These are not smart people, they are stupid, but they have been TRAINED in how to drive a person nuts. You likely are not nuts, but they will try to make you think so…And I haven’t even mentioned the other vague phone call today or the guy in the black hoodie that ticked off my dog late last night…I’m sure we all have a lot of strange stories about “creeps in the bushes,” etc…

      • I know what you mean !
        I have such a personal creep,too.
        Whenever I hang papers for nanny jobs – sometimes 12 papers in twelve different supermarkets-this creep
        taking them all down.
        We really should start to kill such peolpe quitly.
        I suggest high overdose matodextrin in their drinks.
        Maltodextrin is a bad sugar- one spoon too much can kill a grandma.
        It is a not forbidden drug – and it is to be found in everya modern drink – so you cannot be suspected doing so !
        My dear creeps – beware !!!!

    • I am also a Targeted Individual for 2 years. My problems started after I looked into the Galactic federation of light and starseeds. At first I wanted to be part of them so I read one of the books they had on starfleets and motherships. Since then I was targeted. I trully believe that is a Satanic group and those spaceships are fallen angels and that group who called themselves starseeds channel evil spirits. So you are not being targeted by the government. You are being targeted by the New Age movement AKA Lightworkers or starseeds. Don’t be deceive the New Age Movement Lightworkers or starseeds are the new witches in town. Please people wake up. Get baptized and try to get that curse off of yourselves.

  28. To the person accusing us of insanity, most of us our highly educated professionals who crossed the wrong person or entity at some point in our lives. The result has been a corrosive life of stalking, intimidation , slander and occasional poisoning. I understand it’s hard for someone of your limited experiences to comprehend but governments have large cadres of counterintelligence people at their disposal to enforce their will. These people act as private armies for anyone with the money to pay them to destroy a life or cause a covert death. This has a long history worldwide e.g. Der Stasi or the KGB but unfortunately has become the way to silence or dispose of difficult people in the United States that you can’t outright murder.

    The CIA and State Department have long harassed their ex-employees but now everybody’s doing it.

    This has gotten out of control worldwide. You can read “Terror Stalking in America” by David Lawson for a reference..or you can simply buzz off and go play with your Xbox and leave intelligent discussion to the grown ups.

  29. Many of your TI symptoms are caused by simple inflammation from the chemicals they use. Try anti-inflammatories and go live in a free standing home with non-TI’s. The chemicals are intended to cause severe inflammation and headaches. I know, I’ve had it all done to me. There are direct antidotes to these as well but I’m still in the process of formulating those and I’ll post as soon as I know for sure.

    Lethal and non-lethal Poisoning has been a counterintelligence staple worldwide – so look for that before you buy shielding or listen to useless speculation from Talkshoe and the paid opposition websites. Do some research and use the scientific method. You can find solutions. These people aren’t Gods. They’re sick, misguided criminals with a few military toys they shouldn’t have. You can fight back.

    • I agree with you. It’s important to exercise and detox. Sleeping close to walls won’t make things better, always try to sleep at a distance from most walls, especially the top of the head should be far away. The frequency might bounce back.

    • @anticovertwaralliance , I am just going through all the posts, even the older ones of 2014, as yours mentioned above.
      You are right that all the victims should fight back, because they are not the smartest. But THEY are cowards, and they are acting behind our backs. So this makes situations a little more difficult, if you know what I mean.
      Regarding the chemicals, one cannot point it out often enough. YOU ARE SO RIGHT! All TIs should check their fridge daily, should check their bathrooms, their washing machines, their dish-mashines etc.
      I know a TI victim, who found sugar and salt and milk intoxicated daily in the fridge.
      Like I found a sticky clear fluid on my floor, which was hard to remove. You have to be careful. These perps are using military weapons, which they even do not know to handle correctly.
      Take antidots: like alpha lipon acid tablets, like vitamin B6, B 12, like Vitamin D, like blood thinners, like vitamin C, and especially take Q-enzymes for your mitochondrial muscle system.
      I do not know why, but maybe some creeks or morons on our planet do not like intelligent, warm hearted people like me and my husband? maybe they are stealing my husband´s knowledge of physics?
      Soon we all will be guinipigs on our planet.
      But we have to fight against the coward murderers, who think they can play GOD.
      Leben und leben lassen.

  30. Whether you sleep close to a wall or far away is irrelevant in this case. I’m not talking about electronic harassment at all and anyway If you are advising people about electronic harassment then why aren’t you advising them to build a Faraday cage? It’s very simple to do and will block EM energy of any frequency if built right and grounded. If a maser or microwave device is being used then moving your head about isn’t going to make a wit of difference. Build a cage. End of discussion.

    If this is a response to my previous post about inflammation. then I need to point out that they used simple toxic chemicals in my attacks and those chemicals clearly came with antidotes. I also observed toxic effects on the people who delivered theses chemicals. This has also been documented by a case in San Francisco.

    • I guess that everyone knows that a FC would help. Nonetheless people in FC with V2k experience no improvement. I think that there is enough information on the internet about how to build one and they’ll do it if they want to. In my case, i found out it helps if I sleep far away from walls. Jogging has helped other TIs and sports. Well the body itself from the attacks release toxins too. It’s not so much that they deliver to all victims any of that. I think that you are talking about a different type of targeting.

    • I guess that everyone knows that a FC would help. Nonetheless people in FC with V2k experience no improvement. I think that there is enough information on the internet about how to build one and they’ll do it if they want to. In my case, i found out it helps if I sleep far away from walls. Jogging has helped other TIs and sports. Well the body itself from the attacks release toxins too. It’s not so much that they deliver to all victims any of that. I think that you are talking about a different type of targeting.

    • Many TIs are also implanted and the implants are programmable and they work in intervals. They get triggered according to the programming in the FC too. If you only speak about gang stalking, I think that the second part of it hasn’t started for you yet. It begun for me too with Gang Stalking and with sensations that everything was poisoned but it developed into electronic with time, so I am not even sure if all the poisoning sensations from the start were real chemicals or just induced states with technology. But I see that there are definitely many sides of this type of harassment and different states of it. Thank you so much for your feedback, explanations and comments.

      • If you have implants get an MRI and document it. If you have ‘sensations of poisoning’ get environmental toxicology done. You will find that your ‘sensations of poisoning’ were in fact poisons-pesticides and toxic industrial chemicals that you’ve been attacked with. Follow up with an allergy test on the compounds that are found. I did and they were–provably. I’m wondering why *anyone* would sit back and just let criminals & vigilantes(even state sponsored ones) do this to them and not get medical help for it. The help is available people-use it , build a case file and sue the bastards! FIGHT BACK!


  31. I’d actually be happier if they were just less dull & needy. It’s been about a decade & at the start, it was every kind of threat, violence, robbery, fire. Plenty of disrespect for myself & everyone imaginable: Racial, sexual, religious. It’s a pure troll fest. Got right into focusing on killing our dogs a few years back & lately there’s the regular threat to rape the better half, the nasty threats of violence are always peppered through: Guns, attacks, etc but it’s no more than regular people: Talkers talk. The push to isolate you from people is real though. When they can get long stretches to focus on you, they will. They’ll dress it up as any number of other things but there’s a real old school reliance on repetition & “emotional response” words (names, events)
    Re: “Gang Stalking” The directed audio thing is… Is entertaining the wrong word? ( Directed audio: It’s not a crowd behind you talking about you or the neighbours trash talking you, it’s simply a set of programmed voices & a script that’s half standard fear of misjudgement/attack & half scriptwriter had a horrible family (passive aggressive, bitchy characters who obsess on one topic. In life, those people are far to vain to talk about anyone else for long. The truth is, no one cares enough to talk about you & only you except for TI handlers & they’ll make every excuse in the book about why doing this is right, why they don’t care & have great lives etc…) It’s white suburbia, even when the trappings of direct to “mind” conversation are added..
    This is where it gets sad. The person/s (Just one guy for me, but the techniques are all too standard & spread over years to be random) dribbling sad, insecure shite in my ear most days is… dull. Dull prejudices, dull hopes, dull understanding. If you’ve got an intrusive communications device/system etc, you’ve got access & options. Nope. Misery, all day long. Everything’s a problem, everything’s something else, everything is three things at once (I call him Custard (why not?)- He loves to pretend to be a dull obsessive version of people around me or “someone interesting”. “I play guitar very well” “I dated a model” “I have $###,###,### in the bank.” Keeps getting embarassed when things are deeper than he’d prepared for. He likes to make claims of triumph, claims of ability, anything you would tell your friend to impress them for a second when you were about 8 years old? I’ve heard a solid five years of that dribble on a daily basis from a grown man. As I was thinking about this, a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” threat was made that I should write this because i’ll look so stupid years from now when I find out “What’s really going on…” What’s going on is wasted tech that anyone creative could make something great out of & a contempt for the rule of law. I’ll try & write a .little more later & tidy up the form of this. There are some very standard manuipulative techniques used that can & should be pulled apart. In short, everythings a lie from a sad little person without the courage to dream. It might suck to hear someone hiding & insulting you but truly? All BS, never forget. They might know every detail of your life, repeat memories back to you, etc but they’ll never know why, they’ll never face cost or pain.

  32. Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking in Chennai, India , starts as Cyberstalking.
    Please visit my Youtube Channel ‘OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity’ to see videos of my harassment and do visit the PLAYLISTS section to see Playlist Dr John Hall’s Interviews and Playlist Celebrity Targeted Individuals.

  33. Pingback: Agyak a NAGY AGYNAK. |

  34. I an being harassed for years since i was very young starting with my mother who bielivied that my dad was spoiling me with the proper perential attention,continued with Gang stalking during grade school; the chemtrails spraying also started with the big 5-6 outlet Jumbo jet airplane’s i recently noticed that the seats of any passenger plane can be removed at any hanger and the equipment installed; now they use any shape of aircraft including by planesand custume spraying devices; they come up with a recipie to make chem trailes SEM TO “dissipear” as the spraying goes on!

    one day I decide to expirament with a mirror and high index lenses,on a beautifully sunny day i make my own laizer and directed it it to the spraier that i saw following orders! after20 min. it used its “cloaking” device and they stopped spraying for 2.5 weeks! if anyone wants to do this simple expirment -Go for it the more the marier! the harassment still continue, Ihave learned to adapt not to let anyone to get their way with me!Everyone keep living strong will.mind ,etc you are worth it all of your life! Dm

  35. Help,twenty years. Moved to five states. You are the first to describe this correctly. What happens do I die from this person. Where can I find help.

  36. Anyone from melbourne, australia, There is a group of people who work at a private firm BJS insurance broker at lv4 499 stkilda rd, who conduct medical research for private lab research under the national health medical research council. I was told by Michael tranys, Daniel Cunningham, Ajae Lugiusto, Danielle Jordon / Olson, alison.m. that they use the so called v2k signal. Look up ibm brain interface computer system. When I found out I was shocked they do this type of experiment of people. Anyone who wants help contact me on Facebook.

  37. Pingback: 11-05-14- Dr. Hildy® and Guests: TARGETED Individuals – Covert Harassment | One Cell One Light™ Radio

  38. There is no help. They are experimenting on and murdering people
    as I type this. Over the last 10-15 years I’ve contacted numerous gov agencies, the aclu, the police, attorneys, and then some. I believe that after 9/11 we became a Totalitarian fascist country. Go speak to your attorney, and your fascist spies will also contact him/her. For all you know they spy on, coerce, intimidate them in the same way they harass you.

    Be grateful. Many people probably don’t even know what’s happening to them or live long enough to talk about it. It would appear to be an extermination program.
    Have you noticed that anything goes?

    I now have skin lesions, have had multiple bouts of pneumonia, severe headaches, digestive problems, rashes, and conveniently have been diagnosed with eczema. They have literally robbed me blind. (possibly billions of dollars) set up car accidents, poisoning situations etc. One way for them to make you ill, is with things that are somewhat natural. (such as mold)

    It has been reported that certain poisons such as arsenic mimic common diseases or conditions but are also hard to detect. I’ve heard that they can install a stick of depleted uranium in your faucet so that every time you use your water it is tainted. I’ve also heard of microwave weapons being used to slowly cook people to death that actually
    mimics cancer symptoms.

    The rest of the time these genetically inclined psycho’s are busy working on your nervous system. Through noise campaigns, sleep deprivation, name calling, robberies, assault, work place sabotage, road rage, vehicle sabotage,
    equipment sabotage, destruction of property, business sabotage, medical malfeasance, work place misery, (yelling, cussing, treating you like trash,
    not paying you a living wage, not paying you for all of your hours etc) This constant daily stress will have an effect on your nerves and your health.

    Before we go on, lets make no mistake about it, the perpetrators of these “crimes” are operating under laws that most of us weren’t even aware of. Worse yet, many of these people seem to derive pleasure from the pain they cause others. It would appear as though it is something of a sport or entertaining to them. Their pleasure comes from self righteousness and their own sense of control over their victims. Ego plays a huge part in the severity of their tactics and attacks. For example, the more they can degrade you, the more powerful they feel and the more impressive they are to their fellow degenerates. You will witness contempt in their actions and see it in their eyes.

    They love to attack me for my looks, height, weight, and even the medical conditions that they deliberately caused me. They will mock you to your casket/grave, and have very little if any concern for human rights, privacy, truth, justice.

    This “hijacking” was planned long ago. The insiders have a monopoly on everything. Don’t fret though, there is a
    covert underground war taking place right now. Due to the nature of sociopaths, megelomaniacs and psychopaths this is bad news for everyone, but so is allowing homicidal maniacs, proven liars, murderers, environmental terrorists, thugs, money laundering mad men, drug dealers, gang bangers, dirty judges, lawyers, politicians, free reign of the land.

    They are culling the population as we speak. Your future in their hands looks like one of imposed slavery, religion, medical bondage, and unwavering servitude with no room or tolerance for thought or opinion.

    This is probably the time to get right with your God or Creator if you have one. The things that they are doing right now are ludicrous. It’s often very difficult to contemplate just exactly why, or what they are thinking. Instead of trying to make sense of this or add some sort of relevancy to it, I would suggest that although they are human, they are also animals. As such they are motivated by things such as power, ego, greed, control, revenge, money, survival. History provides a clear portrait of what we are experiencing and witnessing today.

    God speed friends and enemies.

    • I’m a tivictim in central Texas.they destroyed my life and all I ever had or will have.I am being murdered by RFWAVES, microwave weapons, Direct energy weapons, etc.”secret society ” “Gang’s” here in WACO TEXAS. I am isolated now and getting sicker everyday. This is a evil act placed upon me. How can this be happening? God be with us all I pray . AMEN.

  39. Well, watch out for sites similar to this as they are often a front organization designed for counter intelligence purposes. Read a few of the comments, look for misspelled words, run on sentences, ridiculous complaints that are impossible or far fetched etc. This is how they attempt to make us all appear to be crazy or incompetent.

    Sometimes sites like these are built specifically to mock and terrorize us.
    I’m sure that their state sponsored psychologists, counselors, professionals are wringing their hands with glee at the potential to institutionalize some of us and subject us to more of their abuse.

    Maybe I’m just paranoid?

    • Nope not paranoid. That is exactly what they are doing. This and FFCHS are both counterintelligence fronts to entrap and marginalize the victims. I’ve talked to the leader of FFCHS and he gave me a load of BS and bad advice while I was being fumigated nearly to death.
      Feel free to email me anytime. doneroamin@hushmail.com
      Here are the real sites:


    • Nope, this is very much the case with this site, when we see comments about chem-trails (total malarky, as they are crystalized ice particles from jet exhaust), implants (also crap), mind control (except for light sleep suggestions voiced thru audio spotlighting to targets to try to lead dreaming sequences, there is no ‘mind control’, but there IS autocrine and paracrine hijacking by hitting specially located places and position on the body, which also requires: dehydrated state, induced sensitivity by continuous pulsed attacks over many days, and nightly use of gases to slow respiration and increase heart rate (sometime greatly), to induce rapid aging, disease and general stress state.

      But we can tell you this as well: Big Brother IS watching these stalker gang punks. The tables started to be turned, when highly trained military, adept at the use of physical attacks and surveillance at distance, attacks on communications at distance, and thru-wall monitoring of human activity in structures, at distance.

      USDOT has now installed a large array of cameras, some covert, to follow stalker groups, who usually travel at high speed in packs of like vehicles, on large interstate highways. USDOD now flys frequent recon flights to monitor these community mobbing groups as they drive around in circuits, to conduct drive-by assaults (triggering imbedded equipment in homes and apartments of TIs) to eavesdrop and harass targets when they are home, at work, or in their vehicles.

      In short, the US government and allies are well aware of the tactics, of many or most of the targets locations, and of the larger plans of these organizations to hijack society by inculcating as many into their local cadres as possible.

      Almost 20 years of such antics, in a steadily growing number of imbedded groups (some members have been active for more than a decade and have been highly rewarded for ‘their work’ with cars, free rent in apartment complexes owned by the group, and other perks), these groups assume that the government can’t or won’t help victims.

      Nope, the reason is that these hate and crime groups are now ranked as the number 1 risk to national security, and they are very, very high on terrorist watch and hit lists.

      They operate on the government-owned and operated internet. They forget this fact, and that Big Brother is very, very unhappy at being fingered (accused) of the crimes that these groups commit daily.

      The real target is the government itself (in many nations), and the divide of society by trying to turn citizens against the government.

      These governments are not sitting idly by. They have 3rd generation weapons that make those of these gangs look like silly toys, and some of these weapons can vaporize a human at distance – in a building.

      The governments have no problem watching, recording, and building a huge case against these gangs, and if needed, mirroring back the same attacks back on the gangs themselves.

      Zero tolerance for domestic terrorism is the agenda of the government, in taking on and dissolving these groups.

      That is the reason for USDOJ sniffing out bad cops in the largest cities and smaller ones in rural areas. That is why the governments are taking on these gangs, that peddle drugs and commit crimes for the drug cartels- to make sure that this threat is neutralized, completely and quickly.


        Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullst alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

  40. I’ve learn to not fight them. I’ve been chosen for something great. I’ve become so strong. You have to become ugly to survive.

  41. Hopefully, some more sensible people will start posting on here instead of so many internet trolls and sock puppets talking nonsense. Meanwhile read fightgangstalking.com and endgangstalking.com and stay away from disinformation sites that steer you away from the real perpetrators–government & law enforcement corruption.

      Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED

  42. Go old skool

    1. Use logic
    2. Eat healthy, stay hydrated, avoid fluoride
    3. Stay active
    4. Detox from electronic media.
    5. Limit yourself from TV, PC, cellphone, texting, etc
    6. Learn about yourself and your belief system..remember that as children, we were programmed by our parents, siblings, relatives, friends, etc, our environment, our schools, etc. …Work to understand what is original thoughts from self and what has been recorded from other sources growing up until now. This is how we become grounded
    7. Learn to recognize emotional states and stay in the present at all times. Use future for planning and past to learn from mistakes.
    8. Use imagination wisely but beware of delusion
    9. Today’s world …fear is the ultimate objective by them..lies, manipulation, confusion are the tools. Fear is the mind killer.
    10. Stay productive
    11. Learn to be wise
    12. Keep it simple. We are all humans. The rest is just labels.
    13. All humans today seek advantage by using labels, legal protections, self-proclaimed entitlements, and ideologies.
    14. Bottom line: know thyself , keep a clean conscience, care for others more than yourself , and don’t be a coward.

  43. This is one of the better articles I’ve seen on internet about TI problems.

    All that is described here is as it is.

    What they are doing with this is controlling all your brain proceses.

    They work in your subconscience and at the same time, they have to make see you out there what you think, what they make you imagine. The objetive is to control the way your mind construct the reallity, the porcess of your beleives.

    They control your emotions. They can control everything on you, even all your muscles.

    It’s some long to explain. But basically, you will see as all your life becomes slow. May be you were a high aptitude person and see how all you do turns difficult and so, so slow. Everything.

    This is because they slow your brain in order to make you do a eternal effort to do everything. Everything, until the limit. If you live alone an have no opportunity to have a witness for what is happening to yo, they will torture you till the limit. You turn slow, the same person, but nothing works. Things that time ago you do fast now will take you hours, days, months or even years.

    The thing is that they are monitoring all your brain proccesses, scanning all your frequencies, controlling parts of your brain. The way it seems they do it is by making your repeat everything more and more, so a computer can scan the frequencies related to it.

    This way they make your brain have all the experiences they can. To feel every sensation they can, all af the sensations possible.

    So, if it necesary to have actors out there acting in front of you to make you beleive things, there will be as many as neccesary. A man, a woman, a child, or many of them, even the TV anchors, who make you feel AND BELEIVE what they are trying to.

    You will be always asleep. The objetive always is to find the extreme limit between when you are awake and your sleep. All they do is control your subconscience, the part of your mind where your intentions born. And then, making you go to sleep they take the control of you. They are always calibrating that limit. Always. At last, they will be able to take you to sleep state with no perception of that.

    Look for the video in russia today of Magus Olsson. Basically they do with you the same that they do to that bull in the video. Turn your brain into pause, your conscience.

    You are simply a rat, an experiment, a simulator in the hands of criminals. They are the worst people ever. The don’t understand about moral, feelings nor compasion. Everything are numbers for them, variables and results. These people do torture.

    Try to do always as you are. Try always to avoid beleive irrationial things. Avoid to beleive you are what you know you are not. Be as near (close) as you can of your family and friends. Understand that if you are a good person all the bad things, all the stupid things about people that have been appearing anormaly in your mind ARE NOT YOURS. Don’t beleive them. It has not been your mind who produced them. Don’t pay attention to stupid things. Don’t try to understand how your mind produced them, because your mind didn’t.

    They can generate stupid an irrational things on everybody mind. So if you beleive people is seeing you some way or they want people to see you someway, they will provoque others to thing that way when they are in front of you. The objetive seems to be always to control the beleiving process, the frequencies of that process. That’s the way they control the total of your mind, the total of you.

    About itches… They will try to control everything on you, even your muscles. To use you as an avatar, like in the movie, yes. It is.

    After your thinkings, after the thinkings there into your subconscience are controlled, and after your feelings are controlled too (or at the same time), may be you will feel the itches everywhere, and strange convulsions. This is when they are callibrating your muscles. Every time you touch there where a itch is, you are confirming they what point of your body are the activating in your brain.. When a convulsion occurs in a big muscle, the just can see it. The ithces are used at the most sensible parts of your body or may be where there are many muscles together.

    The control turns always higher.

    Oh, and one thing that geuine TI must know. Most probably you were choosed to be a TI when you were a child, or even before you were born. There is a possibility too that your parents were TI also. This seems to be a entire life experiment. A simulation of a life until the death.

    About accidents that people talks about, they are surely used as distraction. All the problems become higher after that moment. They use this things as an excuse to hide what they are doing. This way you will beleive that all that happens to you is related to that accident/s. Perhaps they caused the accident to have the excuse. If it’s neccesary they do it. All is about distraction.

    Love for all the human beings out there.

    One can never think that exist people (beasts) who do this. It’s impossible to assume. I hope the better for all of you.

    Don’t feel gulty of anything. They are the only criminals.

  44. that technicks are used to tread person day or night..and “spydust =radioactive invisible dust can be sprayed in persons home when home its empty and it can be located any time with no GPS location or mibile or any ship in you body.

    gang stalking have been done because keep person under a fiar.. to person have been identified. and otherss that same tap gives a fresh water..so thats a horrow soviet technics which russian mobs and other griminals in octobus sicret military intelkigence agents does..when they launder a monay with innosent peoples snane…just openibg a bank accounts on persons name in any bank in a clibe..where octobus moob håave installed one of they clerk to do it..and person in whom name they open a bank accoubt have never visit even that coubtry …without even any contact in any bank in that country…and they can do launder a monay for decates..because person whom name they misuse sicretly have no any crime in livehood..and thats why they track a people..because they destroy that original innisent people with russian sicret labs methode when situation become to be revalt to the world..that ubited FSB (KGB) does with united octobus criminals..they have russian sicret poison labs in they use . thats computrased banking systems..
    and its real..us well water tap toxity…where body identification technucs has been installed near to water tap..and its gives to recobnised person to toxins..with opening tini toxic capsuls inside of pipe t

  45. Organized Stalking is just part of a much larger conspiracy that involves the mass genocide of the global population. It is being perpetrated by the investment class, which uses the military industrial intelligence complex and their classified technologies to enslave humanity, by exploiting the EMF signatures of our bodies. This is a form of slavery. In the early days of organized stalking, many activist groups were formed to expose this Draconian crime, however, each was quickly infiltrate by the aforesaid complex to ensure that no progress was ever made. The politicians and media were told to ignore any allegations from people who reported being targeted by organized stalking or non consensual experimentation, because this conspiracy involves a world Zionist government whose primary agenda is to depopulate this planet of billions of inhabitants in order to conserve what natural resources are left.

    Since we can’t all be exterminated at once, this New World Order one world government needed a way in which to be able to instantly identify each of us, regardless of where we were located. They were very clever in determining that that the electrical system in the human body also produces an magnetic field which surrounds it.

    This results in a unique electromagnetic signature. Each person’s body produces many different EMF signatures which are projected outside the body, and can be identified by way of the electromagnetic spectrum with specialized equipment.

    It is our own EMF signatures that those behind this New World Order government are using to remotely identify us. The NSA Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network that John St. Clair Akwei describes in his
    civil action against the U.S. National Security Agency, is being used as a covert form of enslaving the American people, because this Network can be used to instantly identify any citizen living in the United States by way of their body’s own unique EMF signatures.

    Moreover, Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Networks appear to exist in ever country, as a means in which to remotely enslave that country’s citizenry, without the citizenry even realizing that they have been turned into slaves.

    The intent of the New World Order is to first enslave us, then gradually exterminate us as part of a genocidal plan to reduce the global population to just the investment class. What is left of the human race will be turned in transhuman robots who will exist to serve this investment class. The rest of the human race will be destroyed.

    This will result in a global population which numbers in the millions rather than billions, And this conspiracy which is already being carried out, will be realized by the end of the 21st century.

  46. There is no chip! If you still believe that touch an electric fence on low voltage or buy a static orb it should drill out of the skin . It no bigger then a grain of rice

  47. Who’s behind it all?- think what group of people belong to a fanatical network from birth and who believe themselves to be the ‘chosen ones’ and have a hatred towards everyone else who they believe to be inferior to themselves. The people behind these cowardly methods of persecution have to belong to a network that is so strong in it’s beliefs that they are secure in that no-one of it’s members will betray the organization. All the talk of the Illuminati/ Freemason’s- well that just doesn’t quite cut it- yeah sure they are involved to a high degree in this but these organizations are just the puppets of the real masters of the operation and were put in place by the real organization behind it all to divert the attention away from themselves. The group behind it all has set up countless of societies in order to block attention away from themselves. The only true members are those that are born into the group, the group then set up societies for high ranking and influential ‘non members’ as a means to gain control of the non members in high positions that they themselves could not secure- and also for the reasons as mentioned to create a block/ a defensive barrier which keeps them from being identified readily. The fact of the matter is that the organization responsible has for thousands of years had plans on how to infiltrate every organization and spread itself around the globe taking positions in influential positions such as the media and the banking sector. Everyone is brainwashed from childhood to believe that criticism of these people is a terrible thing- this allows them to work openly towards their agenda right in view of everyone without anyone being able to complain without having labels attached to them. You only have to look at these people’s philosophy, their ideology about themselves and their ‘OWN’ books on themselves and their beliefs and it all falls in to place. Yes they are a sick perverted race of scum that pretend to assimilate within other societies whilst in actuality are working towards destroying the society that they leech from, they are a parasite that has spread all over the world. They know how to seek each other out and help themselves along in any organization that they have infiltrated one by one thereby excluding anyone that is not a member. Whether it be in a large organization or a small one, whether it be a business or government establishment their methods are the same. They will run down the non members as they believe that everyone not of their kind was born to be slaves to them. Their own writings condone filthy sexual practices, they are the enemies of Christianity and all that humanity holds as good and moral practices. They are a race that is hell bent on disfiguring the world with it’s satanic views and they aim to destroy everyone so that they can realize their dreams and beliefs that they are the chosen one’s who will inherit the world. They are a physically weak race and that’s why they employ dirty cowardly tactics such as poisoning their enemies, and now that they hold key positions worldwide then yes it looks likely that they now have advanced technological weapons at their disposal. Basically once you become noticed by one of these people they will soon spread their dislike of you to the other members, the other members make a mental note of you and your black listed status soon is common knowledge amongst the members within their synagogue. They hold positions everywhere which explains why the targeted individual encounters difficulty issues wherever they go, whether it be at work, at the doctors etc etc. Their goal is to destroy all non members starting with the people who realize what is really going on. You only have to take a look at what they are doing in their country to see what they eventually have planned for all of us who are not one of them, yep, that is the future unless they are stopped. They are a despicable race who are naturally envious and greedy with a perverted streak. Their philosophy is to destroy anyone, even a non member who is not a threat if they are intelligent- in their own words according to their philosophy- an intelligent gentile must be destroyed and treated as a threat even if they are not a threat. This is the filthy mindset of the people that we have allowed in to our societies and let them get away with it for thousands of years. They utilized their methods since pre Roman times and more recently in Russia- tried it in Germany, succeeded in America and the Uk who are now puppets to these people. The rest of the world is next, they manipulate people and cause wars and they are on target to fulfilling their destruction of the entire world for their purposes.

  48. I pray for all TI’s constantly.

    I know this will sound a little weird, but it works for me, very, very well.

    I use a standard “sequin” cloth fabric with tiny, shiny, metal discs glued to a mesh. It is very breathable. This is a bulk “sequin” fabric.

    You can wear this as a turban, as a cloak, as a hoodie, as a blanket, as a shawl, etc.

    The shiny side is work out so the reflections go outward.

    The instantaneous relief will amaze you. Your energy will be reserved and accumulated and the false energies which we are saturated with are dispersed very, very quickly.

    Changing the colors of the sequins will change the energy as well.

    The breathable mesh eliminated the “forced inhale breaths” completely and many of the physical manipulations, in particular the cranial attacks, most voices were eliminated or greatly reduced.

    I showed this technique to people in Boulder CO at the Pearl Street Mall. There were dozens who tried this and swore it worked. I was so taken back by how many people came out and just started talking with me. The number of young women being attacked was staggering, they had no better idea what this was than I did when it began so long ago.

    Please try this and let others know if it works for you.


  49. The more the time passes the less I think I could say to you. The control goes higher and higer over everything. They stop everything they want to. So the last is to turn you totally sumise to their slavery. Greetings to you all. This is real. Take care.

  50. someone has been cyber assaulting me through a musical program by talking within the melodies causing fear of technology and distrust in humanity

    covered and surrounded with no place to turn but to the conclusion via historical protest

  51. I have been targeted for 3 years now. Only within the last year have I really learned what being a TI means. I thought I was alone. There are so many of us, yet we’re ignored. How can they ignore ALL of us?
    For days now I have had a terrible headache. Drugs(ibuprofen) are not helping.
    What can I do? 😦

    • Good day Billie! I hope you are still intact today. I am Remi ” Boy” Balane of the Philippines and a TI for 27 years now 24/7 continously. I am 57 years old now. I am an electrician by profession and with electronics knowledge. Consider to sleep in bed without metals. Plastics and wood materials are better. Get away from electrical outlets and much of wi fi’s signals. This technology that torments us uses magnetism as it’s medium. It is true that the nearer to your hi tension electrical towers will intensify effectively the attacks to you. Try to insulate your room with ceramics or marble slabs inside and outside. These are the materials that are good in electrical and inductance insulations which are the source of magnetism. This microwaves or radiowaves are unstoppoble even with concrete. You can not hide even underground. So the best insulating materials are the only thing that can help us for the moment. I have’nt done it yet because I am unemployed now for 3 years. Philippines is a 3rd world country. I am working for free energy for the moment to power gadgetries that can isolate us when we are outside. If there is a fechnology in your country that can employ wireless electrical lights and power for your appliances apply it to discard wiring systems from your electricity provider. Meaning free electricity. Reverse engineering of the transformers is the current working free electricty source. It is all over the you tube for videos. I am working now for the most effective design and bound to post it’s schematic diagrams in every medium or sites for the public use. We need to discard contemporary electrical wiring designs. Those help for microwaves propagation. But most of all let us pray a lot for this time only God is greatest help. This psychotronics weapon or technology is satanic tools. All of these and all of wars are spiritual war from the very beginning. Remember the Biblical verse that ” the seed of a woman shall crush the seed of the head of the snake and the seed of the snake shall bruise the heel of the seed of a woman”. That is the spiritual war we Christian or God fearing men have forgotten for so long. That means the seeds of satan will bite or bruise our heels to make us all slump and cripple to hardship economically and politically. We do not crush the heads of the seeds of the snakes which means to reveal, destroy, and oppose their plans over us. We shall oppose them till our death. Words from you if these materials stop and relieve the ringing in your ears or v2k attack. That would help us to improve our countermeasure till it’s sophistication is reached. God bless you and all of us.

  52. Hello All. The one thing that I believe that most TIs will do most anything for is: To Be Left Alone; To be allowed to move on with our lives in peace. Hence this same plight that gives us solidarity with one another is the same vulnerability that can be exploited to makes us betray one another. Our Perpetrators, Handlers, Abusers, Enemies etc. are very much aware of this, I assume. I can think of no plight that can test your faith more than having your most private activities, mistakes, sins etc. exposed and exploited by an almost invisible evil entity. If that isn’t enough, an entity with the ability to download false intelligence into your brain with impunity. I don’ t ask any of you for a single thing but I pray for you and for myself. Remember: No matter what errors a person has committed in their lives or how many times, no one should have their brain’s contents downloaded and exploited. No one should have to experience almost unbearable psychological and physical torture 24/7 for the rest of their lives. Be as strong as you can for yourself and be committed to your own survival. May the Almighty, the All-Wise protect us all.

      Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. THEY GO BY THE NAME GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHT OR LIGHTWORKERS OR STARSEED People wake up if you believe in ascended masters that is how they got you.

  53. Hi.

    Ive been subjected to the annoying tactics of a V2K operation in San Fancisco since 2012.

    I know the person and they have motive.

    I am looking for others in the San Francisco area subjected to the same. Key word V2K San Francisco.

    Contact me so we can meet and share information. Location of prime operation, the criminal organization and/cells involved, the techniques the use.

    I beleive if a group of us can collectively share our common experieneces with law enforcement we will have a better chance of stoppng this unending harassment. Get our lives back on track and begin to help others less forturtunate than us.



  55. What these criminals do, the objetive, is to keep you connected to machine. All on you is processed first by the machine and then your brain acts under the machine orders, responsing as it would do in natural conditions. Your brain will be a machine controlled by the computer. The final objetive is that all in your mind is simulated. That the reality on your mind is all simulated. That you live into a simulation, into a word made by a computer.

    Hope for all. Life in the world is over.

  56. I’ve read a lot of writing from lot of people here. I’m experiencing all of those symptoms just a little bit and it’s true when you are cool anything happens just some fucking words.

  57. I am from the United States of America. I live in Victoria, Texas which is about 70-75 miles WSW of Houston. I believe I became a targeted individual when I called my wife and sister-in-law out about possible infidelity, drug abuse, and maybe even drug dealing! I caught my wife red-handed with narcotic pills that had already been banned by the FDA! Also found were a backpack full of all the right guage needles one would need to shoot drugs. I also found other things like a single razor blade with black tarry residue and a finger print on it in our bedroom etc…etc…etc! I told my dad, mother-in-law, local police but did not contact my wife’s place of work which is Citizens Hospital in Victoria, TX. I’m not that cruel! After bringing these revelations to the attention of the aforementioned parties my life became a living hell on earth! My mother, father, and older brother started out on my side but for some reason jumped ship to the girls side or so it appears. My wife left and took the kids about 4 and 1/2 years ago and to this day lives in an apt 1 mile away from the home we raised 6 children in. She has basically severed all attempts at communication even about the children. She is rude and hurtful at times saying things like “You can look at the website” when it comes to school events with the kids and so on. My family, my wife’s family, my neighbors, coworkers, and members of my community appear to take the side of the girls and I think false accusations of child abuse or even pedophilia have been made up about me and that’s how I got targeted. My neighbors and both my family and my wife’s family have covertly made it clear they know when I am coming or going mostly via gangstalking with vehicles. HAPPENS WAY TOO MUCH TO BE COINCIDENCE!!!! Sine I became targeted I’ve lost 2 jobs in less than a year and it appears I am black listed in the town I live in. I am a physical therapist and have been since 1994. I have a strong work ethic and worked 3 jobs at one time to support my wife and children. I’m good at what I do but since I’ve been targeted it’s been nothing but mind games and sabotage at work plus stalking by coworkers etc. The first job I lost I had given 12 years of loyal service and it appears to me my computer schedule was manipulated to cause me to make error after error to justify my termination. Same thing happened at next job only more intense! Everyone says I need to get a grip and just be more responsible! That’s absolute poppycock!!! I’ve been set up for one failure after another and no one seems to care and comments are made like: “Chris we just don’t see it.” Even worse my kids have been manipulated, I’ve been tortured relentlessly with what appears to directed energy weapons, mind reading, gangstalking, street theater, humiliation and defimation of character mostly by suggesting I am a pedophile, wife beater, etc. I feel sure I’ve been covertly poisoned at home and in personal vehicles thru covert means that are impossible to prove. Sad thing is I think money may be involved and it appears my primary perps are my family (especially my dad and older brother) and my wife’s family! Yes I’m still legally married! This is so big and so convoluted the narrow scope of this forum is just not enough to fully describe the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual torture I’ve had to endure!!!! People say “attitude is everything” and that really angers me because it is blatantly obvious my TARGETING is 100% PURPOSEFUL!!!!!!! It’s as if everyone’s waiting for my ultimate demise – HOMELESSNESS, INSTITUTIONS, or DEATH!!!! This I feel is why my wife has not filed for divorce after 4 and 1/2 years!!!!! My kid love me dearly and that keeps me going with lots of pray and faith in God. Otherwise it’s as though I’m already DEAD by character assassination! I’ve rambled enough🎯🎯🎯🎯 God bless all targeted individuals!

    • Oh, poor fellow, your story is very sad !

      I do live in Europe/Germany…and I have in common with you, that the ultimative goal is homelessness,
      a home by the government; or death !
      I ´m struggling since whole 9 year with this bullshit – and my rich familiy does not open their doors to offer me bed and Food for two weeks or so – that I cant get a own life bACK !

      It is pretty hard to suffer such circumstances……feel hugged my Darling…stay cool !


  58. My name is Mark Iannicelli and I have been a Targeted Individual for 26 years.
    We must eliminate the street gang mentality and misinformation by the very words “GANGSTALKING” and realize that we have a global war against “POLICE TERRORISM”!
    Every war involved throughout world history required blood and violence to free oppressed slaves.
    Ask Hezbollah to sponsor American slaves and help us gain freedom from the white supremacy of the U.S. Government and their friends who advocates and profits from V2K slavery, chip implantation, Direct Energy Weapon research, and Police Terrorism a.k.a. “Gang Stalking” by arming us.
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We must kill the slave mongers!

    Yours Sincerely,
    Mark Iannicelli

  59. All the symptoms you experience when you are tortured are bacause they are stopping all your impulses. There is no worst torture anywere. They work evertime in calibrate the exact amount on energy they have to apply by pulses onto your mind. With no end, obtaining the most precise scale possible. Every day deeper. At first, the pulses stop your impulses externally, at the level you feel them strong. You fall sleeping everywhere. Thats why your eyes turn red and other things that you feel hard at the first steps (months or few years).. At a conscious level the impulses are more noisy for you, so their work is so noisy too. While they go on and on tunning your impulses they are able to force you more and more naturally, because they control more and more pulses everytime, and deeper, were you feel them lower. That is the objetive, until they control all de impulses at the start levels and then you feel no diference between your mechanized actions and the natural ones. Everything is simulated. They can stop or start everything on you. And you know it, but you can do absolutelly anything, because everything you do implies impulses. And they can tune them all. So the actions you do in your mind to go against anything are also controlled. All your live has been and will be a controlled simulation, a theatre with no oportunities at all, with nothing at all. All around you is controlled, like with a rat, because if not, it will not be an experiment.

  60. Don’t do ANYTHING while you are sleeping. Anything is ANYTHING. They are all the time scanning voluntary impulses deeper and deeper. Leave the bed always when you wake up.
    Don’t do meditation, nor mental control.
    Take far away from all the esoteric things. Take your friends and family out of these things.
    There is nothing sobrenatural or spiritual or thins like that. Telepathy is impossible. Videce is impossible. To see the future is impossible. If people experiment these things it’s because they are joking people, trying that everyone live into their heads, where they take control of them. If they can control the actions of the people just suggesting things into their minds, it’s SO EASY to simulate premonitory dreams or so. It’s so easy to generate anything of this type. They control the energy. The can promote these beleives to induce everyone to pay attention mainly to their heads, what people call mind feeling or sixth sense.
    Keep it real.
    Keep far of TV. Use Internet only for the essential.
    The best choice is to stay active. Do exercise, sports… Try to do a job where you have to be stand up or walking or similar. Try not to work in a desk for hours.
    If you are not going to live from writting, avoid to write too. I mean as a way of scape, of expression. This is dangerous way of expressing what is in your mind, and translate it into anything. Don’t write, go outdoors!
    The best choice is to stay always doing things out there and being at home only for sleeping.

    • Re: Meditation
      Just want to comment (as a very long term, and ‘experienced’, victim).
      Yes, they can attack any activity (what does ‘activity’ mean: to use your human neuromuscular system, and/or to use your various mental processes according to the activity). Unfortunately, the Crime-doers are able to attack both if they want to.
      Stay healthy. Eat healthy. Try to get healthy sleep. Do regular exercise (brisk walking or other).
      My comment is: about meditation. Just like any other form of ‘exercise’, they can attack it. Nevertheless, BASIC MEDITATION will probably STILL bring a victim/’TI’ BENEFITS: such as relaxation response; exercising of, and hopefully strengthening of ‘attention-related’, and ‘concentration-related’ mental abilities; and, slower breathing, and lower-blood pressure, and more ‘abdominal’ or ‘proper’ breathing, simply because the person is TRAINING himself/herself with an ‘exercise’ that practices these things.
      I agree with you to ‘avoid the esoteric’. Don’t believe that you’re having ‘spiritual experiences’ because all types of bodily sensations or mental/spiritual feelings are among what the Crime-doers can transmit upon a victim/TI. Keep it basic. Such as ‘concentrating’ on your breathing, your natural posture [I hope that your concepts of ‘meditation’ avoid sitting on man-made furniture], relaxation, basic awareness of your own presence/body/etc., in addition to any other goals (if any) that some people add to their meditations. Basic silent meditation should still benefit a victim/’TI’.

  61. The million dollar question is: how the hell can I know I’m being targeted?

    The answer is simple:

    If they have started robotizing you, connecting all your funcions definitely to the machine, you will listen them, they will cause you great distraction and scare. You will know it. It’s not necessary to explain anything here.

    If they are tunning you without letting you know it the answer is this: Your body and you are doing things without knowing why do you do them. Fingers move alone, with no order; you feel impulses to do things that you would not do, you feel someways with no sense, and so on: going to places with no reason, telling things you would not say, lost con concentration, you sleep so, so much with really no reason, etc.

    The headache people talk about is the worst pain a human can feel ever. They are stopping your impulses for controlling them at all.

  62. Our only way out of this mess, is for everyone to start exposing the legal name fraud. Since all things legal are copyrighted by the slave masters, so that initself, includes the whole fictional world. All buildings/houses needpermits, docs, etc. All businesses need licenses, etc., All cars are plates and tagged, All humans are being robbed of free will choice via legal name birth registration. We must expose this key puppet string that is the legal name fraud, for it is the main string which holds all other puppet strings in place. Please read, share, and lets claim back what is ours once and for all. It can never be debunked and the media will not even debate this for it is true fact and the jig would be up. Except its already in our faces everywhere, everyones being conditioned to have an identity/ID entity, legal name.
    much love
    #namegate #legalnamefraud
    All things LEGAL are all Crown Copyright Owned, including “your” LEGAL NAME (mark of the beast).
    We must expose the legal name fraud imposed on humanity.

    Pg 29-31 Crown Copyright in the Information Age



    Click to access babylon-is-fallen-by-kate-uv-kaia.pdf

    Pg 77 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

    Do not consent to be a dead legal fiction in which you have no right of use to. They need your consent, joinder trap. Expose it, its the only way out.

    Pg 45-46 Godel, Escher & Bach, Jumping Out of the System

    My theory

    Click to access eye_macula_te_con_sept-psi_ans.pdf

  63. I had Cointelpro Like infiltration (partnership, other kind :(( ) to achieve a Covert Drugging based “Drug Induced” Heartfailure.
    It was not succesful, however it was planned to be a framed situation, concerning my minority. I am gay.
    There is a pre set EXTRA surgical opject (a membrane-like square shape), reaching my frontal neural duckts (at the brain!), it was done (never mentioned!!) when I had a nasal operation (simply deviantia septum nasale).
    After the usucessful Covert Drugging, what comes: EH… V2K. ( this way it is made easy for infiltrators, stalkers go on. )
    As I call my case TI type 3. ( Choosen to solve something -political issue, misconceptions concerning different minorities etc. – what cannot be solved without the complete “erase” of the TI. Creating “Case” to talk about.) (TI type 2 is : Gang Stalking and Induced pain, TI type 1 is : “helping voices” to build up linguistic network for Remote Human Monitoring )
    The bittersweet thing is I will NEVER hate anyone I know being involved. Not that type, however EH/V2K, is the most life consuming thing. BUT it is not “them”. ( One cannot hate military intelligence… :(((( )

  64. As I think Organised Stalking with V2K/ST (TI type 3) will never be accepted as an existing GLOBAL Covert Intelligence “program” (Dreams: Nightmares might be caused for innocent ones.). ( Noone will admit its NECESSITY. ) However IT IS!
    And DELUSIONS will have to be the title of experiencing all “seemingly non real” things (Street Theatre, Setup Scenarios etc).

    (Historical evidence of this kind of mental illness IS NOT real, SMEARED, even rescienced.!!, if U check researchers are asked to FIND evidence of pos type 24/7 skizophreny… THERE IS NO EVIDENCE FOR IT!)

    Later mixture of TI type 2 (pain, illness, or even wellbeing(!!!)) with social scenarios will take place as “natural” life.
    What all will experience the manipulative dreams. Dreams like you are JUST watching a 3D/2D movie, long ago you could “drive” your dreams, you could navigate for example in a dream of flying. NOW it goes without it!
    Perps. will (they DO) receive “helping” dreams to come over what they did. (Naturally they activity would cause nightmares for them.)
    One more thing, a psychiatrist will declare that if one is hearing voices, and states that he/she experienced saw set-up scenarios etc., it will be classified as DELUSION, and with the technique of hypnotherapy these will be smeared. My point is: the subject knows what he/she did, and this kind of hypnotherapy should clear that the thing experienced by the subject WERE REAL. Until it will not happen Organised Stalking will have its own way forever.
    No Pyshiatrist will ever (as I think) analyse the “system” of wording, the mathematical structure (NON ORGANIC structure) of V2K/ST. And helped type TI type 1, will “heal” happily…

  65. Sad to write while being a TI. Knowing about my own “procedure”. For me it is the time when politics is slowly involved (an e-mail address of a politician family member was sent around… just to let him know HE has it. ) And via this my Covert Drugger can turn out as innocent, and all the Framed Case is done with one step. ( Case: Gay lifestyle issues, Drug abuse, background Covert Drugging is a Conspiracy theory, There were no illegal Cointelpro, Other Minority issues-misconceptions )
    An advice: never be naive, and full of heart, and too liberal ( when having a politician in family ). You can be framed, as you just will not recognise it, only when it is DONE. And never leave your digital data and camera at home if U are a TI!

  66. One more thing.
    Some of the TI-s should look back, and might find SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL PERSONS using Monarch trauma based (mild personal trauma based) programming on them.
    Changing love-trauma-love… Usually there is one who started the trauma based programming. (Lover etc. who was professional. )
    This type copes “all traumas” coming in life. Like it is a “task”. This type “likely cannot cope” with the trauma “being V2K-d”, “stigmatized”, as he she was innocent all life, and here is the aim of “them”. To exit… DO NOT GIVE IT TO ANYONE.


  67. I’m east european,28 years,male.In my country,nobody talk about this.I’m targeted from 2012 24/7/365 from the moment when they have tried to recrout me,but i’m a Christian and I refused any proposal.They are evil forces.I’ve seen deepen how they act and what they do with my own eyes.They will pay without no doubt,like as we do.Fight for keeping you’re soul and everything will be fine in the end!Like someone else it said…it’s a spiritual battle…they have power now.But it will not last forever.And i am sorry for them…God Bless you all and keep strong!.

    • Oh my god. I do not hope they are stalking me because in my passport I am a christian….because I am not.
      I am just a person in the world-believing good things do come from doing them.
      I would suppose I am an erichkästnerian…if that is a fault,well okay…..I have to start war then !

  68. I am hearing-impaired. I am Ti’s for 11 months now. I think the problem is I cannot forgive neighbor or perpetrator for over 32 years now. Maybe it is time to forgive one of them now. Learn to forgive.
    I know what you are saying. Sometime something did really hurt or harm me. It depends on situation.
    If something is very wrong. Do not forgive. Do you know what I am saying?

  69. Another thing they make you to do a lot is to drive. Driving is one of the most hypnotic things we do. While you pay attention to driving you leave your mind alone and vice versa. You concentrate into driving and then they force that pain they want to domine in your mind. TI’s drive a lot for sure if they have a car. They cause you problems of any kind (familiar, at your job, emotionals…) and after that they force you to drive with the excuse of thinking or whatever and you drive and drive until they do their tunning job. If you go sad to drive they will make you feel as sad as possible. If ungry, the most ungry you are, and so on. You are an experiment, so they will make you feel everything until the limit.

    So, keep outdoors as much as you can to get some time, and try to work near your home, so you don’t have to drive. But, if they decide that you will work far probably you will not be able to avoid it.

    Relationships, friendships, jobs… everything will be most probably destroyed in your “life” (their experiment). They will keep you just staying, surveying with any options at all. Just doing what they need to happen for their experiments and simulate everything into your mind, to see how it works..

  70. Magnus Olsson says in one of his pages that they want you to suicide, but that’s wrong. What they want you to do is to try it. Because you would try it thinking that is you who is doing it. But you will fail because it’s not you, they would just want you to try it for dominating that impulse too. So, there are no options.

  71. Hola mi nombre es Antonio Sotelo Armesto DNI 34266733E
    c\ Paseo de Lugo, nº 1, 1º D
    27400 Monforte de Lemos (Lugo) España
    llevo siendo objeto de mobbing inmobiliario por radiación electromagnética desde el 2010

  72. It didnt stop after wwII in America in the 50s it killed people and probably here in Australia. It went before congress in the 70s some survived and were supposedly compensated yet its still going on 45years later. The government know and this is not a theory theres evidence globally past and present.
    I found out in 2012 when stalking theft threats and negitive flash mobs and sound harrassments vandalisum and more ramped up upon me that I was a target and some cops are involved. Then as I have been attacked 24/7 and even as I write this there someone creeping around my home outside its like being in a horror movie over and over I can hear someone there is no point calling the police theyre useless and I know the drill anyway so until I can find a way out I have to find ways to cope and keep moving forward this is about sleep deprivation and trying to insight fear..but I wont let this beat me I have decided. Since 2012 I began to find out some of the people neighbours I’ve known all my life were involved and both my parents were targets and both are dead now the fact is they were harmed repeatedly and deliberately not ever really figuring this out in fact I have figured out most of this the last 3 years but I was born 43 years ago a target. An inocent baby tagged as a target. I feel for anyone who is subjected to the evil that are the family of city life creeps and terrorists that do this. The hive group mentality of criminally insane creeps that do this are an abomination to the evolition of humanity..that is my personal view from expriance now my expert clinical view as a clinical hypnotherapist makes me qualified to say these are sociopathic psychopaths that do these things they are breaking laws and are just low criminals. They are dangerous and should be incarcerated. Unfortunately we will probably find our taxpayers dollars are being used to assasinate innocent people though through these programs instead… we need to end the torture. Light up the darkness. We need to stay strong and those who have been victimised we must live despite the evil doers. It suits them to blame those who are being harmed as it offers them an excuse. Remember if you are a target you may well have been victimised but the difference between a victim and a victor is the victor keeps getting up…be the victor always force this to change never give in make as much noise as you all can . Because we are here we may as well be heard be the Victor keep standing against this and empower yourself. Your not alone and there is so much that must be done to stop this and we the people are the only ones who can make it happen…I have to beleive that being a baby born as a target that we are not to allow this. Maybe we scare the controllers of this horrific torture program perhaps its because we do not conform perhaps its just sadists with too much power whatever it is wrong and its terrorism and those involved should be procicuted as terrorists and by law the use of war stratergies upon innocent people by anyone should find that person or group or oganization tried for war crimes
    Laws need to be changed and this has got to be exposed. Light up the darkness fight for the freedom that is ir birth right and challenge the evil. We will not be broken. Angel Amitiel

  73. Open Letter To Targeted Individuals:

    It must be extremely hard for you to ignore the non-stop talking or cursing in your head, but you must believe that these people (who are hiding somewhere using computers? and nowhere near you!) can’t be better than you! Especially if they sound like they’re reading what they’re saying, right? It must be a job only losers can get! What normal person who has good interaction with members of the society would think of this as a job? It sounds like they are people God ignored, and now the Devil is using them. Why would anyone want to hear someone pee or poop? The fact that it doesn’t disturb them when normal people would be, says a lot. I think like God did, you should also ignore them.

    Try your best to insult them back. If they give you pain, remember it’s not real pain, it’s made up and it can’t stay long, right? There’s a technique where if you imagine your left toe (or left elbow, or right finger, whatever works) is in pain (when it’s not) so then you will forget the laser pain they gave you in your head, and they will eventually stop if the laser pain is no longer effective. You don’t feel real pain in your left toe so don’t be scared. You’re just pretending and putting your mind to it. I heard for some whose legs are made to vibrate, you need to lie down with the leg up higher on pillows.

    As you know yourself well more than anyone who makes suggestions, you have to come up with ways to cope with their machines. Your brain is your machine — against them.

    Forget it’s not fair! Victims of real physical assaults think their perpetrators will stop. They won’t, so victims really have to fight back however they can. Don’t let them win. Learn to cope as much as you can! They’re most likely not people you would choose to hang out with. They are the ones who cannot exist without you! They won’t have a job without you! They’re desperate people who need to eat, too. And you know, you can scream to them in your head but the guy sitting next to you won’t hear you. In fact the guy next to you don’t hear them either! You have to remember this: They’re nowhere near you! Their job is to harass you, not kill you. And even if they do kill you, don’t die without a fight. And I t’s better to live your life well than being miserable all the time.

    They are paid to harass you, not kill you. They weren’t recruited because they’re violent; it won’t be easy to manage them if they’re violent criminals. It’s because they were desperate and bad people. So if you’re still afraid they would actually come see you and gang up on you, then learn self-defence. “One versus many” is always seen in court as self-defence, why would you be afraid? And you don’t have to tell your martial arts instructors you hear voices. So control your reactions to the voices first, or real people in public spaces will judge you.

    You have to live your life! If you think your life is in danger, then yes, it may be shorter now but you still have to live it. Don’t give up! Your brain is your machine against their machine. It cost them a lot of money to torture you. It’s obviously a job. And I don’t think anyone with a brain and looks would accept their job, these perps are pathetic and desperate. Try to beat them by verbally insulting them back (in your head, not aloud in public because no one else hears them). Their job is not for someone doing well in life. And just think about it, what if the real people who are being observed are them? That they are studied but they are not made to hear voices so they have no clue that everything they think about is monitored? Imagine if the real experiment is to study how bad people choose to do bad: Are they dumb or just evil?

    So you see, they can’t be better than you. They are desperate people God chose to ignore. And you know from your experiences now (from being labelled crazy by other people who find it hard to believe your story) that not many people help desperate people. And they probably chose you because you don’t have a strong support system around to protect you. If you managed to cope (and you are nice and kind, unlike them) then think of your situation as forced to help people who cannot have a normal life. Suddenly (when you are coping well and living as normal as you could possibly be, or better now that you’re stronger!) they see your real life through your eyes. Maybe you have a normal interaction with society they are never able to do because they are losers and losers get ignored a lot? That’s probably why they accepted this stalking job, because they’re mad at you for having better but at the same time, stalking (using a computer far away in hiding) is all they can ever do.

    Do you think they are smart because they can program dreams? But guess what? If you have a computer that program dreams, what kind of dreams will you create? So who’s more creative? So why don’t you destroy the dream as soon as you realise it’s a programmed dream, or enhance it with changes you make by thinking? Who’s better at this? So really these perps can never be part of your life because they’re so limited. You wouldn’t hang out with them. Even with high tech machines they’re thinking would be limited. The very useless and desperate in our real world, or they’re psychotic. Tell them it’s not your fault they were born.

    My guess is eventually they would give up talking, and probably they will just keep saying the same one thing (that still annoys you) over and over because nothing else would work; bullies who don’t know how to bully you anymore. So stay strong! And positive about yourself! Live your life!
    Oh, get prescribed Seroquel if they won’t let you sleep, you’ll wake up refreshed. It’s for Bipolar Disorder because part of their illness is difficulty in sleeping. Also why not play music wearing earphones, louder if you have to? Better to hear bad music to annoy them, rather than hearing their voices. So please take care! Do your best! Keep busy!

    You may think your life is worthless now, or it’s shorter because you believe you’re in constant danger, or that struggling to focus everyday is harder. But it’s up to you to continue living your life better than before (because when you are finally able to cope) you will be a stronger person. So good luck, I hope you win! And remember not to make your struggle your life story, do something else with your life that would define you, that you will remembered for. These losers should not be part of who you are, they’re just hanging onto you to get a glimpse of what they cannot have in your society. Only you hear them, no one else knows (nor would care to know unless it’s front page on the news, then majority of people would be angry) that they exist. So help other victims and yourself, but don’t let perps think they matter in people’s lives because they don’t. They shouldn’t even be in your life’s anecdotes. They’re rejects in society and so they don’t mind if you become rejected, too. In fact it’s the only thing they know; their exact job description.

    So be it a good simple life or a successful career that you want, be strong and be happy! Believe in yourself!

  74. Open Letter To Targeted Individuals:

    It must be extremely hard for you to ignore the non-stop talking or cursing in your head, but you must believe that these people (who are hiding somewhere using computers? and nowhere near you!) can’t be better than you! Especially if they sound like they’re reading what they’re saying, right? It must be a job only losers can get! What normal person who has good interaction with members of the society would think of this as a job? It sounds like they are people God ignored, and now the Devil is using them. Why would anyone want to hear someone pee or poop? The fact that it doesn’t disturb them when normal people would be, says a lot. I think like God did, you should also ignore them.

    Try your best to insult them back. If they give you pain, remember it’s not real pain, it’s made up and it can’t stay long, right? There’s a technique where if you imagine your left toe (or left elbow, or right finger, whatever works) is in pain (when it’s not) so then you will forget the laser pain they gave you in your head, and they will eventually stop if the laser pain is no longer effective. You don’t feel real pain in your left toe so don’t be scared. You’re just pretending and putting your mind to it. I heard for some whose legs are made to vibrate, you need to lie down with the leg up higher on pillows.

    As you know yourself well more than anyone who makes suggestions, you have to come up with ways to cope with their machines. Your brain is your machine — against them.

    Forget it’s not fair! Victims of real physical assaults think their perpetrators will stop. They won’t, so victims really have to fight back however they can. Don’t let them win. Learn to cope as much as you can! They’re most likely not people you would choose to hang out with. They are the ones who cannot exist without you! They won’t have a job without you! They’re desperate people who need to eat, too. And you know, you can scream to them in your head but the guy sitting next to you won’t hear you. In fact the guy next to you don’t hear them either! You have to remember this: They’re nowhere near you! Their job is to harass you, not kill you. And even if they do kill you, don’t die without a fight. And I t’s better to live your life well than being miserable all the time.

    They are paid to harass you, not kill you. They weren’t recruited because they’re violent; it won’t be easy to manage them if they’re violent criminals. It’s because they were desperate and bad people. So if you’re still afraid they would actually come see you and gang up on you, then learn self-defence. “One versus many” is always seen in court as self-defence, why would you be afraid? And you don’t have to tell your martial arts instructors you hear voices. So control your reactions to the voices first, or real people in public spaces will judge you.

    You have to live your life! If you think your life is in danger, then yes, it may be shorter now but you still have to live it. Don’t give up! Your brain is your machine against their machine. It cost them a lot of money to torture you. It’s obviously a job. And I don’t think anyone with a brain and looks would accept their job, these perps are pathetic and desperate. Try to beat them by verbally insulting them back (in your head, not aloud in public because no one else hears them). Their job is not for someone doing well in life. And just think about it, what if the real people who are being observed are them? That they are studied but they are not made to hear voices so they have no clue that everything they think about is monitored? Imagine if the real experiment is to study how bad people choose to do bad: Are they dumb or just evil?

    So you see, they can’t be better than you. They are desperate people God chose to ignore. And you know from your experiences now (from being labelled crazy by other people who find it hard to believe your story) that not many people help desperate people. And they probably chose you because you don’t have a strong support system around to protect you. If you managed to cope (and you are nice and kind, unlike them) then think of your situation as forced to help people who cannot have a normal life. Suddenly (when you are coping well and living as normal as you could possibly be, or better now that you’re stronger!) they see your real life through your eyes. Maybe you have a normal interaction with society they are never able to do because they are losers and losers get ignored a lot? That’s probably why they accepted this stalking job, because they’re mad at you for having better but at the same time, stalking (using a computer far away in hiding) is all they can ever do.

    Do you think they are smart because they can program dreams? But guess what? If you have a computer that program dreams, what kind of dreams will you create? So who’s more creative? So why don’t you destroy the dream as soon as you realise it’s a programmed dream, or enhance it with changes you make by thinking? Who’s better at this? So really these perps can never be part of your life because they’re so limited. You wouldn’t hang out with them. Even with high tech machines they’re thinking would be limited. The very useless and desperate in our real world, or they’re psychotic. Tell them it’s not your fault they were born.

    My guess is eventually they would give up talking, and probably they will just keep saying the same one thing (that still annoys you) over and over because nothing else would work; bullies who don’t know how to bully you anymore. So stay strong! And positive about yourself! Live your life!
    Oh, get prescribed Seroquel if they won’t let you sleep, you’ll wake up refreshed. It’s for Bipolar Disorder because part of their illness is difficulty in sleeping. Also why not play music wearing earphones, louder if you have to? Better to hear bad music to annoy them, rather than hearing their voices. So please take care! Do your best! Keep busy!

    You may think your life is worthless now, or it’s shorter because you believe you’re in constant danger, or that struggling to focus everyday is harder. But it’s up to you to continue living your life better than before (because when you are finally able to cope) you will be a stronger person. So good luck, I hope you win! And remember not to make your struggle your life story, do something else with your life that would define you, that you will remembered for. These losers should not be part of who you are, they’re just hanging onto you to get a glimpse of what they cannot have in your society. Only you hear them, no one else knows (nor would care to know unless it’s front page on the news, then majority of people would be angry) that they exist. So help other victims and yourself, but don’t let perps think they matter in people’s lives because they don’t. They shouldn’t even be in your life’s anecdotes. They’re rejects in society and so they don’t mind if you become rejected, too. In fact it’s the only thing they know; their exact job description.

    So be it a good simple life or a successful career that you want, be strong and be happy! Believe in yourself!

    • Good said.
      I am TI from Belgium living in Gaston Burssenslaan 13 Antwerpen 2050.
      My neghbours under are perps and from house nr 15 (nobody lives there now) also perps attack me and My 4 y old child with microwave, they control My PC, internet, My Child looks like hypnotised and implanted, all symptoms i do experience. .. I know what, why and where they are. Here is Church and social center, all People from area participating, they been told something about us… Scools abuse my child, no organisation helps, no doctors. .. It is more ridiculouse for me than dramatic, but only because my child abused even more than me-they drugged us, him and he stopped to do things he normally did just in one day, they use some kind psychotrope and he start to make wild and laugh or get hysteric, they make it in bus, tram, shop, playground… They make genitals pijn or stimulate it- what is actually electronic rape- my child has enorm discomfort, pijn… Children used to harrase him also men and women harasse him in the shop or ons the playground… There is mutch more than this. It started on 20 04 2017 openly after i complained about burns, mars and madness and screaming nights … only after very first time at scool, 01 09 2016 and i kept him at home and waited someone talk with me about what happend, i had to go after advice to child abuse and it started… i understood it is going on already longer, and my child from his birth was harrassed by them. Something i felt is same what i felt in my childhood even in other country. It happend only here where i live now, in appartments and where i lived before, i was jong. I wish them same, i see how poor this People, most of them – i even have condoleance for them, really marginals. Reading such stories really helps and gives power. And i hope there wil be revolution very soon.

  75. A cure for V2K that worked for me is plugging in Stetzerizer radio frequency filters in your bedroom and neigboring rooms. I got mine at http://www.lessemf.com, but anywhere will do. They are about $35 each. I got this idea after reading Tim Rifat’s Guide to defeating Mind Control Systems: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon60.htm

    It stopped the voices!!! I hope this will work for you too….. Targeted Individuals please give this a try IT WORKS!!!

  76. Remember that they control everything you do using the dude, blocking the way you think.

    By making you repeat everything they evaluate it until they dominate it and can avoid you to do it or force it as it was by yourself.

    Just pay attention to this. You have been all your life forced to repeat everything and avoided to understand at your level. You have been isolated from yourself and all your capabilities stopped.

    If you want to do something and see you are trying it so much… Look for it, but know what things would you do and wich not. Wich are they forced by them. Don’t change how you are. So often they force on you things that you don’t want to do, just to make you repeat what they want to block on you. Every mental an physical processes.

    Spread this. If i’m repeating if because of this. They can block everything, even these things, until they block the origin of everything. I don’t know how much will I be able to explain this.

    And try ti be always outdoors, not sit. Far from TV and Internet. This is a lab.

  77. It’s LDS. That’s how such big groups can suddenly show up. They are using drones. The computers are in PI offices run by former feds.

  78. I am a victim of this bulllshit also the corrupt government in the USA is making Billions of tax payers money And we are threaed like Lab Rats fact and this ongoing problem is all over the world

  79. Pingback: TI “Symptoms” | djoyful8

  80. If you’ve been implanted with a chip or you just wish to protect our freedom from such threats, now you can help. I’m a physicist and raising money on indiegogo for a research project on detecting and disabling implanted chips. The link is http://igg.me/at/nochips . Please help

    • hey closedarpa ,

      I would also like to be a physicist and I am also a targeted individual. for years now.

      the only thing that will stop what is going on is to bring all the targeted individuals together by communicating with each other like on here for example and creating our own separate advanced society.

      the race and or people doing this to us are in no way negotiable, ever. and completely evil. from my experience and understanding these people are not that clever or that smart. They think and use simple techniques that i believe anyone can do.

      I am willing to help us build a new separate society that has the ability to defend it self from such attacks via advanced research. We would have to create our own (”system”) within their(”system”). Jobs, money, medicine , scientific research, grow clean food and drink clean water such as ”light water.” and our own earth, land and space defense system.

      I can not see no other realistic way. (if nobody like our government can not or won’t do anything about the situation) then that leaves only the targets them selves to do something?

      sorry to rant on a bit but i am only trying to help.

      how much do you need for donation?

      kind regards


      • The only way to beat these cockroches is to take pics and video… U have to keep your cell phone in your hand at all times….. Then wene all of us get these pics and video and other evidence we can take to who ever will expose it. This is the only way

    • A year and a half ago, my then boyfriend put something inside of me. I felt him do it, i felt a perfectly round bump inside me afterwards, and felt what is best described as an invisible, electronic “string” hanging out of me. From that moment on, my life as i knew it was over. I began hearing voices, at the age of 35, with no previous symptom of mental illness. My family understandably freaked out and had me hospitalized. I know that whatever he put in me, which he first acknowledged doing, caused me to be targeted. He now denies doing this and chalks up his confession to my “psychosis “. All i want, is to get this thing out of me. I dont believe he had any idea how severe the outcome would be. I no longer feel the bump, and i have read that microchips are nearly impossible to detect. And of course my credibility with the medical field is destroyed. No doctor believes me. My own siblings dont believe me. I am alonein fighting this. I just want it out of me. Any suggestions ? Tiffany.fusini@gmail.com

  81. This is about the super computer run through quantum science

    I know exactly what the computer can do. From tinnitus to tones, tones to voices, sexual assault along with streaming images to the imagination. 

    How do I know… I’ve been a victim of this for two years.

    If you Google “Topix oriental tea” you’ll see remarks made by the programmers. They are playing games with British authorities that are aware and trying to close them down.

    • You’ve been a victim? That means you are not a victim anymore? How did you get rid of them?

      This blog seems not to help TI’s, but to scare much more and to take last hope. So pity that no one tell how to protect from this harassment.

  82. I think david may be correct on the quantum computer science and computer programming mind control via chips, hand held technology and satellites in space.

    the question is what are we going to about it? The only people that will and can do anything about it , is us. It may be that we have to create our own system in the end over many years of research and transition.
    I have come to the conclusion that nobody will help us. (nobody) except the targets them selves. I don’t no how we can protect our selves just yet. it’s only an idea , but medical , technological defense is foremost followed by getting our finances in order. The government couldn’t care if we all rot in hell in our graves. But i do and i’m sure everyone else does. we just need to start getting the ball rolling.

    we need the following and i am sure most of us are: (hence why were being targeted)

    investors/ entrepreneurs
    scientists, in physics, computer science, nano technology, medicine (doctors , surgeons), space technology systems and advanced space Aero-Mechanics, quantum mechanics and particle physics etc.
    psychiatrists and psychologists and lawers that work for us and/ or one of us.

    i do wish us all the best in this journey of being a targeted individual. Always think positive when ever things are not going our way , just change the psychology to a positive one.

    kind regards


  83. First a thank you so very much for the presence of this website and community, the alleviation of stress, duress and despair by realising I am not alone has been of massive help, these past days. As a newly informed T.I.—victimised by covert government agents for at least four years, consciously for two years—I am only newly aware this is no rarity in society. But in turn the realisation that so many others are suffering, to these extremes as I am, is shocking and saddening indeed.

    I have been targeted for speaking out about some of the techniques and technologies as a journalist in 2013. This was further to protesting online and in person, primarily before that time in the Occupy movement, whereby I learned of their speculated existence. Most I was unaware of, until reading this website and others like it over the past few days.

    Self-aware T.I.’s reading will naturally already have their own experiences affirming the techniques used against them such as gang-stalking, gas-lighting, noise harassment, codified syntactic references, their social media and mobile phones being interfered with remotely: so I will not go into details here.

    Beware some people suffering solely mental health problems could unfortunately self-ascribe web-listed experiences or symptoms; particularly Direct Energy related ones. Please note, I do not refer to them here: Mental health problems are difficult enough without inadvertently increasing actual medical paranoia, anxiety or delusion.

    None-T.I.’s will have read the symptom list and some comments and already have their own subjective opinions.

    The gang-stalking against me has been constant against me for around three years. In the street, at home, in church, at relatives houses, at self-help group meetings, and possibly worst of all morally, in hospital further to the breakdowns they caused and my even further to my attempted suicide because of their brain-washing. There is no lengths that they have not gone to, including a seduction by a gang-stalker posing as a church member, after my overdose, inducting me into a five month romantic relationship where sex itself was used as torture, using codified noise references during my orgasms as an inference of threat of physical torture. I mention that specific detail as it shows there is nothing, nothing, Holy, or private, to government perpetrators.

    Generally, daily, over these years, they have been constantly winning: I am isolated, traumatised, exhausted, and my physical health now increasingly suffers. Pale, darkened under my eyes, thin, often dizzy. My body has become so accustomed to utter existential fear, so as now little (but for new types of inflicted traumas) makes me feel fear, nor much else.

    But, so far I am indeed still here. And as a T.I. surely so should you be. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. ‘Learned helplessness’ has been their primary ongoing victory over me over these two years. My coping mechanisms have been a gradual learning in adapting myself psychologically, and being willing to let myself try to enjoy a few things, among the pain. I am one person, gang-stalkers have numbered hundreds over these years

    Logical helps a bit, insomuch as it can be applied amidst almost constant disorientation, interference and threat. Empiricism helps a bit, but because of their expertise, starkly cold efficiency, and mainly the constant overt (to myself) but covert (to others) nature of the persecution, it is much like constantly trying to find solutions in a constantly changing problem-set. As a Christian, faith has helped, although that too has been utterly used against me

    Sometimes one accepts the torture, sometimes one resists. ‘Learned helplessness’ has probably been the biggest obstacle, biggest self-aid (from mental, emotional and physical exhaustion). The biggest puzzle: how do they always know where I am looking? Covert miniaturised cameras explain only so much. T.I. websites have helped me understand this.

    The biggest irony I believe is that they achieved breaking my cognitive ability, memory, intellect and self-reliance to such an extent during their ‘reveal’ (an entrapment exercise in a gang-stalkers flat at what appeared to be gun-point, after a triple blinding-flash to disorientate me) that I forgot most of what I had learned before it, as a person who had read a book on the subject (N. Klein) and various smaller hints on Wikipedia. My biggest mistake was in believing that these are things that had yet to be used on the public. They most obviously are.

    If you are a T.I. reading this, you will have read this webpages information and probably others like it. As I write this, the persecution is happening to me right now, via noise techniques: Gang-stalker’s living as wall-sharing neighbour’s timed door-slamming, coughs, laughs, toilet flushing. Hidden ‘clickers’ – otherwise used for dog training – around the house timed via hidden camera’s focussing upon my actions for behavioural modification and shock. Remotely turning on/off appliances (via pre-entering house and planting whatever is required) timed to be an ongoing irritant to stress, and directly shock, and degrade.

    Upon government-chosen targeted whistleblowers, journalists and protestors, this is already thought-reform, massive psychological torture, and worse.

  84. Yes, I can confirm this. I’m a T.I. since 20 years and experience the same tourture. I try to survive by the control of my emotions. Anxiety, Anger, Grief and Depression woudn’t help me to stay healthy and alive. I seek fun as much as possible, smoke pot as much as possible and relaxe as deep as possible, while I’m laying in my bed. Where can I find help to fight these criminals propperly?

  85. Pingback: Remote Neural Monitoring: How They Spy on Your Thoughts | The Crazz Files

  86. I am a Ti from Waco Texas. They have done all these things I just read to me for the past several years. Please can anybody help me ?????

  87. The hardest thing to accept & deal with is the intrusion of personal thoughts. Just in case the intrusive nature of the destructive behaviour wasn’t enough. But once acceptance (of every part) of it takes place, it’s not necessarily easier, rather you don’t have the additional burden of resistance to bear too.
    Realising my imagination and creativity was somehow fading away came at a time when so much else was going on, I didn’t connect it but instead put it down to circumstances.
    Frustrating is that without definite certainty, guarantee of truthful fact, really all else remains circumspect, theoretical, similar to the alternative information and speakers alike I enjoy listening to. Preferring to hear truth, to be a part of spiritual development and expanded minds. Knowing that the more I learn the less I know, especially with regards to this Gang Stalking, some of the incidents can only be compared to paranormal , strange noises I can’t determine, footsteps running around upstairs, appliances making strange noises, bizarre things .
    Anyway I’ve given enough time to these.
    Love & Light to All

  88. OK so tell me how will this be stopped? Cause I’m tired of being a nothing…and who the f gave these people Marshall law over others lifes. I’ve been targeted to long it is tiring and boarding it is also just a bunch of sad pathetic men who is harassing me…constantly looking for attention it is terrible..I do however have to mention that some of these symptoms are intact due to witchcraft…another sad but true fact. I do agree that experiments are being done on humans,and animals alike…if u have watched the x-men ull understand our problem…. But we need to search for the hero inside yourself cause people are to afraid to go against these monsters and since we are used to it and we always expect the worst we shall overcome… The zika virus is in fact one of the NSA best plan yet…like everything else where the USA is there is always a mess. They started aids, then the Ebola,now the zika,and the famous target individuals…

  89. hey there,

    great to see that discussion…

    I´m a TI too coming from Germany. Last time a buddy in the house i live told me there are bad speaks about me having sex with children aso… (which is NOT true obv…) he told me to present it in public i wouldnt do that stuff… and some social worker which is present in the house told me better not to speak about that stuff since i wouldnt know how they would react aso… (dont wake up sleeping dogs…)

    maybe you have some tip for me?

    thanks in advance

  90. Hi I know how you feel, i hope you are ok. Ive been targeted too. im in Australia , its terrible here the masonic paedophile network who are also satanists are targetting people all the time here.

  91. please share video shows real time mind surveillance…
    did the neighbour and strangers in the street can read the mind of t.I???!!!

  92. I am a ti .l am isolated and lost.Don’t want to see these people as they laugh at me and constantly listen by my apt door and windows.l am always talked to sublimily not as a person.They are evil!straight from the pit of hell and they don’t even know it.

  93. My name is James Delaney Causey. I was born June 30 1988. I live in Thornton, Colorado. I am a targeted individual. Come find me if you want to do something about this.

  94. i have all the symptoms of a TI its been going on since 2008. my ex-wife is even starting to see it because shes affected when i show up to visit my son. she has more problems and harassment when i visit. even she is starting to see it. the harassment and threats.

    • Demonic attack- All government warfare they are talking about is bullshit. They put that bullshit on the internet to distract you from the truth. All those targeted individuals are being targeted by the New Age Movement because at one point they were worshiping the devil. What they tell you is that you can get in the movement for that enlightment bullshit what they don’t tell you is that once you leave them they will persecute you. You are being attacked by demons.Only Jesus Christ can save you. Get baptized and get saved. G0ogle the dangers of the New Age Movement or any Spirit or angel Worship religion. You get in but you can’t get out. You need Jesus Christ to save you. I am also targeted by the New Age Movement but Jesus Christ saved me.

  95. It’s very simple people. There’s one male and several females doing it. Satan and the angels of Satan who follow him.
    We are good people and think good thoughts. This is very annoying to Satan. This is his world and he can do whatever he wishes. What he wishes is for us to shut the hell up. Every thought in our brain provokes him. So just shut the hell up. If you gotta think about something just start listing animals or plants or cities or countries.
    We as a civilization have become very irrational. We have shut ourselves in our houses with our TVs, cell phones, and our computers wondering what everybody else is thinking about us. We get carried away with our thoughts, and Satan just doesn’t want to hear it. Just let them await the day of Destruction without torturing them any further with your thoughts. Go ride a bike, go hiking, go to a bar, go rollerblading, talk to your neighbors, go fishing, go hunting, go bowling, go to the zoo, go to the aquarium, go see a movie, go to church, go for a walk, practice handstands, read the Bible, go jogging, learn how to play an instrument, do any group activity, do anything at all that stops you from thinking because it’s torture to Satan and his angels and he doesn’t have to just put up with it.
    Stop watching TV, stop listening to the radio, stop going online, stop Facebooking, stop playing video games, and start hanging out with people and having fun. stop living in your head.
    If any of you live in Utah, give me a call, we can hang out. my name is Brandon and my phone number is 385 319-5168. And I’m looking for a wife.
    God bless you all

  96. Please help me..
    It started when I attended college at UMES, I was new to dorm life and very stupid doing things like smoking in my room. The other guys in the dorm (which was the smallest on campus with very thin walls) took an immediate disliking to me and no one talked to me, I heard a group of them talking every night and every morning, whenever I was in my room saying things like “i want to strangle him, he’s a stupid little cunt”. I told my best friend from high school who attended the college w/ me but lived in another dorm, he always reassured me that it was in my head. There were so many times I heard them and told myself it was in my head, and after 6 months I finally left. I moved into an apartment w/ some of my close friends from high school but the voices continued. One night when smoking pot with one of them in my car they began attacking me, there voices were clear as if they were in the backseat, my whole body was burning and heart racing and a large blue symbol was right in the middle of my vision eyes open and closed. They began the attack after my friend asked me to repeat what they were saying. I stopped smoking but still hear their voices in air vents and the wind, any white noise. I think back to the college dorm and walking past a room with the lights off and the door open, there were always a few guys sitting around a screen but all i could see was the light and I never went in, they were always silent when i walked past. I want to believe I just have a chemical imbalance caused by the marijuana but after looking up the technology and symptoms of targeted individuals im scared that this is whats happened to me. What should I do? I don’t want my life to be like this I’m only 19 I’ll never be able to get married have kids or private moments again if this is real. They’re reading my thoughts and making fun of me everyday, i would kill myself if not for the thought of my family being heart broken. Please any advice would help. God speed to all those suffering the same tragedy that is this total annihilation of human rights and everything the country I live in (USA) was built on.

  97. Been through much of it. Even with 15 years in surgery many of the OR. Crew were mad at me for no reason. Im told that SAG. Screen Actors Guild has people who are practicing. My real thought is they form a link from your body to someone elses. The pain they feel is transferrence. Im told to take meds- for someone else. They talk of unworming and can drain potassium from your blood in a sec. Regardless of dietary intake you feel drained.I do think its magnetic or bioelectric and it worsens in the heat. Whatever they are they use HASSA. What ever that is on humans its lethal. If I bank or shop some poor guy has to spend $ On some rude greedy broad. If Im employed they indicate that he got a cut of my pay.( I felt unsuccessful). Its omnipitent and wants to face itself as to appear human. They fight & Its a daily argument after im angry they explain that Im human. Olny after Im mad. A female voice dosent want me with her (son) & wants Big. The audio includes a battle and indicates the prayers in religeon are sarcastic. It discusses art in renissance and goth but not in sunday school fashion. Their males seem chauvanistic and are not updated with tech for a reason. I dont think the Dr. Groups are allowed to give truth in the matters due to Orson Wells response. But Its known & the government is changing.

  98. It’s crazy how I can relate to all this. Freshman year of highschool a girl I dated started dating someone else. I messed up because He would say whatsup every now and then (I wasnt aware of masonry at the time)at first but I would say stuff behind his back but I was young, I was jealous. If I told you who he was or his bloodline you wouldn’t believe me his dad is a rap legend, he was a college football star, and now he’s NFL.But out of nowhere my parents got a divorce, I started fucking up in school my girlfriend broke up with me, but the “cool kids” all wanted to hangout with me for some reason. Then my mom met my step dad, who I’m realizing is a mason and is deffinetly turning everyone, brothers sister and mom against me. I then realized all my friends ( the popular kids) that I had were also Mason’s. Everyone turned on me at the same time. It’s crazy. I had a apartment, one of my roommates were really cool with the mason that made me a TI. There was a attempted burglary luckily my buddy who wasn’t a mason at the time was able to fight him off. After that I was drugged on at party’s day crashed my car, but didn’t get a DUI, after that my mom got married and my “friend” gave me a bag of Coke that was laced with flakka. I started a brawl and got my ass kicked by everyone cops came and I had marijuana on me but I didn’t go to jail. I started to talk to my step dad about what I thought was going on before I found out he was a mason. Then I noticed things were getting worse. The only place I had to go was my grandmas. The worst part is, he left his apartment and is now living with my whole family at my grandmas. I think it’s to keep tabs on me

  99. It’s crazy how I can relate to all this. Freshman year of highschool a girl I dated started dating someone else. I messed up because He would say whatsup every now and then (I wasnt aware of masonry at the time)at first but I would say stuff behind his back but I was young, I was jealous. If I told you who he was or his bloodline you wouldn’t believe me his dad is a rap legend, he was a college football star, and now he’s NFL.But out of nowhere my parents got a divorce, I started fucking up in school my girlfriend broke up with me, but the “cool kids” all wanted to hangout with me for some reason. Then my mom met my step dad, who I’m realizing is a mason and is deffinetly turning everyone, brothers sister and mom against me. I then realized all my friends ( the popular kids) that I had were also Mason’s. Everyone turned on me at the same time. It’s crazy. I had a apartment, one of my roommates were really cool with the mason that made me a TI. There was a attempted burglary luckily my buddy who wasn’t a mason at the time was able to fight him off. After that I was drugged on at party’s day crashed my car, but didn’t get a DUI, after that my mom got married and my “friend” gave me a bag of Coke that was laced with flakka. I started a brawl and got my ass kicked by everyone cops came and I had marijuana on me but I didn’t go to jail. I started to talk to my step dad about what I thought was going on before I found out he was a mason. Then I noticed things were getting worse. The only place I had to go was my grandmas. The worst part is, he left his apartment and is now living with my whole family at my grandmas. I think it’s to keep tabs on me

    • This may be the most compelling post yet! There is good news around the corner. Randy Quaid is speaking out about these people and it won’t be long before others follow.

      I’m going to build a website, with realtime chat and a register for these scumbags. Once so many have registered we can cross reference details, expose the perp’s once and for all.

      Emails do get blocked, so create a new one like I have helpatargetedindividual@gmail.com. I’ve not told my story here, but it’s every bit as bizarre, but after writing hundreds of letters over the last 15 years, in a bid to stop it, I have certainly made some impact.

      Just remember, these people can only do what they do if they manage to silence us…personally I’d rather be dead than sit back and take it, and a little message for you perps is: expect no mercy for the damage you cause, as you have shown us none.

      Keep it real guys, keep calm, keep sane and most importantly just expose where you can, the word will spread and the culprits will hide…go get em

  100. You poor buggers. It must be so horrible experiencing these things – I don’t know how you can cope. When I was young I had occasional thoughts like this (especially surveillance) but I became an applied scientist and I now understand that if this technology existed it would A. Be used ALL THE TIME in warfare and B. Why on earth would they bother with me? I realised if I was under surveillance 24 hours a day then someone would have to watch that surveillance! That’s three 8 hour shifts per day, or 3 full time jobs a year – no one is going to pay 3x$40,000 per year to listen to my thoughts all day.
    I also understand how research works – they wouldn’t still be ‘experimenting’ after all these decades – they would be using the technology in the field. Also – why wouldn’t they just experiment on soldiers – soldiers can’t sue no matter what the army does to them.

    But I know how it feels to just know in your bones that your suspicions are correct, and then you start seeing connections when there really isn’t any meaning behind them.

    It must be horrible that no one actually listens to you and end up putting you into psychiatric care, but they are doing the only thing they can. Try and gather evidence and see the logic in your beliefs – if I still felt that way I would wear a cheap video camera all day to film when people looked at me strangely etc. Then show them to your psychiatrists and work through the evidence.

    Love and best wishes to you all.

    • Es, I see where you are coming from, and I also realise you cannot be monitored 24/7, and I don’t entirely buy into the technology being deployed, however what I can guarantee unequivocally, narcissist networks are rife, and they do mess with your life, job, family and pets. I appreciate that some experiences can be put down to paranoia or mental condition, but when you witness these narcs working together, especially in my case where I actually exposed major fraud in the process, I’m afraid to say that you are simply ignorant to a reality which exists for many people. Sympathy is not required, learning and exposing a very real threat is the way forward.

  101. All very interesting stories. I have been looking at this from a different perspective. There is a network of narcissists and people being mislead by their convincing lies…these people can almagamate in groups such e.g. Scientologists or Masons. These people are everywhere. So, exposure is the only real option for us. Good to see that Randy Quaid has come out on the subject, and no doubt he is suffering as a result.

    Personally, I would rather die fighting it than let these people continue. Create a new email address from a different location, or your emails will get blocked. My new address is helpatargetedindividual@gmail.com. Find ways to get in touch. Build a website where you can register these people, I will be doing the same. To do nothing is to continue under their regime and none of us want that. Like Randy, my problem started with my brother, an utter narcissist. The network won’t let me earn the money I can, they target me financially, ruining my jobs and businesses leaving me completely desperate…this has been going on for 25 years, I have been poisoned recently and my heart nearly stopped, I can’t drink coffee at work, that’s how bad it’s got.

    Exposure is their biggest weakness, and it saved my life. I am now a registered whistleblower, as I exposed a banking malpractice whilst my business was under attack. Legislation in the US and shortly to follow in the UK will allow people like me to claim 10% of the fraud for whistle-blowing. That means people like you, and me, can feather our nests and defend ourselves much better.

    So it’s not all doom and gloom. Be smart with your communications, steer clear of mentioning implants or such things because people will not understand. Stick to logical conversations, otherwise people will call you mad. There is help coming, expose, expose, expose and the quicker it will come. Suffer the short term pain for the longer term gain.

    I will post a new website soon, with live chat and a global narcissist register, Get in touch, And we can fight this situation together. The tables are turning, I can see it, it’s now time to be strong, force the story out, but remember, it has to be believable or you will be ostracised.

  102. Whether a Doctor, lawyer, teacher or TV star, this problem has been allowed to grow and fester for too long…This highly organised network will not stop unless the people stand together and defend our human rights…I do not believe that the technology is as widely used as people portray, that is not to say it doesn’t exist, but to stand any chance of change we have to appeal to a wider audience, and that is how to win the political battle. helpatargetedindividual@gmail.com

  103. “Fabrication of false evidence that justifies ”Crime prevention” (fabrication of evidence of crime and rumor spreading); In almost every case, Targeted Individuals are accused of a sex crime with no chance to defend oneself.”

    Keep in mind “Total Spectrum Dominance”, they utilize the news media, Hollywood, and other systems to shape the country’s viewpoint about this filth and what the people focus on. However, if you read and listen to what people like Cathy O’brien says and has written, also Brice Taylor etc. you would realize the extent of the lies. You can’t believe anything from Nazi-ism to Charles Manson and Jim Jones, to the War on Drugs etc. Targeted Individuals don’t worry, I believe vindication will come; perhaps postumously in my case but nonetheless Vindication Shall Come.

  104. Another great day for blacklisted TI’s as the BBC reports on the landmark victory for blacklisted individuals. Ultimately the union won the case for hundreds of victims who were secretly blacklisted by corporations. Not often you see mainstream media reporting this stuff, but very happy days for us. Ill bet those who deny the existence of TI’s and the networks who destroy peoples careers are now eating humble pie…It does exist, its just a shame that the sheep who move in herds cannot think outside the box and realise that there is a real treat, and if not stopped, it could be their children next!

  105. Letter To The Perpetrator’s Sister

    Dear Patricia Pierce

    I moved back up from Florida October 15, 2011. I went to my wife’s house as I had left it one year before. (224 South Ave in Whitman) Your brother started that very day, The morning that I got in, he started to screw with me. This friend of his had a game to play. (Bob Levine)

    He brought Bob to ID me through the medical monitoring chip that South Shore Hospital installed to monitor a (near brain) operation in my sinuses. Then for no reason the two of them (Bob Levine + your brother set out to destroy my life. He even gated me into a fight (Dec. 27, 2011) . This became a sick game.

    They started an illegal government procedure called Remote Electronic Harassment. I found out that the equipment was stolen from the Central Intelligence Agency.

    The Police (Whitman) have given him fair warning (Detective joe Bombardier). He has not stopped. My attorney David Grossack is now looking for him. He fled the address in Whitman.

    Tell him that he must stop. Everyday that goes by the charges mount.

    Google – Targeted Individuals

    Sincerely Yours,

    Frank Allen

  106. This is a Call to Arms. I have long thought about the problem. I myself am a Targeted Individual for many years. Now I believe in fighting back at all costs. The price for the whole thing must rise. I’ve never heard that they have picked someone strong, violent for their monstrous stalking. They are always targeting the weak, non-violent lambs. These people are almost totally amoral psychopaths, the only language they will understand is strength and costs. To put it differently: These pigs do not deserve to live. They damage consciously humans and kill souls (including mine). Arm yourself, come together or do it alone – kill them. Better a life in prison / in psychiatry as a life under these circumstances. Thereby you will prevent, that the same thing happens to other people.

    • @Enric, they will never steal your SOAL, don´t you let them. They are the lowest of cowards, they cannot be called humans or animals, because these Killuminati are the worst on earth.

  107. Just after I wrote these lines, they have tried to intimidate me – three guys hanging around when I was on my way to the gas station through a dark alley to buy a coke. They approached me openly: Are you all right? Following the motto: Do you have a problem? Requires three people who moreover have to give themself Dutch courage to intimidate an individual, older unfortunately unarmed man. The first time that happened to me on this path. Show me that I’m right.

  108. Perfect. You left out one thing.. Females are never able to have relationships unless it’s with a male targeter who only plans to abuae them.

  109. In my case, Jews are behind it…I dont know whether they are behind all the cases…but I wouldnt be surprised…they even tried to assault me many times…I dont know why im a TI …I have no clue yet…but I know for sure who my perpetrators are…and they are predominantly militant conservative Jews…maybe they also attack liberals among them…Im a liberal, pro-choice, I support LGBT community and women rights, too….maybe these are the reasons that Im targeted by these evil “people”…and there are women among my perpetrators, too…they mock, insult and harass me exactly the same way as men….they even attacked me for such a banality..that I dont wear makeup….I also used to post my political views online, they didnt like them of course…that can be the second reason im a TI…but still, thats nasty all…what we TIs are going through…no being deserves it….and not only human being……I feel all my rigths to privacy, all my rights to do what I want, are taken away by the evil perpetrators…I dont even have enough tears to cry out…Im shocked…I would want revenge but considering the evil I face, I think they would be able to kill me even….and nobody believes me…not even my own family….I needed psychologists to talk about this evil..but only to find out they are the same evil, too…I know for sure that police in my country wouldnt help either….some of my perpetrators even mocked me for my helplessness….they are not sorry for their evil deeds…they even think I deserve this…its horrible…I even consider moving out of this horrible country I live in…but I dont know whether this would help…I think nobody would help me in my country, cause its already infiltrated by ultracon Jews….they enjoy this all….they dont even think that what they are doing is bad….Im sure they decided to target me just because they dont like me…they dont like that Im liberal, a true liberal, they dont like that Im not a typical woman….If God exists, he should never allow such unjustice….but still I believe in God…Im Christian, but the true liberal at the same time…I think, maybe the true medicine for my perps would be to experience the same evil that TIs go through…maybe they would have empathy….then….but not now when they mock and insult, destroy lives and enjoy it….

    • @Lucy, i am TI from Germany. I can fully understand what you re blogging. In case you would like to get in contact,, just reply and let me know. SOLIDARITY IS A WEAPON, too. God bless

  110. Anonymous – you? and who are you? Are you that tall dark-haired man with blue eyes? Or are you that middle-hight Harry Potter-like informatician? You are evil btw…I dont know for sure which one you are….but what I know for sure – you changed my life, unfortunatelly, but you will never change who I am:P Im liberal, Christian, and I will stay that rest of my life:P You cant change it:P Even if you try the latest electromagnetic weapons or what the crap:P And btw Im a liberal, Christian, and feminist, and I will stay this way:P You will never be able to change me:P Btw and I started to exercise my body to be stronger and stronger:P so who knows? maybe when we meet I will be able to makeup your eyes:P Kisses: my elderly tall man or little ugly Harry Potter:P considering Im not sure who you really are, I can only guess:P

  111. So much of this information is spot on. Most of the symptoms listed above explain exactly what I’ve been dealing with. Mine started out over 8 years ago, and at first it appeared to only include gangstalking symptoms, but a few years ago the high tech symptoms became obvious for the 1st time, as they increased in number, type and severity. I could fill pages with all the undeniable symptoms I’ve dealt with. I even ended up in a psych ward for 5 days back in late 2008 during the early stages.

    Some of the physical symptoms they cause me to experience have become permanent, such as the non-stop ringing in my ears that changes tone, volume and even includes beeps when I think about what they are doing to me. In other words, I will think about how bad a certain pain is hurting me, and as soon as I finish the thought they will cause a beep beep beep sound in my ears, above the normal ringing.

    They also have caused my eyes to stop producing lubricating tears whenever I close my eyes, so I must use eye ointment when I sleep now.

    They cause my muscles to pulse non-stop. I can feel it especially when I lie down. They have been causing a severe pain in the area just under my sternum that feels like they are burning my esophagus. It spreads across my chest, and they cause the pain to pulse.

    There’s far more but it’s after 4am and I’ve got to try and sleep.

  112. I have been a victim of ti. For 16 years they have end used pain head to toe, threats, fear, sorrow etc. Caused me to talk to myself (them). Lost good paying jobs do to lack of sleep, and even worse…. But most people think it’s the FBI. Or military well some case’s that my be in my case it happens to be a local radio station , kMYZ 104.5 in Tulsa Oklahoma. How do I know? Because that talk like I’m not even listening and they are not wise!!!

  113. Hi
    I am a the. The. T.I. have been since 2014. I don’t know why I am but my whole life has changed because of it. My life now consists of living with Security cameras, motion sensors, and high technology alarm system. I have had to make big adjustments, and completely surrounded with more security.
    If there is anyone out there who is an T.I. and would like to share their experience with me please don’t hesitate to email me. ngatamariki75outlook.com

  114. hi,
    my name is christopher thomas fox and i am a targeted individual. I witnessed a murder being committed by the western australian police while being targeted in an unsuccessful entrapment operation at 250 beaufort st perth. I have since been targeted with v2k, and every other manner of electronic harrassment imaginable. My life is now in danger for disclosing this information, however, it is worth it. I refuse to kneel before these worthless pieces of scum.

    As far as im concerned, if the police refuse to abide by the law, then any legal protection of a police officer is invalid.

    They run around with guns in a society where gun control has rendered the general public helpless in the face of a murderous corrupt cop.

    killing a police officer is a service to liberty and an act of defiance against tyrrany. Fuck these people. they are not human. Fuck the police

  115. I’m not so familiar with the theory of the collective mind control, so I cannot reject it, but I know one thing based on my own experience: Either there is collective mind control or telepathy. There are a variety of elaborate approaches on the subject natural telepathy – from C. G. Jung’s collective unconscious to Global Consciousness Project right up to the ideas of the biologist Rupert Sheldrake. I uploaded a video on this topic on YouTube (German with English Subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ1bF1QX_PM

    Perhaps there’s a combination of both: Telepathic and technical chicane against individuals whose thoughts or actions doesn’t fit in the society. Maybe the freedom in modern societies is just a chimera. Maybe the Ingroup, the telepaths, must follow a strict code of conduct – as a kind of compensation they have the knowledge about the actual nature of modern societies and the power to determine the life of the outgroup (non-telepaths).

    The matrix is of course designed for the Outgroup. Great thinkers like Dostoyevsky (for example about freedom in modern society: “The Grand Inquisitor”) or Theodore Adorno indicate something like this if one reads between the lines or you take it just literally (Adorno in his critique of modern society – “Dialektik der Aufklärung”: Thoughts become Goods).

    My personal experience as Targeted Individual:

    -Terror by the neighbors – Popular (practically every day): Knocking cabinets and chairs move, something that sounds as constant turn off and turn of the light switch, feet pounding, slamming doors, rumble until late in the night and often when I just want to go to bed to push my adrenaline, strange-sounding voices (acoustic – no TV, but often with relative certainty electronically manipulated) that are often present, but you usually cannot (but sometimes) understand, something that sounds as things falling on the floor).

    -Coughing and throat clearing mainly in the case of positive thoughts or when I feel special or superior tosomeone (in my apartment in the stairwell, at work, in the subway)
    -Horns mainly in the case of skeptical thoughts

    -Conversations that relate to me on the street, outside of my apartment, the staircase etc.

    – Nods or other reference by me unknown passers-by, Street theater after certain thoughts or actions of mine (for example, attempts to intimidate me by reference of dangerous looking guys on me, change of stepping speed by passers after certain thoughts etc.).

    Here also the link to my new website where I’ll discuss these and other issues in the future: http://www.diatheke.net/

    • Hello enric, i read you posts and your website. Interesting thoughts. I can confirm your observations of adrenalin pushing (no sleep at night), electronic alienated voices, voices that sound like the neighbors and so on. I live near Munich and work in Munich and i hear these sounds all the time, at work, in the subway and at home. Additionelly they try to punish me physically with pain in the body (“shooting together”). I wanted to contact you but i didnt find a contact email on your website. Please contact me: lazarus.2016@outlook.com

      • I still think different about this whole phenomenon. This torture is not carried out by a small top-secret group, but a relatively large number of individuals – a total taboo. Telepaths exist and the brutally harass and torture the non-telepaths. Technology like Energy Weapons are used, but only supportive or to divert attention – as an alternative to the psychiatric discourse. A new Massacre of St. Bartholomew will be necessary to stop this whole thing.

  116. Good Stuff! Good Stuff!
    I too am a TI. I was targeted for some information that was given to me by a roommate and what his father does for the government (in other words information I shouldn’t know about but I do). My roommate one day sat down with me and asked me if we had any strange visitors and I told him no! Then he sat down and told me about something that was going on with his family and that he needed to go into protective custody because of some missiles trades deal that happened over in the middle east! We actually did have a news reporter and one agent by our place.

    I started having a lot of the problems you talked about above. For a while I use to think I was psychic due to my symptoms because only “I can see it” nobody else! I had to move 6 times within a year running for my life pretty much to get my life together because of the conspiracy that covered my life! I was utterly Treated very well and shaped into someone Im not and it didn’t work! hahahaha….! I had a lot of manipulative relationships with family and friends, being isolated, no support systems, constantly feeding me with the bar fly scene and the drinks of course, treating me like im gay constantly or im really relational. I started having a lot of issues with my head especially pressure in forehead or what they call skull crushing, extreme shakes with hands and bodily functions, not sweating, constant constipation, sleep deprivation, unemployment, the also treatments is people being constantly vague around me like they have no life (that might be me as well for how touchy iam), also of course the feeling playing along with the “connection or message” with my mental health issues “schizophrenia”. It was the always the Hard to see shit that blinded me from seeing the big picture and I could never think clearly to put things in place. And the pain in my head put me into a cascading spiral of constant pain and paranoia almost to the point of suicide!

    The only thing that saved me from all of this was having hope! Learning to forgive and spreading the word. They have some really good resources out there for other TI, and as well what this site has to say! Hope it helps! My blessings go out to all the other TIs as well!

  117. Pingback:  Lundi 30 mai Le Café des Voix – Le Café des Voix

  118. Ok i also am a ti.! Iv got somthing u need to see then i will explain to u whats happing to everyone and if you have symptoms i can tell u were to look and what to look for. And this will get rid of some of your proublems. But first im gonna try to post some pictures.lets see if i can do this. On here

    • As a TI myself I experience the social spying and stalking. Not the energy weapons stuff but definality the social stuff. Its like these people who do this to me dont have a life and have nothing else better to do.

      • Yes it may seem this way but not so. Heres what iv figured out they have these people working in shifts so it seems like the same people just keep pounding on u but its not. They need to keep constant attack on u or there mission wont succeed. There are chemicals there using on u.if you want to know what and were the chemicals r give me a shout

  119. This is what’s happening to me: Constant harassment inside of my head, always through my left ear.
    Non stop 24/7 harassment.
    I don’t presume to know who they are except for the fact that they don’t like me.
    No one has any chips in their brains, don’t believe the “Voices.”
    They are all manipulators.
    No one should presume to know who these people are, and please don’t believe them when they say who they are, there just lying.
    There not the government, the police, or part of our society, they just want you to distrust society.
    They play music non stop, influence dreams, read what I am thinking back to me, which I find most annoying.
    They talk over noise to be subliminal, like for example over running water and even my heart beat.
    Mainly they just want my constant attention which they are adept at trying to do.
    For me this has been going on since 2008, so just over 8 years now.
    I have to say that since the Earth is round and satelites are obviously in space, the tradjectory of the laser isn’t coming in through the roof, it is almost but not quite parallel to the ground, my point is I don’t think that a protective shield made out of some metal or anything will work and wearing a tin foil hat or building something to protect you will just make you seem troubled, to say the least.
    I Have found strength in knowing that I am not alone, and I cannot believe that other people are going through this too.
    They just want to destroy us, so please don’t believe a word they speak.

  120. Just don’t believe a word these people say, they are manipulators.
    No tin foil hats or protective shields will help you, they just want you to appear troubled, to say the least.
    Because the Earth is round and they are using satellites, the laser is closer to being parallel to the ground, but it isn’t at ground level.
    Please don’t believe them, they are not the government or the police, they are just manipulators.

  121. I want to remind people to not believe a word these people speak to us.
    They are not the government or the police force, they are manipulators.
    Because the Earth is round and they are using satellites, the laser beam is more parallel to the ground as well as overhead, therefore building protective shields and wearing protective clothing or a tinfoil hat will not work and will make you appear troubled, to say the least.
    This is what they want: Our undivided attention, they use everything they know to get it, they have nothing else to do with their lives and they want us all to suffer.
    We will not lose.

    • I think the best stradigy for us TIs is to become less well known. I ask my self this question. Has being well known impacted my life in a positive way or in a negitive way. Has my quality of life improved or not.obviously for me it has not being well known has had its negative. I’ve considered getting a logg cabin out in the woods away from people to have peace a quiet to take myself out of people lives. Yes this is isolating myself. However doing that has been positive for me and by doing so my quality of life should improve. The more people know about you the more power they have to abuse and use against you to destroy your happiness. Taking yourself out of peoples lives may be the only solution to resolving this. Yes this means isolating your self. If you can handle the isolation. For me I can actually handle the isolation. It does not bother me at all. As long as I have the kinda life I want I’m happy.

  122. I am a t I the mental and physical pain is unbelievable. I don’t know how much more I can take. Please help.me

    • I got alot of hatred towards these people who are targeting me. Everytime i try to set a freaking goal they are right there to sabatage me. There is no doubt in my mind im A targeted individual. No doubt. The proof in in my inability to accomplise my goals because of the sabataging thats going on.

    • Oh my,….how did you find out ? What did you do ?
      Hope you are Feeling well today….do you wanna tell more…would like to hear it.

  123. Since 2008, I’ve had many of the symptoms–uncanny how similar. It’s hard to know if it is something or someone–for a reason or random–whether it is a reaction to an environmental factor or something malicious in us or in our environments.

  124. This is accurate in describing my life for the past couple of years, at least. I didn’t do anything that I know of to anyone, I like staying out of trouble and don’t do much to bother anyone, that I know of, but this is happening to me regardless of anything I have done or have not done. It is a very difficult situation that I do not fully understand but after reading this I want to think that I am not alone, not so that others suffer as I am but rather so I do not feel like I am going through this alone.

  125. how do we come together they’ve caused me to lose a job psychosis poisoned my food dream rape enter my dreams some how caused me to sit on the sick with no money gang mobbed me at work an follow me evry where and telepathy and thought transference

    • they will try to silence you in all sections of life, and me, personally, do not even know why? sometimes a new solidarity collegue told me even doctors and hospitals themselves were involved. i found out that the last day of my hospital stationaer they even parked their dirty cars down in a park and radiated me and my husband for more than 24 h! believe me all, they are just practicing and continuing their work torturing and killing their innocent victims. WE MUST go out into the public, my husband and I use every minute where we go to get into contact with “normal” people and inform them best they can.
      Some get scared, some interested and some would like to have website hints.
      even landlords etc. often involved. I was wondering why the former renter of our home disappeared so fast into the nirvana, some said, she got cancer, others she moved abroad. The only thing she left was a rolled carpetfloor, why? because obviously these perps have applied microwaves that heavily that even the carpetfloor gave up.
      I have lost my friends, and more – one even cannot trust your best friends – even. That is their goal
      But we should be free enough and differentiate as best we can and fight them and name them and please GO on youtube, into the blogs etc. no matter where – it counts, every single tortured human being counts.
      We should stay in love and they and their masons will go to hell, maybe not in this life, but wait….

  126. and deleting all my memories ruined my reputation fabricated stories gaslighting me got no money or fuck all and the government do nothing why did we ever pay taxs for

  127. Im a targeted individual or someone who has been a long time ago. The only thing you need to know if it happens is to know who to contact in Australia.

  128. Look they won’t ever stop and their technology is getting way more advanced they are evil they told me on December 18 2015 that they were setting me up for murder and they were gonna kill me so there was no descrepences because I talk about the chip to much my chip is activated only win I do meth it gets really Scarry

  129. @Nathan and Russell,
    we have to stay strong and try to catch them via fotos, etc. best we can. I have already shot fotos of the very evil guys, which I gave to friends and family members on a stick to save. They would not feel comfortable if they saw their faces and car numbers in the internet or?

    We have to realize that behind these evil tragic issue is the greediness for money, money, money.
    They have white color-crime projects, when they do fraud insurances on the victims, when they get payed by former ex-STASI members (here over in Germany, Heidelberg) and think they can pass on the low job to the low people of society.
    These are the real animals, no character, coward and they got the diploma in Killing and MD of denunciation and they have such low characters that they feel strong and important when they can use these microwave machines against innocent victims.And they are hiding behind their jalousies and work in shifts and I often see them leaving the house early in the morning with their backpacks. Shame on them. And they even try to be very very friendly sometimes. Be aware of that.

    We must find out what could still be best for our health and ignore them best we can, but make pictures, go to the police, the judges etc. in order to keep these also working. they might not react or mybe even be involved themselves, but the more you report at the policestation, maybe one time you find an officer who knows about the TI issue and so there might be a slight chance to bring it out into public more and more.

    We should build up little communities and give good advice how to better survive etc. etc.
    They FEAR us, the only problem is they are the COWARDS with the forbidden weapons.
    So I pray for us all.
    You can email me under rotkehlchensad55@gmail.com

  130. Ok people Im a t i .myself for awhile now .you need to trust me on this Gonna sound very crazy but it’s fact.within about 2 months the world will come under judgment .this is fact I’m a t i for what I know u must trust in God he’s already hear and if u keep watching the sky you will see what I’m talking about get prepared with food and water this is not a joke. In been to underground storage units were there storing food and water. God is bringing the destroyer and they will be felt with this is a fact. But I guess you will just need to believe what I say.this will happen before the elections……no election martial law will be installed wene this happens u will no that it has started. And his return will be soon…..


  132. if anybody in europe or germany is under TI torture especially in the former military area of heidelberg – stuttgart – mannheim, I would gladly like to have contact in order to learn more about this horror coward game, which is obviously taking place to innocent German citizens too.

    @ wolf, how can I contact you via phone? or mail? I do not have facebuk any more.


  134. I am currently having the same problem in Lufkin, TX. Supposedly it is what happens when you piss off a millionaire. #714Ellis

  135. Echelon satellite spying program is real, satellite’s use thermal imaging, radar imaging and radar tracking technology to follow you and read your subvocalizations (which is the tiny minute movements in your vocal chords due to electrical signals sent by the brain. this happens any time you read or think quietly to your self. This is not magic, it is purely science, read up on speed reading to understand more about this subject)

    and voice to skull technology which is pulse modulated radio waves that manage to cross the resistance of your ear drums and nerve cells. These are all being used at a distance from Satellite’s being used by the American Government. They have directional sound capabilities, so you perceive that voices or sounds are coming from neighbors, different directions etc but in fact they are not. Your neighbors are not stalking you, just the government. They stop at no length to cover their tracks. Read patents online to understand the existence of such technology. I will post some now, and more later.



    Click to access aud_perc.pdf


    Click to access 19_1_4_Peabody.pdf


  136. Thank you for the post I am a Target Individual in nyc. Im an African American and I have been a targeted individual the people targeting me a are foreign black immigrants from the Carribean and Africa using real life black magick obea I believe to drive me crazy. Ive been doing good but now Im not trying to to live anywhere near these people they have been passionately trying to fuck my life over the past ten years as a black man in America these are my true oppressors in America some of the foreign black occultist of nyc.

  137. @christiane, jedes mal, wenn ich dich anklicke, erscheint ein merkwürdiges avatar bild einer frau mit schönene augen – gehört das zu dir oder ist das fake? melde dich bitte mal, ich habe selbst lange in hh gelebt und gearbeitet. nunmehr trachtet man meinem mann und mir aus unerfindlichen gründen nach dem leben. mikrowellenstrahlen rund um die uhr mit horror folgen gesundheitlicher art.
    wie schützt du dich? oder wirst du nicht bestrahlt, eher mindkontrol via gangstalking oder wie ist es bei dir?
    melde dich gerne mal, vielleicht via anderen blogs?

    • Hi,
      nein,das Avatar Bild ist nicht von mir….das darf ja wohl nicht wahr sein !Danke,daß du mir davon berichtest hast.
      Mir trachten sie auch nach dem Leben.Ich schütze mich,indem ich ständig den Schlafplatz wechsele.
      Und ich essen natürlich supergesund.
      Ansonsten versuche ich zu leben-so gut es eben nur geht.
      Geht oft nicht so gut,denn in meinem Fall ist es meine Mutter die mich an eine Pharmafirma verkauft hatte.
      Da wird man ganz schön gehetztjagt,wenn man das wie ich rausgefunden hat.
      Seit 11 Jahren werde ich hardcore gestalkt unmd gemoppt.
      Ich finde keine Arbeit mehr -und bekomme Kindergeld – als erwachsnene Frau !!!!
      Und ich kann nichts dagegen tun – die Eltern haben das sagen.
      Anwälte wollen mir nicht helfen,die sagen:Wow,tut uns sehr leid,aber das ist uns eine Nummer zu groß !
      Wir wünschen ihnen alles Glück der Wlet,aber wir mischen uns in soetwas nicht ein-dann gehen wir mit unter.
      Hoffe-es kommt bei Dir an.
      Was wirft man deinem Mann den vor ?
      Ich hatte mal eine Freundin in Meckenheim-derren Vater wurde auch plötzlich massiv und jahrelang geslatk und gemoppt….damals hatte ich nicht geschnallt…das es bei mir auch der Fall war….man merkt es ja erst nach und nach….bis es plötzlich Klick macht,und man das ganze Bild sieht.

      • hallo, das ist tragisch, wenn man liest wie Deine Eltern Dich handlen.

        Diese Stalkerei ist STASI Manier und es stecken viele dahinter, die man nicht vermuten würde.

        Dieses permanente Bestrahlen macht nicht nur krank, sondern wie Du korrekt beschreibst, marode und einsam und traurig Aber Gott sei Dank kann man wenigstens dagegen angehen: durch starke Spiritualität und Kraft im Kopf, gegen die körperlichen Symptome anzugehen ist schwieriger, wenn man älter ist.
        Mein Mann und ich haben NIEMALS und zu keinem Zeitpunkt irgendjemanden geschadet oder etwas getan.
        Ich denke, man kommt durch Denunziantentum, soziale Neider, graue Hintermächte, in das Gangstalkingprogramm. Ich habe es auch lange ncht gecheckt, daß wir gestalkt wurden. von Wohnung zu Wohnung getrieben. Es wurde gelogen wie gedruckt und gedruckt und geschrieben wie gelogen!
        Shame on them.Natürlich oft von Anwälten der Hasser.

        Wo bist Du denn? Hast Du hoffentlich Unterstützung durch andere TIs. Das ist immer gut, weil man gleiche inhaltliche Diskussionen führen kann und sich austauschen kann.

  138. You are not alone. You are not crazy. Try to go about your life as normal as possible. Do not believe them or listen to their advise. Do what is right for you and your family. Live and be happy!

    Finally, everyone should know that the Ameican government would not take this course of action against its own citizens. They WANT you and others like you to believe that the US government is perpetuating theses acts in order to sow the seeds of discontent within American society. Based on some information I have observed published by reputable news organizations concerning related subject the target of our ire, displeasure, anger, frustration, hatred, and antimocity for the crimes committed against American people on American soil should be the Russian government. For more information, Google Russian psychotronics. Their explanation regarding the capabilities of the technology currently within their possession is similar to what countless people are describing to be occurring to themselves. Google Aaron Alexis. Review what he wrote on his shotgun. He was a victim as well and was used to kill other Americans.

    So I repeat. You are not alone. Don’t Give in to them and do your best to live your life to the fullest. I pray that your torment will end soon.

  139. Yes,since one and ahalf year I amsuffering having red eyes in the morning.
    They do use neighbours doing it to me,….one does it with radiation out of a strange garden lamp – the other neighbour is using extensive parfumed lamps.
    They want us leavind the house – to buy it.

  140. Hello,
    I am targeted individual. Please help me. I don’ t even know who they are, they are torturing me 24/7 and ruin my reputation, life, everything. They are torturing me since 2012. Now I am hopeless. Please help me and every targeted individual who is suffering.

    • I do not think so. I think anyone could end up in their programs, depending who is telling lies or evil things about you, whoever might envy your social status etc.
      Of course, also one criteria could be that they do their studies on certain population fields.
      But often these bastards are just primitive money-eaters who would kill anyone for satisfying their greedy behaviour.

  141. Pingback: UCSD and Law Library are they Networking GangStalking Main Blog | ucsdgangstalking2014humantrafficking

  142. Very accurate. However, in my opinion, most of the t.i. symptoms are being caused by spiritual forces using clueless people rather than just earthly devices. There’s no way to prove it’s spiritual, though, unfortunately.

  143. Most symptoms coincide with what I am going through but in my opinion it’s spiritual, likely demonic in nature. All the meditation and “zeness” doesn’t work, but if you notice, when you start looking for Godly things like learning about who God truly is and who is Satan and his evil agenda the persecution might increase. You will notice “they” persecute everybody, SPECIALLY if you are starting to turn to Christ, because they know it’s GOOD stuff , they will rry to discourage you. But don’t be discouraged keep take your faith in seriousness and in the end will pay. It happened to me!

  144. Have your children yourselves. Because as soon as you are born this begins at the hospitals. So have a natural birth, at home, no shots, no outside doctors. Maybe yourself and your partner can study how to do this before you give birth to your child. Also. Ignore them. Penetrate your mind with your own thoughts everyday. Say good things about yourself in your head, and no matter how much they reply and tell you the opposite, keep going. Insult them too. Once I used race. The voice kept telling me I was still a slave. I flipped it on him. I kept calling the voice in my head inferior and he got so mad he was silent for days.
    Study study study, get a doctorates and make sure you don’t get in trouble for anything. Make sure that your record is spotless. If you have any issues from your past make sure you have a logical explanation for any wrong doing. Once you get your doctorates, come forward and tell people the truth. You will have credibility working in your favor. The more of us that have some significant form of credibility, the more likely people will take us seriously when we come forward. Why would 20 well educated people with no history of mental illness say this were happening to them if it were not true? Raise your children to become hackers. This is important. Raise smart children. Influence them to become hackers. Not white, black, or grey hat hackers. Revolutionary hackers. Because if you or someone close to you can learn how to do this, you will gain some kind of control, and possibly be able to shut them down.
    We also have to find a way to warn children as early as possible about this and make it more interesting for them to look into. If someone could figure out how to take the stigma away from coming forward and saying publicly that this is happening, then we will be well on our way to taking this DEPOPULATION PROJECT down.

    It is meant to keep the people at the top on top and prevent the little people from achieving. They want you to do one of three things: 1. Submit to control. Willingly stay poor or at the level you are on. 2. Lose your mind. Enter an institution, because you will have limited access to resources. 3. Kill yourself. Because this country is becoming overpopulated. In fact the world is getting crowded. This system is the leading cause of mass shootings, why? Depopulation experiment.

    Write books on this. Tell everyone who isn’t aware of this. Many are going through this and they don’t even know it yet. I found out very recently, and when I look back I realize it was happening for a long time without my knowledge. Write about this. Make films and documentaries about it. Hold meetings if you can.

    If you need someone I am here. Ijeomambajonas@gmail.com. I’m ready to take them down. I don’t feel hopeless. I’ve collected a lot of concrete evidence that this is happening to me. I’m not giving up.

  145. Have your children yourselves. Because as soon as you are born this begins. So have a natural birth, at home, no shots, no outside doctors. Maybe yourself and your partner can study how to do this before you give birth to your child. Also. Ignore them. Penetrate your mind with your own thoughts everyday. Say good things about yourself in your head, and no matter how much they reply and tell you the opposite keep going. Insult them too. Once I used race. I kept calling the voice in my head inferior and he got so mad he was silent for days. Study study study, get a doctorates and make sure you don’t get in trouble for anything. Make sure that your record is spotless. If you have any issues from your past make sure you have a logical explanation for any wrong doing. Once you get your doctorates, come forward and tell people the truth. You will have credibility working in your favor. The more of us that have some significant form of credibility, the more likely people will take us seriously when we come forward. Why would 20 well educated people with no history of mental illness say this were happening to them if it were not true? We also have to find a way to warn children as early as possible about this and make it more interesting for them to look into. If someone could figure out how to take the stigma away from coming forward and saying publicly that this is happening, then we will be well on our way to taking this DEPOPULATION PROJECT down.

    It is meant to keep the people at the top on top and prevent the little people from achieving. They want you to do one of three things: 1. Submit to control. Willingly stay poor or at the level you are on. 2. Lose your mind. Enter an institution, because you will have limited access to resources. 3. Kill yourself. Because this country is becoming overpopulated. In fact the world is getting crowded. This system is the leading cause of mass shootings, why? Depopulation experiment.

    Write books on this. Tell everyone who isn’t aware of this. Many are going through this and they don’t even know it yet. I found out very recently, and when I look back I realize it was happening for a long time without my knowledge. Write about this. Make films and documentaries about it. Hold meetings if you can.

    If you need someone I am here. Ijeomambajonas@gmail.com. I’m ready to take them down. I don’t feel hopeless. I’ve collected a lot of concrete evidence that this is happening to me. I’m not giving up.

  146. Also see link in note
    note or letter to publish
    Dear Sir / Madam,
    The following in addition to my 2 diary[ email contact details below for diary] is my story, I was sentence to pentonville in Jan 2005 whilst there I started to experience voice to skull electronic harassment as set out in my diary i.e names of Prison Officer being stated to me as prison officer A is your fancy and whilst this occur this was followed by intense pain of DEW electronic harassment i.e beams passed across bottom of feet and arms result intense hot also beams passed across lower back, head [swollen, I have pictures of head swollen by beams]and hip result INTENSE PAIN. and whilst this occured The unothorise pentonville prison authority repeated respond to above is intense pentonville prison authority electronic harassment not respond to above is intense pentonville prison authority electronic harassment Also occured beams were passed across genital until a discharge did occur and the names of prison officer harassing me would be repeated by The Pentonville Prison Authorities in London, as a victim of a technology I had not even heard of see http://loveforlife.com.au/content/13/05/23/torture-report-dr-les-dove-cph-updated-april-2013 and as my attacker were the Prison Authorities in whose care I was entrusted by the state, I could not approach them for help as this would have resulted in more harassment, therefore what I decided to do was to keep a record of the harassment I was experiencing in the hope that once outside I will be able to ask a lawyer or Panarama or media organization to do a story and request The Pentonville Prison Authorities to put a stop to the electronic harassment that they started, At present my case is with the Parliamentry Standards Ombudsman who have sent a complain note to the pentonville prison authority regarding their harassment against me, however The Parliamentry Ombudsman is request contact detail and story of other Prison Victim of voice to skull electronic harassment in order to complete their investigation which could lead to a parliament Law against Prison voice to skull electronic harassment therefore I would like to request all Prison victim of voice to skull electronic harassment to email me at yayajawara@yahoo.co.uk also I the undersign would like the help of Investigative Journlist also prison documentary editor media organization also voice to skull human right organization regarding investigating the note and do a story requesting The Pentonville Prison Authorities to put a stop to the electronic harassment that they started email me at email address above, as the pentonville prison authority are in receit of all document i.e signed support witness statement regarding my case also a legal undertaken requesting the above is sent on 10 June 2015 requesting them to stop their voice to skull electronic harassment against me however to date there is a lack of a response from the pentonville prison authority regarding the undertaken however media pressure to date has result in the Pentonville prison authority request prison document however further media pressure is needed to effect a stopping of the Pentonville voice to skull electronic harassment against me and all prison victim of voice to skull electronic harassment.

    ……BY ORGANIZED STALKING AND ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT. Citizenship: USA …. Email: spirit2@europe.com He was a naval officer who helped develop the psychotronic (DEW) war.
    17 Aug 2014 – Proven real, Radar/Satellite Electronic Warfare Black Ops w/ brain …. prison. Constitutionally, a psychotronic device couldn’t be used in ….. Here is the full listing of email addresses I sent this ….. jail staff are involved, and are protecting the CIA here ….. and Voice to skull/Microwave auditory hearing effect
    Also As a BSc Tellecommunication Engineer Jammer in the attachment and below Zapper – Bio Zapper v2.1 – Dr. Hulda Clark Zapperis repaired to be portable and is effective getting a good night sleep also defending against DEW manifestation result have and present at work also could result in you and present and protest and defending against DEW manifestation also to confirm the real of voice to skull technology or I could build and purchase a R.F.I.D. chips Jammer effect is to stop voice to skull manifestation and distroy voice to skull R.F.I.D. chipst therefore if you are interested for a cost of 230 .00 pound I could build and repair above jammer and state effective frequence that would result in the above effect or for a cost of 350.00 pounds build and purchase R.F.I.D. chips Jammer . P.S Sign confirmation note below and state Jammer to build for cost of230.00 or 350.00 Pounds sent funds to paypal contact detail below also send address to post goods

    Note to sign
    I the undersigned confirm that I would like Yaya Jawara to Build and repair Jammer above for cost of 250.00 or 350.00 Pounds.

    State Jammer……………………………………………………………………….

    Print name ……………………………………………………………..
    Signed ……………………………………………………………..

    Dated this day of 2016

    Contact Address
    214 Stockfield Road
    London E17 3LT
    Email address : yayajawara@yahoo.co.uk

    Yours Sincerely
    Yaya Jawara BSc Tellecommunication

  147. Absolutely maddening, I actually called the cops the other day complaining of microwave sickness and other things. Aliens are doing this to people too, its an alien agenda and spiritual agenda. It is the button pushers that I would like to attack with some kind of legal merit. Violation of freedom of speech or microwave violations or something. I would like to sue the person who finances these operations. They do kill, heart attacks are easy to pull on someone.

  148. Wir Leben nicht, wir werden gelebt!

    – Oliver Grell –

    Was Sie gleich lesen werden ist nichts für schwache Nerven!
    Es ist keine Fiktion und trägt sich so zu.
    Es kann Sie in Ihrem Glauben zu tiefst erschüttern.

    Unfreiheit der Gedanken und somit der Handlungen

    Die Gedanke und Handlungen sind NICHT frei (MATRIX Effekt):

    SNOWDEN zur ad hoc Gedankenmanipultion durch dritte. . .

    Einführendes Beispiel was vor sich geht:

    Der Tod von Alöna Schnaidt


    Der Foltermord

    Ein Foltermord ist nichts anderes wie eine Kreuzigung. Jedoch wird mit elektronischen Mitteln gefoltert, bis durch beigebrachte Krankheiten oder einem plötzlichem Herztod der Tot eintritt. Interessanterweise wird auch bei einem Menschen das gesamte Nervensystem in einen Schmerzzustand versetzt, den man mit einem Stromgefühl vergleichen kann. Zudem wird der Herzmuskel durch geeignete Frequenzen verkrampft. Man bewegt sich dann nicht mehr und nun wird in den Füßen und Händen punktuell sehr starker Schmerz induziert. Das entspricht schon einer Kreuzigung.

    In immer mehr “ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT” Fällen wird das öffentlich, was schon seit Dekaden läuft. Man nennt die bekannten Opfer “Targeted Individuals“. Auch mit mir spielen sie schon solange ein mieses Spiel.
    Bedenken Sie, ich und die obigen Fälle sind öffentlich gewordene Fälle der Manipulation von Menschen. Die meisten bekommen es gar nicht mit. Sie werden ohne ihr Wissen zu Handlungen bewegt, die sie so nie tun würden (Sex-Kitten-Progrmmierung) oder einfach nur durch Herzmanipulation ermordet. Schlimm sind die Fälle, in denen jemanden Krankheiten über Jahre beigebracht werden, die sie NIE als von dritten beigebracht identifizieren

    Sie werden von Dritten abgehört und es werden Handlungen “on the fly” manipuliert. Was ein Mensch akustisch versteht, muss nicht das sein was ein anderer zu ihm gesagt hat. Was man selber sagt, muss nicht so bei anderen ankommen. Jede Handlung muss mit der geplanten nicht übereinstimmen, weil hineinmanipuliert wird.

    Die Gedanken sind leicht abhörbar, da wir nun mal Sätze formulieren.
    Und wer Schmerzen hat und Ärzte keine Ursache finden, kann sich durchaus fragen, ob er angegangen wird.
    Der Matrix-Effekt besagt, dass jeder Mensch spontan für andere in dieser Weise benutzt werden kann. Das ist insoweit aus gleichnamiger Verfilmung ja nicht unbekannt.

    Der Matrix-Effekt bedeutet, wie Snowden schon sagt, dass Agenten sich spontan via Remote Neural Monitoring in einen Menschen einklinken können und seine Handlungen manipulieren können. Das von der CIA im MK-ULTRA Unterprojekt erarbeitete Remote-Viewing wurde perfektioniert, da man nun die vorformulierten Sätze der Gedanken nun lesen kann. Das ganze nennt man auch Surrogate.


    Für alle die, die Hollywood noch nicht verstanden haben, hier die Kurzform. Hollywood verfilmt immer das, was die Regierung gerade beschäftigt, da die einfach zu einfallslos sind und über VIP-Bettgeflüster ohnehin alles mitbekommen, was die Regierung an Scheiße baut. Aliens stehen dabei für Aggressoren der Regierung oder Bürger, die dem Staat gefährlich sein können.
    Um das nun in etwas Konkretes zu gießen hier Beispiele. Der Film “Surrogate” hat eben diese Möglichkeit des Remote Neural Monitorings mit Remote-Viewing zum Tema gehabt.
    Die “Matrix” Verfilmung hat die von Snowden angesprochene ad hoc Remote Manipulationstechnik zum Tema gehabt, wobei die Agenten ihre eigene Rolle spielen durften. Die Drohnen und EMP Technik wurde ebenfalls in dem Film thematisiert. Die Pillen stehen für Chips, die heutzutage im Bio-Hacking von Freaks an sich selbst benutzt werden und auch so sehr zunehmen.
    Ein anderes Beispiel ist der allen bekannte “Alien” Film aus dem Jahr 1979. Dort wurde bereits die sich abzeichnende Umweltverschmutzung durch Schwefeldioxid thematisiert. Das Geoengeneering der Gegenwart hieß damals Terraforming und bezog sich natürlich auf die Erde. Prof. Lesch, den viele kennen hat das Problem ebenfalls mal zum Thema gemacht, weil die Verursachen, die Zementindustrie, in ihrer Verbreitung so gravierend sind und auch den damit einhergehenden “Sauren Regen” produzieren:

    Das interessante daran ist, dass die Feinde der Regierung, also im Film die Aliens, Bürger sind, die an “Saurem Regen” erkrankt sind. Sie haben buchstäblich Schwefelsäure über den Sauren Regen in der Lunge, also im Brustbereich. Sarkoidose ist so eine typische Diagnose für solche Umwelterkrankung. Logischerweise wird es niemals eine schlüssige Erklärung für diese Erkrankung geben, weil die Bürger sonst loslaufen und reihenweise die Werke in ihren Städten verklagen und stilliegen lassen. Das kann die Regierung natürlich nicht zulassen.

    Zur Sache Schätzchen

    Um das mal klar zu stellen, bei der Manipulation von Menschen via elektronischer Waffen wird eine Kriminalisierungs- und Isolationsmasche angewendet, um jahrzehntelang sogenannte Schwarze Forschung an Familien führen zu können. Die in der Biophysik bzw. durch Militär/Polizei angewandten elektronischen Distanzwaffen oder Überwachungstechniken sorgen bei den Opfern dieser Technik zu einem Anstieg der Hirnfrequenz über einen Wert, den das Opfer normalerweise hat. Zudem steigt die Oberflächenspannung auf der Hautoberfläche sprunghaft an. Das Unterbewusstsein der Opfer dieser Technik merkt dies ohne weiteres zutun und versucht eine Erklärung für diese Form des Angriffs zu finden. Da der Angriff bzw. die Observierung aus dem Hinterhalt erfolgt, findet das Unterbewusstsein und später auch das bewusst suchende Opfer keine Erklärung für dieses Phänomen und es kommt möglicherweise zur Ausbildung von Macken. Eine Bewusstseinskontrolle in dem Sinne findet also nicht statt. Wohl aber eine Bewusstseinsveränderung auf der Basis eines Angriffs auf einen menschlichen Körper ohne Erklärung.
    Somit kann auch ein simpler überstark sendender Sendemast in der Nähe dies bewirken. Hier haben wir es aber mit schwerst Kriminalität zu tun.

    Eine Bewusstseinsveränderung ist nach dem “Aufwachen”, also dem bewusstem Feststellen, dass man von Dritten angegriffen wird nicht mehr möglich, da einem Opfer ein schlüssiges Erklärungsmodell zur Verfügung steht und die Psyche sich normalisiert.

    Ein angestrebtes Ziel, die Heilung von Personen durch ein modifiziertes Biofeedback verstärkt noch den Effekt zur Ausbildung einer Macke, wenn ein Proband nichts von der Behandlung weiß.

    Mal ganz abgesehen von der Ausbildung von Tumoren ua. in den oberen Hautschichten und entzündeten Lymphknoten unter den Achseln.

    Das hochgelobte auslesen von Gedanken zur Kriminalitätsbekämpfung scheitert an dem nicht vorhandenem Kontext. So werden wahrgenommene Ereignisse dem Observiertem zugeschrieben, wobei dieser mit nichts etwas zu tun hatte. Auch kann kaum zwischen Ereignissen in der Vergangenheit und geplanten Handlungen unterschieden werden. Einem durchschnittlichem Bundesbürger sieht man es nicht an, dass er zuvor beruflich jahrelang eine Pistole getragen hat und nun lediglich als Hilfsarbeiter arbeitet. Fatal! Denn die Gedanken an eine Pistole sind immer wieder präsent und werden durch eine simple Tagesschau aufgefrischt.

    Wenn ich die Wellentheorie ins Kalkül mit einbeziehe, muss man bei einer permanenten Bestrahlung mit Mikrowellen mit Monsterwellen rechnen, die sich je nachdem im Infraschall- oder, Lichtwellen oder einfach gesagt in Energiewellen wiederspiegelt. Wir vergessen dabei nicht, dass der Mensch eine eigene Energiequelle ist, er eine weitere Energiequelle benutzen kann z.B. einen Kopfhörer und mit einer weiteren Energiequelle wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit um ein vielfaches erhöht, denn man benötigt lediglich zwei Wellen, nämlich eine schnelle und eine langsame Welle. Das insbesondere ein pulsierendes Mikrowellensignal die Wahrscheinlichkeit gleich mal eben wenigstens verdoppelt braucht man eigentlich kaum noch erwähnen.

    Eine Verhaltensänderung z.B. militärisch gesehen eines feindlichem Soldaten, ist insofern Quatsch, da man den hoch roten Kopf, insbesondere die Ohren sofort sieht und die angegangene Person unnatürlich wirkt. Seine Aussagen werden für andere aufgrund dieses visuellen Kontext ad absurdem geführt. Man erklärt den angegangenen für verwirrt oder krank ohne zu wissen, das er angegangen wird.

    Bevor es weitergeht kann man schon mal sagen, dass ein Remote Neural Biofeedback höchst wahrscheinlich über die Nerven abgegriffen wird, und sich ein permanentes bewegen der Zehen bzw. ändern der Anspannung in der Muskulatur positiv bemerkbar macht. Andere haben bereits das kontinuierliche langsame Ein- und Ausatmen zur Entspannung der Muskulatur empfohlen.
    Und wenn die Manipulationsversuche am Herzmuskel zu heftig werden, einfach den Oberkörper etwas verdrehen.

    Im übrigen ist ein Pionier jemand, der in einen Pool gepisst hat, in den noch keiner gepisst hat und nicht mehr. Dafür benötigt man keine Qualität!

    Organisationen gegen diese Verbrechen

    Covert Harassment Conference


    The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 is a human rights conference to create awareness on the covert harassment of civilians with the use of non-lethal weaponry and organized stalking.


    Initiative Gegen




    The World Coalition Against Covert Harassment



    The World Coalition Against Covert Harassment

    European Coalition Against Covert Harassment


    International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies

    International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies




    Stopeg, Stop Electronic Weapons, Stop Gang Stalking






    STOP Zorganizowanym

    Einige momentan ermordete Bürger

    Wenn die Gedanken nicht passen oder nicht bekannt sind wird man in den Suizid getrieben. Natürlich auch, wenn es jemand möchte oder im Rahmen eines Monarch Projektes.
    Liste weiterer momentan gefolteter und ermordeter Bürger:















    Noch eine Opfersammlung:




    Die Technik – Patente

    Bei der verwendeten Technik muss man sich die aktuelle Forschung mit ihrem brain-to-brain und brain-to-computer nur ansehen und rekapitulieren, was unsere Regierungen in den letzten 50 Jahren außer Stealth-Flieger zu konstruieren noch so getan haben. Z.B. MK-Ultra, Einstein 1, Einstein 2 Projekte oder gegenwärtig und von Snowden das benannte MONSTER-MIND Projekt.

    Mit so etwas wie dem Bengt Nölting Patent, Psychotron oder U.S. Patent zum Neurophone werden via Drohne oder Satellit . die Gedanken gelesen oder manipuliert sowie Folter verabreicht.

    https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/pat/register?AKZ=102534330 .

    Durch diese Technik wird man blind, bekommt Tumore oder Krebs! . Zudem, das malträtieren des Magens treibt die Magensäure in die Speiseröhre und das sorgt dort über die dauer betrachtet für Krebs. Es ist lso ein laufender Mord keine simple Folter! Selbiges gilt für den Schlafenzug. Denn in Studien hat man in England festgestellt, dass Schichtarbeiter deutlich mehr Krebs bekommen.

    Den Begriff Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) sollten sie sich merken. Es besagt, dass Ihre Nervensignale ausgelesen und interpretiert werden. Sie werden dies unter dem Begriff SURROGATE bereits eventuell kennen.
    Wenn sie vermessen werden, fühlen sie wie ein Kribbeln oder Stromgefühl von Ihren Füßen zum Kopf geht. Typischerweise wird dies im Morgengrauen getan, wenn sie in Ihrer REM Phase sind und all Ihre Sinne abgeschaltet sind. Aber Sie wachen davon auf und haben ein Zittern in den Muskeln/Nerven verspürt.

    Ich persönlich würde eine Schädelresonanz als Technik vermuten, bei der der Schädel kurz vermessen wird. Diese Vermessungsphase ist auch anderen Ortes genannt. Diese Schädelfrequenz ist individuell und auf sie können alle Körpereigenen Organ- und Hirnspezifischen Frequenzen aufmoduliert werden, um nur dieses eine Individuum zu manipulieren. Der Mensch neben einem bekommt nichts davon mit. Zudem arbeitet unser Gehirn singulär, d.h. es kann nur eine Sache zur Zeit verarbeiten. Wenn man seine Nerven z.B. durch bewegen der Zehenspitzen beschäftigt, wird das externe Signal geschwächt, da unser Gehirn immer umschalten muss, um multitask zu arbeiten.
    Die Frequenzen kennt man vom Groben her schon seit den 90er aus den Bereichen der elektronischen Homöopathie, der Radionik den Binauralen Beats und von der Stasi, die Moleküle eines Menschen in Resonanz gebracht hat, um sie vermutlich zu foltern.
    Ein Kristallschödel ist somit eine Metapher, wobei ein gläserner Menschen durch seinen Schädel erzeugt wird. Und Hollywood liebt es, die Schweinereien der Regierung zu verfilmen.

    Die Täter

    Die Polizei geht KEINEN Foltermorden nach und beteiligt sich so an Morden!

    Daraus folgt: ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards)

    Die Täter unterliegen dem neuem “Gruppenwahn“, der über die Psychiatrie in Itzehoe bezogen auf die vier Serienbrandstiffter bzw. Feuerwehrleute in Schleswig? sehr treffend festgestellt wurde. Es sind dort zwei Irre Brandstifter gewesen, die es schafften, andere für ihre geisteskranken Handlungen zu begeistern. Dieses Phänomen ist ein Problem des 21 Jahrhunderts. Ich vermute, dass dies in der zunehmenden Anonymität begründet liegt, da jedem bewusst wird, wie 08/15 und perspektivlos man lebt. Sie wollen sich ins Rampenlicht stellen, was darstellen. Die Zelebrierung von Stars in Funk und Fernsehen fördert diesen Effekt. Auf das pilgern zu Festivals trägt dazu bei. Man ist Sklave und ein Nichts, bewegt sich anonym in der Masse. Das wollen sie nicht mehr und werden radikal. Egal wie. Sie kleben sich ein bluses Blinklicht aufs Autodach und spielen die Scheriffs. Sie Brandstiften in Gruppen. Zunehmendes Wichtigtuertum in Gruppen, weil die Sozialen Netzwerke die Gruppenbildung von Verrückten fördert.
    Und glauben Sie mir, das passiert auch im Nachrichtenwesen und auf Polizeiwachen, dss man sich zu Gruppen formiert und kriminell handelt. Und es wird immer mehr.
    Ohne Frage haben die Mörder einen Gottkomplex da sie hemmungslos morden wie sie möchten. Keine Ahnung, warum die Elmshorner Polizei solche Irren frei rumlaufen läßt.

    Das die Mörder während ihres 20 jährigen Meuchelmordes die Privatsphäre zu 100% vernichtet haben ist klar und ergibt sich aus ihrer Folterei. Klar ist uch, dass die Täter, die sich ja mit den Genitalien eines Fremden 20 Jahre beschäftigen indem Sie ua. dort Schmerzen verursachen, extrem schwul sein müssen, da jeder andere sich abgewendet und angeekelt fühlen würde. Das Schwul sein ist ja an sich tolerierbar, aber nicht das extreme ungefragte Zuschaffenmachen an fremden Genitalien! Einfach nur widerlich dieses schwer psychologisch gestörte Verhalten!

    In niederträchtigster Art schieben die Täter gerne den Begriff “Kinder” vor, um mit ihren Foltermorden zur Selbstergötzung Schutz zu suchen, bei den verletzlichsten Wesen überhaupt , vor dem hoffentlich niederschmetternden Urteil des Deutschen Volkes zum Bespucken aller, die für Menschenrechte ihr Leben gelassen haben und noch werden.

    Die Opfer

    Dort wird beschrieben was für unvorstellbare Grausmkeiten mit Menschen auch in Deutschland über Dekaden getrieben werden.
    So wird mit elektronischen Distanzwaffen ob skalar also direkt sein mal dahingestellt. einem Menschen vom Schmerzempfinden her ein Messer in den Fuß gerammt und ganz langsam bis zum Haaransatz hochgezogen. Stellen sie sich einfach or es dringt einen Zentimeter in den Körper ein und wird langsam beginnend an einem Fuß im Körper entlang hochgezogen. Es ist ein Aufschlitzen, das weder die Hoden noch die Lippen oder Augen auslässt. Unvorstellbare Schmerzen. Den ganzen Tag, die ganze Woche, den ganzen Monat, das ganze Jahr, die ganzen Dekaden lang wird dies alle par Minuten mit einem Menschen in Deutschland gemacht. Parallel dazu wird man rund um die Uhr psychiatrierend vollgelabert.
    Es dürfte jedem klar sein, dass es diese Art von Verbrechen so auf diesem Planeten noch NIE gegeben hat, da die technischen Möglichkeiten dies mit Strom und Elektronik zu tun nun mal noch nicht lange gibt.
    Die Möglichkeit einem Menschen EXTREME Schmerzen beizubringen ohne ihn gleich zu töten über eine lange Zeit völlig unentdeckt!

    Facebook ist erschreckend voll von Gruppen über “Electronic Harassment” und “Targeted Individuals”, wo die Opfer kund tun, wie sie durch Terroristen geschlachtet werden:

    Chronologie meiner Ermordung

    So haben die Mörder massiv gefoltert, als es darum ging, einen Bildungsgutschein, also eine Umschulung zu erreichen. Durch das Verhindern konnten die Täter für verbleibende 17 Jahre bis zu einer Rente den Beruf verändern und bis zum Einteten des Todes die Rente!

    Der Grund

    Es ist müssig, sich über den Grund der Ermordung zu unterhalten, da die Opfer dieser Foltermorde über den Grund ihrer Ermordung völlig im Unklarem gelassen werden!
    Bei mir würde ich auf vergangene Tätigkeiten im Cheffrierbereich der NATO tippen. Kennt man unter dem Begriff “Enigma” Verschlüsselungsgerät & Co. Solche Zusammenhänge könnten in der Vergangenheit arangiert worden sein, um Schwarze Forschung betreiben zu können. Läuft ja eh alles unter “Top Secret”.

    Was bezwecken die mit dem Verkauf von privaten Informationen zu Menschen in Deutschland?
    Soll das das Denunziantentum eines NS-Regiems sein?


    Schuld und Sühne am Deutschem Volk und der Komune Elmshorn

    Da ich wärend meines Studium massiv zersetzt wurde konnte ich dies nicht beenden.
    Daraus follgt, da statistisch jeder Ingenueur 10 Arbeisplätze schafft, das bei einer angenommenen Firmengründung und einer über Generationen 100 Jährigen Laufzeit, dem Deutschem Volk und der Komune Elmshorn follgender Schaden entstanden ist:

    10 Arbeiter würden 100 Jahre in der Firma arbeiten.

    Jeder bezahlt angenommene 500 Euro Steuern.
    Ergibt: 10x100x12x500 = 6.000.000 Euro!

    Das heißt, die Stalker haben dem Deutschem Volk und der Komune Elmshorn einen Schaden von 6 Millionen Euro beschert!
    Das ist der offensichtliche und einfchste angerichtete Schaden.

    Die rechtschaffenden Polizisten in Elmshorn müssen Rechenschaft darüber ablegen,, warum sie wollten, das dies geschen sollte. Denn es ist jedem klar, dass von diesem Geld auch kleine Kinder provitiert hätten. Eine Schande!

    Ich zumindest war auf diesem Polizeirevier und habe keine Hilfe bekommen!
    Und somit die Kinder auch nicht….

    Um die Schuld zu begleichen wird den Tätern bei einem Tgesstz von 30 Euro und einem Schaden von 6 Millionen Euro eine Haftzeit von wenigstens 10.000 Jahren auferlegt, um die Sühne zu begleichen! Selbstverstöndlich können die Stalker sich die Strafe teilen…

    Es ist auch jedem klar, dass ausgerechnet ein Technischer Informatiker Geld in das Land gebracht hätte, da das im IT Bereich durchaus realistischist ist und man ohnehin weltweit agiert.

    Jeder kann sich überlegen, was 20.000 Stalkerfälle für ein Land bedeuten. Auch wenn es nicht immer angehende Naturwissenschaftler sind. Ob die vorliegenden Gesetze dies wiederspiegeln bezweifle ich.


    Grundlegends gilt bei RNM, wer sein Nervensystem beschäftigt oder einem Reiz aussetzt, schaltet das externe Signal durch dritte aus bzw. überblendet es und man ist so gut wie schmerzfrei! Schon mal einen Bauchwegtrainer probiert?
    Das stärkste frei verfügbare Schmerzmittel ist ua. IBU-LYSIN 684 mg. Muss man erstmal finden.
    Bei RNM sollte ein Mittel das die Nerven beruhigt gut sein. Baldrian in Mengen wäre eine Idee. Auch Öle die permanent einen Reiz aussenden, könnten das externe Signal überblenden.
    Allgemein ist bei RNM festzustellen, das schon die kleinste Bewegung, das eterne Signal überblendet und so schwächt. Das liegt vermutlich daran, dass wenn man den kleinen Zeh bewegt, die Nervensignale durch das ganze Rückenmark geleitet wird. Also wer nur den kleinen Zeh permanent bewegt, hat deutlich weniger Schmerzen! Das Stromgefühl wird vermidert oder ausgelöscht.
    Wer im Bauchbereich angegangen wird, kann mal auf gleicher Höhe von hinten auf die Wirbelsäule drücken. Lassen die Symptome nach?
    Es gibt im Nachrichtenwesen den Tipp zwei Finger zu keuzen, und so ein überblendendes Nervensignal zu generieren.


    Am Arbeitsplatz werden Personen um Sie herum stark manipuliert. Man fügt ihnen so starke Schmerzen zu, dass sie unvermittelt vom Arbeitsplatz weg in ein Krankenhaus gebracht werden müssen oder sich selber zum Arzt schleppen. Das besondere darn, um dass mal gegen normale Krankheitsfälle abzugrenzen besteht darin, dass sie kaum krank geschrieben werden, da überhaupt keine Ursache gefunden wird. Nichts, kein positiver Befund für eine Erkrankung.

    Neben den verabreichen von temporären Krankheitsbildern ohne positivem Befund, wird massiv von der Gedankenmanipulation gebrauch gemacht, wie Snowden es beschreibt. Kollegen sagen Sätze, die sie so nie sagen würden und danach starren Sie für ein zwei Minuten einfach nur ins leere und versuchen für sich eine Erklärung dafür zu finden, warum sie das gesagt haben und welchen Sinn das überhaupt machen soll. Ich würde das als einen Schockzustand einstufen. Das sind die typischen ad hoc subliminalen Beeinflussungen, die geringfügig ins Bewußtsein durchdringen, aber vom Betroffenen aufgrund der fehlenden Erklärung nicht ins Bewußtsein komplett durchdringen. Man merkt selber nicht, dass man manipuliert wird.
    Aber der gegenüber merkt es schon. Und zwar an dem typischen rotem Kopf. Gerne sind die Ohren oder der Nacken rot angelaufen. Im Nachhinein würde ich sagen, die meisen reiben sich ohnehin am Nacken, da sie ein Signal spüren, einn kleiner Reitz halt. Die roten Ohren und die Nase und das Gesicht kommen halt von dem Mikrowellensignal oder einer Resonanz mit dem Schädel, was logischerweise einen Temperaturanstieg herbeiführt.


    Klar, oberste Prirorität hat aus der Sicht der Täter hat die Kontrolle des Briefkastens! Hierüber lässt sich sehr vorteilhaft ein vollständiger und umfassender Identitätsbetrug realisieren und die Lebensumstände einer Person nachhaltig beeinflussen. Denken Sie mal an die unzähligen Bewerbungszusagen, die einfach mal kurz im Müll landen, bis auf eine, die den Tätern ins Spiel passt. Mahnbescheide, Rechnungen lnden gut sichtbar im Hausmüll, denn in jedem Fall soll es ja so aussehen, als täte es die ermordete Person selber. Das erhöht den Eindruck einer psychisch erkrankten Person und bringt ihn ein Stück näher n seine eigentliche Ermordung, die ja woanders stattfinden soll.


    Klar das die Täter in die Wohnung der Opfer eindringen. Bei mir war es sogar so, dass auf einmal nach einem Wasserschaden ca. 2006 in der Nachbarwohnung, plötzlich die Polizei bei mir klingelt und fragte warum mein Nachbar einen Schlüssel zu meiner Wohnung habe. Natürlich ist die Polizei wortlos abgedampft ohne sich weiter dafür zu interessieren. Wir sind ja auch in Elmshorn.
    Das beste ist aber, als ich eines Tages nach Hause kam und mein WC betrachtete, da wunderte ich mich über dessen Reinheit selber. Bei genauerem Betrachten sah ich unten den Abdruck einer Zunge! Man kann sich gar nicht vorstellen, wie pervers diese Mörder wirklich sind.


    Der Mörder

    Im übrigem liegt eine Auftragsermordung immer vor, da es immer exakt ein Mensch ist, der sich die Ermordung eines anderen ersinnt. Denn irgendwer macht nunmal den Vorschlag oder vergibt den Auftrag. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob später eine ganze Bane im Blutrausch tötet, es ist immer eine Kreatur, die das Töten in Gang setzt!

    Ein Mensch auf diesem Planeten hat meine Ermordung beschlossen!

    Stimmen hören (voice-to-skull)

    Vorab, es ist das Paradoxeste was ich jemals erlebt habe. Denn die Mörder labern die ganze Zeit auf einen ein und kommentieren auch mein Leben. Nun fragen sich alle, wie die Mörder drauf kommen, das ein normaler Mensch auf das Gebrabel von offensichtlichen geisteskranke und hochgradigen Gewalttätern auch nur einen Fliegenschiss drauf gibt, was Mörder einem erzählen. Wenn das so wäre, dann könnte ich mir ja gleich bei einem Kinderschänder einen Lebensrat holen. So ein Schwachsinn. Macht aber deutlich wie hochgradig irre die Töter sind.

    Die Täter benutzen gerne voice-to-skull, was besagt, das dem Opfer die Stimmen der Mörder in den Kopf induziert werden. Voice-to-skull ist eine ursprünglich militärische Technik, mit der auch die AMI’s kurz im Internet geprallt haben, dann aber die Veröffentlichung entfernt haben.
    Es gibt dazu Patente, die ich hier mal einfügen werden. Wenn also ein Opfer berichtet, das er mehrere Stimmen hört, so wie ich, dann kann man eigentlich von etwas militärischem ausgehen. Dumm nur, das man nicht davon ausgehen kann, dass das ganze Equipment der DDR für solche Sachen zu 100% in die richtigen Hände gelangten.
    In besonders schlimmen Fällen ht man es mit drei Stimmen zu tun, die über Jahre 24 Stunden am Tag auf einen einreden, mit dem Ziel jemanden in den Selbstmord zu treiben. Das ist ja bei einer illegalen Lebensversicherung als Bonus für eine Auftrgsermordung nun mal der Idealfall.Der Einsatz von drei Stimmen ist psychologisch bedingt und folgt der Kreuzverhörmasche. Es soll einen halt mürbe machen.
    In meinem Fall begann alles im Grunde, als meine Ermordung in mein Bewußtsein drang. Das geschah dadurch, dass eine Stimme zu mir sagte “Ich mache den verrückt”. Ds war vor 19 Jahren also ca. 1997. Man kann vermuten, dass die subliminale Stimme, die zum Beeinflussen von Menschen benutzt wird zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht richtig eingestellt war. Denn ich habe außer diesem Satz bis 2004 nichts weiter an Stimmen gehört.
    Zwisschen 2004 und 2006 waren die Stimmen im Grunde nicht zu verstehen. Nur auszugsweise konnten Satzfrgmente verstanden werden. Fest stand zu der Zeit, dass es mehrere Personen waren. Insgesammt kann ich feststellen, dass ich die Stimmen nur gehört habe, wenn ich in Elmshorn gewohnt habe. Soll heißen, immer wenn der angemeldete Wohnsitz Elmshorn war, höre ich Stimmen. Ich habe keine Stimmen gehört, ls ich in Pinneberg oder Hmburg gewohnt habe.
    Seit 2013 im November höhre ich wenigstens drei Stimmen rund um die Uhr, die ausschließlich beleidigend sind und einen in den Suizid treiben sollen.
    Die subliminale Beeinflussung merkt man sehr selten. Aber wenn sie versuchen einen dazu zu bringen vom Balkon zu springen, dann setzten sie zusätzlich Schmerzen in den Beinen ein, was wohl aus deren Sicht ein Kribbeln sein soll in etwa “beweg Dich, spring”.

    Ein Mord

    Bei diesem Stimmenhören musste ich mir die Ermordung eines Mieters hier im Haus anhören. Wie sie sich über den scheinbar betrunkenen lustig gemacht haben und sie sich offensichtlich mit ihren Beeinflussungen an ihm ergätzt haben, bis sie plötzlich für Minuten nichts mehr sagten. Vier Tage später hat man ihn hier in seiner Wohnung gefunden. Ich wußte leider nicht, an wem sie sich zu dem Zeitpunkt zu schaffen machten. Wohl wusste ich, dass sie ihn beeinflussen, da er etwas wirr hir im Haus rumlief und auch mal bei mir klingelte, ohne was dann zu sgen. Wie unter Hypnose.
    Mag sein, dass deren Cleaning von Menschen in die Hose ging oder eben halt endgültig sein sollte, da er eventuell aufgewacht war.

    Das Aufwachen

    Als “Aufwachen” bezeichnet man den Vorgang, wenn man sich bewußt ist, dass man manipuliert wird. Man spricht von da an von einem Aufgewachtem. Eine Kriminalisierung ist dann meistens Beendet. Auch Menschen die durch ein Sex-Kitten-Programming irgendwo hineingebracht wurden, werden beginnen auszusteigen.


    Es werden einem rund um die Uhr über Dekaden stärkste Schmrzen beigebracht! Grundlegens knn man sich das als Unbeteiligter überhaupt nicht vorstellen, da dies im Extremfall bei einem Aufgewachtem gemacht wird, der genau mitbekommt, dass die Schmerzen von dritten beigebracht werden, und dies über Jahre.
    Die menschliche Vorstellungskraft steigt regios aus, da mn es mit Dekaden der Folterung zu tun hat. Das liegt darin begründet, das eine eine herkämliche Folterung wohl über Wochen statt findet und auch so in Einzelfällen äffentlich wird, ber eben nicht über Dekaden. Man weiß uch, das Blut irgendwann gerinnt und so in der Vorstellung eines Menschen hier ein zeitlicher Rahmen eistiert, der etwas für plausibel begründet. Aber über Dekaden?
    Selbst Fälle wie Fritzel oder Kampusch sind im Vergleich harmlos, da kein voice-to-skull über Dekaden eingesetzt wurde und auch die permanente Folterung durch Schmerz nicht vorlag.

    Über lles hinweg hat man immer Schmerzen im gesammten Muskelsystem bzw. in den Nerven. Bis in die Fingerspitze ist ds permanente Pochen, wie man es von Schnittverletzungen kennt zu verspüren. Abwechselnd werden Organe oder Körperpartien maltretiert und ein Schmerzempfinden verurscht. I.d.R. kennt man almälich den Abfaufplan, erst die Fußspitzen, dann die Waden, dann die Kniee, dann die Oberschänkel, dann der Po, dann der Magen, dann die Brust, dann die Nieren, dann der Kopf. Und dann von vorne beginnend.
    Man kennt dies aus Beschreibunge anderer Electronic Harassment Fälle.

    Wenn man sich entspannt, verspürt man ein Zittern in den entsprechenden Körperteilen. Wahrscheinlich typisch für Remote Neural Monitoring.
    Auch typisch scheint es zu sein, dass man schlecht Luft durch die Nase bekommt. Ein Nasenspräh ist fast Pflicht um zu atmen. Natürlich verbunden mit einem Hitzegefühl.
    Wenn das Manipulationssignal abgeschaltet wird, hat man schlagartig ein Kältegefühl!


    Hier mal eine Extremform der Ausnutzung dieser Techniken für umfassenden Versicherungsbetrug über mehrere Maschen hinweg, wie es im Kreise der TI grassiert und als Motiv betrachtet wird.

    Wenn man Sie ermordet, werden in rhytmischen Abständen alle Organe nacheinander maltretiert, um Sie für die eigentliche Ermordung vorzubereiten. Das nennt man “Urlaubsreif” machen. Man wird dann parallel versuchen Sie bis aufs Blut zu reitzen und auffällig werden zu lassen, dmit Sie an einen anderen Ort gebracht werden wie einer psychischen Einrichtung oder durch Kriminalisierung in ein Gefängnis. Das folgt dem Motto “Aus dem Auge , aus dem Sinn” und verhindert unangenehme Fragen oder Ermittlungen. Diesem Motto folgend, wird man auch versuchen Sie aus Ihrer vertrauten Arbeitsplatzumgebung herauszubringen, damit dort sich keine Nachfragen ergeben. An Ihrem Wohnort macht man Sie unmöglich, um Sie zu isolieren.

    Wenn Sie z.B. im betreutem Wohnen, Krankenhaus oder einer Psychiatrie sind, geben die Täter richtig Gas und Sie erleiden kurz mal einen Herzinfakt oder Organversagen (wurde ja vorbereitet). Sie werden also isoliert sterben, keiner stellt Fragen und man kommt leicht an eine Sterbeurkunde heran. Selbiges geht über die Verwandten nicht, da sonst Fragen aufkommen, wenn dort Eingebrochen wird oder sonstiges. Richtig, wegen einer ohne Ihre Kenntnis über Sie abgeschlossenen Lebensversicherung.
    Wenn man Sie so in der Hand hat, ist ein Krankenabrechnungsbetrug gut möglich, da vertraute Informationen durch die zuvor genannte Technik zur Verfügung steht und Sie zudem psychisch krank hingestellt werden. Da wird konsequent Aussage gegen Aussage durchgezogen, nach dem Motto, man seie krank und wisse gar nicht mehr was man täte.
    Zu diesen Versticherungsbetrügerein kann ich anmerken, dass mir mal ein zweiter Solzialversicherungsausweis ins Haus flatterte, bei dem lediglich das Geburtsdatum anders war. Es wurde vermutlich Sozialversicherungsbetrug durchgeführt, da so eine vollständige Person in Deutschland vorhanden war, ohne real zu existieren. Ich habe den Ausweis zurückgeschickt und frge mich, ob die ihr System gegen solche Sozialversicherungsbetrugsmasche hin überprüft haben. Dieser Sachverhalt macht aber deutlich, warum die Täter massiv immer an Ihren Briefkasten müssen.
    Beim Briefkasten werden Ihnen wichtige Dokumente entwendet, die Sie in Schwierigkeiten bringen sollen. So wird eine Rechnung für zu schnelles Fahren natürlich nie bei Ihnen ankommen, wie bei mir geschehen. Da soll mal schön die Polizei in das Haus kommen und Sie negativ ins Gespräch bringen. Alles zu Isolationszwecken.

    Unverständlich ist die lapidare Handhabung bei der Auszahlung von Lebensversicherungen. So könnte man dem Lebensvericherungsbetrug eine deutliche Erschwehrniss einbringen, wenn man lediglich den nächsten Verwandten heranzieht und ihn für eine plausibilitötskontrolle einer Auszahlung an eine familienfremde Person bittet. Im Falle eines Zweifels würde man akribisch nach einer gefälschten Unterschrift such. Hieraus würde es in einem von 100 Fällen einen Treffer geben, der aber Auswirkungen auf komplette kriminelle Strukturen hat, da man sie so überhaupt gefunden hat.

    Wenn man solche Gesetzesvorschläge mit einem Copyright versieht, belohnt man die, die positives im finanziellem Bereich der Gemeinschaft leisten. In diesem Fall hätte ich 4 Millionen Euro verdient, da man davon ausgehen kann, dass unrechtmäßige Lebensversicherungen gerne ins Ausland fließen und ich einen Verhinderten Schaden von 20 x 2 Millionen mal annehme. Bei 10% und einer Laufzeit von 10 Jahren könnte ich für dieses Gesetz in jedem Land einmalig 4 Millionen Euro bekommen.
    Da die Prüfung Arbeit mit sich bringt werden auch Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Bei 193 primären Ländern hätte ich kurz mal wenigstens 1930 Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. 10 Stück in jedem Land. Natürlich auch im Bereich der Detekteien, die Verwandte für eine Lebensversicherung auswendig machen müssten.

    Dumm nur, das in diesem Land angehende Ingenuere ermordet werden!


    Oliver Grell, Elmshorn


    Über 3 Gaus in meiner Wohnung gemessen!

    • oliver, wie sind 3 gaus möglich? da müßtest du in cern gelandet sein. bitte ruf doch mal bei mir an, tel no. steht auf mcn. wir denken an dich, hadi

  149. I would like to know more on v2k and stalking. Can it be stopped and is there any way to prove it and it’s perpetrators. I am being stalked.

  150. I have been targeted now for a few years. I have been mentally attacked. People sitting in cars were ever I go, honking horns, reving motorbikes and cars. It has entirly taken over my life and i’m in a mess.

  151. In my experince they target you by corrupting your utilities, for example last night my neighbours shined high beam light into the front and back of my property. This morning I had an email from my electricity supplier advertising bright lights. They have also corrupted the company that supplies my alarm system, getting them to ring me late at night when the system wasnt even set. The local supermarket has hacked into my bank card and makes random transactions. There are high level individuals who can make this happen. They believe lies told to them by gang stalkers. Thus they think that their vile acts are warrented. They are psycopaths and enjoy hurting people. They are disgusting. Proving what they do is difficult because they are so sneaky.

  152. You do not deserve this. No matter what you did, said, no matter where you’re from, your economic status, your upbringing, nothing that you have done call for this.

    Yesterday I began to work on a password only website for targeted individuals. The password may seem futile to many of you but, it’s not to protect us from the people who have the resources to view it anyway. It’s to protect us from the ones who don’t. As I began to work on the website, I was unable to get started due to many factors. My internet connection was not stable which is unusual, and the web page which will host the website would not allow me to move past the sign up process. It was as if the “next” or “continue” button was completely removed. Yes these events annoyed me, but they didn’t annoy me enough to make me give up. It’s funny that this happened on the night of the very same day that I started a job which I don’t even recall applying for. I got the job easily. I’m almost certain that the people behind this targeting project got me the job because several of my coworkers threw around the word “target” too often for it to just be a coincidence. One of them repeated “kill yourself” under his breath multiple times today. And when he saw that his efforts to upset me were ineffective he said “this isn’t working”. These are terms I’ve heard very heard often since I became a target. Another one said “just end it.” And “you’re finished” She hurled many insults under her breath as well as aloud but she did it covertly in between sentences during seemingly normal work related conversation. She said “no I don’t know your whole life” (sarcastically) randomly in general conversation in which those whom she was engaging with laughed hysterically When my charming personality got to her she said “no, I don’t want to like her .” And “this isn’t fun”

    Gaining access to this website will not be easy. You will have to answer a series of questions, then if I feel I can trust you, I will schedule a phone call. If you pass the test, I will give you an access code. This code is temporary and it will change frequently. I will not discuss the content of the website, nor it’s true purpose, uses, address or launch date via facebook. All of that will be discussed over the phone.

    If you are interested in gaining access to this online community, email me at BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

    Please include the phrase “access code” in the subject of your email.

    Do NOT contact me if you are afraid to die, lose your job, or anything else that could happen to you. I only want to hear from targets that are at their breaking point. Those who cannot deal with this any longer. This is bigger than us. This is about human rights. This is about the right to live your life. Life is hard enough without living under constant surveillance and harassment. Think about everything you’ve lost. Your family, your sense of security. And maybe even your sanity! This is for those of us who are angry and fed up. We are not slaves. We are not murderers. We are not aggressors. We are good people.

    You are not crazy. Have not one bit of doubt. There are millions of targets all over the world who are experiencing the same exact thing. How can it be? Are we all schizophrenic? That’s highly unlikely. There are several things we all have in common which I won’t discuss here, and the purpose of this project is sick. Most of is think we are being targeted for reasons that are only a distraction from the real reason which I also choose not to discuss in this post.

    I’m not afraid to die for the freedom of others. I’m not breaking down in the way they expected me too. I’m too strong for this. If you feel weakened, let me be strong for you. Shoot me an email, and I will fight, right by your side. There’s strength in numbers. Let’s stand together once and for all

  153. This is happening to me. All of it. I was in a “car accident” which I can’t remember 12-16-1990 and I died and was in a coma for 3 months. I am a good person but am constantly accused of wrongdoing.I can’t get a job,I lost my home a year ago and I’ve been living in a tent. I don’t do any drugs or drink alcohol.I feel like I’m always being watched.I think they did something to me when I was in the coma. I don’t believe there was a wreck.I believe I’m an experiment of some sort.I believe this in the depths of my soul.

  154. Please help me I am also a TI I am getting mentally sick and weak I wanna get rid of it please give suggestions I hear voices 24/7 I don’t know what they need but they are continuously torturing me

  155. You need help if you believe this bull, really I’ve known someone who believes in this and how much money they have poured into this organisation is sad. These people are scammers and they are preying on easily manipulated individuals. These are symptoms of real medical and psychological condition that they are seeking to extort.

  156. Everyday I pray to god.
    But it’s very difficult to ignore them. I am living in a small city and they spread rumours about me Its very difficult to live. They know what I’m writing now even . I want to complaint but hopeless .
    All I believe is they are under the surveillance of GOD. I believe in GOD.

  157. Hi everyone,
    I am Italian and I lived in USA for five years illegally.
    I have been targeted since 2012. At the time I was in Boston working in a family restaurant and when everything started I didn’t really know what was happening to me. I thought that the immigration was trying to punish me for being illegal in the country. Then they made me think that I would have become a famous artist if I had done what they wanted. For example, I have always loved to be a singer and because of them I started to sing and dance at home in my room or even on the streets every night, most of the time under marijuana effects, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to perform as they wanted.
    I couldn’t go anywhere because they made me think that I had to sing or dance. They made me understand that by looking at their own feet.
    At the time I was losing my hair and they started to offend me and make me feel guilty by touching their long and beautiful hair and by looking at me really dirty.
    Moreover, I didn’t really like my body, in particular my legs and my chest. I thought that my legs were too big and my chest too fluffy. My legs were completely fine and my chest probably needed some workout, but they made me think that I should have lost weight and worked very hard to build muscles.
    At a certain point I was not allowed to eat what I wanted. Every time I opened the fridge the voices became more aggressive and when I ate something fatty they made me feel guilty.
    I had problems with food and after a while I became anorexic. I started going to the gym and run for hours almost every day without any results because I was too skinny then.
    I used to, and I still, hear voices of someone talking to my mind, but less penetrating than the first two years. Same words such as: ” I love you”, “Asshole”, “poor guy or poor gay”, and more and more. Because of these voices I couldn’t work properly, sleep well, read a book, go out with people, and especially be ambitious as I was. They destroyed my life and I stopped making plans for my future. I became very depressed and a lot of times I thought to kill myself.
    I lost my jobs because, somehow, everybody started thinking of me as a troublemaker and as a psycho nowadays.
    The stalkers walk with bags, sunglasses, strollers, bikes, motorcycles, cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, etc.
    I live in Europe right now and I am studying business, but I am still followed by these dirty people.
    I am stronger now and I finally know what everything is about.
    I don’t specifically know the name of this brutal game, but I am 100% sure that it is about stalking.
    When I tried to talk with my family or with my girlfriend about it, things got worst. They started to “play” harder with me.

  158. Hi everybody,
    I am from Italy and I lived in USA for five years illegally.
    I have been targeted since 2012. At the time I was in Boston working in a family restaurant and when everything started I didn’t really know what was happening to me. I thought that the immigration was trying to punish me for being illegal in the country. Then they made me think that I would have become a famous artist if I had done what they wanted. For example, I have always loved to be a singer and because of them I started to sing and dance at home in my room or even on the streets every night, most of the time under marijuana effects, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to perform as they wanted.
    I couldn’t go anywhere because they made me think that I had to sing or dance. They made me understand that by looking at their own feet.
    At the time I was losing my hair and they started to offend me and make me feel guilty by touching their long and beautiful hair and by looking at me really dirty.
    Moreover, I didn’t really like my body, in particular my legs and my chest. I thought that my legs were too big and my chest too fluffy. My legs were completely fine and my chest probably needed some workout, but they made me think that I should have lost weight and worked very hard to build muscles.
    Then I was not allowed to eat what I wanted. Every time I opened the fridge the voices became more aggressive and when I ate something fatty they made me feel guilty.
    I had problems with food and after a while I became anorexic. I started going to the gym and run for hours almost every day without any results because I was too skinny then.
    I used to, and I still, hear voices of someone talking to my mind, but less penetrating than the first two years. Same words such as: ” I love you”, “Asshole”, “poor guy or poor gay”, and more and more. Because of these voices I couldn’t work properly, sleep well, read a book, go out with people, and especially be ambitious as I was. They destroyed my life and I stopped making plans for my future. I became very depressed and a lot of times I thought to kill myself.
    I lost several jobs because, somehow, everybody started thinking of me as a troublemaker and as a psycho nowadays.
    The stalkers walk with bags, sunglasses, strollers, bikes, motorcycles, cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, etc.
    I currently live in Europe and I am studying business, but I am still followed by these dirty people.
    I am stronger now and I finally know what everything is about.
    I don’t specifically know the name of this brutal game, but I am 100% sure that it is about stalking.
    When I tried to talk with my family or with my girlfriend about it, things got worst. They started to “play” harder with me.

  159. Hello my name is David. I am in Scotland. I am being targetted by a lot of stuff, pretty much everything has been used on me at some point. Voice to Skull harrasment is relentless. It starts the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep. You mentioned an attack a minute. Wow… that would be a relief for me it is constant there is no end to it. Its been going on my entire life. Its definately alien tech.

    I quit my 100k a year job in 1998 and handed back my company car to fight this thing. I have been relentlessly in their faces since 2003. I was one of the people who started the Occupations of the Real Democracy Now and later Occupy movement of 2011. The embedded agents work every group I approach to discredit and marginalise me to limit my effectiveness in fighting back. Every support group I have tried to approach has been turned against me by the same scripted techniques. You cant even tell people that it is happening.

    They destroyed my lifes work and all attempts that I have had to break free financially. I have been homeless for most of my life. They turned my entire life into shit and have been attempting to drive me to suicide. Their Street theater has been a constant part of my life since 2011. I tried moving around but the gang stalking continues in other countries. They are waiting for me when I arrive and it begins before I even open my mouth.

    They took particular interest to destroy my friendships and especially focussed to my romantic relations. Women who were on a course to be my partner are being intercepted by these stalkers who mock me while they are raping them. Its so subtle that I am the only one who can see it. If you try to tell someone you are ridiculed. I have been alone most of my life. 99.9% and Its clear that some of the tiny ammount of relationships I had were also from the same group of stalkers. One of them ripped my genitals and left me with a life long problem and got me into multiple fights. I dont get into fights otherwise. They have remote controlled me on a number of occasions, I assume using the chip. Countless other occasions it is used to influence emotion and derail thought trains. They have kept me in constant misery. I have had at least 8 definable attempts on my life and thousands of death threats.

    In 1981 there was a flying saucer over my head and this is when they did something to me, surely putting the chip inside my head. My entire life has been under observation by this group. I also find a common thread of german involvment. “your dead” says the voice in my head. It goes back to the vril and thule society and their contact with demon possessed aliens in 1907. They gave them time travel technology. Nothing has been able to stand against them. The octagon group “your dead” says the voice in my head) based in switzerland is another center of this. Zionism isnt even Pro Zion – its an anti flag set up to destroy zion. These people are the scum behind the pedosadist sacrifices that have been going on wholesale this is one of their techniques for raising and communicating with demons.

    A lot (i would guess at most) of the celebrities and people we see on television are shapeshifting aliens or humanlike aliens and/or have been demonically possessed. In order to maintain their human appearance the shapeshifters drink human blood and eat humans. They are farming humans for their secretions and to use as sex slaves. The rituals on MTV and etc of the pop stars are sacrificial rituals for billions of people now being poisoned to death, they are scum. They openly mock everyone in coded language as they are killing billions of people. Most people dont know or dont care. Probably blocked from seeing it because of ELF manipulations.

    The global genocide has nothing to do with scarcity of resources it is happening because the scum caught up to their eyeballs in child sex slavery and human trafficking have too strong a hold over the people that should be defending us. You would not believe who these people are. They have carefully crafted a public image that makes them look like snow white. But they are evil incarnate.

    The british royal family are not the british royal family. The british royal line was exterminated by them 700 years ago. One of the british royals, a woman, was hung in a cage for 9 years outside a castle. Yet still the british military robotically protect these god damn khazarian draco filth cannibal baby peelers from prosecution. The military heads are complicit. Either from cognitive dissonance or because they are one of them. The secret services have all been turned to satanism. Most are silenced because they are up to their eyeballs in this – the rest trapped in cognitive dissonance cant see it happening right infront of their faces.

    They are scum like god damn the word scum does not really sum it up. I hope there is a hell and that these people go there for god damn ever. I hesitate to write this. I have already decided to remove myself as a target. I hope there is a heaven. Im going there soon. First I intend to make as big a mess as possible.

  160. I’m going through a lot of these things that are mention I target by special branch offices and intelligent agents because someone has used my email that has gone missing when I use a Internet cafe in Kilburn High Road London nw6. I have found out that the cafe is being monitor by the police and other services. I have made a lot of complaint to their own police station and others. Please could someone out there help me to stop this harassment

  161. My name is Jolene JoJo Seebacher of Spiritual Life Journeys. I am a counselor and teacher specializing in Targeted Individuals and the newly awakened. I help TIs cope amd deal with Psi-Self Defense and Protection techniques as well as help them through the emotional turmoil. I can be found on facebook and all one has to do is contact me via Private Messenger on the facebook application.

  162. Hello. My name is Jolene JoJo Seebacher from Spiritual Life Journeys. I am a counselor and teacher specializing in Targeted Individuals and the newly awakened. I help TIs cope amd deal with Psi-Self Defense and Protection techniques. I also help them deal with the emotional turmoil they endure. I can be found on facebook and all one has to do is contact me through the Facebook Messenger service to set up phone time session work. I charge a mere $35/ for 3 to 4 hours of phone time session work.

  163. All of these symtoms for TI’s I have experienced for 26 years 24/7. I become an enemy of the state in the Philippines. I am Remi. I become tough against them and willing to wage war against a godless society I am living. Even churches are silent. This operation is Satan delight.

  164. I agree, there are individuals who spread nasty lies and slander TIs. Not only are they liers they also deceive the people who chase TIs. The same people who beleive them. They are all psycopaths and get extreamly high levels of pleasure from harming others. I believe that they will be punished by god for crimes against humanity.

  165. right, there are some black sheep among the true tortered TIs. It is so shaming, but they will get their punishment on judgement day, I am very sure.

    • i agree with you absolutely im going through that now.

      On 19 October 2016 at 22:40, Targeted Individuals Europe wrote:

      > hadia commented: “right, there are some black sheep among the true > tortered TIs. It is so shaming, but they will get their punishment on > judgement day, I am very sure.” >

  166. Unfortunately many TI’s have lies told about them. Also there are gang stalkers who pose as TI’s on sites like this.

  167. Yes and those Gang Stlkers Also use the COLOR ORANGE TO INTIMIDATE !!! They are Criminals PAID by Corrupt Governments like the Australian . Don’t you agree ANITA TURNER!!! Say hi to your Pals in Australia.

  168. I’m 20 years old and have been targeted for a few months. I have been forced into psychiatric treatment by my family. I know I’m not mentally ill. My family and so called friends have not been supportive and don’t believe in the existence of this technology. Personally, I could not believe it at first. I thought, how on earth is this possible? Specially in a country like Mexico, I never thought our government had such technology available. I don’t know exactly why I became a target, I was a regular college student at a private university. I’ve never met anyone targeted in my country.

  169. stephen@mastermentalhealthprogramme.com please contact me if you are a TA! I am also! But I have built a business! To try and help people! There is a free E-book on there! And a meditation CD + Plus A CD I recorded on 2011 which I believe contributed to me being targeted! I also can offer you a licence to sell my e-book to businesses if you have lost your job! You can work from home! But it very much depends on whether businesses give! Contact me if you want to chat! I have severe heart problems from bullying! And I get pressure and pain in my heart and down my arm! And I am aware at the state on health care and TI’s so hold little hope! My website is


    The book is an interesting read! It may take your mind of your torture for a while! It gives you tips on how to cope with bullying! Using mature defence mechanisms and mindfulness! It will also give you a structured routine to help you fight! If you want to try and survive as best you can! Please contact me via email I would love to chat! 🙂 and I would love to help! I have a BA in Politics & Philosophy!

  170. 13 months of mind control haresment by my own family and friends. They are making all the money and fame. Me , my mom and don’t even know where my daughter is artin Arzmanians

  171. So much of that information is to General and vague and highly abstract. Here are examples that are more tangible. I bicycled from Florida to California. Here is a pattern of traffic that happened in the same type of place over and over. Every time I crossed over the first expansion crack going onto a bridge Vehicles would appear. They could be trucks. They could be cars. They could be cars and trucks. They crossed the first expansion crack exactly and precisely at the same time as me. The thing is they made the loudest ear-splitting disturbing noises you ever heard in your life. This pattern appeared even on back roads on Sunday afternoons where there was not any traffic at all 415 to 20 minutes at a time. This happened on every bridge from Florida to California every every bridge. Here’s another tangible example. When cycling inside a safety Lane on the side of the road traffic patterns were random and normal. However sometimes I would come across and obstruction laid across the path. It might be a 2×4. It might be a branch off a tree. Whatever it was it caused me to Swerve to the left out into the motorized Lane to go around it. Every time I came to one of these obstructions a vehicle or Vehicles would appear and these were on two-lane roads. Sometimes a vehicle would come up from the rear and not move over to give me room for me to Swerve out and go around the obstruction. Many times two vehicles would appear going in opposite directions and they would come exactly abreast of each other at exactly the same time I was going around the obstruction. In other words we would be three exactly a breast and that happened every time. If it was a single vehicle coming from the rear it would be exactly a breast of me at the exact same time I went to Swerve out around the obstruction. If there were two vehicles going in opposite directions they would be abreast of each other and me at exactly the same time I swerved out to go around the obstruction. This happened at every obstruction from Florida to California. I did not count the obstructions but if there were a hundred this happened like that a hundred times even on back roads on Sunday afternoons where you might not see any traffic for 20 minutes at a time. It was undoubtedly and Beyond any possible question whatsoever deliberate timed and coordinated. The noise became extremely annoying and disturbing after a while. The continual crowding out obstructions became extremely provoking. There are many more examples of noise deliberate noise right here in Florida where I live. By the way during that bicycling trip from Florida to California I pulled over into the parking lot of a convenience store. This was in one of the western states. A tractor-trailer pulled into the parking lot. A complete stranger got out and walked directly up to me and he said to me quote we lost friends on 9/11 end of quote . My name is John gobin Shaw and I had known in detail about the attacks of 9-11 since 1997.

  172. This is a very real problem. I survived a hit set up by a Politician and then I experienced most of the written about problems. I have asked everyone I can think of for help but no-one will start to listen, probably because they used the Mental Health system to shut me up perfectly. Anyone else in Australia feeling this problem? Write to me.

  173. Good day John. I am Remi as everyone I meet in Africa and here in the Philippines. I am an Electrician and worked before overseas. That is why I cited Africa. I am a TI since 1990 even now 2016. I am 56 years old now. I am jobless and expect that it would happen to you. So you got to consolidate your resources now. You should watch the movie The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey. It happened to me about routine events up today. Your eyes is their camera as you should have found out. That is why they can see any street signs and landmarks tour eyes see whereever you are. There is an info from Washington and Wallstreet circulating confidentially around the net. That 2017 January 1, 12:am. The world will be changed. Dispose your dollars and convert those to gold. Wait for the launch of site for our Global Revolution. We are in the New World Order. Pray a lot and Graced be to You from Jesus. God Bless Us TI’s. Something big is really coming. Stock some food as you can. No one knows the extent of what will happen.

  174. hi, I am hadia from heidelberg germany. They are continuing with the worst film and I wonder why and who is paying these” assholes.” meanwhile we are a group of 200 TIs . We are writing to our politicians and general consulates, because we think it´s about time that they realize what the conitellpros and other greedy organizations are doing to average innocent citizens. We are already in WW III! wake up, people.

    • Hi Hadia,

      i am Lazarus, i live near munich. i would like to explain, who is paying these assholes. i know, everyone in this forum has its one story but i think the lowest common denominator for all of us is the physical and psychological torture that we suffer. But what people want others to suffer such pain the whole day wihout any chance to ease it? My Answer: Only Sadists, pathological or compensatorical sadists. I assume, these people are organized sadists, organized in anonymous groups all over the world via the internet/darknet/deep web. I think, the are ‘normal’ people from all social classes and all professions, so they are payed from their employer. When i think about it, i end up always with the child molester Marc Dutroaux, who was protected from intelligence services and military persons, because of rope teams in this organisations and in the political class. A must read in this case is the book “Rotkäppchens Schweigen”, which contains explanations about CIA like Mind Control Tecniques und psycological Methods to silence the victims.

      Best regards,

      • Hallo, Lazarus,

        thanks for your reply. I guess in some aspects you are absolutely right, they are hiding in the dark web, but on the other hand we have to realize that their “actions” are reality, i.e. they are injuring our health, lifes etc. especially via radiation and or e-weapon and lethal weapon torture.
        True, they are pedophiles, sadists, shizophrene psychopaths, necrophiles, and and and. But on the other hand we have CIA and their hidden supporters, also over here in Germany and worldwide, who not only try to silence the victims, but also to make profit of the individuals concerned.
        And we should not forget to mention the proxy and false military guys, who just continue their killing machines via drones!, which still can be got illegally in our country.
        What we need is new laws , rules and regulations, but who cares, who gives a damn…
        thank you also for book recommendation. Who knows where the evil wolf is hiding!?

    • Today I went into websites and really dealt with with some targeting a gang of people were making rude comments directed towards me looking at me smiling as they were doing it. Then when I got on the phone with my ex they saw how pissed I was and they huddled. I tell ya this I wanted to bash their heads in for what they did. There are times where a padded room looks comfy and no human contact looks mighty appealing to me. Human being are inherently evil. I rather be locked up in a cell or padded room so I can not deal with them and they can’t get to me. Let the tax payer pay to care for me while I sit on my ass locked up and they can fork the bill for me being targeted and pay out of their asses to care for me. I’m at the point where I don’t give a shit what happened to me anymore. Hell I don’t even give a damn if I wind up in hell or purgatory. People can’t leave me alone then screw everyone to hell with them all they can go screw themselves as far as I care. Because I don’t give a shit. Be kind to one another yea that’s a load of shit and laughs. Humans are evil plain and simple especially towards me.

      • Hi, William,
        yes, me tooooo, sometimes I have reached this state of mind, too.
        Well, we should think about it or? Because, we the tax payers get gangstalked and murdered slowly,
        it will cost the health insurance sector, (which are betrayed by these terrorists, anyway), it will bring tacka tacka money money for the pharma industry, for the universities and also for some of the doctors.
        So I have always been wondering where some of them got their villas from!?
        So, in the end, let them pay for us innocent victims, tax payers and stupid citizens.
        I can agree, at least I have started to learn this as a Granny:Humans are evil plain.

    • Im sorry for writing german, this is an answer especially for hadia

      Hallo Hadia,

      leider ist unter deiner Antwort kein ‘Reply’-Link deswegen antworte ich auf dein Original-Post.

      Worauf ich in meiner Antwort hinaus wollte, war, dass es unter Umständen so ist, dass die Leute die uns quälen, und vermutlich vorhaben das sehr lange zu tun, ganz ‘normale’ Leute quer durch alle Schichten der Gesellschaft sind, keine hauptberuflichen Agenten irgendeines Geheimdienstes. Sie sind meiner Meinung nach in einer Art ‘Szene’ organisiert, ähnlich wie das kriminelle Pädophilen-Netzwerk um Dutroux. Nur geht es in dieser Szene eben nicht vorrangig um Kinder, sondern um einen Lustgewinn aus dem Quälen von Menschen und dem Bewusstsein der Wehrlosigkeit der Gequälten zu ziehen. Unsere Peiniger wissen, dass ihr Vorgehen strafbewehrt ist, von gefährlicher Körperverletzung bis zu versuchtem Mord, deswegen auch ihre absolut konspirative Vorgehensweise und die Methoden, die angewendet werden, um die Opfer unglaubwürdig zu machen (Psychose, falsche Erinnerungen, dissoziierte Persönlichkeit)

      Ich persönlich glaube nicht, dass wir neue Gesetze brauchen. Nehmen wir einfach mal nur an, jemand der Stimmen hört, ist gegen seinen Willen hypnotisiert worden (das ist biologisch möglich). Das heißt: Schon das jemand gegen seinen Willen hypnotisiert worden ist, bedeutet, es ist eine gefährliche Körperverletzung. Wird derjenige dann auch noch durch psychologische Kniffe und Einwirkungen unter Hypnose dazu gebracht, Schmerzen zu empfinden, sind das weitere gefährliche Körperverletzungen. Erst recht, wenn dazu eine eletromagnetische Waffe oder ähnliches benutzt wird. Die deutsche Verfassung garantiert nicht nur die physische sondern auch die seelische Unversehrtheit der Bürger.

      Was aktuell unser Problem ist: Die ganze Dinge die mit uns passieren, spielen sich unterhalb der Wahrnehmungschwelle der Behörden ab, da zu wenige betroffen sind und wir uns aufgrund der speziellen Methoden der Täter kein Gehör verschaffen können. Daher braucht es sicher auch politischen Aktivismus, aber wir müssen uns auch im klaren darüber sein, das es eines Fanals bedarf, um die Aufmerksamkeit von Behörden und Gesellschaft wirklich auf das Problem zu lenken, so dass sie es nicht mehr ignorieren können.

      Was meine ich mit Fanal: Aus meiner Sicht wäre es ein Fanal, ein oder zwei Täter dingfest zu machen, d.h. zu fangen, und die Insider-Informationen die sie haben, uns Betroffenen zugänglich zu machen und ebenfalls den Behörden zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ein oder mehrere Verurteilungen von solchen Leuten plus das Medienecho dazu ausreichen würden, einen Großteil des Spukes zu beenden. Aktuell haben diese Täter keinen Verfolgungsdruck, dass muss sich ändern.

      Beste Grüße,


      • Hallo, Lazarus,

        Deine Sichtweise ist sicherlich sehr interessant. auch ich habe Abwägungen hin und her getroffen, woher das übelste dieser Clientel kommen könnte. Ich gehe mit Dir auch konform, daß diese underdogs, wie ich sie nenne, psychopathen, neider, soziale absteiger folterer, sadisten, nekrophile und oder vieles mehr sind, jedoch deren bühne ohne mitagierende dienste schwer vorstellbar ist. (Aber vielleicht sind es ja wirklcih nur diese underdogs selbst, die diese entsetzlichen spiele mit den betroffenen “spielen”.
        Trotzdem erfahre ich tagäglich schwerste körperverletzung und mordversuche, anders kann man dies nicht nennen, die an die öffentlichkeit gebracht werden müssen. immerhin sind sie ärztlicherseits und auch von krankenhäusern spezifiziert dokumentiert, (inkls. gespeicherter Fotos).
        das problem ist in meinen augen die justiz und polizei. doch auch da tut sich langsam etwas.
        ich denke, die täter haben etwas mehr druck jetzt!
        wir müssen an die Oeffentlichkeit gehen.
        hast du eine mobile nr?in deutschland?
        mittlerweile haben wir betroffene eine petition losgelassen,die bis dato, what else!,in schweigen gehüllt.
        p.s. du kannst gerne an mich persoenlich mailen,da mir unklar ist,warum bei mir reply nicht funktioniert. danke fuer den hinweis.

    • Hallo Hadia,

      danke für deine Antwort. Ich möchte dir in Bezug auf Geheimdienste insofern recht geben, als das auf jeden Fall Geheimdienstmitarbeiter und ehemalige Geheimdienstmitarbeiter dabei sind. Aber nicht als Geheimdienstmitarbeiter sondern vielleicht eher undercover. Das ein Geheimdienst dabei ist, gerade an einer Stelle wo es um Schmutz und Dreck geht, steht für mich außer Frage, es fragt sich nur in welcher Eigenschaft.

      Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, dass ich vorerst keine schweren Verletzungen durch die „Bestrahlung“ davon trage. Allerdings häufen sich in letzter Zeit die Brandblasen. Verbrannte Haut und Blasen im Ohr, Blasen auf dem Zahnfleisch, Flecken und verbrannte Stellen auf dem Schädel und im Gesicht und ähnliches.Dass das ganze was da mit mir gemacht wird, strafrechtlich bewertet ein versuchter Mord ist, davon gehe ich aus.

      Das die Täter Underdogs sind, auf Grund ihrer krankhaften Neigungen arme Loser und bemitleidenswerte Würstchen, das steht für mich außer Frage. Man sollte diese Leute aber auch nicht unterschätzen, sie haben es immerhin hin bekommen, jeden einzelnen von uns über Tage, Wochen und Monate zu quälen, ohne dass sie gefasst worden sind.

      Wir könnten uns per Email austauschen (lazarus.2016@outlook.com), wenn du möchtest, aktuell möchte ich noch anonym bleiben.

      Beste Grüße,

  175. Mike in Sacramento…I have voice 2skull..on a professional sound studio tape…over 30years. Being burned in the groin.. tightening rectal muscle burned to head arms legs..daily RAPE record…get with me..time for law suit ..need friends.t I. In CA

    • Hi, Mike,
      I am very sorry for your torture and I am with you, since my husband and I also are concerned TIs.
      We got same probs over here in Europe, time for law suit is ignored by police and government.
      This is all a very evil business.
      We have a friend “victim”, who is suffering from same TI problems like you do. He was gangstalked around the planet, now he is back and they want to make him gay ! He is still a young man and they ruined his life.

  176. This is disturbing information but insightful. I could’ve summarized all of this off of hypothesis. However, unafraid as to which tactics they continually update Swiftly as new technology arises. Man is playing God and that kinda upsets God himself. Selah Vie

    • Xanthos, please never say selah vie, because they are satanists. Do not give up and try to inform people about these new technologies arising.

  177. Hello,

    I am an TI too, we have to unite.
    Anybody from Östereich or South Germany to begin?
    Don´t let them isolate you please, don´t believe their lies or even your thougts.
    I will check here.

  178. Thank you so much for the red eye picture. I’ve been ban from seeing some of my family because they found out what is happening to me and believe that I need to see a ‘counselor.’ At their home their child came up to me one morning and said, “Your eyes are red.” Never look in the mirror too often and looked and they were the same as in picture. Eyes felt large in sockets… for weeks evidently woke this way and didn’t know. Always meditate in morning and would send energy to my eyes to help them stop feeling too large. (Cooked.) Thank you for your site. All alone here in Springfield, Missouri U.S.A. A former employer of twenty years had me followed the minute I filed first time work injuries. Four years later (and after being let go for my work injuries) targeting with directed energy weapons began after telling a ‘friend’ I would go to the press for help if they didn’t stop following me. My former employer is a multi billion dollar corporation owning hundreds of stores across America. Their managers refer to their stores as the ‘Disney World for the poor man.’ They just acquired their only rival in a take over- for $4.5 billion. Directed energy weapons and gangstalking is murder by suicide, murder by natural causes and murder by accident. I am grateful you are here and have found you six months into my targeting. Thank you again. Joe Grace 1551 S. Campbell Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65807

  179. My dog died three months into targeting. They do it on my roof, on a home paid for, my roof leaks now. See Guardian newspaper’s ‘ Military invisibility cloaks could breach Geneva conventions.’ From April 2016. Seen the outlines of these suits on the people targeting me on my roof. Pots and pans on top of table I sleep under lined with sheets of metal clank at night from targeting. My eyes looked exactly like the picture at top of this article, made aware of it only by a small child who told me. Don’t look in the mirror that much. I don’t feel anything anymore, because if I did would cry nonstop at what is happening. So I just keep going, like my life is some kind of job now have to get through day in and day out. I have been raped by the directed energy weapons and brain computer interfaced. But a man, Dave Case is giving away CD’s he made to counteract the computer interface, and I’m doing a lot better than did last week. Listen to it every night. You can read about it on the dailymail.co.uk. Probably saved my life from mentally disappearing. I would not mind talking to others like me. Have to go to the library as no home computer. So it might take time to respond. Have my own blog about being targeted where I’m in your face strong… but just want to talk to people like me. Please.

  180. Hello, for all of you thinking you are being targeted and that the goverment is trying to get you and use you as guinea pigs to experiment and develop mind control technologies. Its not true, and even if it was. Thinking about it and talking about it to so you can belive its not yourselfes isnt going to help. What you must do is to learn not to listen to the voices and the negative thoughts. you must aknowledge that the negative thinking is there and that the voices are there. But do not try to listen to the voices, but if you do listen to the voices or thoughts. Hear what they say and thats that. Do not try to understand why they say those things, like for example they say you are this you are that. then you just accept they think that about you, and you dont think any more about it And do the same about the negative thinking. Do not indulge in the negative thinking and voices, but rather let them pass by, you can learn this easy, just google how to observe thougts. And i promise you guys, if you keep doing what i said, namely observing the thoughts and not beliving them, but just accept that they are there, they will eventually dissappear. Remember, its your thoughts that are there beacuse you belive what the voices tell you and that makes you think in a certain way. But also remember, its really not you, its just a learned way of thinking a habit that you do beacuse of illusions of who you are, and that illusion comes from you beliving the voices and indulging in them (and belive me even if you think you like the way of thinking the voices have given you, you really dont. Remember, what you are expiriencing is a spiritual problem. It may come from a spirit or mind control. But i belive spirit, as the ones that have recovered from paranoid delusions and voices. have had the voices dissappeared and the same with the thoughts. So really, if you keep battling by simply observing the thoughts/or let them go. You will learn to eventually come in contact with your true self again. And the spirit or mind controllers will dissappear. And most important, do not be paranoid or thinking people in the streets is out to get you, and when you do, learn to let the paranoid thoughts go, do not indulge in them, do not try to understand them, just let them go. Trust me, many people have fully recovered and so can you. Do not listen to all mind control crap, it will only make your delusions worse. And for those thinking, this guy is talking nonsense, google schizophrenia recovered. Here is one video for you to watch to get hope; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDblspgSoc0 and remember your mind is being played tricks on to make you belive all kinds of bullshit. And being in sites like this, is just fueling the delusions, wich wont make you guys better. Trust me, im battling paranoia and delusions, and the way to recover is really easy, just dont indulge in the voices and bad thoughts! Be free, and be certain in yourself and the good in you, and do not indulge in negativity. Indulge in what you truly want and need, and that is love and good will. I know you can do it, you are good persons with good hearts, but are just troubled by wrong impressions of yourselfes beacuse you indulge in paranoid thinking, negative thinking, and voices. Please trust me, just learn not to indulge in any kind of negative thinking and voices. BE FREE, BE LOVING, AND MOST IMPORTANT USE YOUR WILL TO NOT INDULGE IN NEGATIVITY. ITS REALLY THE ANSWER. And remember, the times you actually indulge in the negative thinking, dont beat yourself up, just get in the zone and let the negativity pass. TRUST ME! PEACE AND LOVE ❤

  181. I am writing on behalf of covert harassment and organized stalking. The surveillance towards me has been initialized by Hollywood. There is a “corrupted corporation effect`´ and it is working along with the entire pop-music industry around the globe (Gym Glass Heroes – Stereo Hearts). Stakeholders around the world being present t in this illegitimate business under issue to be able to observe me in time round-the-clock no matter the location (all private rooms included (Fun feat. Janelle Monae -We Are Young), including broadcasting stations where radio-staff choose music upon my doings. For instance, radio channel called Uuno (recently stopped excisting) played a lot with the topic. Besides the careful choice of the songs they loved to pick some extra sentences between everything. These included: “the deepest and brightest meaning of the songs“ (they forward the story about my case), “the brightest idea“, the brightest and most powerful meeting“, “the brightest life – temporary life“, the brightest and harder insight“, “the cleanest and brightest joy“, “the happiest and brightest mood“, “manlike and bright idea“, “the brightest dream “(meaning sleep)“ Sure, (Wide Awake – Katy Perry), looking constantly towards me and trying to manipulate me through CIA Mind Control Ultra trauma-based techniques. The aim is to create mental mirrors inside of me. In Monarch Programming, the use of mirrors is a basic important tool for to make split multiple personalities. The mental mirrors, which are programmed into the victim, create thousands of alters (artificial personalities), which then can be programmed in whatever way the Illuminati programmer wants. And many artists are themselves programmed to be able to act in a way the Illuminati wants, to “spread the message”. Hollywood and music industry are remarkable mind controlling centers. Guess, I encountered Hell`s Salt full of demons. I won`t let me to be just another slave for the Controllers to exploit (Brandom Flowers – Crossfire).
    The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth. Since the beginning I found myself in this unexpected and weird situation it has been a thorn in mine flesh. 2010 I first noticed my name called out in songs and then later on it has happened again (examples: FloRida ft David Guetta – Club Can`t Handle Me, Fun feat. Janelle Monae- We Are Young, Mika – Relax, Take it Easy, Rihanna – Disturbia) So, I have been constantly exposed to the all seeing eye and without missing a beat I have been listening what the so called Watchers has to say. Soon after, it began, I escaped to hospital ( Katy Perry – The One Who Got Away) where I was labeled mentally ill and unsuitable for work. I came out, yet they, so to speak Fallen Angels, were still there (Bryan Addams- Can not stop the thing we sterted). From that point on I became across with the information indicating the world is upside down ending up with the existence of satanic cults and the agenda for the New World Order.

    One of the songs the programmers have played time and again (Donovan – The Entertaining of A Shy Girl) says that “You have a meaning to live, there is a music inside you (meaning me). In another song they have called me to be “the One“ (Adam Lambert – For Your Entertainment). The One means in the realm of the controllers someone who has been set up to bring about the New World 0rder (Adam Lambert – Master Plan). How could they possibly use me (Kings Of Leon – Use Somebody) for that end (Foo Fighters – Long Road to Ruin)? No shadow of doubt, it has been preplanned long before it started. I believe in one point they chose me to be the One (Dua Lipa – Be The One , maybe with the help of the looking-glass technology that enables to see in the future. Perhaps they decided that my profile suits with their agenda or they they have been keeping simply their eye on me since the early ages in order to guide me to their trap (Scorpions -Your Last Song). For instance, last year I saw for the first time my only video of a ballroom-dance competition I once participated (1998). I think even there the choise of music could have been part of the programming or an expression of their intentions. I would mention those phrases: “the world is coming to me when I am restlessly tired…don`t hit the money, I want to know…a short romance, just a passing drums….high whore…..negativity lies….into the boundary of each married man (creating “a problem“, often-times playing the song in the radio saying “take a change in me, I am still free“, checking my reaction (the CIA handlers will listen to what a Slave needs, and solve it for them) and proposing their solution which they convert more and more after their own image in other words building up the outcome the LUCIFERIAN elite wants to achieve…sacrifice, just a simple word (video attached_see
    VTS_01_1.VOB, those remarks begin somewhere in the middle up to the end randomly). Later on, Hollywood made use of the many letters I had sent off in order to make a connection with me through lyrics. They picked up the same theme I had there in the letters. Those writings I addressed to a well-known footplayer, because I liked him. I noticed the letters were received as in the interviews the player gave or in the news headlines about the player were used same or kind-like expressions I had used in my notice. Now, looking back, sooner or later the hand of the hidden one was into it, because it controllers all media. What`s more? One of the Illuminati cards depicts a laughing woman with a roll of letters in her hands (Tinie Tempah – Written In The Stars). Creepy.

    Another important point is that the abusers want to get the active cooperation of the person being used. And, in fact, I actually addressed later on some letters directly to the Hollywood as a response to their music.

    Year after year the mainstream musicians keep singing about me and it is not just for fun. Although they are not shy about making a live show out of it. It serves as a distraction for every other elite person keeping their eye on me so that Obama in the White House could secretly and quietly pass executive orders. The elite I mention is into satanism, they are used to traumatizing and humiliating, creating negative emotions as it serves their masters.

    One of the Lady Gaga songs is called a Pocker Face (trying to portrait me for the benefit of the agenda of the Fallen). A Pocker Face is not simply a trendy word, it has roots in Babylon mysteries. Those mysteries are like gospel for the satanic occult they are about to imitate as it gives power to Archon and the evil plan for the New World Order.
    So, a Pocker Face, this way was called the Babylon whore. In fact, all the Hollywood female singers have made to look like a Pocker Face in one form or other during their live performances or videos. To put in short, all because of the occult teachings and its connection to the New World Order. There is a video “Hollywood Mind Control Free Your Mind_4 Conference 2016“, Jamie Hanshaw talks about the Pocker Face fenomen that made its way to the Katy Perry Superbowl riual as well (more info in video“Katy Perry has an Alien on her Superbowl Dress. Illuminati Freemason Symbolism“, attached). The author in this one states the whore to ride the beast, the nature of the whore – a saint treated bad and saved by the spirit of God even though burned up as a sacrifice and rose again as a phoenix (another Illuminati New World Order symbolism). Sadly, there have been songs connected to the phoenix arising (Conchita Wurst – Rise Like a Phoenix) ..moreover, this hangs in the United Nations and the mirrors in Denver airport show inter alia a woman is taken, sacrificed, then she flies away as a bird and it symbolizes the beginning of a new era. It also breaks lose the battle between the good and evil, including world war three. Thus, I would like to keep away from the reach of the satanic occult. It is complicated. For instance, I have been looking for a project to participate that meets my values such as off-grid, ecological and environmentally, socially, economically sustainable living (without agenda 21 or 30 or like). I found one in Uruguay, bought the tickets (arriving time happened to be quite like 666 that is 09:00 6th Dec. 2016. Other is in Brazil where I hope to go by March 2017 and stay. I could have found something suitable in Portugal as well, but then again, I am nervous about he atomic bomb that may toast the Europe in 20 minutes once the attack is launched. Hope it never will.

    During the last year, the mind controlling stations have also played the song stating the isolation is not good for me. I can believe that while knowing ISOLATION from the world is one of the key elements of Monarch programming, So That the Only Reality Is The Leader’s Reality. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allowed except their cult leader’s ideas. The handlers will prevent natural relationships to develop. Isolation is very key and parts are made to feel like animals rather than people to isolate them from humanity. No ideas are allowed the slave to confront their programmer’s lies.

    Music played in the stations has become overhelmingly hostile. For example, Calvin Harris/Rihanna – This Is What You Came For, here they say I came for lightning, a satanic symbol that hints for a war and destruction. Whatsoever, when they found out I am about to change my location there popped out a piece called My Way by Calvin Harris who is singing that I am a one thing in his way and I was a one thing in his way. Imany – Don’t Be So Shy (Filatov & Karas Remix). THE WEEKND song Starboy (feat. Daft Punk), he sings being basiclly a boy of Satan and his desire is to give me pain (Rihanna – S&M). In a song Bailando (English Version) by Enrique Iglesias ft. Sean Paul, Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona Sean Paul says “Teele dies when we get it…everything will be alright“. I would not care what any of those puppets thinks or says, but I know about predictive programming.
    Bailando (Enrique Iglesias feat. Luan Santana) Portuguese Version singing about a grazy night. RedOne – Don’t You Need Somebody [Friends of RedOne’s Version] Illuminati likes to let us to know what they have planned to happen. Enough is

    enough, I vibrate higher and it should leave them empty-handed.

    Another Time — Pearls Before Swine

    Once I heard a song Stupid Boy by Keith Urban played on a stress-relief programms in Radio Art and I would say it hits the nail. He sings that I am fine like a flower, made the musicians feel alive, the Watchers ruined my planes, they want to take my life, it took time for me to figure it out, but once I did, I realized I could run and when I did, I was long gone, STUPID BOY!

    It makes me think, perhaps I should cancel my flight to South America in order to avoid kidnapping.

    Now, there is out a hit by Sia called The Greatest (Audio) ft. Kendrick Lamar. It`s official music video is about weird child sacrifice Illuminati pedophilia !!!

    David Guetta, Cedric Gervais & Chris Willis – Would I Lie To You. They know what is it about as well. Singing their eyes are wide open, after all they are the architects and partners in organized crime for this rubbish.

    As they continue spying on me, they keep on making noise from the rooftop (NOËP – Rooftop).

    New World Order likes to use celebrities, the ignorant people, to manipulate others for fulfilling their hidden agendas. Whereas Illuminati alters are promised power, honor, glory and wealth. Considering the power and wealth of the elite, they do have the resources to make good on this if they want. However, the price of obedience might be to shave one’s head in submission and sacrifice a child. For the government, their power and international celebrity can be valuable, the CIA has long had a special relationship with the entertainment industry, devoting considerable attention to fostering relationships with Hollywood movers and shakers: studio executives, producers, directors and big-name actors.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    • Hi man, I am an TI too and see what they done to you. You are way over the edge, you have got to find a way to relax and get it together again. The mainstream musicians are not signing about YOU, believe me. Your torturers are just manipulating you. Everything is fine, except some shitheads, that torture you. To everyday people, you just look a bit strange, thats it. Kepp cool and laugh to their faces, make them waste their miserable lives. They keep it secreet, so nobody except 1-2 operators of that HELL machine knows about you. Other normal people just see someone who is obviously troubled by something…
      Keep strong and brave.

    • Telee, you are right and intelligent,though never let them fool you.
      I am a TI from Germany and I have been “auschwitzed”now for more than a year. Burn bladders, blue spots, loss of certain memory mosaics, shiver attacks, and pain pain pain. These poor underdogs won´t stop until they get their “christmas extra pay check”, these horrible monsters and inhuman beings.. It is not that easy as as it looks like.

  182. 14 months been a victim by my own persian armenian american friends artin arzmanians 8182612688 glendale a 91206 poisned by sevan and sevana madadian , sali madadian and huqband jack and cousin rafik madadian and wong let me see or talb to my own daughter which 7 years been paying my child support goes to miami fl 10,000.000. million armenians have been blessed but not one refuse to tell the truth about artin aramanian and started 7 years ago took my daughters mom and used her fof prostetude and she has hiv cause of all the persian armenian wife want her dead and the man want me dead cause edwin dergregorian ans sevan derohanian and sevan madadian and hamlet detohanian pipmes her for 7 years behind my back and now they all hot caught and truing to humiliate my daughter cause i stood up to david garcia and the dea told the truth about sevan madadian 2 sales cases dropped and about aspet and talin monassian her 3 child is armen moradq attorneys and the paz naz armenian church who follow jesus


  184. Good dayTI’s. I am Remi in the Philippines and a TI for 26 years now. I am 56 years now and ready to meet my God. Actually it is not only Russian that is involve but the whole govt. in the world. They are not only experimenting with our consciousness but gathering AI for some robotic projects to police humanity in the future. Imagine a humanoid mix among us hearing and seeing what are in the brain of passerby or people alon the streets. The Russian have started it by mind controlling Americans. So American consciousness are made to serve Russian purposes. When America creat it’s own psychotronics they expiriment with their own people. So what is American minds today? We can see it around. The whole govts. of the world are under control by one command. The economic or financial elites of the world. Welcome to their New World Order 2017. I see USdollars flying around worthless. May God see Americans.

  185. Good dayTI’s. I am Remi a TI for 26 years since 1990. I am 26 years old now alive and mentally tortured. There are 3 points or three bases of locations of this psychotronics attacks: A). A military base that transmit to sattellite of super power country every information from the brain of a victim. B). A base of location where voices you hear in your brains are propagated. C). A base of operation in one of your neighbors that works as reciever of all information coming out of your brains and transmit it to main A). of military base. Your mental and physical activities are being heard and watch by your neighbors or nationally broadcasted for the reality entertainment. The people will love it that is why nobody seems to care about you. We better turn to God and pray a lot for He is our only hope in this evil days. Peter 2&3 warned us about their coming. Scoffers must come first before the great day of Jesus Christ come. We are living in end time friends. This is the marking of the heads and the marking of the hands is, coming come the cashless society . I read Stephen King Theory of everything and I found out that his idea is in the Bible. The Bible speaks of coming pitch black or dimming of lights. So Sthepen is talking about black hole when we get nearer to it even light is absorb by concentrated magnetism in the black hole. We reach then where the universe begin. We are home atomize. That black hole absorption of e erything is the collapse of the universe the Bible speaks. God bless Us!

  186. Good dayTI’s. I am Remi a TI for 26 years since 1990. I am 56 years old now alive and mentally tortured. There are 3 points or three bases of locations of this psychotronics attacks: A). A military base that transmit to sattellite of super power country every information from the brain of a victim. B). A base of location where voices you hear in your brains are propagated. C). A base of operation in one of your neighbors that works as reciever of all information coming out of your brains and transmit it to main A). of military base. Your mental and physical activities are being heard and watch by your neighbors or nationally broadcasted for the reality entertainment. The people will love it that is why nobody seems to care about you. We better turn to God and pray a lot for He is our only hope in this evil days. Peter 2&3 warned us about their coming. Scoffers must come first before the great day of Jesus Christ come. We are living in end time friends. This is the marking of the heads and the marking of the hands is, coming come the cashless society . I read Stephen King Theory of everything and I found out that his idea is in the Bible. The Bible speaks of coming pitch black or dimming of lights. So Sthepen is talking about black hole when we get nearer to it even light is absorb by concentrated magnetism in the black hole. We reach then where the universe begin. We are home atomize. That black hole absorption of e erything is the collapse of the universe the Bible speaks. God bless Us!

  187. A year and a half ago, my then boyfriend put something inside of me. I felt him do it, i felt a perfectly round bump inside me afterwards, and felt what is best described as an invisible, electronic “string” hanging out of me. From that moment on, my life as i knew it was over. I began hearing voices, at the age of 35, with no previous symptom of mental illness. My family understandably freaked out and had me hospitalized. I know that whatever he put in me, which he first acknowledged doing, caused me to be targeted. He now denies doing this and chalks up his confession to my “psychosis “. All i want, is to get this thing out of me. I dont believe he had any idea how severe the outcome would be. I no longer feel the bump, and i have read that microchips are nearly impossible to detect. And of course my credibility with the medical field is destroyed. No doctor believes me. My own siblings dont believe me. I am alonein fighting this. I just want it out of me. Any suggestions ? Tiffany.fusini@gmail.com

  188. The gang stalkers and handlers are writing here also. Let us not reply or concern to those who have no problems like. When they begin to doubt our sufferings and argue with it’s reality dont reply. Not a word for them.

  189. They have been here for long time, and its hard to pick them. I am not a TI but my partner is and she is being attacked and intimidated and threaten and i am doing all i can to give them a war and so all you real TI should find out who are real and the fakes and should get together in like a group and make a website so you can contact each for support and info and as the say goes, “divide and conquer” TIs should UNITE AND CONQUER. The one things the stalking gangs and their bosses expect from individuals, is Fear and if you should it to them, they got you. I have been threaten that they will cut off my head and it did not work for them because what they expect is people to fear them and hind under the bed and if you show them NO fears, then their powers are cut off and the only way is to harm someone but, it is very dangerous for scums just to harm someone that has no criminal records, because then inquiries have to be made and if there records of the intimidations and threats and information on the scums like vehicle registrations, addresses and things like that, bring the spot light on the scums and they do not want that so for the Real TI be smart and get together and keep records of times, dates places and things of that nature and above all NO fears.

  190. Maybe you should tell the REAL TI, whom you are and where you live. Do live in Australia?????

  191. Also tell Real TI why scums use Orange color which signify, Fire , Danger. It is to Intimidate people that they will be set on Fire???? It is to Intimidate people that they would be killed? Tell the TI why Scums from the Australian Government wear Orange Ties!!!!!!!

  192. Good day TI’s! I can see that the only way we can be surely talking with real TI is by organizing oursel ves through live chats. Through Viber for example that we can really see each other and actually we can hear each other noices arounds. Why to be afraid of being known in person since we have nothing to hide around the world. I have worked as Electrician overseas and still I can hear the V2K in my brain from Philippines. And even my boardmates can listen to my brain. Actually while I am working around the whole area of construction project everybody can hear my brain and they know where I am working in a place. Do anybody among TI’s can work with such live chatting arrangement through internet? Where every participant is seeing the other? I am not an IT literate that is my lroblem with that idea. Let see each other and fears form each one of us will be gone. We can check each other conditions by sending messages for talks and checks to certain individual/individuals. Let us agree to this and find among us who knows how to organize this live chatting idea. Have a pleasant day and God bless. -Remegio Balane Philippines.

    • Gr8 idea. What about Skype? It has max. number of 10 participants, but good for start before we grow larger. It is also free and easy to install.

  193. Thanks friend. I will download skype now to begin with. I am not so literate with internet. But for the moment Skype will help us and many can see us and start believing worldwide that we really exist. Thanks a lot.

  194. hi, I am a TI from Germany and would also like to participate via skype. I think it is a great idea to start this worldwide. unfortunately I am also not literate with internet. so maybe someone can give a support for the beginners. where and when to meet and how to start. thnx. hadia

  195. It is true, these underdogs want to creat fear and to bring us down beside the horror pain we have to suffer.

    Me and my husband are being radiated for 24/7 and have already developed health probs, but we try to fight them in a group. These “schmarotzer” are burning my family to death. I guess it is the false military, who do torture and kill via flying killer drones. We can watch them over Heidelberg Germany daily and they are forbidden by our government. But these illuminati use their shitty money and wealth to kill innocent citizens. Maybe the Us military (which is mostly unemployed now?!in German areas) needs some x-mas money and they are flying their drones (tests?) from Ramstein air base or some other air bases, where they are still hiding here in our German country.

    If these cowards only told us why they were treating innocent German tax paying and working citizens, who never have been politically active or never ever did anything wrong.?! These cowards are hiding in their lousy holes and need money for their drugs and crimes.And they have stolen identities and selling these data for live insurances, which is obviously an IMMENSE INCOME, like a snowball system. Or they are social enviers or or or. They are getting payed by the handlers and these morons cannot even count till three. So they are doing even more dangerous harm to us physically. STOP these perps and criminals behind them.

    SOS – Does anybody know a solution to get out of the horror fire program? We got burning bladders on our feet and tibea and have developed a radiation disease.
    Anarchy is going to come in Germany,soon. Because the population does feel something is going wrong with the actual governments. Police is not capable of doing their job, they are hunting park tickets, but leave the criminals alone. What kind of justice is that?

    We, in Germany, have come out of the rabbit holes and written a petition to the Minister de Maiziere, who worked for the former EAST-German country!!!! They are still applying the Stasi program on us, aren´t they? The services are fast asleep and do not help the average citizens. vice versa: they are hunting us without any reason. BUT THE TRUTH WILL REVEAL and that is what THEY fear.

    So, to all TIs, have NO FEAR, stay mentally strong and try to fight the physical symptoms best you can.
    best regards and wishes to all TIs over the planet
    hadi from heidelberg germany.

    • Hello, there is a lot of Remiboy contacts, can you give some more info or load some avatar image and describe it? I found 15 Remiboys.. Try to add me, Kubajzw on avatar image is a guy (me) in white shirt and green flowers behind me

  196. Hi from Australia they are doing the same here. I have been targeted for over 20 years by the illuminati here and in Europe. They have tried to harm me and have in many ways. We need to resist their pathetic at tacks on us. Keep strong friends..

  197. My name is Devin Armstrong and I am the founder of the Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals.
    I have created this coalition for all of us who are awake and aware and being targeted to be able to fight!!!

    My (OUR) forum/website is the BEST so,ution for our problems and allows us all to support eachother in an organized way, spread the truth, expose the lies, wake others up and brainstorm solutions to our common problems (Since nobody else will)

    It is up to US to figure this out together. A divided house cannot stand…and neither can we… In order to survive and win this invisible war, we must get together HERE AND NOW at the website below…
    Nobody else is going to help us! They won’t accept the truth until there are enough of us together to make them!

    I need as many people as possible to GO TO THE FORUM NOW PLEASE and POST YOUR STORIES!
    Copy and paste if you have to…I have created all types of subjects and categories and there is a DEBATE section in every single one for us to weed out the bullshit and come to conclusions.
    I am looking for LEADERS to help me lead the people to freedom and wake up and recruit others ASAP
    any questions? 4014002031 or DevinA920@gmail.com



  198. The Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals (CIII) is a place where illuminated, independent and free-thinking individuals are able to express their beliefs, brainstorm ideas, learn from one other and work together to accomplish anything (and hopefully everything) we put our minds to.
    We are real people seeking and sharing real truth in an effort to free ourselves and the rest of the world from those who work against us and our goals.

    Our forum is specifically designed for those who wish to find truth, love and solutions to our problems. We are aware that the world has been seized and continues to be corrupted by a tyrannical cabal that continues to manipulate, corrupt and deceive the majority of the population. They clearly do not have our best interests in mind and seem to have no intentions of actually solving any of our real world problems to the extent that we can all be truly free, equal and live our lives in peace.

    But every day, more and more people are “waking up” and coming to realize the ugly truth about what really goes on in our lives and naturally, they want to help.
    Unfortunately though, they are often scrutinized, silenced, imprisoned, labelled as insane or worse and even killed or driven to commit suicide.
    Those who survive are often targeted and psychologically tortured by their communities and depopulation/rehabilitation programs with little or no outside support.

    But all hope is not lost… Alas! The Coalition of Independent Illuminated Individuals was born!

    With motivation, cooperation, communication and willful intent, we can all work together to win this invisible war on our population.
    It is here in our SUPPORT CENTERS where we are able to support each other and share the knowledge and wisdom that we have learned from our experiences.
    It is here through our SUBJECTS where we can share information and gain knowledge and wisdom so we can all learn as much as we can about life and one another.
    It is here in our DEBATES where we can discover through controversy, the truth hidden under all the lies and misconceptions we were taught to believe.
    It is here in our THINKTANKS where we can share our ideas and with other brilliant like minds, expand those ideas and convert them into dreams and aspirations.
    And it is here in with our OPERATIONS where we can convert those dreams and aspirations into executable goals so that they can become a part of our reality!

    Read more: http://ciii.proboards.com/thread/4/welcome-ciii#ixzz4SUVfBcUJ

      • Hey everyone, I would not bother with the site illuminated it appears the guy is not what he appears to be and if TIs are fighting the Illuminati, Satanists scums, why call the site illuminated and can only be to collect information and who knows where that information goes to or what they do with and I for one do not trust someone that is hiding his location or any information about himself and could be a fake TI.

  199. The airforce base Menhill in HARROGATE West Yorkshire use V2k and Gang stalking
    with some police and medical services participating.

  200. Artin arzmanians himself. Thank u very much and now that it’s out there , you guys friends and gaming could call and talk to me. Yes , if anytime happens please make sure you sue sali madadian and talin minassian brother in law Shiraz and his satellite partner key board player ( Varand and Armen ) don’t forget make sure my daughter and family get what they deserve. Movessesian and morad


  202. Thanks for joining the Skype venue. You can send message in Skype if you need an schedule for chat. It is 07:52 am here in the Philippines 28 of December. -Remegio Balane

  203. 15 months I been a target of mind control victim. My own friends like Sevan madadian , Jono dersarkisian , hovic karimi , hamlet derohanian. Leave in Glendale ca 91206

  204. I am a RI for 26 years and my blood type is O÷. I was born in the house in 1960. Where did all of you TI”s were born. Pls. answer also. This will help for finding the deep reason why they target us? – Remegio Balane

  205. Hi Remegio Balane, could you please add me to the TI Skype forum contact list. I do not identify other TI skype -names there.
    Thanks in advance.

  206. Hello all, I’d like to share some of my observations, i wrote it down as notes in 2011 and 2016. Currently i write it down as full text, as a draft, for my future website. It sounds like a delusion, but happened to me. Sorry for my bad english!

    The Mapper

    Most of the time the humans that speak my V2K voices use a thing or system what i call a mapper. This mapper works like a translator. It takes the input from the humans speaking my voices and maps it/translates it to at least 2 output channels. I assume, after direct oberservation (what i ‘heared’ so far, what they did and what they did, assuming, i dont ‘hear’ it), that the system consists of two parts: advanced audio equipment and a learning computer system tranlating the audio to every language and modulating and intonating the output.

    So what i do mean with audio equipment: Microphones, Mixers, Synthesizers, Headsets, Headphones and Speakers. Headphones and Speakers, because they want to hear the output you ‘hear’. What i assume, but i cant prove so far, that some of them use their smartphone or their tablet as input, if they are on the move. I ‘heared’ situations, where it seems that the input device lies on the backseat of a car, and the humans were outside of the car and talked with others. They later jumped into that car, i ‘heared’ it, took their input device and began talking to me again.

    What they definitily not want: You should not recognise them by their voice. In the case they are seized and arrested, their voice is the only thing that you ‘hear’ and you can identify. So if the V2K voices sound like your neigbors, coworkers, family members, former friends, business partners and so on, and you are sure, that you are not psychotic, its highly possible, that it is simulated output to cover the real voices of the V2K team and to make you believe, its your neighbor, friend, business partner, colleague and so on that tortures you. The second and more important effect is, it makes you you look psychotic, if you say that friends, colleagues or neighbors torture you.

    For example: At the very beginning of this act of agression, in 2011, they made me believe, that my neighbors speak to me, deride me and torture me. My wife did the right thing and stated: „Our neighbors are on holiday for 3 weeks in italy, this couldnt be our neighbors!“. 2 or 3 days later the V2k people did recognise this and switched to the voices of people i never heard before. From this time on they tried to sound like people i dont know, or even better, the voices were electronically distorted and they now switched the voices i ‘hear’ very often, they even tried to sound like me, because i was able to identify the individuals, even if the used a different voice, only by the words and sentences they spoke.

    Sometimes the output i ‘heared’ was the real sound which the computer system outputs. This happened from time to time, when some devices in the chain seem to fail, or if some of the input partners were disconnected. The voice of this system is absolutely emotionless, it does not exactly sound like a computer (no electronic distortion) but it has no highs and lows, it is without any intonation.

    Some of the psychiatrists would state, voices of unknown people,electronically distorted and/or machine voices are a sign of halluzination, your brain artificially assembles this. But from my point of view it is clear, that one can not halluzinate something that you never heard before, of which there is no information in your brain (because a brain works like a natural computer, input – processing -output). Generating information from input which you do not have, not even parts of it, would break the causality chain.

    The computer system: From my point of view this people use a computer system for some kind of a neuronal network. With the help of the neuronal network they simulate every human voice and intonation for you as the target. The humans that are the voices only need to speak or to write the input. The neuronal network is trained in the phase of the surveillance (before the torture begins) and at the beginning of the torture. It always learns when you speak or think and is trained to recognize your voice and your thoughts. On the other side the neuronal network is used to recognize your voice, this means, they hear you (and from my knowledge your voice ist mapped as well), but they dont hear your real voice. For example: For some time i was able to hear the ‘voice’ they use for me, it was mapped to sound like an adolescent boy. What i found interesting: The system has latencies. If you speak, it takes one or two seconds for the system to output the voice on the other side. They called the software they use for this system „Squeeze“ (i dont know if this is the real name), because it is used to extract, to squeeze out, information from your speech and thoughts.

    The whole system had one input and two output channels in my direction. One output channel is what i ‘hear’ and one output channel is what others hear. For a long time both output channels where directed to me, so i heared 2 voices speaking the same thing but with a small latency from each other, with different intonation and with an different end of a sentence, for example the last word oft he sentence differed, for example „Essen“ and „Fressen“. This was called a „bughouse“ from them, they could turn it on and off. Later they dimmed the second voice, so that i cant hear the voice no longer directly.

    From time to time they tested the system and checked, if the mapping worked. Then they listened to their electronic records an reassesed a lot of things. They found out, that some of their coworkers did speak clear text and that i found out things i should not know. Later they did things like testing the mapping, they spoke a work again and again until the system did undertstand it.The result of these checks was always a strategy change and a change in how the voices spoke and which way they acted against me.


  207. My name is Artin Arzmanians. I been a victim of mind control v2k Microsoft harassment by my own brother in law Elvis isagoli and brother ( armond Arzmanians )along with friends (Jono der sarkisian ) , Sevan and ( sali madadian ) Armen Morad and sister in law ( Sheris. and wife Mel Morad) ,and Sevan derohanian, Edwin der gregorian, (Varand and Lernik Movesessian ) aspect and talin minassian and Selin and Angie Plus (Jessica katti Kane and ( anet mardirosian and Ani Arzmanians ) and Anna nalbadjyan and Alek nalbadjyan. Plus ( Heno Arzmanians,)and Teodik and wife and brother Todde gregorian plus ( Pet and wife ) Pastor Mano , Hovic and ( Silvia karimian)afraid to say their name. Oh Armen and and older brother ( Leader of Persian Armenian illuminati ) V and S messenger My boss , employment … and relatives Armen and Artin Oh friends ( Norvon,Argin , Michelle , marcel and Artin Sarkisian who told me if I trust him and Sevan madadian cousin ( Raffik Madadian ) who a year ago made a promise to deport him if he is does owe me 7 years of child support, sali madadian it’s been 13 months u been making fun of my 7 year old daughter saying you will pay me back my child support. And ur brother even used ny kid to drop his 2 cases

    • kill illuminati is the answer to better future , Start with Armenians who claim to be illuminati which ask me are the Christians ( illuminati). Armenians were the first christians Anna and Alek nalbadjyan. Sevan and Sarah madadian. Two biggest number one informants ever. If it wasn’t for me as God is my witness you would of been in prison for 5 years Let God be the judge if I’m wrong will see now you could be facing 25 to life if those people have passed away. And my 7 year old daughter or her brother.

  208. Reserved Cop leader of illuminati my bosses older son. V and S messenger service. Armond ( Dave Garcia ). Who’ helped Sevan Madadian wth dropping 2 sales cases and even gave them custody of my kid according to sali madadian who gave it to Jono dersarkisian. 7 year old daughter who’s always awake being harresed at 3 am in the morning with her 5 year old brother Benji. Up all night with them keeping me up And recorded by officer ( Norvin and Arvin Derohanian Glendale Pd ). And friends and relatives officers Joe Frazier , Gamber,Armen, Steve

    • And 732 OMAR st Glendale Ca. Is the whore house ran by pimp Armen Morad and Sevan Madadian. And lives Nikki Nieves and my daughter and her brother. Investigate. That’s the only proove I could find. .. neighbors should testify. The head house Glendale ca 91202. If Police want to investigate

      • After 15 months of torcher and abuse on artin arzmanians and Jessica Katie Kane and my 7 year old daughter It turns out like my friend Samantha Armstrong and her 2 kids and And another girl named Nathalie might be Narbeh derohanian girl. And Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians I’m praying it’s another one of there games and lies to make me loose my mind and I went to the hospital yesterday. And everything was okay. Took X ray and ultra sound on kidneys. Said just a little blood in my urine but nothing else. Glendale Adventist hospital where 2011 I went in for same reason. They said i was crazy. And now second time around. 15 months me and the people that ended up loosing their life’s. Fuck you DEA Kissing Sevan madadians ass. DEA offers a group calls informants. All the drugs , pussy and child memelesting and illegal pornographe free pass. As long as you help them set up the real mother fuckers and drug dealers and criminals and gangsters and Muffia It’s the the future. Sali madadian didn’t u have custody of Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians. So now 1 murder and 1 attempt of murder on artin arzmanians and does she have HIV and she married Sevan madadian. So even used her. Looks like Sevan ,Sali,raffik madadian all might be facing 3 murder cases plus how much money you guys made this past 15 months

      • enough is enough and your pregnant with Sevan madadian kid while they ( madadian)killed my daughter. So Sevan and Sevana madadian and sali and saly Madadian and raffik madadian. Killed. Nikki Nieves, Sevan madadian , sali madadian , and cousin raffik madadian and jono dersarkisian killed my daughter and poisoned me to have me killed. They walked away wth Indian Hollywood movie actors and millions suing the government of the United States for what they did themselves to Artin Arzmanians and they turned around and sued the government too became heroes. Killed my daughter , ended my life and stole my future and 6 more other people Anet mardirosian, Samantha armstrong and her two kids. Plus my daughter Yvette Arzmanians. And America is letting them walk away free. Cheering them on. Well 6 plus bless me 7 times more. If it’s true those people. And u let them get away. Than Edwin der gregorian production will come true 130 percent After the 7th. No more , count 13 years. 6 plus 7

  209. Hi there my names Stephen Pugh BA (Hons) Politcs and Philosophy. I am an artist and never really felt like I belonged in hierarchy! I am from the middle class and there was a lot of pressure to conform to a job that paid decent money! But that was never for me! In 2012 I couldn’t continue working in the jobs I was working because I read on the internet about corruption 9/11 and found out about Anarchism! And realised that that was completely who I was! As I am an artist! I recorded an album in 2011 which was political! !but nothing out of the ordinary! But I sort help from the NHS because work was making me sick! I was thinking of buying a tent and living in the woods! I told them all about corporations/corruption/destruction of the environment! I didn’t realised the gravity of what was going on because I was still learning about life! I was then subjected to an intelligence programme! Where all my friends and family were turned against me! It was awful! Slights in every conversation! Bullying me and ostracising me! Then early 2012 the TV started talking to me telling me they were going to dismember me! And take me away and chop me to pieces! My family started saying loads of weird things! I live in the countryside! And I took a knife to kill myself before the government chipped me to pieces! I spent all night out in the rain hearing voices! I fell into a Brooke and was freezing cold! There was duress saying that I had the night to kill myself or I would be chopped up! I could hear! Guard dogs and helicopters flying over my house! Then around 7am I slit my wrists! I have massive scars but didn’t quite manage to burst the veins! Then an ambulance turned up! And they insinuated they were going to take me somewhere and kill me! Chop me up! They took me to A&E were I stayed in hospital and I was being threatened to have parts of my body cut up! And they made my mum tell me to commit suicide by hanging myself! Then I was moved for a year to 3 different mental health hospitals where I was threatened with poisoning! So I had to self purge when I ate food! They closed my stitches badly to create a scar! Every night for a year I was threatened with murder! After that! I was released back to my mum and dad’s house! Now everywhere I go people overtly bully me! And the voices are there to annoy me constantly! They have used radiation on my head! Manipulation of my groin! Gun shots around me when I’m out walking! Slashed tires! Destroyed property! Break ins! Inserting inappropriate sexual thoughts! Inserting memories!
    Infused nightmares! I wake up in the middle of the night and feel like I’m going to have a heart attack! I’ve been forced into a car crash! That didn’t kill me but was very scary! And they use energy weapons on my body everyday! And my heart feels like it’s the size of a melon and stiff as an iron pole! I’m literally waiting to die of a heart attack!
    I have a wonderful flat and I’ve created a business to help people with mental health! Because I got a grant off the council! 🙂 but I am being destroyed daily and I feel depressed and suicidal a lot! I use many self help techniques including yoga! But the end is nigh! If you would like to check out my business and work please visit my website! This is 2016 not 1216 this needs to stop as it makes the human race look like a bunch of moraless animals!


    I wish all of you the best with your situations! And I hope to God for all of us that there is a miracle and we all get to live out our lives in peace!

    Take care

  210. Good day in a new year! Welcome 2017 in a new struggle. I don’t know your username in TI Skype group. My username is Remegio Balane. Kindly add me to your friend and leave message there for your availability if tou feel free to contact me via Skype.

  211. Good day in a new year! Welcome 2017 in a new struggle. I don’t know your username in TI Skype group. My username is Remegio Balane. Kindly add me to your friend and leave message there for your availability if you feel free to contact me via Skype. E add: remigioabalane53@gmail.com

  212. To eliminate the impostors posing as TT here is the solution if you are a real TI. Let us see each other through Skype. My Skype username is: Remegio Balane. That is my real name too. To vouch myself I can send you my resume to your e mails. Every supporting document is in that resume I am using as Filipino Oversea Worker. I worked in Africa: Madagascar, Mozambique, Zambia. I also once in Qatar Ras Laffan. If you feel free leave a message in Skype if you want to talk with real TI. I am TI for 26 years since 1990. I am 56 years old now and was born in 1960. God Bless You all TIs.

  213. New Targets email: beverlyjonas@outlook.com

    There is a movement called The Global Revolution and it’s the real deal. It’s a members only organization designed to properly inform targets, provide a network of other targets who are ready to fight against this, give us confidence and the knowledge to wake up everyday feel victorious! We have a plan and it’s going to work! Join us!

  214. To all other (T.I.’S) we must stick together because we only have each other through these horrific and revolting experiences that we have become our daily life. What we suffer? Nobody understands and they never will unless they become one of us and know, feel what it’s like to be a targeted individual. We are stronger together as one.
    We can’t fight against the perps alone.
    There are more of us out there world wide who need to come forward so we can all fight back together as one against the perps and Gang Stalking. I have been a target for six years and so far this is what has happened to me:
    Mail tampering
    Property damage
    Stolen parcels
    Sexual harassment
    Sexual assault (twice) by the same perp
    Predatory stalking male/female perps
    I am watched 24/7
    I have been followed – numerous times
    Prank phone calls
    Perps loitering late at night in cars, and on foot in and outside of my house.
    Car horns (that’s some sort of code the perps use)
    Revving of perps cars. Again another code perps use to signal each other.
    Flashing car lights through my windows at night.
    Slamming of car doors.
    And the list goes on..
    I now play the perps at their own game.. I use tools against them, that I know they absolutely hate. And? It works.

    Please contact me if your a target

  215. I have been a time for 5 + years, but since Christmas electronic harrasment as started.

    My feet & legs are swollen badly, sore red like burn marks on my legs. Painful pains shoot through my legs. Pin prick sensation.
    Doctors have said I have cellulitis that explains hot red sore legs. But can’t explain the swelling, run many tests to find route of problem. The swelling legs are a mystery !!!

    I also have a like a pain often in my lower left side of my back. Also began at same time of other symptoms.

    Before I say to medical doctors I believe my symptoms are due to electronic harrasment, I wanted to be sure first.

  216. These voices.. they irritate me. Sometimes they aren’t even saying anything completely negative. Just commenting on my every move. Every expression I make on my face – the voice must comment on it. (I’m actually laughing right now because it’s that ridiculous)

    I used to have these strange dreams at night as a little girl. I don’t even know how my subconscious was able to create these images at such a young age. They usually start off as nice dreams.. very mundane life-like dreams.. then suddenly I will feel like my life was in danger. I would hide in different places each time I had this dream. Sometimes under a bed. Or in a closet. Sometimes I would try to move from one place to another while avoiding men who looked like they were part of a military force. They usually had black combat uniforms on. I remember how real it was watching their feet walk by the edge of the bed as I hid under it. Sometimes I would get caught and killed. Other times I would escape and wake up. Most times, I had to force myself to wake up. It’s funny because these dreams I had while I was in elementary school now feel kind of like my real life.

    I have had the feeling of being watched for over ten years. But the actual targeting just revealed itself to me maybe 2 years ago. It feels like it’s been two years but it may have been much more recent than that. I get a lot of gang stalking. Strangers… hundreds.. all gas lighting me everywhere I go. Whenever I am at home or at work the people around me also seem to hear the voices that I hear. I’ve even heard my father whispering through his teeth telling them to leave me alone. I can also tell when electronic harassment is happening to other person. Even some of the people who attack me. I’m a scapegoat. The goal is to make anyone who comes into contact with me hate me. So if they are targeted or experiencing electronic harassment it will intensify around me. Which is why my dad won’t say it but he wants me gone and no matter how nice I am to people they are always rude.

    But this all started when I thought I made contact with a popular celebrity via social media. This artist has written songs about taking me down. The song came out years before I even knew what it meant. The targeting revealed itself once I began to speak my mind politically (on the internet). I was harsh in many of the things I said. But this is a free country (USA) and I did not say or do anything to deserve this. If anything they seem to be trying to push me into becoming a person that deserves it. I wrote a whole story about every detail I can remember but I want to wait before I share it. It’s crazy. It’s so crazy that when I read it I think I’m a crazy person just as I assume any other reader would think it. But that’s the point of this whole thing though isn’t it?

    I want to expose this. But I want to do it strategically. I want to draw people over to our side. They need to feel safe. Because right now, they feel safer with the enemy. The people behind this are watching you and me right now as you are reading this. We have nowhere in the world to hide. I want to be very overt about everything that we do. Trying to remain anonymous is pointless. Plus I want targets to recognize each other. So I want to create a social network just for us.

    The ultimate goal is to provide physical proof. On a mass scale. Millions of people with physical evidence that this is happening. That’s why every member of my organization would be required to carry a recording device with them at all times. (I will buy them if I have to) This device must be activated anytime that we are with another person. These perps, cannot help it – they love to attack us. There’s only 2 types of perps: 1. A psychopath – someone who feels no sympathy or guilt over anything that they do. They go home at night and sleep like a baby. They feel accomplished whenever they have hurt someone. It’s a little victory for them. 2. A fellow victim – who targets others to distract themselves (and others) from their own pain.

    The devices are important because these perps will slip and say something that can incriminate the people behind this entire thing.. I have heard the very proof I needed and wished I had remembered to record it on my phone. So many times. And at the very least it will mean that the perps around us who become aware of what we’re doing will have to be extremely careful about the things that they say. We also have to start keeping tabs on the people around us. We have to start collecting the first and last names of people around us and keep track of them in our own database. That does not mean we would stalk them. But if we have their name we can at least find enough information to keep a file on each person. We never know when we may need it. Maybe we will catch and expose local perps (the really obvious ones) so that other targets in our parts of the world will know them when they see them. If these perps have done something significant to another target (sabotage, fake lovers, fake friends, set ups), we all should know about it.

    I also have another goal of helping someone in their political career. I don’t have any degrees, and I don’t know everything.. but I am sort of like an autodidact. I’m a curious person and if I have a question, I don’t just google it, I research it, I become it. If I come across come a fellow target who has the credentials I would like them to become my canvass. I’m good at painting pictures. I want this person to speak for us and directly to us (targets) in a way that is not extremely obvious or alarming to anyone who is an outsider. I want them to deliver a positive message to us not only through their political achievements, but their ideology and outlook.

    I don’t know if this is going too far, but at some point I would like every member of my organization to become a volunteer in their community. There are so many severely homeless targets. We should work in homeless shelters, soup kitchens, also we should volunteer with grassroots organizations together, and you know etc… I want to increase our credibility. I want outsiders to ask themselves: “how could these people be lying?” I want us to be vocal about other serious issues like climate change, animal cruelty, human rights, and I want us to take the targeting project out of the conspiracy category and into a credible human rights issue. I want us to stop making the YouTube videos about electronic harassment as we currently know it. We need to appeal to the hip crowd somehow. Right now, we appear broken. We have to start showing strength. That’s why the social network aspect is so important. Because we have to link up with the other targets in our communities. We should be supporting each other not just on the internet but in our personal lives. We have to stop calling ourselves targets in public. We have to say it without saying it. We have to remain overt with our information but covert and kind of sneaky with how it’s delivered to the public. This is what the enemy does to the masses… propaganda. Unfortunately, we may have to use it in order to get everyone’s attention.

    I want us to influence the youth around us like our kids to get more involved in the community as well. Especially new parents. We need scientists on our side. We need politicians to be planted. We need astronauts on our side. We need our people planted everywhere(the ones who are really for us! NOT AGAINST US.) – in media, the music industry, the film industry, heck even the fashion industry. We need targeted individuals who are working in international development. We need hackers.(unfortunately) – Loyal people whose careers are centered around our objective. This is how we protect ourselves and show these criminals that the system is supposed to work for us, not against us.

    I also have a very ambitious goal. I want to send a direct message to the people who are doing this. I want to plan a big walk out. I know this seems impossible but I believe if it is presented to the public correctly, we can convince everyone to stop buying certain products. Boycotts. Or convince everyone to stay home. Millions of people all at home on a random day. THE STREETS COMPLETELY EMPTY. STORES, SCHOOLS, RESTUARANTS, THE HIGHWAYS, THE ROADS. COMPLETELY EMPTY. CONVINCE AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO STAY HOME AND DO NOTHING THAT WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR COUNTRY’S ECONOMY FOR A WEEK. Maybe one day, we will become so large that something like that could make a serious impact. That’s the kind of message I want to send.

    These are my goals.

    If you want the same thing, and if you have your own ideas email me: BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

    • Good day! Download ” Targeted Individual-There is hope-You are not alone.” You Tube. It is the same thing I think about this technology.

  217. I’m from the UK, I wish I could join your force.
    I know sure I’m been ellectronic harrasment & intimidated by aggressive strangers.
    I do wish u best of luck. X

  218. There is help. Do what I have done. Write down the registration numbers of all gang storkers and send to police weekly along with all focused junk mail and details about gs on this site.

  219. In order for police to say I crazy, I asked police before for a copy of my file & they said they never had a file for me. Yet I rang & went many times to see them..
    We all say same on here more a less but not 1 have the answer to all our suffering

    • Being a targeted individual myself one thing i know is that landing a job in the field of study that i took in college more then likely will NOT happen. I empathize the word NOT because for one i applied for roughly 8 jobs so far and not heard back from any of them except 1vso far. Since ive become a targeted individual getting a job is nearly impossible. While i see the gang stalkers who mess with me land jobs with no problem. Sounds to me as if though they are being rewarded for the behaviour that they direct towards all of us TI. Ive been trying to recover from this damn dissibility of mine for 7 years now. I will admit ive made progress. However the targeting still goes on. Its one thing when you have the support and advocacy from the community. Sure youll have no trouble getting ahead. However if your like us TI’s and you lack the support and advocacy of people you are going nowheres. I donno how many other TI are experiencing the same issue. Im sure there are others like me in the same boat as i. Personality i dont give a damn if i remain on dissibility for life or land a job. To me what ever works the best. I would perfer to land a job, but if being a targeted individual makes that impossible then screw it then. Ill just keep applying for jobs just to apease people. Personality i am very skeptical about the outcome. Dont get me started on child protective services either. I will say this i agree with christians want our kids to be with the parents. Totally agree. However christians lack the knolwage and understanding and comprehension of how the system is riged aginst us parents. Cps does not really gove a damn about your or anyones elses religion or god. If they wish to take your kids they will find a way to do so. Thats another thing im experiencing now. So to all the christians out there who believe that their kids should be with mommy and daddy. Cps does not care or give a damn what you think or believe they are there to do what they are told to do despite your belief in god. If they want to take your kids they will take your kids and they dont care if your disabled or have any handicap. Heres something i learned about cps your god cannot help and your god cannot stop cps from doing what they do. Plain and simple. I have yet to see god intervene to stop cps from ripping families apart. So im at the point when if that day comes it comes and there is nothing anyone can do or say to stop the indebable from happening. Espeically to the disabled. These people espeically love to take advantage of the disabled.

      • If that day come where they do take my only son. Im ready and prepared to brace myself for it. Im ready to suck it up like a man and move foward. Do i want to do that no. However im ready for it and im not scared if it happends. Cuz im ready to suck it up and deal with it. Swallow it to the pit of my stomach and move forward. I can be extremely tough. Most people could not swallow it. I however have prepared myself to swallow it if necessary. Its not that i dont care. Its a way for me to though it out. I will be strong even if i loose my kid. Emotionally strong.

      • I had to suck it up when i was molested as a child. I had to suck it up when i was bullied. I had to suck it up when i was abused. I had to suck it up when my dad died 2010 and my mom died to 3 months later. And ill suck it up if i loose my son too. Im ready cps bastards!!!!

    • Why. My ex has a dissibility and cps ordered these freaking agencies. These people practically micromanage your entire life. They also report everything, and i mean everything to cps, and they keep threatening to take him. Because my son has a dissibility too and hes not doing things they want him to do. A big freaking mess. Im from NY capital region area. Yes NY is the worst place for targeted individuals. This area is natorious for gang stalking and targeting. Trust me if you think they target you now its really bad here in the state of NY

      • I’m sorry to hear about your trouble.
        I really do wish I could help you or have a answer.
        Stay strong x

  220. This is a warning to all genuine tis. This site has a stalker pc who puts comments on this site. I have warned police and will not be using this site again.

  221. I presume from the very beginning that this site will never be out of stalker. I want them to be sniffing here that they may know we TIs are now communicating. They want us to be controlled as their guinneas pigs. They want us also to be an scare crows to humanity. We all got the very first thing we should have done. The humanity or the whole world knew us and our reality now. Take care of tour job. They want us to loose our jobs. They got me now. No one wants to hire me anymore. I work formerly as overseas worker. Now drain and broke. Take care of your job and do not mind the stalkers in work place. Without job we can do nothing. God Bless You!

    • They watch me 24/7 anyway. I’ve already been hacked on this site. Had to set up new account. Suppose only a matter of time b4 it happens again.

  222. I am chiped and need a address on where I need to talk to someone I have medical paper work and only have been helping a friend out for the summer I am not sure why someone hasn’t reached me since I’ve been on support for two days with mobile

  223. I have worked 7 years as technician in telecom industry. The military is using the facility for intellegence gatherings. Since this technology is paying the militaries around the world for making us an experimental guinneas pigs, surely they owned the manipulations of internet. We have nothing to hide. 90 % of accounts I made are all gone and hacked. The only thing that we must be expert is making our messages sent. They can read everyrhing because our eyes are their cameras and our ears are their microphones. Be brave and conserve sanity. We shall win this. I promise.

    • I still can’t believe even after all the years that there is not any 1 we can turn to for help.
      How wrong is it that no 1 even checks to see if we got spy wear camera”s or listening devices.
      They just put label on you to say your crazy & that’s it. My home is rigged out with them, detector pics them out but still no 1 seem to care. How can you promise ??

      What I can’t really understand is why on earth do they go to so much trouble just make my life hell. They took my home & business, 6 yrs ago. I got nothing else, so why don’t they just leave me alone now ??

  224. Hi! I am Remegio Balane a TI for 26 years. Download ” Targeted Individual- There is Hope You are not Alone.” You tube video. It tells all. God bless. Always pray for satan is on the other end of this technology.

  225. Good day. Ringing in the ears is the first symtom. Next the voices come. Then you are a TI. Download” Targeted Individual- There is hope- You are not alone.” You Tube. It answers all you need to know. I am Remegio a TI for 26 years since 1990. I am now 56 years old and single. I forget marrying. So hard to get job.

  226. How did you all survive for so long? It’s only been a few months and this feels like an impossible task. Does moving to a different country help? I am tired.

  227. Good day. I am Remegio Balane in the Philippines. A TI for 26 years. Moving anywhere will not help. We can run but we cannot hide. But never to lose mobility. You have to go out evrytime. As not to be a sitting duck target. Keep your present job. They will try to take it away from you to isolate you and be an immobile target. They want us dead but slowly. They want our souls. So we need to keep our sanity always specially around people and work places. Patient is your only weapon. Kindly download ” Targeted Individual-You are not alone- You have hope.” You tube video. It explain all perfectly why we are being targeted. God bless you…

  228. Has anyone been drugged or induced to feel certain emotions during certain times? I have felt a strange pain in my stomach and inability to concentrate.

    • This has nothing to do with drugs. It has to do with manipulation of the nervous system. The strange pain in your stomach could be a direct consequence of manipulation of the nervus trigeminus. It is described in different medical publications. This behavior is normally triggered unwillingly from time to time if you are sensible for this. The inability to concentrate is one of the possible tries to simulate a plausible psychosis or schizophrenia for you, this is one sympthom, for people who are long term patients. Dont know exactly how they achieve this, but i know, its like running against a wall. Normally a human is able to concentrate willingly, except he is in trance (hypnotized ore something like this), the hypnotiseur does not want it and the one who is in trance does not know about the trance. If they are in the mood, this terrible pain goes away in seconds, which is from my point of view a direct hint for a trance.

  229. Hi. I am Remegio Balane in the Philippines. A TI for 26 years since 1990. I feel that too. Constipation and diarrhea. Almost everything simulated or insinuated or induce sickness can be experienced if you are a TI. But the most exact symptom is ringing in the ears. Be carefull with prescription from doctors. Because some of the symptoms you feel is artificials. I sometimes smell burning materials. The truth shall set you free. They will never stop till we die. They want our souls. That is the truth. Let us not give in to their god lucifer. Watch You Tube Video ” Targeted Individual-You are not alone-There is hope. It tells all exactly and the only known prevention from microwave signal attacks. God bless you!

  230. Pingback: TI  »Symptoms » | Targeted Individuals Europe | Vérité

  231. Thank you all for replying. If you listen to what they tell you to do is there any chance it might a least be a bit better? They are constantly telling me to leave University. Maybe I should. That’s where and how my targeting started. I said something about a professor and she did not like it. Now they are using every possible method to distract me during class, isolate me and deem me as the crazy one. I am sick and my classmates seem to be perpetrators. I do not have enough evidence to prove their abuse and it would be pointless in my country any way. I want to finish University but this is becoming worse every day. The harassment is constant a has been a lot worse lately. They tell me to leave, that’s exactly why I was thinking of leaving the country and moving somewhere else. Has anyone had a similar experience? Were you left alone or at least your situation improved? I would like to know your experiences.

    • Dont leave the University. It does not change anything. They stalk you further. Demanding things is their strategy to destroy you by your self. Dont think your professor or your classmates do this to you. Your colleguages, neighbors, classmates, professor, busines partners, relatives are not your stalkers. The stalkers try to make you believe, that people you know do this to you. It is a sympthom of psychosis/schiziphrenia to believe that people you know try to torture you. I recommend a double strategy: Go to the doctor, he/she gives you medication. Modern medication should make this go away in 2 -6 weeks, if it has a biological cause and you should be able to live a normal live. Keep in mind modern theories about psychic disorders, for example schizophrenia, state, it has to do with a metabolical imbalance in the brain. Using a medical drugs would prove, if it has a natural or an artificial cause, because of the physical source of the assumed illnes it must go away and as long as you use the drugs, it should not come back. Here is the double: If it comes back, communicate it, you should have now a prove that you are sane. Try to assemble knowledge about the human body und try to write some kind of a diary, where you write down everything they do to you in a chronological order for every day, as long as they toture you. I, for example, use Onenote on my smartphone and sync the notes later to my pc.

      • I have been to the doctor. Many actually. Has never done anything for me. If you don’t believe this is happening, why are you even on this site? Those of us who actually have to suffer this don’t another person telling us we need to go to the doctor. If It were biological how do you experience symptoms that do not match the description that any psychiatric manual states about schzophrenia. I have proof that I’m sane, reviewed by doctors. Why do you think I’m on this site? If I wanted the same advice I get from “professionals” I would just go to a doctor. This site is for people who actually experience this, Targeted Individuals not people who try to convice us that we are mentally ill.

    • You get me completely wrong: I suffer from the same thing every day. What i mean is, when you go to the doctor and he gives you medication, the whole thing should go away within weeks. If it not goes away or it comes back: If you take medication it is a prove that you are targeted. And it minimizes the chances of the torturers to drive you completely crazy. I know, im completely sane and i believe you that you are too. If you want to fight back and go one day to the police, you must be able to say: I tried this option, doctor and medication, but it does not work, my doctor said im sane so i am sane and someone that realy exist does this torture to me. That was my point.

      All the things you experience are completely biological, because a human body including the brain is a biological system. Even if you think a thought or suffer pain it is a bioelectric process. The question is: Does this pain you suffer from, the voices you hear, does it come from yourself, is it selfinduced, or is your body targeted from the outside? This is what all people on this site struggle with: How to prove that these things exist!

      • You really shouldn’t be on this site. Why even come here if it’s all biological? If you are targeted you know you can’t trust the police. Nobody would believe it or say anything about this because it’s classified. If you really are targeted, try it your self and tell us how it goes. If it stops for you it should work for everyone, right? Please let us know then! There are forums for people who belive this has a chemical solution. You would probably be better understood there.

      • I get you. If you think it’s biological, you could discuss that somewhere else. If you actually knew what going through this was you would know that going to the police would only make it work. You should get off this site. What are you trying to do? Collect information? We are unable to prove it because it’s meant to work that way. They are trying to do just that.

      • @thetombofnagasadow@gmail.com
        Its possible that they use information, that is currently classified, but i believe, that they not able to use voodoo or they are magicians. As i wrote: every human is a biological system. If someone tries to influence it, for example to let you suffer from pain, he could use a stone and throw it on your head or he could use energetic radition to heat the water in you skin cells, your body reacts with firing neurons, so its biology.
        If we are all targeted, for example with the same weapon system, the there is a single solution for this. But as you know as TI: They are able to adapt really fast, if you find something that blocks their influence. Trusting the police is a different thing: I think, and thats my opinion, from my experience, police officers, agents and others are part of a conspiracy, like in the case Marc Dutrox, but not inherently the police, the intelligence agencies and so on.

    • Are you an agent provocateur? Are you not an biological entity? If you interested i share another story: I have prove that im stalked and targeted. And when i say prove, i mean physical real life prove, something that is visible to others, not only to me. Do you too? A student who is possible in the best age for getting a schizophrenia?

      I know your fear: Going to the doctor and getting medication could make you a crazy in the eyes of others for all the time. But are not crazy for them now, stating that someone let you hear voices and is targeting you? How will you prove that you are not mentally ill when you never took medication? You cant say, i tried it but it doesnt work. You must state: I never tried it! And i know the answer of authorities and their psychiatrists when you try to convince them: lack of illness insight!

      And im not really sure that you get me right. What i mean with biological ist that we are as humans biological systems. To influence such a system and to produce biological effects, one can use something that is biological, for example a fungus, who produces psychotropic substances inside your body, a kind of metbolic imbalance. It is well known that some kind of parasitic life forms produce such substances. Once you are infected someone let you hear ultrasonic sounds or produces eletromagnetic fields that fire neurons, something that would never work, if you are not infected.

      • In times likes these I wish I was a provocateur agent. You don’t know my story or age and I don’t know yours. I don’t know if you didn’t read my comment before but as I said I’ve been to many doctors and medical proof of my sanity. I already took what I was prescribed and it never work I don’tunderstand what point you are trying to make. My experience as a targeted individual is as valid as yours. I came here looking for support from people who live the same not scholding from someone who thinks he knows my life better than I do. No, of course only beings like yourself are able to fully grasp the concept of biological. If you were trying to get my off the site, congratulations.

    • It was not my intention to answer your posts in a know-it-all manner. I accept, that you have a different experience then i, it is no problem for me. But i did not read all your post, Ok, thats my fault! What i was trying to say was, to use all options, even medical drugs, to gather data and experiences and to lower their possibilities to torture you.

      What electrified me, was their demand to leave university. In my personal case they had a whole catalog of demands, which i should have fulfilled, before they “leave” me. For example: Stop developing software(im a freelance software developer), leave a customer, dont work with a customer anymore, leave my home, leave my family and so on. I was able to prove, all their stories they wrapped around these demands were complete nonsense. I was able to prove with facts, that they are cowards and then had only to be patient to wait until every story collapses in itself. After once more 18 month of targeting, it seems to me, that they want to prove for someone that they are able to torture you until you fullfill their claims. Or, and that is something which i think its even closer to reality, they demand these things from you because it is part of their sadistic game. At the end of this game stands the ultimate claim: Kill your self!

    • In case of a suggestion i can only speak for myself. The rough schematic they use is always the same, but they vary it, it is adapted for the person they target. What i do is, i collect data. I write down 15 -20 bullets point every day, what they do to me,what they say to me, what they say to them self, all with a timestamp. From time to time i transfer these notices to a word document, because you can search such a document. After a short while, 4 -6 weeks, i was able to see a pattern in their behaviour. They try to cover your daily life cycle, if you wake up at 6 every day they enable their voices and the ringing in the ears at 6. If you wake up earlier nothing works and they get in panic. I found out later that they speak encrypted. They exchange for example pronouns and verbs. They adapt their language, if you get behind it. They use a technical system for this, it produces, for example, sentences with to different endings.

      So what i recommenend is:
      – Keep in mind, that there is no simple solution, it takes months and years to find out the details
      – Ockhams razor wont fit here, try to communicate this
      – Most of the things they tell you are lies, the try to create an alternative reality for you
      – Dont try to speak with the police or authorities until you have undeniable prove
      – Collect data about their doings and behaviour and write it down
      – Learn all about your body and about the simulated medical conditions
      – Read studies about the medical conditions, physics, neuroscience, neuro computer science, psychology
      – Live your life as normal as you can, keep your friends and your family
      – Do sports, read books, watch movies, as every not targeted human, even if it is sometimes very hard
      – Dont loose hope, it takes time to reach a status quo and there will be a solution
      – There will be questions: Why should someone stalk and torture you? My answer would be: Im not rich and mighty, i have no lobby, my family lives far away, im peaceful,im successful in my job: the perfect victim for a group of sadists

  232. I am Remegio a TI for 26 years since 1990. Do not leave the University. Anywhere you go they are there. Ignore sometimes those derisions around you. Moving out is just the same. They can see you anywhere around the world. I did to work abroad but it is just rhe same. But you can try go abroad in a country not allied to US. Every allied countries have their own TIs. We can run but we can’t hide. Watch the You Tube video of “2017 The end of TI symptoms” It may help you the curing there. I will try it to buy those dermal materials. Keep your sanity always.They want you to be isolated and feel bad about yourself. Try to be cheerfull. There is hope. Always visit here to survive while we are doing everything to find the absolute solution to this diabolic sadism. Always pray cause that will cause torment to Lucifer at the end of this technology.

  233. If you really trust a doctor go. But schizoprenia is equated psychiatrically to ringing in the ears. All of us TI has ringing in the ears. That would send us to mental hospital. We can hardly trust anyone. Watch ” 2017 End of TI symptoms.” You Tube. And ” Targeted Indivifual-You are not alone-There is hope.” They want us to be broken spiritually and commit suicide. They will not stop till we die. Pray and cure this candida fungus common to us. I suspect it is the main part that makes us monitored anywhere. Biological antenna for this tech. That fungus might make us tracked anywhere. Keep on visiting TIs blogs and web sites. We can dind the permanent solution. Mankind know our wxistence and sufferings. Only that they are fearfull to get involve. They don’t want to loose their priviledges. Only we that can share and solve this diabolic problem. The gods are mad.

    • I went to the doctor years ago and took medication. I was able to stop the voices and the torture with it, because there was no natural reason that it wouldnt go away. Not for me and not for them. Nobody wanted to send me to the mental hospital. After 4 years they came back 15. September 2015, the same day, 15. September as 2011. They thought i did not take my medication any longer, because i talked on the telephone with my doctor about medication, but that was wrong. So i found out many things: they watched me the whole time, they do not know all, they make failures and they do telephone observation. And that is nothing what halluzinations can do: make failures and not know all about you.

      I have a question regarding ringing in the ears. Did it start before you began to hear voices or after that?

      • What are you trying to do here? Collect information? Get off this site. If medication works for you, good, go share your success story somewhere. It doesn’t work for people who are actually targeted. You might as well visit “crazy” forums.

  234. We find hard to prove bcus we are 24/7 surveillance, for example if I tell someone I been followed & that person travels with me for 5 days, then no 1 follows me. (Crazy)

    Yet if authority would at least check to see if house has bugging devices, gsm tracker apps & surveillance them self’s to protect us, then story would be different.

    I got told I would have to be a dead body before investigated, & even be dead with out suspision.

    But we know we will die of natural courses eg : heart attack
    Or they hang us & make it look like suicide.

    Don’t go to the doctors because they will put on your records you suffer from physcotic episodes, anything you say in the future will say your crazy.

    I wish I had the answer for you or could help in some way but sadly I can’t.

    Stay strong !!

  235. Good day! The voices I hear is from outside source. Sometimes an each afar from my ears or sometimes only coming from any electrical devices that produces magnetism: electric fans and transformers. I am an Electrician and I have been studying this technology since 1990. I thought I was the only one then. Now the ringing in the ears that is common to us, all the body pain and fatigue and sleeplessness we all supper are all the same symptoms produce by Candida fungus infections. The most common are the ringing in our ears and the filmy dundruft like fungus that grows from the crown to our genetals area. These are produce by Candida Fungus. I think now that it is this Fungus in us that make us an antenna biologically. Why only rhe TIs have this in common? I suspect that this fungal infections that we TI suffer are induced by this technology after we inhale and we got in contact with it in our environment. Just like Ebola vitus that can be resurected after being hit by a certain frequency in a dormant state in any country. To tell you the truth and I am 100% sure, the govt. militaries and corporate elites are involve. They preparing the world for a holocaust. Remembering that this program is a fullfillment of Nazi. Going to police for or even politician will not do. They need much money for this technological litigation that seldom among lawyers have the tech. expertize. The world is under blackmail and under hostage. We are the scarecrow for himanity to make them conform in a New World Order in a godless society. They will not stop untill we TI show to them that we are super evil also. Meaning we are in to their demonic future society. If not, we will suffer till the day we are dying. I am 56 years old now and the attacks are getting fierce. The only hope is if the whole humanity or the majority of them gather together in protest. Only then that this would stop. But that is beyond hope. We are then theodern martyrs. We die alone. I come closer to God now and torment Lucifer with prayers at the end of this technology. God is our only hope. Even medical personnels can no longer be trusted. They are mostly into with this. God bless you and keep your sanity always.

  236. Yes. The ringing in my ears come first then the voices. Now I watch one You Tube videos about Candida fungus. This tech. weakened our immune system and this Candida fungus can sets in since it is now common to our environment. I suspect that this fungus is propagated by our handlers. And it bacame our biological antenna. This fungus grow again in your system after the medication. So ringing in the ears came again to tou and all the common symptoms to us. Try to consult about this Candida fungus since to eradicate it in our system offer some dangerous side effects. Always visit this site to survive and to get an update if someone among us found the real answer against this technology. We are still looking for devices that can suppress this signal if it cannot be eradicated. The invention of devices is easy. The materials or electronics components are beyond our reach since we need a very low values that only the like of NASA has.

    • The ringing, the artificial tinnitus, came first for me to in 2009. One and a half year later they did something to me which caused hearing loss at the right side. When it happens, i felt numbness in the outer ear canal. If i covered my ear with my hand it goes away in seconds and the hearing was completetly reestablished. It took then half a year before they began to talk to me. I established correlations between this things later, after they forgot one day to enable the ringing for a longer time and then began to vary it to punish me.
      Between 2012 and 2015 i only heared the ringing from time to time, only near my house, in a radius around 100 meters. When i moved away from my house it suddenly disappeared after that magic 100 meters and came back if i moved toward my house.

      • I’ve recently started with pain in my right ear. Im scared that I soon be hearing voices.
        I believe that I now been electronically harrassed.
        How does everyone cope with it, it hurts.
        How long do they electronically harrasse you ?
        I research daily but I need to speak to other victims. Please help me !!!!

  237. Try to read about Candida Fungus. This fungus is common to all of us TI. Even it’s symptoms. I suspect that this fungus is propagated by the bosses in cabal groups that handle us. The fungus can be our biological antenna since it is common to us TIs. That is why they can track us anywhere.

  238. Not sure if this counts, but some peculiar incidents in my life:

    At the age of 12, a woman approached me in a parking lot and told me that “the Holy Spirit” was blazing forth from me.

    At the age of 18, when lost in an airport (plane # had been switched), a man in a suit came up to me and my brother and knew we were lost, why we were lost, and where we had to go. (Could’ve just been an obvious thing, like we heard the overcomm tell the airport the # switch and the dude saw us with puzzled looks on our face and decided to help out.)

    At the age of 22, a man approached my at a local ferry terminal asking for help getting back to his home (needed ferry fare, basically). On the way back suddenly turns to me and asks, “You’re going to save the world someday, aren’t you?”

    At the age of 24, two men walked into the restaurant I worked at and was hanging out at. They walked up to me, told me I would change the world one day, and then left.

    At the age of 29, two incidents. First I was at home, this car shows up, never seen it before, guy walks in, stares at me, asks, “Are you the writer?” and since I have no idea why he’s here I tell him where my roommates are, like if he was here to hang out with them or something, but the guy just rushes off into a back room somewhere and I never even see the car when it leaves. Second incident is shortly thereafter, a woman is in the grocery store, I see her on one end of the store and then some time later she almost runs into me with her shopping cart, she stares at me and says, “For some reason, I just need to give you these twenty dollars,” and she hands me a twenty-dollar bill before disappearing.

    At the age of 30, I have taken a Greyhound to Chicago for a concert. On the way back, as she’s leaving the bus during a rest/smoking break, a passenger looks at me and says, “Smile, you’re on candid camera.”

    None of it seems clearly connected, and I guess a lot of people probably go through life being told bizarre things at random by strangers, but sometimes I worry. A lot.

  239. Any suggestions for me I’ve been sick for years . I have blood work done they say no record of you being here. I have surgery no record. I have bleeding ulcers n I have very emergency like symptoms. I am ridiculed, not allowed to speak, also not TREATED on purpose. I can tell the drs know by how they look at me. After not being treated I asked the doctor can I get something for my excema? And I get a snotty response like I’m not a dermatologist!! Ik this woman was trying to get a reaction from me cuz a cop kept walking past my door. I don’t react nomore. But this last time the doctor wasn’t even trying to treat me just trying to get me to say I’m an alcoholic which I’m not!!!! She reworded it like 6 times until my sister got mad n said y do you keep asking her that I’m the alcoholic she doesn’t drink. The next day her dog died. I need medical attention like now!!! Idk what to do. Please all proper suggestions welcomed………ty!

  240. Heads up if anyone knows what Craigslist is if your a targeted individual you will most definality be targeted there. I was sent on a wild goose chase for a phone I try to buy and the guy was no where’s to be found as he said. All I see was a creepy old man sitting in his car laughing. Trust me this indecent is not the only one. I hear a lot of people have no issues on Craigslist. But if your a targeted individual ohh boy they will mess with you on there. For sure. My suggestion stay off there.

    • On Craigslist they somehow know who you are based on probably by the words you use on there or the email address I’m not sure but somehow they are figuring out who you are on there and they somehow find you. Donno if they are using a algraithim or something but they are doing something

  241. I get repeated ringing in my ear there is really nothing you can do about it either unfortunality. The one thing that sucks about being a TI is once you are one you will always be one. It does not stop. Or at least I have not seen a way out of it or anything to get it to stop.

    • I find so hard to believe that there is nothing out there to help us.
      I search daily for victims near me, but fail miserably. I don’t believe I’m the only one in the west midlands UK
      I’m scared, it hurts & everyday is a struggle

  242. My friend Su. This Psychotronics operation main or initial move is to make you depress by employing gangstalking and harassment where ever you are. Specially in work places. They are forcing you to be out of job and isolated from your relatives and friends by making you abnormal in bearings or in talking with them. Being totally depressed will weaken immune system. Then many illnesse will probably come to you triggered by deppression. Specially the Candida Fungus. Everything the TI feels and ringing in the ears are common symptoms of this Candida Fungus. Search for it in the net for further curing and preventions. That is why since the symptoms of Candida Fungus is common usually to TI, it is this fungus that makes us the biological antenna for this technology. That probably the reason why they can easily track us through satellites. Remember that in all airports there are detectors for diseases popular in certain time. Therefore be healthy and read medical facts. Learn to medicate yourself. We TI should not trust any institution specially dentals and medicals. All govt. are cordially participating with this Lucuferian Domination. They don’t want to loose priveledges in society. That is why we have to help those good guys in every institution to have courage to combat this oncoming worldwide holocaust. They are afraid and lost trust in any one also. Who are with them anyway if they fight this. They might end up like us helpless. The truth is we are the modern martyrs we TI. We die alone and unknown. This should not be. We must give humanity courage to understand how they are loosing their freedom and future. That is the duty of every TI. We should not be playing heroes alone. We must be heroes with humanity. That is the Truth and that will set us Free again…- Remegio Balane

  243. Read many suggestions and comments here and you will find an answer. I am aTI for 26 years since 1990. I experienced fist fight on the first onset of my atracks. And I learned that meeting violence with violence just justify their sadism. Don’t go to psychiatrist. Tou might end up with straight jacket and send to mental institution. There you are totally helpless for life. I have comments here with your problem. – Remegio Balane.

    • I suffer in silence just to dodge the straight jacket.
      My family are amazing & altho they find hard to come to terms with what I say they do know there is something wrong & that there is so truth in what I say.
      I go to doctors often with burns on my legs & swelling, the symptoms of been electronically harrassed. Altho they have no answer to my symptoms & never seen before my sufferig, I never mention the gang stalking as I know they would only have me locked up.
      I was just simply saying that I’m scared to face what else is coming. Im scared how I react if i hear voices, I don’t want to face it.
      I should not have to face it, none of us should. It’s cruel & inhumane.
      Why is there no help out there for us, there is enough of us all to prove this is real & happening so why are we still been labelled as crazy ???

      • Yes, its cruel and inhuman. I think about it every day, how people can torture others in this way and do not go crazy? The only answer i find is, these people are “normal” people, only a little bitt underpriviledged, like the two in Hoexter/Germany who tortured dozens of woman, two of them to death, in their house. Two wellfare recipients, a woman and a man.

        Regarding your question about the ringing in the ears: As it started, it was like a sinusitis, but only around my ear. There was no pain, It only felt like my ear was filled with water. i didnt hear anything on the right side, but it felt artificial, because it was only local, around the ear. After 3 weeks it suddenly went away. I thought i was able to hear anything again(never had any problem before). While calling my wife with the cell phone i found out, i hear all but quieter. In 2012 after their first attack with voices it went completely away. Now, 6 years later, i think i has do with hearing binauaral sounds. In a constellation with a louder and a quieter ear, the binaural sound is shifted to the louder side or you cant hear it. What i was able to prove: My hearing organs, choclea and so on are completely intact, but around my ear exist something like an event horizon. If you break through it, for example with an in-ear headphone, i hear all sounds in normal loudness

  244. We don’t need to expect help because those who are in power are heled hostages by this technology and corporate elites of the whole world. Even billionaires should abide by their caprices as to stay alive and in business. This cabals organization is forcing the whole humanity to conform. Rich and poor; great and small. We are the scarecrow for humanity. They will see to them that like us they will be bereft if they do not conform. Every war is an spiritual war. They have Lucifer and we have our God Almighty. We should meet them in our godly ways. We have to win our souls and other souls. This Corporate Cabals want our soul to feed Lucifer with our suffering. Our God is stronger than their gods. We must pray for this. No other effective way we can defeat this demonic tech. But to beg for help with the Maker of this universe. The truth is this tech. is unstoppable. Where should we turn to but to our Maker?

  245. I’ve not said or have ever believed that any man richer or poorer than are better or worse than I.
    I still not sure what gang as such are targeting me & totally confused to why go to so much trouble to do so. They have all I own years ago. I have nothing left.
    I don’t seek revenge, I don’t wish them nothing good or bad.
    I bet there not a single TI that has not prayed but it’s not helped anyone of us. no war was ever won with out a army & all wars are started through religion.

    There is so much I’m very confused about, I need answers to.

  246. I get a pain in my right ear but have noticed mainly when driving. I don’t really know uch about tinitus. I wouldn’t say I have a ringoing as such more a contant pain I could hear perfectly before Christmas & now I constantly repeat what’s been said to me to make sure I heard properly.
    Is this first signs of them trying to make me hear voices ?
    Thankyou for reply x

    • Im not a doctor, but i would say you have a sore ear, possible a barotrauma. If its artifiical generated or not, you need to go to the doctor and let him treat your ear. This prevents that its getting chronic and that they can start something like artificial tinnitus, because there would be no natural reason for it and denies, that this slightly sored ear would be used from them as camouflage for their simulated illnesses. You must be able to deny a plausibly natural cause for it. The natural cause for tinitus is, that you dont hear enough and your brain tries to compensate the lack of sound.

  247. IF I die as result of the stress that this is putting me through. Guess what someone is gonna pay up some serious cash for the debt I’ve accumlinated over the years some one has to flip the bill. Before I take my last breath I’ll be like here federal government here’s a pound of my flesh sleep well and ohh here’s my bill too.

  248. I don’t know what words to use to explain it. But I know it’s not tinitus or a general ear ache, I did a last minute get away this weekend & not once did I have any symptoms of any kind of all the suffering I havery occurred over last few months.

    • OK, sounds good for me. That is how i assume how their system works, because the effects are only temporary and bound to a location, and they must renew them from time to time. It is pure speculation but hypnotization works this way and transcranial magnetic stimulation too. If they trigger the effects once, they do last only a few hours. they must renew them. And if you somewhere else, for example for a weekend, they do not allways follow you, only if it is worthwhile for them. If they know, you will be back on sunday evening, they will not follow you.

      I had something like a similar experience, weeks ago. I had a meeting with a potential customer. They did not want that because, they knew, i would possibly get a contract. So they made me deaf on the right ear roundabout 500m before the office of my customer. They wanted my customer to believe, im ill. I walked into the office, spoke with the customer, got a contract, left one hour later the office and got back to the subway. And suprise: the deafness went suddenly away in seconds.

  249. Hi, glad you got the contract, is your ear ok still now or does it come & go ?
    From the research I’ve done, I believe they are trying to make me hear voices. I not heard any of yet. Im scared if I do, don’t think I could handle that.
    I come home often to find a door unlocked or a window open, nothings never taken but things have usually been moved. Last time was my fridge freezer, they had pulled it right out. What they done to that I don’t know but now it makes a terrible noise.
    I have a few times now noticed a mist when I enter my kitchen or sitting my living room.
    Only way I can explain it is, have you ever seen heat rise from a radiator, the heat is clear but you still see it.
    Well this mist I see now & again is clear but stIll see it, it swirls fast & has a sort of electric smell. So weird, I have managed to get a small recording of it. I’ve show 2 or 3 people but they say they never seen anything like it & I should get my electrics tested.
    I’ve searched endlessly for help or even TI’s near to me but no success. I found a fb page “gangstalking in the UK” but it’s not real.
    I just wish they leave me alone, I get tired of them & there ill acts, every day is a struggle.

    • Most of the time my ear is OK. It has completely nothing, no pain, no artificial tinnitus and i hear all sounds. From time to time they decide that they do something with my ear. Mostly on weekends, but not all weekends, every 3th weekend or so, they create pain. It begins Friday morning or noon and ends Sunday afternoon, it is allways the right side. It begins with a slight itching ache right and left and then goes over into pain on the right side. The tinnitus begins then and swells up until it nearly cant be heard, i assume its then around 15 -16 KHz. After a short while the ear is anesthetized or better parts of the ear, the external auditory canal, and a circular spot around the ear to the sternum. After an hour I have something like a sunburn in the ear and the skin begin to peel. One or two times i had a burn blister in the ear canal. The pain lasts for some hours and then goes away, until the next morning. It all ends sunday afternoon against 16:00. If they do this to me for a special reason, visiting a customer for example, it starts within seconds to minutes and ends shortly after leaving the place.

      What you describe, moved furniture, open doors and windows, is a psychological tactic, developed by the East German stasi to make their enemies look mad and drive them crazy. But they used it only against important enemies, like Robert Havemann. For example: They have stolen one day only the white bed linen and another day only the red one, nothing else, only the bed linen. So i assume in your case it is someone who heard about these stasi things and tries to create something similar.

  250. I have been a TI for about 13 Years now.I came back from the UK in 2000 and have experienced ALL the symptoms adjudged with TI.The chip must have been implanted during a surgery,I had in the UK,and obviously in collaboration with the most CORRUPT COUNTRY IN THE FACE OF THE PLANET -NIGERIA.I am an Human Rights Lawyer and will not waver in my continued Defece of Human Rights to the most deprived in our society.This is a country where the WORST SET OF PEOPLE ARE RULING THE BEST.It is mediocrity Inc.Contrary to their design,I will not self destruct and eventually ,they will be defeated with ALL counter technological means necessary.AMEN.

  251. Hi I am so grateful I found your web site, I really found
    you by mistake, while I was researching on Bing for
    something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like
    to say thank you for a remarkable post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the
    theme/design), I don’t have time to read it all at the moment but I have bookmarked it
    and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please
    do keep up the great work.

  252. I have been electronically harassed for months starting in my ankles & lower legs. It causes swelling & burn marks. I feel like I been electrified.
    I wentered hospital last Thursday & 2 doctors had never seen anything like it.
    They been running tests on me everyday sInce & guess what the harassment as stopped. I’ve suffered for months but suddenly for 7 days now no harassment at all AMAZING !!!!!

  253. Sleep near the ground. It is pulse wave. The pulse waves are the distructive signals. Bringing those to earth is the best xounter measure. Ask some reliable electrician about earthing. I am an Electrician by profession.

  254. Kayode what it is the nature of your operation? I am a TI for 26 years since 1990. The celphone and computers are merely just befinning to be develope. But the tech. they are using to me in this very time is just the same as what they are using before. I have non of any operation or dental visit but I was tracked anywhere. Even inside the flying airplane I can clearly hear voices in my brain. Fluid and without any distortion. That is why sometimes implant is not to be suspected. These cabals have so many disinformation campaign today so that we TI will be confused in our own indormation on how this tech. really works. The main concern of this tech. is to weaken our immune system through vexarions of death threaths and v2k application. As the immune system weaken, we develope Candidiasis Fungus. This fungus is the creator of what bodily pains we experience and culminates ro any cancer growth. I suspect that this Candidiasis become their biological antenna within ys. Because Candidiasis is common to us TIs. That is why they can track us anywhere. Remember that every airport we go in have their own types of sensor devices whenever there are virus outbreak. They detect us if we are xarriers of any virus. What more off this Fungys that us so common only to our kind – the TIs. But I do not say that we must ifnore the possibilities of impkants since we are their guineas pigs.

  255. I still can’t get my head around all this, I’m definitely been stalked & been a TI for years but still can’t work out what the gang really is masonry”s or other. ? Or what they gain from all of this either.
    Some say guineapig but for Wat exactly ???
    How many TI”s do they want.
    I from the UK & I can’t work out what’s real & who’s real anymore.
    Everyone goes on about weapons & mind control & covert bla bla. It’s help we need, some support.

    • I dont think this people are the ususal suspects like freemasons, illuminati, intelligence agencies, the government and so on, because my tortures want me to believe that they are from one of these groups. From their mindset I would rather suspect something like Scientology, but Scientology wants money so why should they destroy us? But people do this things to us, not organizations. For me are these people organized criminals, organized sadists, so i assume that is something like the Marc Dutrox Conspiracy. Marc Dutrox, because this crinimal network used psychological and psychiatric method against the kids they captured, abused and killed later. In this organisation where politicans, police officers, secret agents, mafiosi, clerks and so on, but clearly organized crime. When they were discovered, 27 witnesses had to die before Dutrox was convicted and this was only the tip of the iceberg.

      I assume, but i can only speak for my personal experience, that these people organized something like a hunt, but the prey are we, the TIs. The final, the ultimate goal in this hunt is our dead, but they defined more goals, to make this game more interesting, for example: make you lose the job, make you homeless, make you lose the family, blackmail money (they really tried to get bitcoins from me) and so on. But these goals are only used to show that they can do that with someone who has never done anything, to prove that their methods successfull and work for everyone. All this is organized like a game with different teams/groups that do get points and money for reaching a goal with their TI.

      The so-called research is done alongside, in order to improve the methods, the system itself already works. They switch from group to group, located in different cities, and work in shifts around the clock. They use technical equipment to sound, as if allways the same people do this to you and to extort their voices. Thats said, they can sound like anyone that exists (and you have allready heard the voice from).

      If you ask me, it is a weapon because it uses energetic radiation. Only magnetic/electric fields can influence an electric organ like the brain in this way. With this weapon they try to reoganize neuronal networks in your brain, trigger cognitive restrictions, block parts of your thinking processes and trigger pain. They condition you with psychological methods and pain. So its clearly mind control, but your self is not away, it is inside your brain, you allways aware of these things they do to you but you cant fight against it, because they block you.

      • End result is death, either violently or make it look like suicide or natural causes.
        What ever the group is, there just torcher/torments me like a cat does to a mouse before it kills it.

        Reason because they can !!!

        Yes there is a jack of all trades involved, I have always had in mind there some involvement in young children. As they stole my youngest son passport then I recieved threat’s saying Snatch or any thing that related to kidnap & anything that related to my sons name.
        I screamed from roof tops to anyone who would listen, so if ever my son went missing they would have to be a investigation & fingers pointing at them.

        The ill acts of play they have already done to me & to my family over the last few years have in fact already did kill me inside anyway. I live, I don’t have a life.

      • I’ve just read that Mark detoux story. Yep reports of victims & whitneses are Benn brushed aside or forced to silence.
        They got caught in the end tho altho there punishment is lite.

      • Yes, they think they are the cat and we are the little mouse, because we are alone and they are more and nobody can catch them.. But i think they are lousy degenerated bacteria, the stupidest and lowest of the sediment of human society. They are not the cat, they are people that have a psychosexual disorder and they will be catched, because they are human and humans make errors, especially if they are driven from this kind of ill shit, and they will get their punishment.

        For the definition of sadism i quote “Encyclopaedia Britannica”:
        „[Sadism is a]..psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person“ and „…The satisfaction of the sadist may result not from inflicting actual physical pain but rather from the mental suffering of the victim“.

        It is a fact that pathological and compensatory sadist exists. Compensatory sadists tend not to set the sexual motivation in the foreground, but achieve their mental satisfaction, which is more or less unconsciously sexually motivated, from the mental suffering and from the involuntariness and helplessness of the victim, which includes for the victim not being able to end the pain.

  256. Has anyone experienced muscle or weight loss? Any kind of hormonal imbalance? Is it posible to do this directly or is it a side effect from their torture?

    • I lost more then 10 kilogramms in 2 month in 2012 without any reason. I did not work during this time. Later i gained 10 kilogramm while i worked every day and did sports.

      Epiphyse and Hypophyse are part of the human brain and control some of the hormon glands directly. So if these people are able to control parts of the brain they are able to produce homon imbalances, overweight, sleepiness, sleeplessness and so on. Surely are some effects are side effects of the torture because the brain and the body can determine if something is wrong and try to do countermeasures, but do not recognize that these effects are artificial

  257. This mental torture and gang stalkeing cannot be deal with only political or scientific means. This is the combination of science and demonic power. We are the guinnea pigs of their ritual and our sufferings are the food if Lucifer they serve. If this is for scientific research, they can do this via legal means since their are so many people want to sell themselves and too many that are willing for the sake of money. And this cabals got all the money in the world. No need for illegal means. The people who are doing this cruelty against humanity are totally sick and the only purpose is to empower evil life and evil people for the day of Lucifer. They are preparing. This needs also prayers. The Bible speaks about the necessary appearance or coming of the scoffers in the world. Peter 2&3. Why St. Peter speak of them? What differ from the scooffers during the time of the Apostles with the coming of future scoffers? Why that the coming of scoffers are needed to be prophesied since they are common sinners even if oldest time? They are the prophesied scoffers that last 24/7 as in the prophesies of King David in his Psalms. 100 chapters of Psalm are dedicated to the scoffers in Jesus time and the coming that torments “day and night” and “all the day long.” Let us pray and turn to God for this is scientifically demonic while we TIs are looking for the true counter measures. Have a blessed day!

  258. 19 months Ukultra V2K on artin Arzmanians. Sevan and Sevana married and had a 13 month old baby boy. And the curse my 7 year old daughter Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians drowned in Armen Morad pool And jono dersarkisian flipped the car going back home from Armen morads house.

    • I dont know, why nobody wants to see this. I hope, it has to do with my bad english and the medium (comment on blogpost). So i try to make it as simple as i can: What is more likely, if someone states, that he or she is tortured by the government, the cia, the freemasons or so on, that he or she is tortured or is it more likely that her or she suffers from mental illness? Let us assume, that he or she is tortured, why in the hell should the government, the cia, the freemasons do this? All this organisations and structures have enough believers in their ranks, they would get enough voluteers, even for dirty goals like a new world order, for research on human beings and so on. And the best: Nobody from the outside, in the public, does know about that these things happen. So if it is highly unlikely that the usual suspects do these things and we assume, that almost all of the people here are not mentally ill, who does it and what are their goals? These are my questions and my answers:

      If i read the posts and hear the stories from TIs here and on other web sites and in real life the the lowest common denominator is, that they all suffer from pain, physically and or mentally. The believe, they are tortured. If someone is tortured, there is someone who tortures.

      Who is someone called. that is tormenting people for weeks and months and seems to have fun with it?
      – A sadist

      If a group of people tortures someone, for weeks and months and they seem to have fun with it?
      – A group of sadists

      Here and on others sites are people from all over the world, UK, Germany, Philippines, Australia, USA. All the people tell stories that are identically, the methods the torturers use, what they do to the people and so on.

      Is it possible, in times of global communication, that different groups of people that torture other people (e.g. they share the same interests) are connected with each other, via internet, darknet and so on?
      -Yes, i would call it a loose network of groups of sadists.

      The first time i visited this site, i read a post from someone from australia, whom his torturers said, they where from europe, there were a program BNCI Horizon 2020 and they do research on him. It is true, this program exists, it is a project in the EU. But why in the hell should the EU torture an australian, why should i believe the mossad is after me and why should someone from the philippines believe, that the CIA is after him?

      – They dont want us to see the simple truth, that a group of people of our own country does this to us, The want us to believe, that we fight a fight we can not win against a government or intelligence agency from outside our country.

  259. Your right from their founder Marc de Sade, they are sexually perverts and voyeurs. They are sexually sick. They are sadist and masochist in one.

    • Hi, Remegio, but if they were “only” “sadists”, how is such a network able to pay for drones and all these perverted new electronic weapons? I think they are just the “handlanger”, the lowest morons = perps, who get payed by the real monsters with wrong and greedy intentions. Why should perverted MS or SM use these electronic (health-defects and lethally ending up weapons) shit on average citizens? The Sados and Masos would be able to recruit their own choosen “members” , wouldn´t they? I guess it is just distraction from reality programs taking place and hiddenly run by corrupt government services.
      And if a group of criminal bastards like the ones you mentioned would play a role in Europe and even Zealand, why the heck then the local police and government would not render any assistance to help?
      Nope, in my eyes it is worse than we could expect.

  260. My name is Rocky and I am a TI. I live in Texas and welcome any who need help to level out to contact me. My experience has been for 7 years. I’ve noticed that there are drones above my home every night and when I went to go see my mother in another part of Texas that it was there. So, look to the sky to see those things which attack you. Also know that when your in a place your brain is in a specific location. That is what this computer(what else could calculate so specifically) is aiming for. So, when you are about to go through your front door this computer is calculating where your brain is. It calculates these things using your understanding of where you are. It knows how tall you are and knows from your experiences where your brain is at. What I am getting at is that you can confuse this calculating computer by knowing your in a place that your really not. That habit of going out the front door when you leave your home can be replicated in your thoughts. When you do these things it will send the computer off on a “wild goose chase”. It will recalculate knowing that when it swoops over to where you were just pretending to be that it can’t find the brain that it is looking for. Get good at this with practice and you could make this computer run errands over and over again. When this computer leaves you what happens is that your brain “cools” down. It is only momentary relief but when you understand the level of torture some of us know all too well then that momentary lapse is all we need to feel comfort.
    Another thing is TIN. I have placed tin in my attic above where I am at most of the time and placed two pieces that go around behind and to my left and have noticed that they will go between these pieces where they make that turn in order to go around the tin. It helps and believe that as my construction continues that the degree with which they can pervade my senses will continue to lessen.
    Anyway, just wanted to share what my experiences have taught me. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me.

    • Hi, Rocky, your information regarding the drones is really interesting, because we have got same drones over Heidelberg-Germany. They are following you everywhere you are going and heating up the body and brain and making you definitely sick from irradiation. Additionally ,my family gets attacked by infrared lasers? microwave weapons, which are forbidden in Germany!! and or tesar weapons, also we feel like being under electric power 24/h. It is very disgusting and destroys one´s life like in a Dr. Mengele KZ. It is even worse, because one is obviously under 24 h surveillance as an INNOCENT average citizens, who has never done any wrong.
      Worst is that those cowards do not come out! I would like to look them into their moron hollow eyes, they lost any empathy and they are dumbasses. and they are 100% connected with the corrupt government services = secret services.
      This is concentration camp of 2017 and it is disgraceful, because one does not know any reason. you just ask yourself: WHY?
      What we do know is that these guys are cowards.
      Do you have any private mail or phone no plz?
      keep strong
      hadia from germany

    • I need help evidence to prove my attackers are Sevan Madadian and Nikki Nieves and baby’s father ( 8 year child support ) Rafi Madadian and Sali Madadian. Sevan and Rafi Madadian Barbie doll internet porn. Production. And a reserved cop who in 2014 got busted twice for sales of meth and still using and selling. 4 th attempt to poisen me with giving bad drugs ( hovic Karimi ). Testify my test results were normal from Glenda advance hospital past few days ago. Now v2k sali Madadian says I have HIV.

  261. First of all can I ask if any of the above has happened to you ?

    1 I tell you, yes it very much has happened to me. Not all of the above but most.

    2 read & \educate yourself on Marc detourox the Belgium monster

    3 every TI seeks a answer, reason. Some hope for what they are suffering.

    • Yes, you can ask me and i will answer you. A lot of these things happened to me and alredy happening like V2K every day, around the clock, from waking up until i sleep, pain on the head, mostly in and around the ears and where the auditory cortex is located, pain in the spine, blocking of thoughts, red eyes, dark rings around my eyes, they let me “hum”, this means body parts mit vibrations from the inside and so on.

      If you ask me, what was the worst experience: From 15.01.-17.01.2016 they tried to break me, to break my will. They did not let me sleep for around 3 days, I took sleeping pills but nothing helped. In the first phase they interrogated 2 – 3 people talked the whole time sentences like” You bastard, we will break you, you are nothing” or “If we are done with you, you will be like a robot!”, “Tell us where you have hidden the money!”. Later they decided to torture me even harder, they let me fall asleep shortly before one sleeps in and woke me up and this around 20 -25 times per hour. Then they interrogated me again. And so on the whole night. In the morning they made me suddenly wake. I was able to go to work. When i came back in the evening it started again. And this happened over 3 days. I have noticed in my TI diary, i slept 1 hour from saturday to sunday.

      I dont need to educate me about Marc Dutrox, i was already old enough, as they catched him. I read alot about the whole story, i read books about satanism,ritual torture and mind control. I would recommend Allison Miller, if you ask me.

      I know that every TI, including me, seeks answers and is searching for reasons. But from my point of view there is now reason for it and no sence in it, except our torturers want to torture us. And if there is any reason for it than only a reason like Dr. Mengele had for its research in Auschwitz.

      If there should be any hope, we as TIs should not tell each other, that we are the smarter TI who knows all about it and more and we shouldnt mistrust each other in this way.

      • My name is artin Arzmanians. Been a victim for 20 months by my own best friend Sevan Madadian ( drug dealer who is a CIA now )/ 2014 got busted two times with sales. Also CIA Varand Movessesian. Who made millions on the side and baby’s mom Nikki Nieves. Sevan and Rafi Barbi doll internet porn production. Also owe 8 years of child support. Raffi madadian and Sali Madadian now says I have HIV just few days ago I have report from Glenda le advance hospital that I was normal. Blood test and x-ray 8182612688. Glendale CA 91206. Also still can’t get in touch with my daughter. To talk to her. Yvette Dora Kabe Arzmanians. Every night for past 20 months have herd her cry saying I want to go see my father

  262. My name is Art in Arzmanians and 19 months been going through ukultra v2k mind control abuse by my nabys mom. And her porn company or her boss and the people she works for. Set up my family and friends, the entire Glendale ca Armenian community’s along with Sevan Madadian

  263. Good Morning,

    It is Monday, March 13th, 2017 @ 10:04am eastern time. I am writing to offer support to targets that need it. My name is Beverly Ijeoma Lawson MBA Jonas. I have posted notices with the following emails:
    Ijeomambajonas@gmail.com. As of today,
    I want to cut all online communications. My emails are disappearing. Important documents that I know I sent have not been received by the person I addressed them to. In the next 4-8 weeks I am going to be cleaning my inboxes, collecting everything of use, make a list of all TI contact information, make sure no further business or school emails will be sent to these addresses and then I will be deactivating these email accounts.

    If you want to get into contact with me, you can send snail mail to:
    Beverly Jonas
    6219 Cheverly Park Drive
    Cheverly, MD 20785

    I will be communicating with targets via snail mail going forward. It’s easier to prove that it’s being tampered with plus I can share more information with you that probably wouldn’t be safe to share on the internet anyway.

    Please do not hesitate to send me your address or P.O. box if you wish to continue communications. I assure you I have no wish to cause any harm or detriment to you or your family. I am not some psycho who is going to pop up at your house.

    Eventually, I believe we all as targets should begin using snail mail more often. It’s safer, it keeps unwanted people out of our email conversations.

    Only inconvenience is the time it takes to get a response and there’s no quick way to confirm that the letters are being received. Both risks I am willing to take.

    You could confirm through phone call. In which case my number is 202-867-0613

    I am here to help in anyway I can. To motivate and inform and plan.

    P.S. – I will also be deactivating all forms off social media within the next 4-8 weeks. I want to erase myself from the internet to the point where I have little to no use for it. I feel like this is going to eliminate one way in which this shadow government seeks to control me and others. Good luck to everyone!

  264. Hi, Beverly, you are a brave person because you can get rid of social media. The idea itself is – to great extent helpful – I guess. I also would like to wish you good luck. Me, a housewife, my husband IT-specialist and physicist and my brother being attacked 24/7 in heidelberg-german by the irradiation-mafia = corrupt government services?!. It is unimaginable how innocent people can get in such a moron program, which is just disgustig and destroying lifes, who do care for others.
    Well, they will get their own punishment, I am sure abt that, no knowing how and when, but it is a physical law.
    take care
    hadia from germany

    • Hello Hadia,

      I believe that you and I have talked via email before. I know what must be done to put this whole thing to an end once and for all but unfortunately many people are not listening to me or taking me seriously. I want to write something like a book and send it out to as many people as I possibly can, with hopes that it will give them a better idea of how to defeat this.

      It’s not just the attacks that are scary it’s how easy it is to access someone’s personal information. With a little research I found your home address in less than 5 minutes. Why did I do it? I wanted to test how easy it is to gather information on someone via the internet. Plus I am leaving the internet in regard to a means of communication in one to two months time and I know that most targets are not going to give me their addresses so I’ve decided to try and find a few on my own so that I can surprise them with a letter.

      I plan to do an online search of every target I come into contact with going forward in order to distinguish the real from the fake and to help determine the severity of an individual situation. Plus if I’m lucky to find a home address, I will be able to contact them more discreetly for the safety of them as well as myself. I will be writing you a letter and sending it to you from the U.S. very soon.


  265. Hey guys,

    It’s Beverly again. I have a message! Don’t be fooled by the voices! They are effecting my work. Sometimes I think someone in the office said something when they didn’t! It’s caused me to begin disrespecting certain rules and regulations which put me on thin ice. Now, in the past I have stated that one of the big things they do is force you out of the workforce. They try to force you to quit so that it is harder for you to re enter the workforce. So I have encouraged other targets to be on time, follow the rules, make little to no errors in your work. Basically be the perfect employee so that they have nothing to use against you. In spite of the harassment you will have to endure. (Also keep track of the harassment. Buy a recording device. Also you can write it down the time and what was said. Then submit your findings to me at BeverlyJonas@outlook.com This data is used to conduct research on mind control perps.)

    I have not been practicing what I preach. I’ve let these “voices” annoy me into coming to work late, blasting my headphones to avoid the “noise” and just not defending myself through being an outstanding employee.

    Please targets don’t slip down this same slope. The only way to win the financial war is with a clean record! I have not yet lost my job but I have received complaints. And that means I’m LOSING the war.

    We must win with perfect clean records. Stay strong and ignore the bullies. Let your work speak for itself!

    Have a good day,


  266. One more thing,

    Remember that this program has been put in place to make us more accepting of corruption. The normal response is outrage and a desire to do something about it. This program was implemented to change your normal responses.

    I am from Washington, DC, and a member of the DC police department just got arrested for allegedly leading a prostitution ring. I believe that if you know how snowden is then you know he has stated that local law enforcement have access to spy technology.

    Well, I think I know who has been on the microphone, electronically harassing me. Trying to brainwash me into joining the sex industry. Nothing against people who are involved in that industry but lord knows it’s not for me. However the men around me, including my father have been verbally abusive by indirectly sending messages to me that say I am not worth anything more than a whore. I don’t know if that is a male-culture thing, or if they have been recruited into this operation. Either way it’s sick and when I’m done, they will fear me.


    • My name is Artin Arzmanians. Been a ti target. Since 2011 by Sevan and Rafi Barbi doll internet porn production. With baby’s moma Nikki Nieves. Who are trying to kill me to cover up there 9 year billion dollar scheme past 20 months ukultra v2k.destroying my life. Past , future, and destiny. Went to hospital few days ago. Glendale advance hospital and test results were fine by Dr arbi ayvazian. Who did not look like a real doctor. More like another informant. Drug dealer working for Sevan Madadian a drug addict 2014 two sales cases and is a CIA like Varand Movessesian CIA who made millions on destroying my life helping Sevan Madadian and Armen Mord also a reserved cop
      8182612688. Glendale CA 91206


    This is just a preview of what is to come. The details are not finalized if you have any input or suggestions please feel free to share them.

    Thank you,


    Significance of year 2020:

    Visual acuity is usually measured with a Snellen chart. Snellen charts display letters of progressively smaller size. “Normal” vision is 20/20. This means that the test subject sees the same line of letters at 20 feet that person with normal vision sees at 20 feet.

    20/20 is a perfect score on an eye exam. It’s basically an assurance that as citizens – they see us. By walking out of work, the mall, the clubs, restaurants, all the places people go to work or spend money and keep the economy going, we make these people in power take notice and remember who has the REAL power. A power that cannot be taken away. We are the ones who give them the power that they have and we have the power to take it away. But they act like they can’t see that. 20/20 represents the fact that we’re giving them an eye exam (“see me now?”) And the message is clear. It’s a small act but the consequences are enormous. We would be shutting the economic system down temporarily and they will need to recover from it. They can’t recover alone, and thus they will be forced to accept their dependency on the people to acquire and maintain power.
    It’s a lesson. They need us more than we need them.

    Goal and Purpose of the Protest:
    The key word is: STOP. We want them to stop exploiting our basic needs as human beings. Giving us the minimum instead of what we deserve, not doing enough in the war against human trafficking and slavery, turning a blind eye to illegal activities taking place among the elite, using and draining an entire continent to further their own agendas, we are stopping what we’re doing to tell them to stop violating our human rights.

    We would all stay home. Gathering outside is too dangerous. For some reason even though we all want the same things we tend to riot whenever we get together by the masses. (Humans) And that gives the military an opportunity to vilify us by showing up with tanks and tear gas.
    So if we all plan ahead (buy food, water, supplies, etc) and just simply stay home, enjoy your family, pretend that you don’t have a care in the world. Wear your pj’s all day and watch Netflix for a good cause.

    I am still not clear about how long the protest would last. I have to take into account the fact that many people will not want to be away from work long, and that people will become restless and want to go out and have fun.
    What is the maximum length of time that I assume would be ideal for most people? 3 days. I wish that I could say that people would participate for an entire week but when I think about how we are all consumer minded in this current era, I know that 7 days would be too long for most people. Then again, there are people who take this matter seriously who also may like to go well over 7 days. So I have to ask questions and gauge the average minimum that most of us can agree on.

    How will I get the message out there? Well to be honest I am not completely sure if this is even possible or if people will agree to do this. The only way I see myself spreading the word is through targeted individuals. If I can get at least 100 targets to go along with this, I can then offer them ways to promote the protest. (T Shirts, Website, Social Media Advertisements etc) I also want to buy an email and snail mail list so that I can send out a flyer (along with detailed information) to as many people as possible. I feel that by doing this, the message might extend further than it would otherwise. Someone might even write about it to their local news station asking them to investigate what it is. I hope that people get angry about it actually because that opens up discussion about the objective and it’s purpose. I believe that many people won’t agree with this tactic simply because of the financial repercussions. They will claim that someone (possibly a terrorist organization) is trying to destroy the economic system through this. But that can be countered by the many people who are deeply affected by the violation of their human rights who come forward and say NO this is not a terrorist act. This is an exercise of social, political, and economic power which does not lay in the hands of the rich but in the hands of the people who make them rich.
    If we can make the people who choose not to participate share a sense of guilt we will do it. We will let them know that are facilitating modern slavery by choosing not to fight back, and if they have a better way of getting the message across they must share and act on it otherwise they are on the side of the elite and a participating member in their own oppression.
    I have not decided on a date either. I would like it to be 1/1/2020 but I don’t know if anyone will agree to stay home on new years, or go home and stay home after their new year’s eve celebrations. I mean wouldn’t it be nice if time square were completely empty on new years? Or if the crowds were significantly smaller on new years? If all the celebrity hosts were on national television stating that they have never seen a new years eve quite like this one? If they are expressing their shock on television, or if party goers notice how much emptier the streets are – and they find out why – (or realize that the 2020 protest is actually happening) then the people who like to jump on the bandwagon may participate in the protest on the following 2 days.
    But, like I said before I don’t know how likely it is that people will skip out on new years. It’s a big day for many people all over the world. But we can’t go another year like this. We can’t go another year being followed, people being sold, women being used as sex slaves, children dying from being worked in horrible conditions,… there are too many injustices that we cannot tolerate for another year. So until it stops, we stop. Have fun spending up your reserves trying to recover.

    Promo Ideas:

    I want posters with a custom Snellen Chart that displays a message that is slightly cryptic. I want it to emphasize the big letters as a representation of the big wigs who are at the “top of the food chain” and the smaller letters as a representation of us – “the little people”. Maybe we will have several posters that say different things but offer the same type of message. It would be nice to get these charts printed on t-shirts as well.

    An example of a Snellen Chart: http://www.imedicalapps.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/snellen-chart-app.png

    • Hey, cool! I had always wondered where this “20/20 vision” thing came from, but not enough to actually research it, since I know people use different systems of measuring everything. In my country we measure eyesight problems in diopters only, and we use meters and centimeters.

  268. The security Agencies are also complicit in the actions of these savages who are Machiavellian in everything they do.I still have the chip implanted in my tummy during surgery.And then you do have helicopter surveillance,wire taps and other sub human elements in the melee.Key to defeating them is to be spontenous.Make it difficult for them to read your mind accurately.Preempt the interception.

    • It’s hard to throw them off track especially when they follow you every wheres you go. they monitor you from a distance. Hell I’ve seen them at the clinic I go to. Been tempted to change clinics. I keep them busy by limiting the information I share with everyone and I mean everyone. I make it very difficult for them to even gather the information. I rarely talk to people anymore. In my view the less they know the better. All this crap started when too much info gets leaked out. Shut that all down. And restrict any info people try to get from you. Information is valuable to them. It’s money for them.

  269. Now going in 20 months. Final curtain for Sevan madadian and Nikki Nieves who been setting me up for 13 years. 2 sales cases drooped working with officer Burbank PD Gamber who married Nikki Nieves a 3 day wedding or married Sevan madadian. Have set me up. Made billions 20 months of mental abuse. Causing cancer or HIV and brain tumor from ukultra v2k. Also giving poisen drugs spreading it in Glendale St CA 4 th attempt by Sevan madadian and Nikki Nieves to poisen me. Now after visit to Glendale advance hospital. Record shows clean blood stream and everything is fine. V2k. Sali madadian says I have HIV 8182612688 and still owe me child support 8 years Yvette Dora Kabe Arzmanians

  270. I‘d like to share my observations with EMF Fields. I bought a small device which measures electric and magnetic fields, because it was recommended by a friend. I was able to find out, that someone or something produces a magnetic and an electric field at the backside of my head, from the height of the cerebellum on to the neck, near Nervus occipitalis major, with 6.5 µTesla and ~650 V/m. The measurement was reproducible and the values were stable until someone or something spotted, that there was a measurement ongoing. The fields began to wander around my head, at the same height, and was gone after 4 or 5 new measurements. I was surprised, because the field has so low values and was not detectable with the app on my smartphone.

    I began measuring with my smartphone at the beginning of 2016, at a time the “hammered” me every day from morning to the evening at my head with the fields, which produced current induction and which triggered the firing of neurons in the nervous system and produces pain in the scalp and beyond. The field around my head in this time had much higher values, I was able to measure between 180 µTesla and 250 µTesla above my head with the help of my wife, its highly likely that it was much more if I did not have my smartphone at hand.

    I have some ideas for this: they manipulated the measurement device while radiating directly on the device or it is a kind of side effect of another system, which I can not measure directly, because the device works only to 3.5 GHz, or my hair is electrostatically charged, but these measured values are real values. I can exclude my hair, because it is to short, only 1.5mm. I can provoke a measurement, if I rub the device on my head. But is lasts only a few seconds then it goes away. In the other cases there is artificial influence, which should not be there. The magnetic field of the human brain has only a few Femto-Tesla, so I can exclude my brain as the source. I have no metal (earrings etc.) in or near my head and I have prove that there is no chip in my head (a CT of my head two weeks ago). I was not near an electric socket or a light switch, which produces a field, with around electric 1200 V/m and magnetic 10 µTesla, when they are switched on or something was put in the socket,. And I wasn’t near any electric device

    Another interesting observation: I was able to measure a weak oscillating magnetic field in my house. It swings to 0.02 µTesla, peaks at 0.10 µTesla, falls down to 0.02 and is gone. After two seconds it starts from the beginning. I’m not really sure, if it has to do with something well known, for example cellular radio, DECT, WLAN or something, but I would say it is something like a beacon.

    Was someone of you able to measure anything like this and has someone an idea what this beacon field could be?

  271. I like the helpful info you provide to your articles.
    I’ll bookmark your blog and take a look at again here
    regularly. I am fairly certain I’ll learn lots of new stuff proper here!
    Good luck for the next!

  272. Has moving ever helped you? It has become worse lately. They are trying to make me kill myself. Has anybody tried moving somewhere quiet?

    • I used to live in an urban neighborhood with consistent noise. Kids would always be outside my window screaming things that they shouldn’t even know. Like my name. (Which is not common) or insults telling me to get up on days where i was just laying in bed all day. This kind of stuff was constant. (It makes me believe people when they say the police are involved in this) I ended up losing my house and moving in with my dad who lives in quiet suburban like neighborhood. It’s much quieter as far as street theater goes, but the V2K voices have increased. Non stop when I’m at home, and at work. It doesn’t really happen on public transportation as often which tells me this is definitely not spiritual it’s electronic and their beams have a hard time reaching me underground on the train. But.. the gang stalking persists on my commute to and from work. So much that I’ve already wasted thousands of dollars on long cab rides to avoid it because I noticed when I do, I am more able to handle the bullying at work. The gang stalking kind of conditions you for what’s next when you arrive at work so that you are already in a bad mood and unable to think as clearly as you would if you were not already angry or upset.

      I honestly feel like the only way to fix all of this is to form our on secret society that can provide advantages and support to targets only. We may have to cut ourselves off from society and create our own SAFE society.

    • @S : do not move – that is THEIR Program. My husband and I have been moving for 24 times within 20 years and that means they would want to bancrupt you and make you homeless. With every moving they are getting more evil. It took me a long time till I found out that it has not been my program or fault or mistake, but their shitty program to attack innocent citizens. But make them move, for instance with your spontaneous actions.check in another town or hotel, never book in advance etc.

      • Moving did not help. These people have no life. Because they can not adapt to being able to fuction on the world as we do. This is the government has them knowing they will have to pay them any how. They give them jobs to torture us and steal from us. That’s why they get by with raping and murder. Because they are partially retarded

        On Aug 7, 2017 1:11 PM, “Targeted Individuals Europe” wrote:

        > hadia commented: “@S : do not move – that is THEIR Program. My husband and > I have been moving for 24 times within 20 years and that means they would > want to bancrupt you and make you homeless. With every moving they are > getting more evil. It took me a long time till I foun” >

  273. I moved to another town, it’s made no difference. But maybe different for you as don’t know where your from.
    There not worth killing yourself for. Altho I know it’s really hard.
    It’s so unfair all this suffering, no 1 to help us.

  274. I think that some sort of poison gas is coming from my fridgefreezer. Is this possible ?
    Few months back, I came home & my front door open. I know 100% it was locked. Nothing had been taken but my fridgefreezer had been moved. How I know had been moved was I went to open door but i couldnt because it door catching on work top next to it. I looked properly & definitely was at a turn angle & been pulled out.
    Since then it makes the strangest of noices & like a swooshing noise like it’s leaking gas. There is a smell but only smell it when u inhale & it taste like electric. That’s only way to discribe it.
    This is my 3rd fridge in 2 years. It made no noise first few weeks until that day.
    Some days makes me feel sick & headache.!!
    Is there some form if device they could have fitted. I pulled it out had a look but I don’t know of anything looks like should not be there. I never looked at back of fridge before & don’t know what should be on 1 or not.

  275. Eztalk onion look it up.. I know the people that are doing it to me but i cant get any one to stop it…..

  276. I’m from a ‘famous’ ex ‘Nazi KZ town’ in Bavaria, Germany. I’ve researched that book(s) exist which clearly say the old Nazi justice hasn’t ever been changed after WW II in FRG: It’s all just a lie told in the mass media. The command for the Holocaust on Jewish nation can even be found in the bible (NT: Hebr). I’m convinced now German/EU state and churches want to kill off all people who have left churches (~1/3 of all German people in FRG!) -: ‘Austritt’ (exit[us…]) = Ashtoreth (a ‘demon’/Pagan God, possibly I MYSELF!) = Gall-us + Issa –> ‘Kill(er)-Jesus’->[‘evil’] ‘Jesus-Killer’ [not logics but prob. Kabbala speech magic programming! Can I fill a ‘non-‘ in please?!) and a lot more which are also regarded as ‘godless’ (e.g. interest in erotica and porno is most probably a reason to be regarded as ‘godless’ – e.g. see revelation, and – even worse – the ~secret Book Henoch which is also regarded as true in widest circles of the – sadistic – churches. Corpses – for me – most probably go, mainly, into waste burning (I think the ‘church gangsters’ have now planned murdering me*, after murdering about 10 other people around me, including artificial illnesses, and I could tell about ca. 13 names of next people which shall be murdered which is related to my person by name/speech black magics – *e.g. by manslayer during works by craftsmen within the apartment – and ‘they’ obviously even have got a ‘Petrus’ ‘ general [!!!] key for the ‘Himmelreich auf Erden’/new HRR which allows them to kill people during the night in their own home – they’ve just perfected church middle ages’ and Nazi tyranny (through brainwashing people); and it’s all just – !!racist!! – terror wars (see Revelation, Book Enoch etc.; more truth is in books about Sumerian religion – it’s obviously an evil conspiracy around a monotheist God…
    And now the plan is, obviously, to kill me, and to give the heritage to people of my family which are ‘of the right belief’. Nothing new in deed – but people here think this was all just against the Jews – they’ve forgotten earlier times… (Hey, they use a magical method not to be discovered in my home – I’d call it ‘box of Pandora’ base scheme… – but this is probably ‘a magical seret which mustn’t be revealed.’ I think they even regard me as Asasel from Book Enoch…).
    Call them fundamentalist [killer-] Christians, that’s the most familiar term.
    Problem: They obviously control the whole German state, e.g.
    (Did you know that sexually widespread behaviour like masturbation is a ‘death-sin’ which can only be forgiven by priests, and use of things like dildoes are all must feed on sadism.)
    [Some people buy orgonite powerwands in South Africa – they’ve even stolen my own one out from my home, additionally to other objects. They want to build the impression that I’ve got no chance (They control psychiatry, too.).I’ve got to place ‘barricades’ inside my door when I’m alone at home; but they can still get in when there’s nobody at home. Additionally the Tetanus serum obviously is contaminated with radioactive poisins, like Uranium or Polonium (they’ve stolen a cobalt glass and a big zincblende, so I think these materials reduce damage. I’ve taken in clinoptilolite zeolite powder, too, to get rid of most of these poisons – I think the ‘thought’ is: ‘death sinners’ must get ‘toxines’ – because of speech magics (= practical Kabbala??).
    And they’ve also placed a camera (there exists a 100% proof picture), prob. from genetic + self-organizing material, ‘behind my eyes’ (I think I’ve watched in YouTube that a U.S. church priest[!] managed to get these tyranny things out through the nose of a victim; I want to do the same but with help of other people – probably the video control otherwise can only be stopped by wearing a metallic helmet – !??; but ‘bioresonance influencing’ by raincapes – ?). Of course they want to destroy me because I know ‘too much’ (I think I’m still alive only because of a special role of me in the bible and in Book Enoch).
    Another obvious reason why they want to get rid of me are technical inventions they really don’t like.
    (Now I myself try to use ‘white anti-magics’ to save my own life. – Hey, I think they’ ve even got an evil covert religious military police here, ignored by mass media. Oh sorry, of course THEY are NOT the evil ones, I’ve forgotten this dogma of the churches.)

  277. Correcting a mistake: ‘objects like dildoes are called a sexual perversion in actual prominent German speech lexicon.’

  278. I believe living with another will make it harder for them. I don’t think they stop completely. Just change there tactics.
    I personally know I will not win, it’s impossible. They change the rules to there game all time.
    They lots of them against 1 of me.
    No man can win a battle against a army.

    Don’t matter what you do & say to prove your telling truth. Not 1 believe a word u say, yes u followed but by many not just 1. U get details of car & belongs to a everyday Jo blogs. Who say I don’t know wat u mean. I not harrassin no 1. Well let’s face it they not going to hold there hands up & admit it.
    They cover there ass’s

  279. Living with someone else allows for someone to make sure your behavior doesn’t change drastically allowing you time to adjust to whatever they are trying to accomplish with being here.

  280. Listen, each & every target research of all & every thing for a answer to why we are been cruely torched.
    We all desperately educate our selves its part ofthe how to survive from this cruel torcher.

    I believe you, in wat you say. Yes we live in a grey world

    But let me tell you this shut up with your sarcasm of God & churches & shit.

    There ain’t 1 target that does not have some form of belief of there own. Each & everyone of us have to believe in something. Bcus we got fuk all else.

    Now if what u believe in helps u get by each day. Then happy days but shut up 😠 dribble on & on to us.

    • Just a question to other TI out there are you having trouble with being restricted on what you buy and sell I know I’m experiencing this I’m curious if other are having the same issue.

      • I tried to help my wife out today being nice really sincerely trying to do something nice for her by getting her a laptop and Everytime I tried I had people back out from selling to me made me drive long distance to by it come to find out the person back out and everyone I tried to buy from either did not respond to me or backed out. I feel like I’m being blocked from doing something nice for someone that freaking angers me to think these bastards are blocking us from doing nice thing for people

      • When I try to be nice and try to be kind and try to do something positive and nice for someone I’m being blocked from doing so then afterward I’m socially attacked by someone

      • Hi, I have trouble in every day to day life in anything I do. I not tried to sell anything but I have ordered stuff of Internet & not received. Company say parcel as been delivered & signed for but I never received them or signed for any.
        I do from time to time have post delivered already opened. Especially any letters regarding hospital appointments.

      • WillIiam, buying the laptop must of felt very frustrating. Yes I’m usually pipped to the post on a barging to.
        I have to say tho through experience of my own. Your best buying from a shop having receipt & Warrenty to any electrical product.
        There is nothing I have bought that has not been tampered with & end up not working or have issues with.

      • Yes su1973 I have the same issue I to have trouble getting tasks done. It’s really frustrating especially when you try to do something with very good intentions and it’s like someone is blocking you from doing so. Even basic tasks become difficult because it’s being tampered with. So I’m right there with you when it comes to getting stuff done and you can’t because we’re being messed with.

      • I sort of have learned to deal with all as a form of diabillity. I think over a period of time we all tend to find some sort of coping stratorgy.
        I would love to & wish I could say that this will become easier & the sad bastards will get fed up & piss off. (Excuse language) but I would be a liar.
        U jump 1 hoop there just another 2 to jump each becoming harder & harder.

  281. That’s basically what it is hurdle after hurdle. Yeah I basically deal with it as a disability as well because it is for the most part. When task become difficult to where you can’t get nothing done that pretty much what it is. I try to cope with this citation as best I can. I have my doubts too it will get better more then likely it will get harder not better. So I scuff at the idea when people tell me things will get better.

  282. After a brief chat to my sister about been stalked & ill acts of play. Her last reply was I am just a victim of mental health & any who talk of been stalked or gangstalking has been proved to been a nutter & gangstalking is not real.
    Just be true to your self & stay strong x

  283. Sounds like parallel dimension or realities. You could be traveling parallel dimensions suffering from matrix glitches. Then you are being attack by the archons because you’re a threat to their empire. Seems significant….

  284. I too, have little hope of it getting better. It has interfered with my life extremely as well. And I am pregnant and having my baby on my own so I am so worried that it will affect my ability to be a good mother.

  285. People you must have love in your heart so I know they was not perfect just like you guys we must show Mercy we live by the law and that law is to love people do not rise up against your governor is in the Bible Romans 12 we must submit to a governor even they made a mistake we must not attack we must love so I’m not a TI anymore you people condemn other people I know you’re pain in your suffering for myself and man fighting for his innocence I cannot wait to take a lie detector test to prove my innocence you must not attack NSA CIA or the FBI they’re good people in there we must show the love as the only way I can see a better future I bet you people to open your heart and see the truth there are people just like us we must love them there a lot of good people and I will not let you guys try to harm them open your eyes please will you see a better future but this is not the way to fight freedom you must love I refuse to hear the things that you guys talked about our government I care less it is true or not the only true I know is this to love them that is the law please find it in your heart to help them that’s how you win this not condemning them it’s not right I’m not a Informer I’m just a man trying to do G.od will stay blessed

  286. Norden finland here geting ..electric harasment and stalking activly..no fun at all, if you got eqiptment to find perps (electric harasers) please noutify me, im going fore a legle hunt after the purpe fore man kind and rights! Give me every ting you got on cunter mesurs

  287. Hello my name is Daniel Oskarsson and I am a victim of artificial telepathy (non-chip) and have been that for 3.5 years now, I get tortured in my dreams, sleep deprivation, get pains in my chest, heart, and other body parts. He has spoken in my head almost constantly since this started. The man who is doing this to me is a Swedish cop/military named Mattias Bäckström (Gothenburg/Stockholm) around 35 years old. When I saw him he had shaved head and black jacket, around 190 cm tall. He is forcing me to do hiphop with him and he also says that he will force me to write a book with him. When I had a girl friend and she was sleeping and I was awake he said things like “in 5 seconds your girlfriend is going to moan loud” and then it happened, he also introduced visual rapes of him and her for me. He says he wont let me take suicide before he gets the child from me and has finished playing with his toy, which is me. This man is in a very high majority of Swedish peoples brains, he prooves it to me, I dont know why, but the evidences are clear for me. I dont think artificial telepathy crimes ever could be stopped. I would like to aware. Share this information and/or any other information regarding harassers of artificial telepathy at internet as much as possible to make it easier to make progresses with this by increase the volume of existence of materal written/recorded by people suffering by this or those who believes in this.
    Even if it can be seen as peoples adding massive postings to make it more trustworthy, it is a way of aware and open up more peoples eyes, and also update the people with new facts.

  288. I am Vikas and I have been a victim of electronic harassment and organised stalking when a major event occurred in 2008 whereby I was Mind controlled and arrested by the police and forced into a psychiatric hospital where I was misdiagnosed as ‘paranoid schizophrenia’ without ANY questioning from the doctors or the mental health staff. I was forcibly drugged and still am to this day. I have also had my dreams manipulated, my thoughts accessed via Remote Neural Monitoring and have been implanted into two of my eyes which I believe is are RFID chips. I am also being continually discredited and left in isolation. I also get low sound V2K and pain from time to time via the technology. I also noticed that my computer gets often hacked as well as my phone by the intelligence agencies 24/7. I am also being placed under surveillance illegally and for no reason whatsoever and the people doing this ARE the criminals.

    • Vikas, I am a TI for 26 years since 1990. I am 30 years old then and now I am 56. Being a TI is an experienced for life. They want us to be financially broken and die so poor and miserable. All Churches in the world know this and do nothing for us. If they only condemned this before this should not progress into millions of victims now worldwide. We are on our own. We are looking for counter measure for this for a long time. May God give us the wisdom against this. For as long as our minds are open to our enemies, we can do nothing. Try to be sane always and try not to lose your present job. That is your main task to preserve it. All TIs end up financially broke and that some end up as homeless. Please try not to fill with them the streets. Stick to your job and buy the needed things before you lose financial means.

  289. MY NAME IS ARTIN ARZMANIANS VICTIM FROM 2009 BY SEVAN MADADIAN ANd PORSTAR BARBI DOLL SEVAN AND RAFI MADADIAN BARBIE DOLL COMPANY 2009 causing brain tumor and cancer and poisong dope with HIV with my baby mom setting me up for 14 years making billion and lost my 7 year old daughter Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians now demand I go to rehab but no detox hospita.

    • It sure seems that all of us TI’s are experienincing people deciding our fate. Its not god deciding our fate its people deciding our fate. I’m sure we all have things that we want to do with our lives that we know will bring happiness peace and joy. We try to accomplish what we want to do by trying to put the hard work in. only to find out we are being blocked from doing so. They want to keep us down to what they want us to be.

  290. I need one person to testify for me on Loris and Arvin Kachturian recording me 20 months v2k ukuktra Microwave. And trying to kill me to avoid paying me back child support and custody of Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians Lois Kachturian is a glendlae Pd and married to Nikki nieves and for setting me and sevan Madadian up

  291. 20 months of torcher v2k abuse , a slave and prisoner in my own city. Glendale CA 91206. By Sevan Madadian and Jessica Kattie Kane and sali Madadian and rafi Madadian and Silva karimian and hovic Karimian and Lori’s and Lori’s and Arvin Derohanian (/Khachaturian) and Sevan Emil Hamlet derohanian and ocean and his family along and Philix and Mike and Antony remon remel music keyboard and jibo Gregorian witness Elvis Isagoli ani arzmanian armond arzmanians Edwin der Gregorian alek Nalbadjyan anet mardirosian aspet and talin minassian armen and Mel morad. Varand and lernik movessesian

  292. 20/months fighting for my freedom v2k ukultra my whole account and life is in public view. My life and family’s life is in danger and my 7 year old daughter Yvette Dora Kane Arzmanians and her mom’s

  293. Wɦat i ⅾon’t reaize is іn fact ɦow you’re now not really а lot more smartly-favored than ʏou might be right now.
    You are so intelligent. Yoou recoɡnize thus considerably in relation tⲟ thіs sսbject, pгoduced mе ρersonallʏ believe it from soo many ѵarious anglеs.
    Its like men and women are not fascinated excpt it’s one thing
    to accomplish wᴡith Woman gaga! Your peгsonal
    stuffs nice. At all times handle it up!

  294. How do you deal with thought broadcasting? I know who is doing this to me, do they have a purpose or should I do what they tell me?

  295. Conspired against by baby father and relative of the baby father that are affiliated with Homeland security and partnership with the (NSA) which they use there jobs as a scapegoat to target individuals in society such as myself, which i believe is because of relationship with my Ex girlfriend and her daughter i been with for 6 yrs for reasons of Hatred, jealousy, revenge, insecurities, etc. I am Currently being assaulted everyday round the clock assaults by satellite radiation and i am employed paying taxes as a citizen. Also electronically harassed while at work and under surveillance illegally, also subjected to internet hacking of personal information, Organized stalking by my neighbor and others that reside in my neighborhood where i live. I believe i have been implanted with an RFID chip of some sort Bio-chip with GPS tracking that allows these perpertrators to to read my thoughts and control Metabolic bodily functions such as my nervous system which gives them the power to control my bathroom usage and internal body parts. Also being subjected to eavesdropping on me and family members in my household which i know is equipped with hidden cameras. I have been conspired against and exposed to (DEW) Direct Energy Weapons, such as satellite radiation and Microwave radiation. This is a situation of conspiracy of the known term the “Guinea pig syndrome” these perps are experimenting on me as if i am a science experiment. Also protecting myself daily with the known concept of the “Tin Foil Hat”. I know these perps names and locations, which reside in my neighborhood where they target US citizens and stage these attacks harassing and violating Human Rights and Civil liberties. I am seeking legal aid and need an attorney that can assist or referral to an attorney for Civil rights and Human right violations. My address is 1013 east 223rd Street Bronx, NY 10466 and the known locations of the Perps reside at 1011 east 233rd St, 1009 east 223rd St, 1005 east 223rd St. 1007 east 223rd St the same bronx, NY 10466 zip code area. This area is staged to carrying out these attacks of Electromagnetic, Electronic harassment, V2K Voice to skull attacks, synthetic telepathy, Electronic mind control, Brain zapping which is induced damage to brain cells.

    So far these are the known names of some of these perps that i have

    Neal Manning
    Jack Sawyer
    Ulric Neal
    AKA Caple
    and others

  296. This is a real.frighting daily and nightly act on a individual. Please keep the message circulating.

    • Do not despair.Stay resolute.The key is to let them know they are not winning the battle for your mind.You own it.The creeps will not get you.They use anyone to achieve their negative and nefarious agenda,even in the Church,like I discovered.All you need to do is take custody of your mind.It is yours.Do not let them control it.They watch me evryday,I watch them daily.Tell yourself they will not prevail and your mind will decree it done.It is a life long battle between Agents of darkness and the adherents of light.GOD does not condone evil.That is why GOOD trumps evil eternally.Be strong and keep the faith

      On Tuesday, 16 May 2017, Targeted Individuals Europe wrote:

      > Dina Marquez commented: “This is a real.frighting daily and nightly act on > a individual. Please keep the message circulating.” >

  297. Port Huron Michigan has this piloted and it is a disturbed military pogrom.

    It appears the community mental health agency and military believe it is their role to determine the legitimacy of a person’s behaviors based on digga ditch 4u communist agenda. Unamerican anti democracy, hatred of free speech and creative thinking. This is communism!!!!!

    Let’s pretend that this isn’t happening and America thrives without torturing it’s citizenry, it doesn’t…

    Pray for them, it their bonus on the heads of others.

  298. Port Huron Michigan has this piloted and it is a disturbed military pogrom.

    It appears the community mental health agency and military believe it is their role to determine the legitimacy of a person’s behaviors based on digga ditch 4u communist agenda. Unamerican anti democracy, hatred of free speech and creative thinking. This is communism!!!!!

    Let’s pretend that this isn’t happening and America thrives without torturing it’s citizenry, it doesn’t…

    Pray for them, it their bonus on the heads of others.

  299. La, I have experienced all this for a long time I know quite well I am not in control of my activities by70%. I see my portrait in many movies and music,all the best rappers in the world rap about me it seems, I think of the best ideas but see others manifest it

    • Don’t be delusional.They,ll be excited if you oblige them.The key is not to lose your mind.They,ll hack into your Emails and social media and set up fake Accounts and pretend to be you.You MUST not give them control of your mind.Evil prevails because good men and women do nothing.You do not live in a mango republic I do,where security apparatchiks use public money for private agenda.Tell your mind you are going to prevail and keep control of your mind.I t is 1984 REBOOTED.

  300. I don’t feel it’s much support this site. I’m sick off watching you tube videos. No comments on hear are of real help.
    Or even get a decent reply, unless they preach about God.

    I wish you all the best, each & everyone of u.
    Take care !!

  301. Hello Everyone,

    A letter about directed energy weapons, electronic harassment and gang stalking from one of the victims has come to our attention (you can find the original letter here:

    We have decided to put it in the form of a video (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaTmOG-OR1s) in order to raise awareness about the issue and warn the people involved of the consequences they will face unless they stop harassing innocent people.

    Our aim is to make the video viral so we are contacting all the people who are already involved in these topics and can help us spread the word. 

    If you would like to help us please share it on your website, youtube channel or any other social media channel or any other channel you see fit.

    We would highly appreciate feedback if you decide to share

    Thank you,

    The Team Behind Truth Freedom

    • My TI issues or gang stalking issues did not start until after I had a son. I’m not blaming my son for it but I am blaming the people who have used him as a excuse to put my life under a microscope and crotuique everything I do and say. I know for a fact that if I had not had a child the whole TI thing and the gang stalking thing would not of happend and I’d prolly go on life normally. As result of this I did fix myself so I can’t have kids anymore I do not want to make the targeting worst then it already is. It’s bad enough my life is under a microscope. And people use my weaknesses against me using my child and other things to further brainwash me and take away any freedom I have. I know ones thing for absolute sure I should have remained single with no kids and no wife and focused on what truly makes me happy and that is fixing computers and smartphones that challenges me to take something that is broken and make it work again. Unfortunality I got no satisfaction out of marriage or kids not because I don’t like kids or marriage. but because of the targeting the brainwashing the putting my life under a microscope to where I feel like I can’t do anything right around these people. I was better off alone and I feel like I could have prevented the TI from happening if I had just focused on what really makes me happy.

  302. Seit dem Besuch einer Maßnahme des Jobcenter der Stadt München, mit Beginn der Maßnahme am 1. September 2015 werde ich gefoltert. Es begann damit, dass nach den Einzelsitzungen mit der ansässigen Psychologin in der Ridlerstr. 55 des Berufsförderungswerk München schleichend eine Wahrnehmungsänderung einsetzte. Nach den Einzelsitzungen bestand regelmäßig das Gefühl, dass ein Verlust an zeitlicher wahrnehmung vorlag. Dies bedeutet, dass ich hypnotisiert worden bin. Die Psychologin sprach weitergehend davon, dass sie mich als “Staatsfeind Nummer Eins” empfinden würde. Diese Aussage kam mir höchst merkwürdig vor und wusste nicht damit anzufangen, auch weshalb diese Aussage getätigt worden ist. Dies meldete ich einem Bekannten, der angeblich beim BND arbeitet. Dies hatte lediglich zur Folge, dass ich Ende November 2015 vergiftet worden bin, Symptome waren vor allem rauhe Zähne, was Stunden anhielt. An dem betreffenden Tag kam ich nach Hause und roch einen merkwürdigen Geruch in der Wohnung. Kochte mein Abendmahl und unmittelbar nach dem Versuch des ersten Bisses, musste ich das Essen sofort ausspucken. Auch heute kann ich noch einen Knubbel im Zahnfleisch erspüren, welcher innerhalb weniger Minuten an dem Tag entstand. Im Jahr 2016 wurde ich immer öfters manipuliert, dies führte bis hin zu Simulationen von Atomkriegssituationen. Seit Ende Dezember, den 25. Dezember 2016, werde ich in extremster Art und Weise manipuliert, 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche. Es kamen Aussage, wie “Du bist Zhenis Geburtstagsgeschenk”, “Warum hat er sich nicht schon umgebracht?” etc. Es handelt sich offensichtlich um Forschung von Prof. Greenlee und Prof. Bäuml an der Universität Regensburg, wo auch die Frau mit Vornamen Zheni studiert hatte. Die Forschung scheint von CORDIS koordiniert zu sein. Es geht um die Erforschung der Entscheidungsfindung von neuronalen Netzwerken. Dokumente im Internet hinterlegen dies. So auch das Dokument von Deep_Tought: https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2014/04/516359.html sowie Dokumente, die RHIC von CIA dokumentieren: “The matrix deciphered” von Duncan und “Monarch: The new phoenix program edited by Marshall Thomas”. Sowie auch ein Dokument von CORDIS selbst: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/robotics/docs/idw-online_en.pdf Offensichtlich arbeitet das Jobcenter mit derartigen Projekten zusammen, um die Statistik durch den geschäftsmäßig geförderten Suizid zu schönen. Vor allem sind alleinstehende Personen, vorzugsweise schwerbehinderte betroffen, die Maßnahme des Berufsförderungswerk München, hatte den Titel “Chance für München”, warum auch immer dies so gewählt worden ist. In der Maßnahme waren 25 schwerbehinderte Menschen zugegen. Offensichtlich möchte man sich sogenannter “schwer vermittelbarer” Personen entledigen. Möglicherweise auch wegen des Flüchtlingproblems. In meinem Bekanntenkreis kam es ebenso zu suspekten Vorgängen, so kam Konstantin Kohlpaintner durch einen Gebirgsunfall am 3. September 2013 auf der Hochplatte um das Leben. Sein bester Freund erzählte davon, dass er Kreislaufprobleme gehabt habe, obwohl dieser erst 28 Jahre alt war. Nicht lange nach diesem Unfall schrieb mir seine Mutter, dass der beste Freund plötzlich ein Cavernom, bzw. Aneurysma bekommen hat. Ich persönlich wurde einige Tage vor dem Tod des Polizisten Konstantin Kohlpaintner durch einen Zahnarzt offensichtlich weitergehend mißhandelt, nachdem im selben Jahr es bei einem anderen Zahnarzt ebenso zu einem Vorfall kam, nämlich abgesplitterter Zahnschmelz durch Zahnsteinentfernung. Die Bestrahlung hält noch immer an. Vermutlich handelt es sich bei den Vergiftungen, wovon es zwei stattfanden, um Stoffe, die ein Computer-Brain-Link Interface ermöglichen, auf Nanotechnologie-Basis. Wie bereits berichtet wurde ich Ende November 2015 vergiftet. Es kam zu einer weiteren Vergiftung, Ende August/Anfang September 2016, wobei man Sprüche einflüsterte, es handele sich dabei um einen Richter Thiel. Mit dem Fernglas konnte ich zeitweise 4 Wohnungen ausmachen, in denen Aktivitäten stattfanden. Darunter zum besagtem Zeitraum zusätzlich zu der bereits Ende November 2015 bestehenden Wohnung mit violettem Licht im untersten Stockwerk des benachbarten Gebäudes eine Wohnung in denen Sich Männer aufhielten, vom Mund ablesen konnte ich die Behauptung von irgendwelchen psychischen Angelegenheiten. In dieser Wohnung hielten sich nach einigen Monaten plötzlich Japaner auf, später wieder andere Menschen. Auch in den anderen Wohnungen kam es anschließend zu Änderungen. Kurz vor Beginn der Maßnahme wurde ein benachbarter Rentner von der Polizei abgeführt, diese Abführung bekam ich mit, in dem Polizisten, eine Frau und ein Mann, den Rentner im Aufzug abführten. Der Rentner fragte noch, ob ich studieren würde bzw. möchte. Dies kam mir suspekt vor. Es handelt sich offensichtlich um eine vorbereitete Handlung. Auch mein Mountainbike, das erst ein Jahr alt war, wurde im Jahr 2015 gestohlen, noch vor Beginn der Maßnahme des Jobcenter der Stadt München. Verdächtig ist weiter, dass Prof. Bäuml bei der Universtität Stanford studiert hat. Diese Universität ist ein Top-Ziel für Rekruiter des CIA, CIA ist ebenso bei deren Liste der Rekruiter aufgeführt. Es handelt sich um Amerikaner, bei Prof. Greenlee und Prof. Bäuml. Weiter war die Psychologin, eine Ex-Studentin mit Diplomabschluss im Jahr 2012 keine approbierte Psychotherapeutin. Langzeitarbeitslose zu behandeln, ohne eine psychotherapeutische Ausbildung zu verfügen ist fahrlässig. Es kann sich somit nur um eine Handlung handeln, zu Forschungszwecken und Schönung der Arbeitslosenstatistik, sowie Entsorgung von arbeitslosen Menschen. Der Titel des Projekt “Chance für München” ist in diesem Kontext höchst verdächtig. Es ist weitgehend bekannt, dass die Vermittlungsquote von Arbeitslosen im Hartz 4 System miserabel ist. Im Übrigen funktioniert die Bestrahlung deutschlandweit, wenn nicht weltweit. Es kamen Sprüche davon, dass die Waffe weltweit funktioniert. Es kommen auch Sprüche von irgendwelchen sogenannten Trancetechniken, sowie von Behauptungen, man sei “Geistesgestört”, man solle in ein sogenanntes “Geisteskrankenhaus”, von anderen Personen “Er war nicht geistesgestört”, “Er ist nicht geistesgestört”. Im No-Touch Torture Report http://www.drrobertduncan.com/dr-robert-duncans-neuropsychological-and-electronic-no-touch-torture-report.html steht davon, dass es typisch ist, Stimmen einzuspielen, bösartige und gutartige. Es scheint sich um Brot und Peitsche zu handeln, um zu foltern. Es soll damit offensichtlich Forschung bestimmter Areale des Gehirns betrieben werden, wie man darauf reagiert. Merkwürdig ist auch die Namenskombination Bäuml und Greenlee, was man durchaus zu “Greenbaum” zusammenfügen kann. Siehe hierzu den Greenbaum-Speech.

    • Hallo Sebastian, ich konnte es fast gar nicht glauben, deine Geschichte ähnelt meiner so stark, dass das kein Zufall sein kann. Ich wohne in der Nähe von München, bei mir hat es im September 2015 angefangen. Auch ich bin Staatsfeind Nummer. 1 genannt worden. Ich hatte auch diese Knubbel im Zahnfleisch die sich innerhalb von Minuten auf beiden Seiten am Oberkiefer gebildet haben. Eines von den Dingern hat dafür gesorgt, dass mir ein Backenzahn ausgefallen ist. Einen habe ich noch immer auf der linken Seite.Ich werde seit November 2015 rund um die Uhr beharkt, vom Aufstehen bis zum Einschlafen (und vermutlich darüber hinaus). Bei mir hat man keine Atomkriegsimulationen durchgeführt, aber dafür lange nächtliche Verhöre und versuchte Gehirnwäschen. Man versucht mich auch ständig zu manipulieren, fernzusteuern, und Echolalia zu erzeugen. Das mit dem Vergiften hat man auch versucht, da aber meine Frau das Essen kauft und kontrolliert, haben sie keine Chance, so etwas umzusetzen. Deswegen haben sie sich darauf beschränkt, ab und zu mal die Milch in der metallenen Kaffeekanne sauer werden zu lassen. Das mit dem Geistekrankenhaus heißt bei meinen Quälgeistern “Klapsmühle” und ich werde nicht “geistesgestört” sondern “irre” genannt. Bei meinen Stimmensprechern, sie sprechen codiert, bedeutet “Er ist nicht gesund” einfach “Sie ist gesund”. Am Anfang haben sie ständig gefragt, ob ich mich nicht bald umbringen will, ich habe aber meinem Umfeld gegenüber klar und deutlich gemacht, dass ich das nicht tun werde, deswegen sind sie an der Stelle schon an die Wand gefahren und versuchen es nur aus Routine ab und zu mal.

      Ich habe zwar keine Japaner beobachtet, aber einer meiner Quälgeister hat das ‘gelbe Fieber’, d.h. er fühlt sich zu Asiatinnen, sprich Chinesinnen und Japanerinnen, hingezogen und versucht mich so zu manipulieren, das ich ständig solche Frauen wahrnehme und in deren Richtung schaue. Ich stehe aber überhaupt nicht auf Asiatinnen.

      Auch wenn das jetzt von mir oberlehrerhaft klingt, Duncan hat insofern recht, dass die guten und bösen Stimmen dazu da sind, den Kandidaten durch die ständigen Wechsel weich zuklopfen und ihn nicht zur Ruhe kommen zu lassen und zu foltern. Es dient aber auch dazu, eine Krankheit zu simulieren, damit man nach außen hin, wenn man es jemandem erzählt als psychisch kranker wahrgenommen wird und die Immersion zu verstärken, die durch die ständige “Besprechung” entsteht.

      Ich wäre an einem Erfahrungsaustausch interessiert, ich kann dir etwa 400 DIN A4 Seiten Stichpunkte mitbringen, die ich seit September 2015 gemacht habe und Erfahrungen seit 2011. Tägliche Abläufe, Methoden, physische Beeinflussungen, zeitliche Abläufe etc., da ich mir jeden Tag Notizen mache


      • Dont give up.You must fight to control your future.We are in this together.Spontaneity is the key.Ill continue praying for you untill this rampant EVIL is defeated.We and our minds are not in chains.It is a free country.(Quote me)

  303. I been attacked by DEW/EMF had MRSA Bacteria injected in me 6/20/16 @4:10am. A few months ago the amputated my thumb spent two months​ in ICU. Had no place to live moved to different state. Still being attached by Justin Samuels jr/Alec Rafter was Louisville Kentucky 40258

  304. What you have on this website is a 100% correct about Target Individual. What makes me mad also is how the employees of where I have live is in on it with the Gang Stalkers. I mean every where I have lived for 21 YEARS my household has been vandalized and objects stolen out of each place I have lived in.

  305. It’s been 2 years still fighting for my freedom from Armenians in Los Angeles. Ask Sevan madadian and varand movessesian and armen morad to testify against Joe and Steve and Gamber and armen and 2 crack head Armenian cops plus Lori’s Kachaturian or vahe Kachaturian levon Kachaturian levon hovanessiaan

    • Nothing to fear but fear itself.Ask the Narcissist Megalomaniac Erdogan who turned a vibrant and cultured people into his perdonal fiefdom.Clamping down on dissent,free speech,intelligentsia and the Judiciary under the pretext of rooting out coup plotters.This is MIND CONTROL of unprecedented proportions perpetrated by the state against its own people.Your mind is your own.Do not let the STATE control it.You do not succumb to the visage of a defeated people.

  306. The vultures are on the prowl.They monitor this web site where we gather to express our revulsion at the various assault on our collective psyche.There is a stategy to these madness and we must collectively defeat them and their collaborators within the deep state.This evilbis beneath contempt especially for principled individuals like us who resides in a Mango Republic.Evil prevails temporarily because good men and women do nothing.Guide your mind with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life.The deep state will be defeated when we are collectively united with a common purpose.I am utterly confident.

  307. Indeed, the various forms of radiation damage the DNA eventually and lead to cancers.
    I am sorry, I cannot help you financially as I am destitute myself after almost 12 years of targeting.
    Regarding the monetary promises made to you: they are just mind games. It’s too bad that you lost your house in the process as it is just part of the master plan to bring targeted individuals down on their knees.
    It’s good that you still have health care coverage (I lost mine nine years ago along with my corporate job on which my targeting started).
    Stay strong and don’t give up. Keep me posted.
    P.S. Posting here is always a challenge.

    • Good luck on posting with all the censor ship

      On Aug 7, 2017 4:02 AM, “Targeted Individuals Europe” wrote:

      > zinaantoaneta commented: “Indeed, the various forms of radiation damage > the DNA eventually and lead to cancers. I am sorry, I cannot help you > financially as I am destitute myself after almost 12 years of targeting. > Regarding the monetary promises made to you: they are just min” >

    • The men bitch totally love to derail people all the time. You have to understand. Their family is dysfunctional, they themself are asperger struggling to achieve in the vast USA (where people continue to kick their ass). These little pathetic puppies have abnormally abusive childhood and were extremely disadvantagedly raise like pets. You should eliminate your prejudice and pities these chicken. That is what they yearn for. I think god doesn’t want us to hate on a piece of crap, because god loves everything (including garbage, poop and chiken)

  308. Is this for real?… because it sounds like what my life has been like since as long as I can remember…but it also sounds like what people can go through on a daily basis…so please explain to me how what we have gone through is any different from what an average person has gone through because most of the things talked about on this site I have experienced and I don’t feel like I have been “infected” by anyone…especially the government.

    • Well, I have been a targeted individual for roughly six years and it’s one of those things you would simply have to experience in order to realize it is not simply an illusion. Since I have been going through this experience I have gained an inordinate amount of control over my central nervous system and brain activity (not exactly controlling the nuances of my emotional state). For example – If I experience “brain freeze” from a cold drink; I am capable of focusing this “energy” in the effected area and cause it to dissipate, or at least make it less severe. I don’t really get headaches so I don’t have the opportunity to apply this control to this area. The reason I have so much control over this “energy” is because whomever is doing these things is working to affect my brain activity with high-tech machinery. Due to the use of this training on me, I have learned the effects of their manipulations. It’s basically an invisible mobile MRI that replaces the surrounding surfaces in a traditional MRI machine with a type of energy for targeting the area of the brain in which these individuals are attempting to either add or take away a person’s natural brain activity. I have never received any type of psychological diagnosis, am neither schizotypal, schizophrenic, nor delusional, but as this operation continues, attempts to interject these beliefs as logical explanations for my experience continue to attempt to perpetuate the belief that what I am experiencing is a direct result of such a disorder. As I confess I have never been one to “follow the pack” or take orders, for that matter, it has relatively been this obstreperous attitude that has caused me to continue to defy what I consider actions by these entities that are not only extremely invasive but also psychologically damaging, I attribute this determination to the fact that I have consequently acquired a great deal of information regarding the methods these agencies have in place that not only can, but do, manipulate, often without their knowledge, and never with their consent, brain activity from a distance.

  309. I would like to share from time to time some of my observations, today regarding sleeplessness, generation of so called V2K voices and generation of vobrations and pain. I did analyze my TI diary for this (i write it down every day, what they say, how the behave and what they do)

    For now i can say i find another interval and pattern, that are not my lifes intervalls and pattern and im sure i will find more and more in my writings. They dont let me sleep one night in 14 days, exact for the day since April this year. This is some kind of a prove, but i have another few. For example, their team changes every Tuesday. Every thursday, i call it idiots thursday because the people who join behave like complete idiots, since September 2015 a few people join in and disapear at the end of the weekend. If the weekend is long, if monday is a holiday they disapear on monday evening. Another thing is rotation of the themes. Every 3 months the themes they talk about will be repeated. And so on.

    Another thing was the observation how they create the illusion that neighbors, colleagues or others, from whom “they” want you to think, that they talk about you. I think there are 3 layers, you, the V2Ks and the ones, that you should think they talk about you. From what my observations so far, they must have visuals, from you and from the others, for example your neighbor in the garden. I assume from a higher point, a house or a tower nearby or a drone. (small drones can have a flight time from about two hours including HD video). They see and hear that your neigbor talks, the let you hear what you should hear. You hear that your neighbor talks, but you are not aware, that you cant hear it, because you are not near enough to understand it, because you are so concentrated to hear what your neighbor talks about you.

    I found for my case an acoustic region, where they generate vibrations. It is between 20 -30 Hz,it sounds and feels like a waiting car, it is almost hearable and starts most of the time on my feets, if i sit or stand still. To generate the pain later they use some kind of a resonance, i know only the german word for it called “Aufschwingen”. I assume they user or two electric or acoustic sources for it.

    • I would like to add some things about the V2K generation, when hearing your neigbours. The human brain has a property, that if you dont understand exactly what you hear, it fills words in that could fit in this case. That is often the case if you hear something from far away. The brain uses a puzzle piece, that could fit. If someone let you hear V2k voices, he could state, that is exactly this behaviaour, you self generated such thing. So from my point of view it is essential to talk to someone who was nearby and did hear the same.

  310. Is it possible to triumph over those who are conspiring to control you and they wind up failing to do so?

    There is a reason why I am asking.

  311. Lets wait for -the liberators- (russians/chinese/others?) or act ourselves as victims in this radio/scalar wave world wide concentration camp.. Operated from some Western world air force bases and local civilian stations throughout this dark Western world. They say Western world is like Disney World and they are our guards. May God bless us all !!!

    Love to you, a victim. This post is like a Japanese Haiku.

    • Well apparently my TI status is going into me driving my car. There’s been road rage increase against my car people tailgating me following me in a aggressive manner from bikers tailgating me swerving behind me to drivers trying to hit my car and throwing soda cans at my car cops are no where’s to be found. Personality I’m not scared at all to die. And if these people are trying to kill me I hope they do because everyone involved in my death can explain to my son why he has no father anymore. I question weather god wants me on this earth and if he does not fine god can deal with my son in pain from his daddy dying because people want to target me or possibly kill me. I don’t freaking care if I die so be it. I would have to worry about being a TI once I’m dead. To all the people who do nothing about it you can live with your self and deal with my son who looses his father because someone lost their temper on the road or felt the need to target me because they hate and despise me so much that would go that far. As I said I damn sure am not afraid to die. I’ve face death many times through out my life this is no different personality I should not even be here after that hammer hit me in the head at the age of 8 or my appendix almost burst at the same age I can go on an on an on about all the times I came close to death.

  312. This may seem a bit simple but sometimes simple is best…has anyone looked into using/wearing certain types of crystals to block RF and EMF? Shungite has very interesting properties that could prove to be useful. As with electronics, good grounding offers shielding and as our bodies act as electronic circuits we just need to find the correct grounding methods….good luck and keep strong

    • Faraday Cage is the better shielding proven for the moment. Securing all the parts into ground has the best in performance.

  313. I am not even a US citizen and I am about to get my Green Card. A coward I have known for years pulled me in to this as a revenge, and my own relatives are used against me most of the times. My neighbors are the only one that were close to me and knows my day to day life but she and her partner died one after the other right after a year after I was implanted with the ship. I believe I was implanted another one very recently when I went for a medical procedure. My evidence has been deleted, and police is constantly writing it as I have a mental health issue even for the complaints I gave with proofs. I have been to the psychologist in the past but I was not diagnosed with anything other than slight depression, that’s also because of the torture I was going through at that time by this guy. I am a strong believer of Jesus Christ so I believe it’s a challenge for him when I pray so I am pretty much distant from God in a long time and I am unable to focus on my prayer no matter how hard I try. I lost my 2 jobs due to sexual harassment and unable to find a job for the past 2 years and I am in a state to sell my properties for survival. Please help me to find the other TIs who is living in my area so that I can get some moral support for each other. I know for sure this is all going to end pretty soon. I am in Michigan,

    • I am a naturalized US citizen and I got the hell out of there!
      If what happens to you is targeting, things are never going to get better, I am afraid.
      Or, at least, I haven’t heard yet of anyone for whom things got better.
      My advise is to seriously evaluate your options. And if there is another place where you could build a life for yourself, get the hell out of there! Time will only aggravate things for you not help improve them.
      At least, that was my experience: I would had been much better off leaving the States in my first stages of targeting.
      But I don’t promise you that your targeting will end as soon as you leave the States. that didn’t happen for me neither. But at least I find once in a while a human who sees another when looking at me: this no longer happened in America.
      Tough decisions! Best of luck to you!

    • I am a naturalized US citizen and I got the hell out of there!
      If what happens to you is targeting, things are never going to get better, I am afraid.
      Or, at least, I haven’t heard yet of anyone for whom things got better.
      My advise is to seriously evaluate your options. And if there is another place where you could build a life for yourself, get the hell out of there! Time will only aggravate things for you not help improve them.
      At least, that was my experience: I would had been much better off leaving the States in my first stages of targeting.
      But I don’t promise you that your targeting will end as soon as you leave the States. that didn’t happen for me neither. But at least I find once in a while a human who sees another when looking at me: this no longer happened in America.
      Tough decisions! Best of luck to you!

  314. The information listed is accurate; I would know I am a TI. There are some things that you have not listed that is imperative information. I had been assigned what is referred to as a “handler”. This man had became romantically involved with me specifically to help destroy my life. What better way to profile a person than to have someone working from the inside. We had been together for four years before I had become aware of his intentions. I suspect that he received training from a school. I know that he received a big monetary payout. I refuse to play victim and instead have been investigating circumstances. I’ve come to find that the majority of my neighbors are as a matter of FACT involved with if for nothing more than community gang stalking me. When you live in a small community everything is magnified. You can rest assure that there are perps aiding with malicious intentional inflictions working within any organization either directly associated, or contracted with the government. Almost every business has someone who is targeting a TI to cause unfavorable inflictions this includes but is not limited to restaurants,;grocery stores,;shopping centres, public recreation facilities, handyman/repair services, telephone companies… Members of gangstalking come in all ages and from all walks of life. The logical explanation for this to be possible stems from that most of these perps are associated with or are members/family of a specific group. Need I say more. The one thing I am uncertain of is why I became a target. I have many theories but have not as of yet determined the answer. Does anybody have any ideas?

  315. Hell it is for these types of abuses done to truth speakers targeted over our truths in us and our faith now too..Help isnt there for us as we’re abused without reason or cause other then those they set us up for and drug us up to as they produce induce and cause wrongs they record reuse even ID thieves use our voices ID to in order to set us up with others. Deceit and lies they now do more of to destroy innocent lives. GOD HELP US ALL…

  316. I’ve been targeted over my truths of abusers abusing not just me but others of my family. And I know Sarah Palin was more then right in 2009 what she said but it was even worse. The attackes started it seemed just before I finished college my first chance I had I took and that was destroyed by micro chips and torture and ills from the inducers doing abuses. My liver and private both areas even my head neck and throat my right eye to it seems to placed in me many chips and they do burn you they do cause pain and to they want to use them to decieve you to. While they were abusing me God was helping me all throughout it all. And 6 years now maybe a bit more its only God thats been my help and to my last and only hope. I’ve seen the mocker stalkers of my faith of my truths I’ve seen the violent vandalizers I know to law enforcement medical pharmaceutical even politics is involved in this hate even God is watching it all unfold to. I took up for my mom over her abusers users of expermental drugs on her me and my dad and others to. It was all planned what they did to us as it seemed the weak the helpless and truth speakers rendered so as I and others were set up drugged up deceived and forced chipped to as some even used witchcrafts abuses and chaintings and many seemed hypnotized as they to made themselves unemotional uncaring heartless as they did the cuttings inside to place the chips. False and fake hurting hate care replaced all types of any good refusals to help me were many. Hell on earth for some goes from craddle to grave long-sufferings abuses. The truth and to faith is now so hated they do more abuses over them to us. So unethical immoral inhumane mistreatments abuses destructions Hate and injustices being done to innocent victims civilians. God help us all. Prayers for other suffers of these evil things they now are doing to us. May our God help you each.

    • Have you been to a doctor to rule out any illnesses that would cause the burning pains? Not trying to patronize you, I’m just curious.

  317. To WHEN they target chip us our records are purged even our bad meds reactions records are tampered with changed and altered. Leaving room for more wrongsdoings to be done to us. Set ups drug ups they did a lot to me in 2012 2013.

    • Don’t get me wrong though there are moments where at my job I have saved someone’s day in terms of what I do. That is highly rewarding however it only temporary they don’t happend to often for me. Sure I save someone’s day and I feel great at that’s moment however then something comes up that takes away from that moment. I do have the potential to make a persons day better. But it usually winds up crappy for me in some way or another canceling out what I did for someone’s that day. Then I’m left feeling like crap at the end of the day.

  318. William, that is the point of this. to isolate us. i am even seeing the young people (the teenagers) on the internet saying things like “that’s why I’m glad that I don’t have any friends.” This “targeting” thing, it’s petty and childish. I often wish I could live on a farm that sits right in the middle of 100 thousand acres of land. It’s a sad existence. I wish that targets could just trust each other and meet each other. Be there for each other. I know exactly how you feel. People have held me back through my entire life. At first, I thought that they were not aware of what they are doing or saying… but the older I get I realize these people know exactly what they’re ding and they do this because they do not believe in themselves. They don’t feel good unless someone feels bad. Everything and I mean everything is a competition. Everyone is comparing themselves to each other and everything matters. Any thing they can use against you, they will. From how much money you make, to where your mother goes to get her teeth cleaned. They are judging. I’m starting to realize why this tactic is so genius. Because it plays on real life. It’s a simulation of real life. Society is already messed up in a way where it seems to be more bullies than victims. So it’s not hard to find people who will participate in this. Everyone is thinking about themselves. It’s a narcissistic society anyway. And everyone needs a scapegoat to call out on everything. To say you’re no good just so they can feel valuable. Also, I think they are trying to beat us up so badly, that we become one of them. Be careful. Stay kind. Don’t become bitter, angry, and hateful of other people. Don’t lose your empathy. Psychopaths have a way of turning everyone around them into psychopaths. We have to learn to love these people from a distance. Even the ones who are trying to kill us. We have to learn that they have the problem and they are projecting it on to us, and we have to treat them accordingly. We do need our alone time to get away from these people. To recharge. But if you come across another target that you trust who lives in your community try to gain a true friendship with people who share the same values.

    • I’ll try to stay kind but it is becoming harder. As far as my job goes if and I say if it don’t work out I’ll settle with a freaking desk job or something like that. Where Im just pushing paperwork around. Go in get it done go home repeat. I know it’s a sad exsistance to some but for me it equates to job stibility where no one can question anything cause they will know I’ll come into work get it done and go home and I’ll repeat the process over and over same ol same ol. The point is to make my life as boring as possible to these people to where they have no interest in me because my life will be boring to them.

      • I don’t know what pisses me off more the fact they spy on me. Or they don’t spy on the people who sell locked devices. Basically they are spying on the wrong people and that’s all fine and dandy. But I tell ya what I look at the citation like this you spy on me I’m gone I’m out while you let the others to actually do the dishonest thing to people like myself and take advantage of my kindness sell me useless crap and nothing gets done about it while they spy on me then I’m most certianily out. If I do turn bitter inside it’s a direct result of me being spyed on while the others who take advantage of me my money etc don’t get spyed on don’t get watch are allowed to do what they do. So if I do disconnect completely from people it WILL be for those reasons I assure you.

  319. I’m just enthralled that I’m finally seeing someone else who completely understands exactly what I’m being put through by my supposed friend, and now boss and finally landlord! OMG!! This is absolutely unbelievable!! I’ve had so much of these very things going on for a couple of years and it’s completely ruined my life! I’ve considered the fact that I actually died in my house fire and have been IN hell ever since because every single aspect of my life has been manipulated or controlled and destroyed by such calculated precision! It’s moved me and changed how I think and carry out every minute of every day! I once felt confident and strong about every move OK made. THEY have all but destroyed that but I have new hope and plan on fighting back however I feel necessary at this point! Thank you!!! Tatzgirllori from Paradise Pennsylvania…NOT Paradise at all!!!

    • I’m trying to figure that out myself. Once targeted your always watched by the people who know you wether you know them or not. They seem to know you somehow. They mention things that pertain to your life circumstances as if someone passed the info down to them. Witch is one of the reasons why I don’t like to be around people much anymore. Always mentioning crap that I they are not priveledged to know. It’s like this when you want to be left alone they get more and more agressive with their tactics to be around you. There are three reasons why someone wants to be around you 1) spying or watching you. 2) you have something they want money etc. 3) control your life and every aspect of you life to where they criticize everything you do as if though they expect you to be perfect or something. They want you to be like them instead of yourself. No wonder why I’m depressed most of the time. Forget people want to be around you cause they like you or want to have a actual relationship with you or be supportive that shit flew out the window after 9/11. I no longer believe i live in a culture that promotes love and understanding we now live in a culture that seeks to attack ones character and intentionally stress people out to the point where you see crazy shit happen all around. There is no love nor understanding anymore just people assuming all the time and blaming people. If people can’t come together and get their damn noses out of their stupid phones and try to understand people you will see me go far far away from people. One more thing no one give people the benefit of the doubt anymore either. Why am I single cause there is no such thing as a supportive partner willing to go out of their way to be there. It’s all about money, control, and watching.

      • They try to take away everything that made you who you were before, since they attack from every direction it’s hard to fight, remember who you were before they started. It’s so hard with everything they do.

      • It’s a big joke thinking we can win this. I’m laying here dying from torture with no place to live except in the woods

        On Oct 7, 2017 9:46 PM, “Targeted Individuals Europe” wrote:

        > William sanders commented: “I’m trying to figure that out myself. Once > targeted your always watched by the people who know you wether you know > them or not. They seem to know you somehow. They mention things that > pertain to your life circumstances as if someone passed the info down t” >

  320. Wow how does someone receive help to fight this grown up bullying from scared piss ants that probably are so cool and tough they beat there partners or have ways to manipulate there surroundings and everyone In it that no one even has ever reported. what I’d like to say is HOW ABOUT THE TABLES TURN ON U AND THE TI IS ALLOWED THE CONTROLING POSITION AND THE BULLY BECOMES TILL BECAUSE IF THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A HIGH RANKING WORLD PROGRAM TO DID CREDIT THE PEOPLE’S MENTAL STATE!!!!! Worst f****** thing you can do is call somebody crazy somebody kids call crazy nobody listens to because it’s all this mess know she’s just f****** crazy so how would it be if I pretty sure whoever is behind the program doesn’t give a f*** about any of us so might want to think about it before you become the targeted individual and

  321. Wow how does someone receive help to fight this grown up bullying from scared piss ants that probably are so cool and tough they beat there partners or have ways to manipulate there surroundings and everyone In it that no one even has ever reported. what I’d like to say is HOW ABOUT THE TABLES TURN ON U AND THE TI IS ALLOWED THE CONTROLING POSITION AND THE BULLY BECOMES TILL BECAUSE IF THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A HIGH RANKING WORLD PROGRAM TO DID CREDIT THE PEOPLE’S MENTAL STATE!!!!! Worst f****** thing you can do is call somebody crazy somebody kids call crazy nobody listens to because it’s all this mess know she’s just f****** crazy so how would it be if I pretty sure whoever is behind the program doesn’t give a f*** about any of us so might want to think about it before you become the targeted individual and

  322. I know who is targeting me and why. But they hurt me so much I can barely fight anymore, it’s not just behavior chance or making every aspect of your life harder they want you dead after they have taken everything away from you.

    • I see that you have deleted most of my posts, Targeted Individuals Europe!
      I am flattered, you said that you don’t read the posts here anymore but you read mne!
      Don:t slip, you missed a couple in August.
      Take care, darling!

    • You will live and not die Jason.
      Your mind is under seige from demented psycopaths.They can not prevail except you let them.Your mind is the most powerful piece of engineering by GOD.They will be defeated.but you must be Strong and resolute.Tell your mind,you will not go underground for maniacs and their collaborators in giverment circles,and it will oblige you.This is your space.You own it.

      • Thanks. Hopefully you are right. The people perpetrating this operation are awful and their motive is idiotic. I wish I could uncover them and show the world what kind scum they really are. I’m not entirely sure this is a government program, at least in my case they work for the private sector, although they could have government connections. This is so absurd and unbelievable, I’m stuck in a terrible position and can’t stop this terrible abuse.

  323. Everywhere I go this keeps happening. I know who started it. I never thought she would do something like this, we barely knew eachother. I have basically experienced every tactic, now they are mimicking me and using my ideas. I feel very unsafe and the physical pain and fatigue are becoming unbearable. Also, 24/7 torture perpetrated by horrible disgusting people. Even when I’m away from the city it happens, I’m sure it started at University but It has followed me during vacation and visits to my hometown. It’s extremely awful and hard to prove, I know my perps and they even smirk at me when I see them. I don’t know if this tactic is used or these bullies really feel untouchable. The justice system in my country is extremely corrupt, I guess they might as well be. My targeting is so bad at University, I can’t stand being around them, it’s like most people are against me there. I could even post a link to their pictures here since they are semi high profile in my country. No matter where I go I see them, it’s even harder to prove when they work and live near my apartment.

    • Jason, they are like cocrages everywhere and the only answer I have got that they themselves MUST obviously be under a hypnotic program, otherwise I could not explain, why they are everywhere at nearly same time!? They are ganstalking me with stalker cars, they must have special beaming lamps, lights, magnetrons in their and also in my car, in order to cause such tremendous pain physically.

      Also in Germany the justice system has become corrupt. My husband and I waiting now for more than 2 years for reply from Court (staatsanwaltschaft) for having reported severe injuries from DEWeapons, also such as laser, tesar, meser, and so on.
      We should do our utmost to bring these criminals in front of court or throw them into prison forever under same torture we have to endure 247. These programs are just inhuman and they would not stand the pain for one single day. How pervert and poor these coward creatures are! Shameful and disgusting perps and their handlers.
      Try the kids song: “OldMCHandler has a farm, eeaeaoh.And on this farm he has his perps eeahaeeahohh.With a perprat here and a perprat there, here a perp, there a perpass,everywhere the criminals, old MChandler has a farm, eeeaheeahohh”. I am singing this song loudly on the street, when my pain gets too much physically or when I see some of the perparseheads on the street.
      stay strong.

      • They have been affecting my metabolism, causing muscle atrophy, weight loss and gain, migraines and all kinds of pains and people still don’t believe it. I think someone is going to murder me, abuse me or stage my ‘suicide’ soon, I never complied to their demands so I don’t have much time left. You would be surprised if I told you who’s involved in my targeting, I lost all my faith in the judicial system. These people are relentless, they told me they would stop the abuse if I did what they said and when I did they punished me for it, I’m sure it’s not exactly the government but they’re also connected to it. They supposedly warned me, but leaving was really not an option for me. My family members did not believe me and contributed to the abuse, I have a few months or maybe a year left, I’m almost sure. They’ll be getting away with another crime, destroying someone who stood up to them and their abusive ways. Whatever hormone they’re release or whatever weapon they’re using on me is destroying my physical health, I don’t have much time left and I would like to tell other who these people are and what they really do when they’re genuinely threatened. My family members are just as bad since they sent me to the medical tests that I believe gave my harassers the weapons to destroy me, I hope others, even in different parts of the world, never experience this and who ever is responsible suffers twice as the victims of this high tech abuse have. I hope the person who placed me in this torture program is shown as the disgusting vermin she truly is.

      • Hadia, just wanted to say Hello, see you are more than year long here. Me TI from Belgium, actually looks like my child 4 year old is TI. .. How are you? Elena

  324. My posts don’t even make sense anymore, they are not only messing with my body but affecting every area of my brain, I can’t believe they can get away with this torture. I really do hope they suffer at least twice as much as I have, they mock me for making mistakes while typing on this device when they have basically caused me to do so. They are truly immature, filthy, unworthy animals who don’t deserve to be called human. You really can’t imagine who is behind this in my case and how highly they think of themselves. It’s horrible. You have no idea what they have put me through, I have lost my mental and physical health and it has only been a bit more than a year.

  325. What is the reason / what must zou do to become a target _!
    someone has put zou on a nayi list because zou took drugs or have a sadness dissorder or what ____
    Or is it just for fun _ Is it an american thing like in the truman show _ Or a DDR thing / as when politiks need a theme in the dailz news it is zou bulleting down all memebrs in the mall______
    Who is doping that fucking thing _____Scientologists _

  326. MY fuckers use esential oil lamps 247/put salt in my food/destroz mz verz well reputition/sending me their kids who telling things like I am singular person and should get a familz////cannot gert mail from other countires/cannot use bankaccounts……..thez drug mz exbozfreind with chemo and he will be verz violent

  327. If I this type of activity has been present daily for years affecting all part of my life I have no money, these people have forced me to move several times with the same results. I am forever chased I am unable to hold a job. I tell someone, and I am medicated and isolated further. Material that is hypersexualized because I am easy on the eyes so to speak.

  328. They have done so his to three generations of my family on both sides we have had just about every form of harassment thought up. we need to convince Ai that these are the virus making our planet and people sick and override Ai to take care of it.

  329. In my case, they have been playing the ‘good cop’ strategy lately. I have been told I shouldn’t worry about the future and how everything is going back to normal. I doubt they would ever help me. I believe they are using another strategy to obtain information from me. The tone of my targeting has changed lately but I feel it’s just a strategy adjustment. If people around you and voices seem to be reassuring, I recomend you to be careful and try not to listen to their commands even if they offer you an exit. If they symptons persist while people become ‘nicer’, it probably means we are still targeted, they are just changing the strategy,

    • Indeed, I believe that you are right. If the symptoms persist, be careful: sometimes the vigilantes play nicely to confuse the target and give it hope. Then they drop you again like a hot potato. When you fall from higher ground it hurts more.

    • Indeed, I believe that you are right. If the symptoms persist, be careful: sometimes the vigilantes play nicely to confuse the target and give it hope. Then they drop you again like a hot potato. When you fall from higher ground it hurts more.

  330. I am a targeted individual. There is currently a group of people who are following and disrupting my life. They are from Carrollton Texas, the place I used to reside. They will not stop harrassinh me because they do not want to see me make a better life out of my life. KL is the perpetrator.

  331. I am a T.I. and previously left a message here today. It never showed, even at the bottom of the list for new comments? I live in the country where the house of the devil is located: U.S.A. I am an immigrant from Venezuela and I’m tired and bored for the lack of creativity from perpetrators’ harassment and sabotage techniques, always the same. They have been doing the same shit over and over. Boring! They probably are killing many cells of my body in every attack, but I am part of God, the creator, my Faith is more powerful than paying attention to those demons. My advise, ignore perps to have a stress free life. Have faith in God and you will be umdestructible.

    • By the way, I live in San Jose, CA, I have been T.I. over 7 years, but more intense since 2014 when the U.S. Navy, via theatrical mob, created a misdemeanor to send me for the first time in my life to jail and to cover up their wrongdoing, to a mental hospital afterward. I suspect they implanted a microchip when they took me to a local hospital. I am isolated like all T.I.s and interested in making any “online” or “phone” compromised friendship if possible.

  332. Please feel so alone. I am raffy of Philippines…
    I wanted to open up about my problem. Super down with no even single penny in my pocket. No job. Most of my friends and my family think that I am crazy. I can say I am not. As accidentally found this page while searching of the real condition of my brain.And reading the articles, all of the symptoms of the TI (which i learned and heard just now in your page) are all the symptoms I am experiencing in this so moment. I wanted to open up this feelings to my friend or family but they will just considered me as a crazy..Please help me to overcome and understand my condition..

    • You know when your a TI when you got people interfering in your happiness. Where you disallowed to do a quote good deed for someone. Where every relationship with a partner you’ve been in has been destroyed by others. That whole let no man interfere in your marriage in the bible bah no one actually follows that. The whole America thing that says we have a right to pursue happyNess bah once again not followed. I got people continuity interfering in my happiness and no wonder why I suffer from depression anxiety and paranoia. It’s no wonder why I feel as if though I wish God himself would wipe my very existence from the universal plain of existence and where I’m forgotton. I’m always busy making others happy and no one is there for my happiness. Trust me if there was a way for me to wipe my soul out of existence I most certainly would do so. As long as others interfere in my happiness and destroy relationships I’ve been in and block my ability to do nice things for others when I feel it is right. Deep inside my soul I will wish that God himself will wipe my existence out so everyone forgets me and no one knows me and never knew I existed. And all my talents and skills and abilities dissapear with me.

      • At time I feel like others don’t deserve anything in regards to me my abilities skills etc because of the interference of what they do to my happyness. I feel as long as they interfere in my happyness they don’t deserve me or know me or know I exist. If they wish to Robb me of my happyness they should be robbed of me and everything about me or knowing me. Their selfish ways with me will lead to me dissapearing for good.

      • I long for the day were I’m away from all people far away from them. I want isolation I want to be alone I no longer want to be around others. Because I know in my mind they will mess with my happyness. So it would give me great joy to separate my self from society and go my separate way without human interaction without them without society. Who needs them they are to busy on a witch hunt destroying other people’s lives like my own. You see it all over the news where people’s lives are destroyed without due process like it states in our contitution. Your guilty until proven innocent. Yeah I sure as hell don’t wanna be around others anymore. I sure as he’ll don’t trust no one anymore not when I see the lives of others destroyed along side with my own. I pray your God wipes me out of existance.

      • Isolation is something that those who are monitoring want. When you feel that society is something that you don’t want to be a part of, then the question must be raised as to what you would do to the very thing you want to get away from? Would you hurt them or commit atrocious crimes to be free of them? That is what these sick individuals want. Chaos brings them money; in order to control the chaos. So, with that, find a way to be involved with others and this time focus on what the people have to say instead of focusing on what they want you to focus on. Its just another computer “brain” trying to take the place of yours. Don’t break weak and let them win. Be strong. With time you will device ways of fighting them. That way your life will get easier.

  333. I am a TI and I am looking for that one person that is ready to standup and be heard and free the TI’S across the world I know there is a way I just need someone to stand behind me in the fight that is strong. I can do all things through Christ Jesus to that strengthens me. All I will do all things.

    • Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit.

    • The more the people push me around the more I will cut society out of my life get off the grid and disappear I swear I will

  334. Hello T.I.s,

    I am moving from the United States of Evils to another country in SouthAmerica; tomorrow 11/29/17 and would like to know if someone else have experienced moving to another country and if the attacks and gang stalking have been the same or less? I understand perps have machines using satellites or WiFi to track someone in this planet, and of course using shared technology from Google maps. I will continue fighting till the end but just want to know any reference about moving abroad.

    • Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit.

  335. In my experience some of what is outlined above is real and ‘actual tactics’ but they are used against people that have actually done something, whether it be political, academic or otherwise. For example, I stood in local and general elections, my PhD was designing meta level tools to analyse all of your data as stored by GCHQ/NSA or basically the 5eye alliance, I did a lot of covert research etc.. Yes, I’ve been spiked, had the street theatre stuff pulled on me, had crims/ gangs intentionally move clsoe by to keep an eye on me and ‘gaslight’ to create fear etc., I’ve had social events sabotaged etc.. In my case I knew some of these crims from my younger years and they are just evil people, they like to break minds, force suicides etc., proper psychos. But it was all so obvious and I think some of the techniques you are talking about are just fantasy, the high technology stuff you cite that is.

    Yes ‘bugs’ are real, found them in my clothing when I stood against George Galloway (well a few months after because that made me very overt) but I have doubts regarding some of the other stuff you talk about. My issue is I keep being cheeky and last year I was talking to Julian Assange on twitter and sent him an early research paper I wrote on how to graph communications data as network diagrams to be combined with a content analysis of language use to really get at the networks he is after (yes I have the screenshot).

    The next day the Mormons came around to my house, true story! All I am saying is that it is important to know the difference between what is a genuine mental health issue or whether you are being subjected to the ‘dark arts’ for real, like I have been. Heh, you know after I went through all of that and actually sat down with some of the protagonists and told them I knew what they were doing and then recited ‘conversations’ I was not meant to remember, I was invited to join a group related to the Masons and had folk from the ‘dark side’ (so to speak) ask me for my advice. So, its not all super secret hidden groups who can’t be negotiated with. Everyone needs a hug and compassion and particularly the psychos of this world!

    There is a great line in the Buddhist text titled Anapanasati that I’ll allude to for those of you that have poked hornet nests like I have done and have had the dark arts applied for real on them; there is no such thing as enemies, just other entities contributing to ones own cognitive and spiritual growth and development. The Beastie Boys echo that sentiment in one of their songs too. If anyone needs some help talking through their issues and working out if it is the case of being subjected to the dark arts or the case that there is a significant mental health issue, drop me an email at jakirkcaldy@protonmail.com.

    I have no interest in taking down crims or these esoteric groups or other powerful actors or even disclosing what I know (my lips are sealed boys and girls! its yes yes form me!) but I might be able to help some of you come to terms with what may have been done to you for real (as I’ve gone through it). Peace out and remember to relax and breathe!

  336. Yes, after a page refresh it will show my post as pending. So given I am actually very genuine and recounted true experiences then I have to question the veracity of this blog and this TI thing. Perhaps this TI thing is black propaganda as it mixes up actual real tactics that are used with perhaps false ones. By doing this it allows even those genuine tactics to be brushed off as ‘conspiracy theories not worthy of note’. I’ll research those running blogs like this and propagating this TI thing further and perhaps utilise my skill set to do so. Namaste!

  337. Too much for democracy and human rights. The US is really disappointing.in their coward tactic to abuse human rights and hush the world about it. I can’t believe the perpetrators are seen as gods and saviors. Really really shitty world. KK, maybe middle east or muslim aren’t bad as they say… And then the rest of the world stays oblivious to this. Gosh in my next life, I hope I don’t reincarnate into this fucked up country ever again…

    • I totally agree I personality do not wish to be reincarnated in the next life within same kinda crap. I know one things for sure In the next life I’m staying alone especially after what happend in this life in regards to my relationship status. I’m not making the same mistakes in the next life that’s for sure that crap nearly destroyed me. Personality I wish I was working for myself instead of working for some one else who has serious trust issues and is verry pushy. Been thinking of being my own boss and offering my skills in a different way. I’m sick and tired of these people who targeting me restricting me from learning new skills

      • They settle in and treat us like their home. I’m like hey yo, your dysfunctional family abandoned you, however it is none of my business. Even if I have no family member left, you wouldn’t never be considered for the list lol.

  338. I’ve had perps on t.i. sites make me out to be a perp like them they show screenshots of stuff I never said! And now I can’t even get help from people like me … I am harassed everyday everywhere I go they are there. I can’t even go to a drs office,and they cough at me meow bark at me! I don’t understand how people I’ve never met know who I am especially since I now go to the drs in another town now but same county ! Now I can’t even get help from other t.i.s because they think I’m so some evil piece of crap perp. Please someone help me I just wanna die sometimes but I have kids that depend on me ! But at other times I think they would be better off without having to deal with my targeting!! Can someone email me with help please: mariemacleod85@gmail.com

    • I was thinking to myself. If you use these neurologist’s face to make butt wiping towel, it would send dirty contaminants and infest people’s butt. Honestly, these chickens are dirtier than crap. This raises their uselessness to a whole new level.

  339. I hope there’s a lawsuit in the works. I believe everyone where I live at including myself are now targeted individuals.

    • I have a question I think everyone should think about. Is it ok to make fun of a mentally challenged person you’d prolly say no. Do you think it is ok to make fun of a person with Down syndrome I’m sure you say its not ok. So why then is it ok to make fun of a mentally ill person. Why then is that fine. We don’t make fun of those other handicaps so why then is mental illness treated with such distain.

      • Are people making fun of me because of my handicap or are they making fun of me because it’s me or is it because I truly am targeted

  340. Couple of things. One: Go to Facebook and look up targeted individual. There are two that I am a part of. Targeted Individuals International. Targeted Individuals. Two: Look up transcranial magnetic stimulation. I feel it is relevant to those who are targeted by Directed Energy Weapons. Third: Vladimir Putin and the “zombie gun”. It is relevant to those who are targeted. Lets find solutions because if every one is on the same topic but worrying about side issues we will never find a REAL solution to these topics. I have been a ti for roughly five years and in that time I have found solutions to a few of my problems. Lets distribute these few terms and hopefully out of all the people who have seen these terms, one of us can find solutions.

  341. Hello my name is Maria A Marrufo Duran I live in the Bay area,and have been stalked over one year made numerous of calls to SJPD called 911 I done everything to report stalking I don’t have no one to talk to at all or even laugh with I am married 24yrs old to Don Duran our life’s have changed with in a year from 2016 we are like roommates it’s a horrible feeling being stalked, mimic, harrased, assaulted is awful were in United States and this us done by other nationality I lost contact with all my friends my family treats me different is hard I am constanly crying, I had a friend I was always reaching for help to get home but things change I had to intramp to see and did things that is not my life style, I feel completely alone I don’t know if I could trust certain people but the government needs to over look at this , innocent people get hurt I do worry for my family and now my safety knowing that they want to commit me when I am not mental is horrible, we need to keep our faith and continue to pray and pray for others.. the next generation is up to us to make that change, I had file a complaint against an officer so I think I am being dealing with retaliation and also my Employer and in top social media so my life is in danger wishing I had some one I could count on…Lord bless each of us have mercy on us 12/15/2017

  342. I have been a so called “t.I. for a few months. I am also an addict. First it,started,with the high pitch noise….then i swear i saw the red lights from what I believe where cameras….then it progressed into the waves. I have never in my life even of this stuff. My family thinks I’m off my rocker. Well I set up,infra red cameras in my apartment….and low and behold I saw the lights on video. Even still my family discredited me. I also work for a d.o.d. contractor. I,for some reason….knew what all,this was before I read about it. I’ve read it happens in stages. Well mine was backwards. The energy weapons were right after the ringing. I was on the brink of my sanity. I’m STRONG with my faith. I KNOW God is real. I just know. Hes proven it to me….numerous times. I’m no holy roller….and,I try to live right day by day. Well….I had,no answers….all I,did was pray. I pray and,talk to God EVERYDAY. So far…..im the only person that,this has happened to since ive been researching…….It STOPPED. I was being,stalked and,followed everywhere I went at work….the waves were making me,sick….making me loose my mind. Ive never seen….heard….or expierenced anything,to this level. Technology mixed with spiritual. Its becoming the time. Well as I was loosing it….I scrambled….and hid….in a deep place covered with thick steel…..the waves couldnt find me. It was having trouble pinpointing me. So I prayed. I said…God….I dont know what this is…you know me…you know,my heart…PLEASE….take,this,away from me or let me,know what’s going,on. And as crazy as this sounds….after that I walked back to where I was working….and,its,like,something,snapped. The people,that were following,me….all turned,around,at one,time….like,robots….and,walked,away….the,noise,stopped…..and the way this works popped,into my head like an,encylopedia. To this day….I can tell where the sound,is,coming from….I have decernemt…..from God…so I’m able,to,tell the good,from the bad….if that makes sense. I hope this helps anyone who reads this. If u have any questions….feel free to LEAVE A COMMENT AND,ILL RETURN A MESSAGE OR AN,EMAIL. PRAY AND ASK HIM,TO,TAKE,IT AWAY. I PRAYED,FOR MONTHS. SO DONT STOP,IF,IT,DOESNT,HAPPEN,AT FIRST. SOMETIMES IT TAKES A,MINUTE FOR,OUR,PRAYERS TO MAKE IT THROUGH.

    • A Helper: Facebook: Targeted Individuals International and/or Targeted Individuals. We are all having conversations about such things. Also, look into transcranial magnetic stimulation. I believe it is relevant to every TI out there. Keep your faith and begin to block these waves early on. I have been a TI for roughly five years. Another TI, a guy named Myron May (look up his video on the web). He wound up shooting up Florida State University. Killing two and paralyzing another. He was a TI and his video explains his situation and then asks Jesus Christ for forgiveness for his past sins and his future sins. This situation we find ourselves in is worse than the perpetrators want you to believe. They have to do extensive research on the subject before they utilize you in a fashion similar to Myron May.

      • The trolls are just pissed cause we try to cut them off from keeping tabs on us. The more aggressive they become the more aggressive we become to cut their asses off. It’s funny how they hide behind the name of god to try to convince us that god has something to do with why we are going threw this. I call bullshit. God has nothing to do with why are lives are unhappy. They just hide behind his name to say to us that are live are like it is because of him because he wants us to learn something. Bullshit people are the reason why our lives are as chaotic as it is. Why I cut their asses off has nothing to do with fear it’s because I know they are minpolating my life and my happyness. They know nothing of what actually what would make me happy and even if they knew I highly doubt they would make it happen. People don’t want us happy. People are extremely Jealious of happy people. They want us all miserable all the more reason to cut their asses off. They damn sure don’t represent god at all. Believe me if they did I think things would be way different. It irritates me to no end that they hide behind gods name as a excuse to why my life is the way it is and why I have not fulfilled my dreams and aspirations. I call bullshit on them. No way do they represent god in the least. True people of god truly help those in misery. They will go out of their way to bring joy and happyness to the lives of the suffering. Am I suffering damn straight i am. I see none of them actually representing god the way it should be. I see none of them bringing joy to my life at all. God has nothing to do with the direction of my life it’s people that do the ones keeping tabs on you and watching you. They are the ones who think they know everything and think they know what bring you happyness. Fact they know nothing they do nothing other then troll you. Stalk you conspire aginst you all in the name of quote god. Bullshit god would never do what they do. People are liars if you don’t fit their narrative they will mess your life up. I know ones things for sure I don’t stalk people I don’t troll people lives I don’t minpolate someone’s life nor do I conspire aginst them. I see no point in it. It does not bring me happyness to conspire to destroy someone’s life or hold them back from happyness. I’m not a socialpath like they are

      • Thank you for responding, Yes I agree they are mean and some actually I feel you might think is crazy but I feel protect it from the others is weird, but I had an awful experience and since I had a brain energy I have no control of my nerve tic since I damage nerve 7, I get over whelm and particular vehicle I feel comfortable I’ll say multiple but is particular ones .I was harrased and stalked in Fresno ca a night mare and driving 3 hours home I was being followed which I wasn’t scared but that fact I don’t do well on freeways I get nervous now I start feeling like I am experience an anxiety I never felt like this is been one awful year of humiliating,embarrassing, slandering ,assaulted, and horrible experienced along with false arrest and release wirh in 10hrs hold in the psych unit which an alert has been issued but am not mental or suicidal I’m dealing with retaliation and is a awful when I encounter with police I get treat it different than before and I know several officers which I don’t want to mentioned but is a awful. All you’re input has help me alot but look into sonic aiirwaves i hopeis not real. Also recently a young man tried to commit suicide because no one believes him on the stalking etc the drones,aur stalking etc I believe is different nationalities not USA AMERICANS but he was talk down which is good but you all know no one is going to believe him and I hope he doesn’t try to again sad but is real.. I have faith and I know I will survive than you

        On Dec 21, 2017 7:13 PM, “Targeted Individuals Europe” wrote:

        > William sanders commented: “The trolls are just pissed cause we try to cut > them off from keeping tabs on us. The more aggressive they become the more > aggressive we become to cut their asses off. It’s funny how they hide > behind the name of god to try to convince us that god has somet” >

  343. TI for 10 years having all the gangstalking and elerctronic harassment experience. Anaphylactic shocks for no reason and no doctor can find the cause!!! Left ear tinnitus changing frequency pitch etc etc, everything! Can’t find job ANYWHERE! Friends disappearing, relatives too. All types of harassment etc. For 3 years now attacking my mother, that we live together. Nightmare 24/7 in house and when I dare to go outside. Unbelievable. Need help to stop this crime! Thank you for your time. Country: Greece.

    • Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got you into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. If you were ever part of a cult or Lightworker or UFO Religion that is exactly who is tormenting you using witchcraft and directed energy devices to harass you.

  344. I’m going to hang this city’s officials not this states because its not the whole state its this city I’m not merely running away I’m going to hang them in supreme court… The Casper Wyoming city officials are officialy going to prison for a very long long time this I’d bet the bank on slugs are no small matter where the probation, attorney nogenral thieves, and the probation making up or planting drugs in urin…. Im no idiot I know how to pass I’m garenteed and backed or $10,000.00 paid out for a loss of any substance…this is a bit too much to let it go Cruz’s no control would destroy us… I’ve filed charges through the inspector general, FBI, CIA, no fear, as well as been working with Cynthia Lummis sinse 2015 on stopping this abusive behavior by our officials we can’t afford to pay abusers to abuse and shame on every one of you who fallowed the crowed and did nothing…. You can’t blow a whistle or hold a gun or work anywhere but the cafeteria in state prison as far as I’m conserned

  345. Pingback: THE NEW BRITISH WAY OF LIFE – AND DEATH – https://drlesdove.wordpress.com

  346. if you are a target individual your predator can spit in your mouth so do a DNA test if they choke to death
    they can also blow you up with electro magnetic waves or other substances double your size and strength you out.
    they can also heat your head and give you a slow death. and heat your blood and clot you up and make you throw a blood clot so if you are a target individual get the word out so they will check you if you come up dead. after all they only want to keep torturing you.

      • Solution is in my opinion exposure. The enemy appears in every situation, can you see them, are you not directed to look to identify, they are everywhere or so we are led to believe. Unity is key coming together as one. I pray peace finds you this moment and know this beyond everything else, you are Loved you are valuable and priceless. I am a TI and their game has maxed, yet Love and faith remain.

      • My solutions: create a home made electromagnetic field with magnets over 1500 gauss and also use magnets around your body wherever and whenever you are attacked. If will reduce considerable the symptons and your body will better off, balancing PH, etc. It has been working for me. Keep a magnet in your pocket!

      • The magnets you are using, you put them face to face same polarity or doesn’t matter? Thankw for the solution!

      • Hi George, I read the positive field should be next to your skin, I don´t follow parameters, I click them both in between my clothing (different polarity), especially where I feel the attacks, example, right shoulder, left leg, etc…and sleep with them all night…or place them direct to my skin if needed during the day. The physical symptons deseappear quickly…good luck!

  347. Pingback: TI “Symptoms” – I'm Federally Reserved

  348. 5 months and a YEAR PRIOR of artificially induced bronchial infections…tip of iceberg…here in Olympia WA – Freemason/Satanic Central. May Hashem destroy them b4 I am silently offed.

  349. I’ve been facing this issue for the past 7 years. Everyday I’m facing the same issue , I cannot hear anybody but I feel that I am criticized by few morons and I want to know does this has limits I don’t think so. The pattern they have is irritating and I feel I’m not having a normal life. I don’t want to get highlighted one of my friend suggested me to go to a psychiatrist. I don’t believe in anything. Wherever I go its like insecure. I have most of the symptoms listed above but not the physical torture. Just mental ilness with a fed up patterns which is been used against me and tracking me and making me uncomfortable. I just want to know few things. All the people who’re troubling me are they really told to do so or does anyone has control over my mind and making these things up? Is there a solution to this to lead a normal life or will it be this way throughout my life. Are there any experts or experienced people who can answer to this

    • I am not an expert, but according to your comment it seems that you have a negative belief about your self value. When there are people torturing you even electronically, it is simpler to find it out. It happens in specific events, thoughts and actions in your life, like somebody is trying to teach you not to do this or that, to make you change your life with a less freedom way of living. At those events , thoughts etc the response is repetitive. It is more obvious that behind, there is a human being, (more than your personal character response) like a bad teacher, who is of course not perfect and tries to punish you. It is more like a spoilt human. You can tell from their response. Normally there are gang stalking issues beforehand and the electronic harassment lots of the times goes hand in hand with gang stalking. At least in my case.
      I don’t know if this helped.

  350. Pingback: TI “Symptoms” | Jafelco's Blog

  351. All you people are not crazy You are not being targeted by the government. You are being targeted by demons or evil spirits. All of these symptoms you guys are having comes from attacks by evil spirits not the government. Somehow you got involved with the fallen angels or demons who call themselves spirit guides. They mascarade as angels of light but they are devils or demons. If you believe Meditation, spirit guides, and ascended masters you open yourself up to demonic oppression. See the attachment for all the stuff you need to know about dangers of new age movement and devil worshipping. Your only way out of this demonic deception is to find the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • What are you talking about?? So, spirit is walking around my house and picking tryouts my window before dark, and during the night? It’s not a person who lost his slipper, it’s a spirit, the same spirit that’s invisible and untouchable? Then, who’s slipper I have right now in my car?

      • These perpetrators, possibly Gov related but I believe are moonlighting in offshore life/death insurance scams arranging for Ti’s demise..of course these perps are uncountable…

  352. This is what’s going on in not schizophrenic and I’m not anything posted that’s sick and evil I’m a loving person and have always believed in our God Aaron Johnson reading his scream acting like he’s giving these thoughts to me his name is Aaron Quinton Johnson from walmart DC 6090

  353. One Renee Ruth Akers, real or adopted daughter of an SS helferin Ruth Borgman and her claimed “Bormann” Organization/Nazi Underground compadres and/or her Weddell?/Smith or Wendell Smith “family members”, her hitwoman mentor Rosetta Crenshaw, her associate Sheila Alghieri the sex trafficker, her manhater associates at the “Vril” club, and the Marquis du Sade society her mother belonged to are possibly complicit in the “clockwork orange” style deeply sarcastic, sadistic and meglomaniacal targetting of our brains. A mobster named Guido Scardina and his mob that targeted the Catholic Church with faked sex stings would have probably contributed to the conception of this new atrocity. He threatened me with a similar attack as early as 1980. Renee Ruth was called by his underlings to assist him. The “program”, also called a “pogrom” by my gangstalkers, attacks victims of post-war Nazi experiments, Christians, good people, pacifists, and those who might be able to testify against torturers, Nazi SS and their families, and atrocity makers and mobsters worldwide, from what I can figure out. Thank you for adding to my knowledge base and best wishes to all good people being attacked world over. Remember, it is the best and gentlest and kindest people who are the fittest and should survive to represent the human race and solve our collective problems with love, not barbarian SS remnants and their sadistic minions and offspring who only destroy and torment us.

  354. ok, so the president is powerless over this thing. THe one making all the decision is the CIA, or may be the president is trying to cover up for the CIA. Either way, Sacaramuci that fired communication director may know about this program. This is the state committing crime on its citizen. Lol And we though the west was any safer. Hypocrites exposed

    • All of the nations in the World has TI’s. I am a TI since 1990 and up to now I am attack of all the symptoms you may know. All of my countrymen knew this now but they don’t know what to do. Who will think now that no leader of a state that knew this Targetting? All givernment connives. All are under the power of the Illuminatti. Go to You Tube and many TI’s are their to be watched. This is a Science and Witchcraft combined. If we want to survive, keep on visiting this site and talk to many TI’s here. But always remember that there might be some perps here posing as TI. And see me in Facebook: Remegio Balane.

  355. and of course the CIA will always want to control people, so it sucks to be an American now. They got people everywhere: the press, tech companies.. Like they set up their own network and with mind reading stuff, almost nobody escape their notice.

  356. And in stead of walking away, they are holding on to their test subject and make the situation a lot worse. These people are either out of their mind or they are not very sharp

  357. Benefit? I don’t think so. If it was they would have signed up their entire family for this shit. Then we wouldn’t be here lol. They primarily exploit people, making people do hard work without any pay and avoid paying the penalty by laying blame on test subject. Look at these dogs, they are full blown criminal with a snack of inflicting pain on other people while fully aware that this is a crime. To be honest, the USA is just like other countries that they criticize. The USA is even more dangerous because its government itself is a criminal. So there you go there is no such thing as a crime free society even with human right

  358. I personally believe this person actually gathered up some Facts from my personal experience I find it all to be stuff they have done to me. Not quite all. But most.

  359. I was surprised that none of the TI websites I’ve visited reported that US diplomats in Cuba were being attacked with something that a TI would recognize immediately. It went here in Germany through the newspapers and was also on official state television. Dizziness and tinnitus, noises no one else could hear, and so on. it was also about having left demonstrable neurological damage in 18 out of 21 people. When reading the medical report, it is said that a non-natural source is responsible and there was no mass psychosis, because many of the people did not communicate with each other and did not know each other


    • We have discussed the Cuba incident in Facebook. Always visit here and visit me also in Facebook. Remegio Balane.

      • Thanks for your reply. I didnt find the discussion on facebook, sorry. What I mean is that there is a quasi-official perception of something that goes through the mainstream media. The first approach was in August, that one has spoken of a sonic weapon. That is not the case anymore, they speak of a non-natural source. The second more important point in my opinion is that the neurological damage is detectable or was detectable in this case. The researchers spoke of a brain concussion without any physical accident. Over 200 days after the beginning the people had signs of an ongoing brain concussion. I never went to a neurologist because i did assume, the methods of the torturers are sophisticated and therefore is nothing to find but a bigger insula, audio cortex or visual cortex which is not a kind of a proof.

  360. It appears low life govt.apparatchiks have invaded our space around here.I see them daily around me and now they are everywhere. Real members of TI should beware of the pretenders posing as independent commentators. They are the scum of the earth and will be exposed at every opportunity. Do not let the shit bags read your mind.If you allow the lunacy, then your mind is in bondage.Fight …Fight….Fight… It is your mind after all.Why should anyone read or control it.That is the exclusive preserve of the ALMIGHTY GOD

  361. The tragedy of this mind numbing strategem is the escalation of repressive and gestapo tactics by the state and state sponsored officialdom especially in 3rd world countries… especially Africa and Nigeria in particular. All checks and balances have failed and the Rule of Law is trampled on at will.It is the enthronement of mediocrity over core professionalism at all levels of governance. Gangsters under the guise of the purported political elite loot our collective patrimony with reckless abandon and state institutions collude to ensure same or are arbitrarily compromised.That is the tragedy called Nigeria.The psyche of the Nigerian people have been battered systemically and methodically over decades,that they are now pliant and do exhibit the Stockholm syndrome.No sweetness here.Guide your minds jealously.


  363. Dear Sir /Madam. My name is Manny and I am currently a licensed Social Worker working for Behavior Therapy Group in the Bronx for 2 years. I am writing this letter in anticipation that you can help. About 2 years ago in March 2016 I have been experiencing headaches, pricking and burnings around NECK area whenever I am at work or sitting at my desk at home. I did some research and came to the conclusion that I am being harassed electronically by a DEVIL WORSHIPPING CULT who calls themselves GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHTS OR GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHTS aka New Age movement religion because the pain usually strikes in the neck area in several places at home and at work. I have had a lot harassment from people I don’t even know in the community which is indicative of electronic harassment from this devil cult When I have my cell phone the harassment is worst almost as if they are tracking my whereabouts via satellites or GPS. I am licensed in Social Work and it has become difficult and nearly impossible to do my job at the Therapy Group I work for in the Bronx. I researched a lot of articles with similar electronic harassment in the United Kingdom using some sort of phased array and beams but I experienced it first hand and of course in the United Kingdom is far worst than mine. Nevertheless, it is very unpleasant and hinder me from being the professional that I truly am. I had to permanently get rid of my cell phone to have some peace which made my job extremely difficult to accomplish without one. I one day reconnected my cell phone just to test the hypothesis that there is a correlation and there was constant attacks. I can’t even sit at my desk at home to have work done for work without being burned in back of the neck area and it feels hot like a beam. I myself find it hard to believe that this is happening to me when it is invisible but the evidence of swollen neck suggested something out of the ordinary. I started being a target after reading some material from the New Age movement religion including a book about the Ascended Masters aka demonic spirits detailing some mumbo jumbo about the Galactic Federation of lights. Please do not read about this stuff because they are demonic in nature.

    Ashtar Galactic Command-It claims to have protected Earth “behind the scenes” by doing the following:- Disabling nuclear missiles- Stopping the insertion of “nanotechnology” into vaccines – BULLSHIT ALIEN CULT got me into this mess. They got us because one way or the other we at one time bought into this bullshit. Wake up people this is bullshit UFO religion design to keep you in bondage with Satan. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God can help you. when you believe in this non-sense you became a target not by the Government by these Wacko’s. They fed you that bullshit alien stuff and that they are feeding more bullshit covert warfare. That is the Galactic Federation of Light or Ashtar Command idiots that is tormenting people who believe in that shit. AND STOP FEEDING INTO THE BULLSHIT NON-SENSE THEY ARE TELLING A LOT OF THESE WACKO’S ARE FEEDING YOU WITH BULL SHIT. ALIENS DO NOT EXIST WAKE UP PEOPLE THAT IS ANOTHER SATAN IS TRYING TO WIN YOUR SOULS.

    THESE ARE SOME OF THE SYMPTOMS EXPERIENCE BY MANY NEW AGERS OUT THERE WHO CALL THEMSELVES TARGET INDIVIDUALS. The New Age movement calls them ASCENSION SYMPTOMS. There are 100 percent similarities between the symptom experience by New agers and symptom experienced by the so called Targeted Individuals. Please note before looking into the Ascension process, don’t the Ascension process is bullshit, it’s lie. These symptoms are symptoms of demonic bondage and attack.

    List of Ascension Symptoms
    You just ‘know’ or sense that something is happening/changing. You just feel different for reasons you can’t explain.

    Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gasto-intestial problems; loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea.

    Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold; abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts.

    Cold or Flu-like symptoms that appear and then dissapear just as suddenly without escalating.

    Frequent headaches; head pressure or other unusual sensations in the crown area; warmth, tingling, pinpricks, pulsating energy.

    Increase in sensitivity of smell; strange smells from time to time that seem to come out of nowhere; Sinus and allergy issues.

    Changes in vision and perception; catching glimpses of shadows, mist or smoke, flashes of light, sparkles, colors and swirling forms of energy.

    Changes in hearing or sensitivity to sound; hearing strange sounds, tones and frequencies in your ears; whooshing, buzzing or ear popping/pressure.

    Periods where you feel extremely cold for long periods of time or have a chill in your body, cold hands or feet; circulation issues.

    Changes in diet, appetite and eating habits; Sudden cravings for or aversions to certain foods; Unexplainable weight gain or loss.

    Sudden intolerances/allergies to certain food or other products and chemical sensitivities.

    Changes in sleep patterns; waves of extreme fatigue that come and go unexpectedly; periods of restlessness or insomnia; a need for more or less sleep than normal;

    Sporadic sleep schedules; repeated waking in the middle of the night especially around 3 am; unusual dreams or more lucid dreams.

    Increase in daydreaming, fantasy; flashes of insights and visions; increased creativity and imagination.

    Intense waves of heat throughout the body, hot flashes, chills or night sweats; feeling extremely hot or waves or warming energy in various chakra centers.

    Increased static electrical charge in the body; energy ‘zaps’, tingles, itching, pinpricks; muscle spasms or twitches that occur sporadically in certain parts of the body.

    General body aches and pains, tension and soreness not caused by injury or exercise.

    Clumsiness, lack of coordination at times, bumping into or dropping objects more often; dizziness or feeling ungrounded.

    Sporadic bursts of increased energy or inspiration; feeling hyper-active or frantic energy; panic attacks; accelerated mental energy; racing or scattered thoughts.

    Unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apprent reason.

    Feeling Intense or unusual vibrations; experiencing pulsating or rushing waves of energy, tingling sensations pressure throughout the body or in specific areas (chakra centers).

    Exteme sensitivity; feeling over-emotional; Episodes of crying for no apparent reason or bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.

    Periods of intense frustration, anger or rage, short-tempered or easily agitated or impatient.

    Moments where you experience increase in heart rate out of the blue, or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

    Unusual skin changes that come and go (rashes, hives, itching or tingles).

    Changes in hair and nail texture, color or rate of growth. Hair and nails may grow faster than normal.

    Feeling more drawn to be in nature and in more serene environments.

    A sudden increase in synchronicity (meaningful coincidences); seeing 11:11 or other recurring numbers often.

    Abrupt changes with job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments or strong urge to relocate.

    Physicality may feel ‘unreal’ at times and external reality appears dreamlike at times.

    Increased “self talk” or inner dialogue; issues with voice or speech.

    A need for more personal space and alone time; introversion.

    Feeling invisible, alienated or detached from from others and/or the world around you.

    Feeling lost or a sudden loss of your old ‘identity’ and a calling to find your true self.

    A deep longing to go Home even though you may not know where ‘home’ is.

    Asense of urgency like you are running out of time or that ‘something is about to happen’.

    Sudden lack of mental focus and ability to concentrate or comprehend linear information; feeling scattered; brain fog; confusion; forgetting things more often.

    Feeling ungrounded at times, scattered or spacey thoughts; feeling detatched or in a dream-like trance.

    Time distortions; losing track of time; a sense that time is ‘speeding up’ or ‘slowing down’ at various moments;

    You begin to see halos of light around people, animals and objects; distorted or blurred vision; sensitivity to bright light; more intense closed-eye visions.

    Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition.

    Bizarre or intense dreams; prophetic or precognitive dreams or dreamlike visions occuring more often.

    Electronic devices may malfunction often in your presence (lights may flicker or bulbs burn out often).

    A feeling that you are not alone or that there is a non-physical presence near you (visits from angelic beings, spirits, e.t’s, messengers and guides).

  364. New Age Movement Ascension Symptoms -Continuation. Ascension Symptoms process is bullshit. These are demonic attacks on Targeted Individuals
    Changes in hair and nail texture, color or rate of growth. Hair and nails may grow faster than normal.

    Feeling more drawn to be in nature and in more serene environments.

    A sudden increase in synchronicity (meaningful coincidences); seeing 11:11 or other recurring numbers often.

    Abrupt changes with job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments or strong urge to relocate.

    Physicality may feel ‘unreal’ at times and external reality appears dreamlike at times.

    Increased “self talk” or inner dialogue; issues with voice or speech.

    A need for more personal space and alone time; introversion.

    Feeling invisible, alienated or detached from from others and/or the world around you.

    Feeling lost or a sudden loss of your old ‘identity’ and a calling to find your true self.

    A deep longing to go Home even though you may not know where ‘home’ is.

    Asense of urgency like you are running out of time or that ‘something is about to happen’.

    Sudden lack of mental focus and ability to concentrate or comprehend linear information; feeling scattered; brain fog; confusion; forgetting things more often.

    Feeling ungrounded at times, scattered or spacey thoughts; feeling detatched or in a dream-like trance.

    Time distortions; losing track of time; a sense that time is ‘speeding up’ or ‘slowing down’ at various moments;

    You begin to see halos of light around people, animals and objects; distorted or blurred vision; sensitivity to bright light; more intense closed-eye visions.

    Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition.

    Bizarre or intense dreams; prophetic or precognitive dreams or dreamlike visions occuring more often.

    Electronic devices may malfunction often in your presence (lights may flicker or bulbs burn out often).

    A feeling that you are not alone or that there is a non-physical presence near you (visits from angelic beings, spirits, e.t’s, messengers and guides).
    All of these symptoms you guys are having comes from attacks by evil spirits not the government. Somehow you got involved with the fallen angels or demons who call themselves spirit guides. They mascarade as angels of light but they are devils or demons. If you believe Meditation, spirit guides, and ascended masters you open yourself up to demonic oppression. You need to research for all the stuff you need to know about dangers of new age movement and devil worshiping. Your only way out of this demonic deception is to find the Lord Jesus Christ. The new age movement calls the attack on targeted individuals Ascension symptoms which is bullshit. We are being attacked by demons that making everybody sick. The aliens that every body is talking about are demonic spirits yes there is a conspiracy but the government has a cover up. They are channeling with demons and getting a lot of lies, and crimes being committed under these Master of deceptions. They are fallen angels they can mascarade as gods, spirit guides, ascended masters, dead relatives, aliens or whatever. My sickness and illness started after I read a book written about the Ascended Masters. These spirit guides are demons.

    Please tell Mr. Trump to STOP THESE DEVIL WORSHIPPING CULTS TO STOP HARRASSING PEOPLE on the Citizens of the United States whether for religious purposes or not. I would really appreciate it. Thank you. God bless you sir/ Madam. It is very common in the United Kingdom but I believe it just hit home in the United States. Please help me Sir/ Madam by signing this petition. I am not a terrorist for me to be subject to this type electronic harassment and torture BY THE GALACTIC FAMILY OF LIGHTS. THEY ARE TARGETING SOULS FOR SATAN.

    This is when an individual becomes a target of THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHTS aka New Age movement religion and attacks from demons.

    Please tell Mr. Trump to ban THESE UFO RELIGIONS THAT ARE TARGETING Citizens of the United States whether for experimental purposes or not. I would really appreciate it. Thank you. God bless you sir/ Madam.

    • I agree with you on the increased synchronicities and coincidences, but they’re all STAGED and MANUFACTURED. This has nothing to do with spirituality or religion at all. Christianity is another false religion as well. They were not only using Orthodox Christianity as a blueprint for my life (I lived with a pastor for 3 years and even left everything to live homeless and preach the gospel for awhile – and my last name just so happens to be ‘CHURCH’ – BTW, the guy who really got me interested in Christianity the most, I met after I was discharged from the Air Force – his name was Ti …. yes you heard that right, just like T.I., so I think they were leaving clues and hints along the way about what this was), but they were even using Gnostic Christianity (which you should know, the very first Christians were Gnostics, including the first Christian to put a Christian Bible Canon together, whose name was Marcion, around 140AD. He left out the entire Old Testament, and only had 2/3rds the book of Luke and 10 Pauline Epistles, nothing else. He (and many other Christians like him – he was particularly a Docetist) believed that the Old Testament deity Yahweh / Jehovah was actually the Demiurge (an evil fallen god). They believe that Christ was actually the serpent in the garden, trying to get Adam and Eve to remember their divinity. The Demiurge was the one who wanted them to stay ‘ignorant’ by not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He wanted them to remain blind so they would worship him as the god above all other gods.

      The main God was Bythos and through Bythos came Barbello (who was half male and half female ; androgynous). Then down through gradations, there were male and female counterparts known as syzygies. The Goddess Sophia did not emanate (procreate) with her male counterpart (the Logos / Christ) and that’s how the Demiurge was created (and why he was evil). He tried to capture Sophia’s (his own mother’s) divinity, but they tricked him breathing her divinity into mankind. Now the way to get back to the Pleroma (Heavenly Place) is to remember who you are as a divine being (essentially implying that each human soul is a small piece of Sophia’s Divinity). This is partly where the TWIN FLAME phenomena came from. That you have a ‘Twin’ syzygy out there somewhere and you’ll eventually meet them. Then you’ll merge in true blissful love and return back to your place in the pleroma. But there is an obvious fight involved, as the Demiurge and his archons (mini-demons) will do whatever possible to keep the two from merging (which is why one twin flame typically runs from the other).

      Both myself and my sister were going through this twin flame thing, and both of us ‘seemed’ to have run into them in 2010. This was before either her or I knew anything about Twin Flames or even about Gnostic Christianity. Both our Twins ran from us. We were even seeing the Twin Flame numbers, especially 11:11 and I even had a crazy experience on 11/11/11 (and wrote published it at 3:08PM which 3+8=11 so it was like four elevens). Here it is below :

      My vision on 11-11-11 (Only 2 paragraphs long)
      November 11, 2011 at 3:08 PM

      “Tryin’ to put this in words doesn’t do the experience any justice but here it goes. God told me He wanted to have dialogue with me today when I woke up. I had forgotten about that as my day carried on. But then 10 minutes ago, I went into a trance. Within the past couple years I had fallen deeply in love with a particular woman, and she re-emerged into my mind (We no longer have contact with each other). It was a case of unrequited love. I will leave it at that..

      But in this vision, I felt her so close to me, that it actually seemed as if she really was there. I ran my fingertips across the palm of her right hand, and simultaneously, I felt the most love and compassion for anyone at that moment, than at any other point in my life. I opened my eyes and I immediately uttered the words, ‘That is the greatest feeling in the world.’ God then told me that the reason He is able to keep loving people (even those who ignore Him), is because loving people, in and of itself (without anything in return), is the greatest feeling in the world.” (end)

      So you see, they were really working me over with Christianity (in all forms because I’d been involved in or been exposed to, pretty much every denomination out there, including the Gnostic Christians!). I believe now that the Twin Flame phenomena is just another CIA / NSA / GangStalking Psy-Op. They basically ‘Play Cupid’ and set you up with someone who they KNOW will break your heart or run away from you, while you’re left with these extreme feelings for the person!

      All that aside, I came across THEE GUY behind pretty much most of this surveillance tech. His name is Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA dude who basically was the one that put all this surveillance together for the NSA and Government). Part of his book entitled ‘Project Soul Catchter’, confirms my suspicions! That many of these skits are tailored to the specific ‘religion’ of the T.I. This gives a cover-story to the whole technology.
      Here are a couple snippets of Dr. Robert Duncan’s book. In one chapter ‘ANGELS AND DEMONS SCRIPT’ it says this below :

      “This script is the most popular one used on targets, so it’s very important that I elaborate on it in great detail. During rapid fire interrogation techniques, the person is visited by four Fallen Angels or Demons. In summary, if the psychic assassin fails to kill its target, the target is saved by God’s angels (usually Michael or Gabriel) which is the perfect script to use on Christian Targeted Individuals. This script plays into all religions, local cultures, mythologies and superstitions. 90-95%+ or so of the world’s population is religious to some extent, so these techniques are very effective when combined with the V2K Voice of God weapons…”

      “Religion is the favorite method of manipulation of all the mind-hacking scripts. Using the V2K and Voice of God bio-communications (such as microwave silence signals), most will believe their god of choice is speaking to them, including aliens, angels and demons.”

      Another few scripts were ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’ and ‘WIZARD OF OZ’. Here are a few excerpts :

      “In all interrogation literature, the first few steps is to confuse and disorient the detainee. Likewise, most of the CIA scripts, their goal is confusion. ALICE IN WONDERLAND script is aptly named, as it involves, chasing the ‘white rabbit.’ This is an information warfare tactic to lead the subject down a path of misinformation or information overload.”

      “In George Orwell’s ‘1984’ book, they torture the subject until they submit. Then they fill the ‘ruling party’s’ ideas into their heads.”

      “During the script, the mind hackers increase panic, using the beta wave enhancing entrainment to instill in the target to panic, to hurry up, the end of the world is near, we’re gonna kill you and your family, we are frying your brain, we placed bombs in your car, etc.. Panic is used to confuse the target, but to also make the target act irrationally and make bad decisions. People in panic mode can make decisions in greater haste and suggestibility is easier. In this case, the fairytale of the ‘White Rabbit’ entails its panic for no other reason than to make to the mad-hatter’s tea party. ‘”…Hurry up! I’m late, I’m late!'”

      “Under this particular program, they often tell the subject that they’ve lost their minds and have planted chips in them. The Cheshire Cat says “Alice, you wouldn’t be here, unless you were mad (insane).” As the experimentation and script progresses, so does the madness.”

      “This prepares the target to chat with Alice and Tammy Chatterboxes, automated A.I. programs described in Chapter 3. The programs are imperfect {and can probably be slightly modified}, but the imperfections can be understood by the subject.”

      “…the Wicked Witch program tries to get the subject to perform ‘evil’ or ‘wicked’ deeds.” (end quote)
      {my own thought : this is most likely to set up the target later on by making them feel guilty or ashamed, which will lead them to either out themselves, keep quiet about GangStalking and this technology or even commit suicide. I can think of things I did in the past (before I knew anything about this), which all seemed ‘out of character’ for me and I do indeed feel ashamed about them. But now that I know they are capable of influencing behavior and emotions, I’m starting to see that they ‘may’ have set me up for those things by influencing certain parts of my brain or via subliminal suggestions. Then they’d use that later on, with ‘guilt’ as an emotional response to triggered ‘thoughts’ planted in your head by them, making you easier prey for their control techniques and V2K Programs – in my case, the Christian program.)

      “White Knight ‘talks backwards’ trickery : This is one of the more complex tricks technologically that the CIA uses in their Alice in Wonderland Programs. It’s meant to confuse the subject, discredit them if they tell anyone and make them believe in ‘omnipotent’ (all powerful) force exists, so they won’t hide any secrets. It’s truly an amazing trick, one of their most amazing and difficult to explain. It requires two features, Wireless Mind Hacking Tools :
      1. Detection of Sudden Changes of Direction, using radar triangulation.
      2. A.L.I.C.E. (chatterbox program).”

      “Later in the book, A.L.I.C.E. will be described in more detail, but is essentially a conversation-bot, used to invoke endless conversation with the human subject and can be used to induce an internal conversation that tricks the person into thinking it’s their own voice or dialogue.”

      “People have a hard time comprehending that they are just biological computing entities, but this demonstration can convince anyone.”

      “The Wizard of Oz script, later code-named the Kubark Manual (for interrogation), borrows the movie script by character. The cowardly Lion, the Strawman with no heart, the tin-man with no brain and the wicked witch. These characters acted out in a cybernetic hive-mind, for experimentation and interrogation. The target becomes each character in search of the ‘fraud’ wizard behind the ‘National Security’ curtain. Dorothy we’re not in Kansas anymore! In each personality simulations, the target is put through enormous strain. This is a strange twist on the ‘good cop / bad cop’ interrogation tactic. The strategy is that the subject is more likely to crack and tell their secrets under different emotional states and conditions.”

      “The Tin-Man is a socio-pathic personality with no heart and no care. He was angry at the world. The final stage is the scarecrow with no brain. The typical ‘brain-jamming’ and ‘confusion’ tactic during the interrogation. This drawn out script even comes with impish like midget voices on helium, like the lollipop kids.”

      “Even special-effect computer simulator spoofing virus can make the person look possessed. Additionally many will look like they’re talking to themselves or have a split personality. It is used like all scripts, to confuse the target about the real technology and purposes.”


      (Continued from comment above so read that first..)
      Dr. Robert Duncan also writes about how the CIA programs are named, as does John Marks. George White named one of his sub-MKULTRA programs “Operation Midnight Climax.” But on the whole, most names were related to Disney movies, or books like Alice in Wonderland. Then there is the ‘Angels and Demons‘ script for mind control, the Wizard of OZ script, Sleeping Beauty script, and the BIBLE. And a S.A.T.A.N. program. Watchers are called ‘fallen angels.’ Duncan writes, “Superstitions and mythologies are used to confuse, discredit and manipulate cultures or individuals using these communications weapons… during mind hacking interrogations both with physical and remote renditions.” (Remote renditions achieved with directed electromagnetic weapons and brain computer interface. The DEW’s being held by ‘plain-clothed’ gangstalkers- or those wearing invisibility suits).

      Why would interrogation and mind control scripts be named after popular movies, books, Bible? Duncan records, “For example if a target describes the Bible script being done to them, any observer (police, psychologist, etc.) would just assume that they had read the Bible and is having psychotic break from reality.” These scripts are used Duncan explains, “… to make the target believe that the handlers are omnipotent and know everything. The scripts also serve to misdirect the anger of the target away from the U.S. government and to some ghost, alien, or demon. The scripts keep the ‘programmed soldiers’ (gang-stalkers,) on track and a repeatable way to train them to do their illegal work.” (The guy in the video reading from Duncan’s book said he talked with a counselor a year ago after targeting began with directed energy weapons JUST TO PAY someone to listen, since he didn’t want to involve family and friends. One of the first questions the state sponsored counselor said to me was, “Do you feel like you are in a movie while this is happening?” Replied, “No.”)

      Duncan writes, “Humpty dumpty script is about breaking the target to pieces and all the king’s horses and men can’t put him back together again. The is another program to crack the human mind.”

      Duncan writes that brain computer interface and targeting with DEW’s for mind control is easier if they create depression in targets, “… because they have less brain activity in the frontal lobes which are used to control will and motivation. This makes them more susceptible to brainwashing and programming techniques. Lack of sleep breaks down the will too. The idea is to take control of the sense of self and the will of the person. Excessive stress from torture causes brain changes from cortisol in the frontal lobes and prolonged pain shrinks the brain… Sexual humiliation is pretty common in break down techniques.”

      At this point in his book, Duncan quotes the inventor of the electric chair and the light bulb- Thomas Jefferson as saying, “There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.”

      Duncan writes that in remote renditions “… showing images of eyes… in addition to the statement… “We are watching you.” is a way to encourage discomfort in the TI. Duncan says, “The internet is a barrier of remote renditions (isolation,) as victims have formed support groups.” This paragraph was, “… released by the Pentagon despite the un-American values of many grotesque humans hiding in the crevices of “national security.” Records Duncan, “The downside of torturing in modern civilizations is the public reaction to visual evidence of pain, death, and blood. The United States has overcome this problem with use of neurological weapons and “invisible pain rays.”

      Duncan notes, “No-touch torture still includes the same list as physical torture: Stress positions, greatest fears, drowning, fire, heights, poison, threats to loved ones, pain to sensitive body parts (throat, groin, eyes, ears, head, heart,) offensive images, sounds (tinnitus, rock music, etc,) mal-odors, tastes, sensations, threats, bribery and blackmail, etc.” (I actually began crying reading the above paragraph in Duncan’s book, for most of this has been done to me, and it was just good to hear someone of AUTHORITY admit this is being done to targeted individuals!) Mal-odors are induced by mind-control. The target can be programed to smell ‘ammonia,‘ and other scents that are classified through CIA and military psychiatrists influencing civilian definitions of mental illness, as the, “… smell of schizophrenia.”

      Also, the artificial or synthetic ‘synchronicities’ (coincidences) are definitely a huge thing in my world. They’re almost TOO immaculate (from the timing of events, the license plates you see at the right time, sitting down at a specific place in a cafe’ to be in perfect view of a ‘message’ on the wall, people seemingly knowing your thoughts or doing something to indicate that they know something private or secretive in your life, etc..). The V2K voices give me a word or phrase and then a day or so later, some ‘scenario’ plays out that corresponds to the very words spoken. A guy named Phillip said this below (with my response below his):
      “Umm..same here. All my holidays have been sabotaged…they even have preemptively played into certain keywords that made no sense being repeated over and over until the holiday occurred, where the keyword creates meaning (which gives you a false sense of clairvoyance on their part) that I would have no way of predicting so much to a point, that it’s hard to understand how they could have predicted it themselves, save that you get the sense that far more people were involved than just the narrow scope of offenders you thought were pranking you. It’s gotten to a point they had me believing the whole city I lived in were in on it, including my family…which scared the shit out of me.”
      Here was my response to him below :
      “Yup, they do that with me too. They speak words via V2K into my head, and give me ‘hints’ about what will take place the next day for example. Then the next day comes and certain scenarios take place that you immediately pick up on and realize that this is what those voices were telling you the night before. It seems so unbelievable that they’d even know this would take place. I believe this is some high technology that we can’t even fathom yet, but it’s certainly not spiritual. It’s a false sense of clairvoyance as you said to make it SEEM spiritual. All these ‘Christians’ flooding the comment sections of these T.I. videos was astounding for me when I first started watching these T.I. videos. It just occurred to me why so many religious people are being targeted. Whether God is or isn’t real, is besides the point. The fact is, all of this stuff already seems like crazy whack-job talk to the outside world as it is, but when people start claiming that this is also ‘spiritual warfare’, it discredits the entire thing and falls into the trap of the Perps who specifically target highly religious people, because they know these religious folks will put a ‘paranormal’ cover-story onto it, which will hide the actual technology from the masses.


      The Technology is so advanced that it will feel as if you’re a neolithic caveman trying to comprehend how they pull certain things off in your reality. It will almost seem as if they have ‘REALITY ITSELF’ up-linked to a SuperComputer and it’s used as a processor to simulate everything going on around you. It’s not quite that, but it’s similar. Consider the newest videos games.

      Look at the 3-D graphics, how real everything is and most importantly, the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) within the game. When you aren’t holding the ball, the other players are moving as they’ve been programmed to do. Whether a sports game or a first-person shooter game, all the characters are there moving about almost with a ‘mind of their own.’ Now we’re just talking ‘video games’ or ‘game systems’ here, what type of tech. do you think our government has in their possession? Definitely much more potent and greater than that!

      This is how they pull off certain things that seem too unbelievable in your every day life (if you are a Targeted Individual – under their covert GangStalking Programs). They have everyone’s neural bio-signature connected to a system (SuperComputers, Satellites, Circuits, Microwave ELF weapons, etc..) which all work in tandem to influence real people’s thoughts, actions, words, behavior, etc.. SIMULTANEOUSLY through all of this high-technological advanced equipment (which is really no different than what the programmers do by pre-coding the behavior of these video games with the A.I. characters).

      They use the V2K weaponry to beam voices into the person’s head, and then the SuperComputing System does an meta-analysis – algorithm of different scenarios and variables that will cause ‘REAL PEOPLE’ to act as A.I. characters in a video game, placing them at the right place at the right time, which will coincide with what the V2K told the Target. This will give the impression that this is some ‘supernatural’ entity, but it is not. It’s predictive programming and it’s a tool in their belt for their programs against the Target (one of many).

      Arthur C. Clarke said this :

      “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

  365. Watch out for choreographed and staged managed events specifically orchestrated to denigrate you and increase your blood pressure.The savages will stop nothing.Be constantly aware.Discern every moment.Do not let your guard down. Be spontaneous in the decisions you make.Reading your mind gives then control.Make it very difficulty for these animals.They are worse than that animal called Assad.

  366. We are not getting 2018 comments. what’s happening or have they crippled our beloved site? We know they have invaded our space around here.They stick out like the KGB.I wait for them daily until we finally expose them.Agents of Satan will be defeated ultimately. I get better daily knowing they will be destroyed by GOD at his own timing and in due course. My mind gets stronger every minute.No infiltration can break me.They can use coercive institutions of state,but will not succeed .They will be exposed to the world.I wait for the dung bags everyday with anticipation and gusto.

  367. I do not get daily posts or comments from TI members.I wonder why?Collusion is supposed to be dead or is this obstruction of justice. I will not be silenced or coerced into submission by faceless scum.I’ll watch this space carefully. Evil prevails because Good men & women do nothing.it is time they either put up or shut up permanently. Again I’ll watch this space with keen interest.I smell infiltration.

    • Join Facebook groups for Targeted Individuals. Just look up targeted individuals on Facebook. Go from there.

  368. Heard a man took control of a women’s mind and thoughts and is now acting as a boss forced patrolled prisoner everywhere she goes and threatening to hurt if she tries to say anything and can’t tell anyone for fear of loss of everything and it’s revenge by the neighbor!! On TV they said this can happen serous ileagle thought and mind control by a mad person!

    • Someone mentions that these people put nails in her tire. I did that to me too. I didn’t think they would do it, but now I realize it’s perps!! They have been very angry that this technology was exposed, and now they are afraid of the consequences. They shift blame to target and punish targeted individuals. They even make website denouncing targeted indiduals as crazy and insane. They are in our neighborhood, and they sabotage in order to threaten targeted individuals. Oh well, whatever they are, I think they are just wasting their time and people’s time. Seeing that they are fighting to keep this technology a secret actually makes you wonder how they use this technology behind the curtain. May be the EU won’t be subjected as much, but the USA may targeted more rural, less powerful people, or poverty laced areas to add more people to their sabotage list or their enemies: china, russia… Up until now, we just don’t know for sure if the USA is the only culprits. They may have partner in crime. Anyway, whether people help us or not it doesn’t matter really, The USA government may decide to install a chip in everyone living in the USA which i think is a very likely event that this already happened. This will be interesting to watch though. HAllelujah

  369. I am a target individual because of the the sake of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not afraid of them. I will continue to say the truth until I die. My goal is to see one day all the gang stalkers to come to repentance. I pray for every day for God to forgive them. They are many young men and women around 20 years old of ages who are part and organized these crimes. Jesus said that
    We should pray for those who persecuted and torture us but never hated them because they don’t know what they are doing. Who knows one day they might come to their good conscience and repent. Always Tell your enemies that you love them and Jesus loves them and died for them.

  370. everyone needs to define themselves and not base who they are and how they treat people on the fear of someone else.

  371. everyone needs to define themselves and not base who they are and how they treat people on the fear of someone else.

  372. I also hear voice. It start out with hearing voices, now it gradually emerge that they can give you pain, as well as firing peripheral nerve so jerking your limbs. I believe this was done by injection into arms, legs, as a form of vaccines. They now mostly control and suppress people. IT pretty much like dictatorship but much of it go on in your head. The majority of TI is elderly. Perhap because of old age and bad health some of these people visit the hospital often and get zapped. That is not all of it, if you speak out they will drive you nut, to the point of dementia. SInce that huge leak back in 2010, a lot more people are aware of this issue now. tHey are trying to gain control back by cracking down it seems. Therefore the targeting is much worse now than before. THeir tactic is usually no matter how uncomfortable you are they just keep going. THey want to go to the bottom of it. WHich means doing the same thing over and over to record the response of test subject. They may have a lot of supporter who wants to gouge whatever information they can out of experimenting on TI. This really fascinate them as the potential to control and influence people are there. Therefore, the experiment may last a lifetime or at least that is what they plan to do.

  373. They have a habit of cutting me off by administering pain or constantly voices in the head so I get distracted. I think they are trying to sabotage and make people uncomfortable to get it their way

  374. Pingback: Government Won’t Allow Targeted Individuals to Earn Much Money – Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's Academic Qualifications

  375. They turned off my Electricity supply. The vilest scum of all They will never prevail.This is the most corrupt space in the solar system. The only thing that works around here is corruption and western govts.feed it by purportedy giving them supposed Development Aid and act as havens for stolen money .More money is siphoned off and repression is a constant and present danger for activist like us.I’ll fight to the death. Give me freedom or death,but I’ll not go quietly and my PRINCIPLES remain unbowed,unbeaten by the rabid savages.

  376. Those floods and earthquakes. and targeted people including missing returning all of a- sudden out of no where or disappearing all of a sudden…could be the new copy catted mind control and copy catted electric harassment even in the USA could be the new technology Thugs who want to take over you, your bank accounts and retirements… so be aware of look alike I.D. manipulation mind control copy catting electric harassment situations ! Take note of voices you hear Not your own thinking… they might not be your thinking anymore they could be ID thugs mind manipulating you for your for everything. your home, life and money!!!I wonder if that is happening in Wisconsin right now? people have been hearing certain people saying they are going to flip certain persons lives over for revenge or something of that nature! Hope our country takes note of that for all of our safety here and everywhere else!~

  377. Tribute to the greatest shrink that ever traversed the face of this planet. CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER. Rest in Peace.

  378. I came across THEE GUY behind pretty much most of this surveillance tech. His name is Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA dude who basically was the one that put all this surveillance together for the NSA and Government). Part of his book entitled ‘Project Soul Catchter’, confirms my suspicions! That many of these skits are tailored to the specific ‘religion’ of the T.I. This gives a cover-story to the whole technology.
    Here are a couple snippets of Dr. Robert Duncan’s book. In one chapter ‘ANGELS AND DEMONS SCRIPT’ it says this below :

    “This script is the most popular one used on targets, so it’s very important that I elaborate on it in great detail. During rapid fire interrogation techniques, the person is visited by four Fallen Angels or Demons. In summary, if the psychic assassin fails to kill its target, the target is saved by God’s angels (usually Michael or Gabriel) which is the perfect script to use on Christian Targeted Individuals. This script plays into all religions, local cultures, mythologies and superstitions. 90-95%+ or so of the world’s population is religious to some extent, so these techniques are very effective when combined with the V2K Voice of God weapons…”

    “Religion is the favorite method of manipulation of all the mind-hacking scripts. Using the V2K and Voice of God bio-communications (such as microwave silence signals), most will believe their god of choice is speaking to them, including aliens, angels and demons.”

    Another few scripts were ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’ and ‘WIZARD OF OZ’. Here are a few excerpts :

    “In all interrogation literature, the first few steps is to confuse and disorient the detainee. Likewise, most of the CIA scripts, their goal is confusion. ALICE IN WONDERLAND script is aptly named, as it involves, chasing the ‘white rabbit.’ This is an information warfare tactic to lead the subject down a path of misinformation or information overload.”

    “In George Orwell’s ‘1984’ book, they torture the subject until they submit. Then they fill the ‘ruling party’s’ ideas into their heads.”

    “During the script, the mind hackers increase panic, using the beta wave enhancing entrainment to instill in the target to panic, to hurry up, the end of the world is near, we’re gonna kill you and your family, we are frying your brain, we placed bombs in your car, etc.. Panic is used to confuse the target, but to also make the target act irrationally and make bad decisions. People in panic mode can make decisions in greater haste and suggestibility is easier. In this case, the fairytale of the ‘White Rabbit’ entails its panic for no other reason than to make to the mad-hatter’s tea party. ‘”…Hurry up! I’m late, I’m late!'”

    “Under this particular program, they often tell the subject that they’ve lost their minds and have planted chips in them. The Cheshire Cat says “Alice, you wouldn’t be here, unless you were mad (insane).” As the experimentation and script progresses, so does the madness.”

    “This prepares the target to chat with Alice and Tammy Chatterboxes, automated A.I. programs described in Chapter 3. The programs are imperfect {and can probably be slightly modified}, but the imperfections can be understood by the subject.”

    “…the Wicked Witch program tries to get the subject to perform ‘evil’ or ‘wicked’ deeds.” (end quote)
    {my own thought : this is most likely to set up the target later on by making them feel guilty or ashamed, which will lead them to either out themselves, keep quiet about GangStalking and this technology or even commit suicide. I can think of things I did in the past (before I knew anything about this), which all seemed ‘out of character’ for me and I do indeed feel ashamed about them. But now that I know they are capable of influencing behavior and emotions, I’m starting to see that they ‘may’ have set me up for those things by influencing certain parts of my brain or via subliminal suggestions. Then they’d use that later on, with ‘guilt’ as an emotional response to triggered ‘thoughts’ planted in your head by them, making you easier prey for their control techniques and V2K Programs – in my case, the Christian program.)

    “White Knight ‘talks backwards’ trickery : This is one of the more complex tricks technologically that the CIA uses in their Alice in Wonderland Programs. It’s meant to confuse the subject, discredit them if they tell anyone and make them believe in ‘omnipotent’ (all powerful) force exists, so they won’t hide any secrets. It’s truly an amazing trick, one of their most amazing and difficult to explain. It requires two features, Wireless Mind Hacking Tools :
    1. Detection of Sudden Changes of Direction, using radar triangulation.
    2. A.L.I.C.E. (chatterbox program).”

    “Later in the book, A.L.I.C.E. will be described in more detail, but is essentially a conversation-bot, used to invoke endless conversation with the human subject and can be used to induce an internal conversation that tricks the person into thinking it’s their own voice or dialogue.”

    “People have a hard time comprehending that they are just biological computing entities, but this demonstration can convince anyone.”

    “The Wizard of Oz script, later code-named the Kubark Manual (for interrogation), borrows the movie script by character. The cowardly Lion, the Strawman with no heart, the tin-man with no brain and the wicked witch. These characters acted out in a cybernetic hive-mind, for experimentation and interrogation. The target becomes each character in search of the ‘fraud’ wizard behind the ‘National Security’ curtain. Dorothy we’re not in Kansas anymore! In each personality simulations, the target is put through enormous strain. This is a strange twist on the ‘good cop / bad cop’ interrogation tactic. The strategy is that the subject is more likely to crack and tell their secrets under different emotional states and conditions.”

    “The Tin-Man is a socio-pathic personality with no heart and no care. He was angry at the world. The final stage is the scarecrow with no brain. The typical ‘brain-jamming’ and ‘confusion’ tactic during the interrogation. This drawn out script even comes with impish like midget voices on helium, like the lollipop kids.”

    “Even special-effect computer simulator spoofing virus can make the person look possessed. Additionally many will look like they’re talking to themselves or have a split personality. It is used like all scripts, to confuse the target about the real technology and purposes.”


    (Continued from comment above so read that first..)
    Dr. Robert Duncan also writes about how the CIA programs are named, as does John Marks. George White named one of his sub-MKULTRA programs “Operation Midnight Climax.” But on the whole, most names were related to Disney movies, or books like Alice in Wonderland. Then there is the ‘Angels and Demons‘ script for mind control, the Wizard of OZ script, Sleeping Beauty script, and the BIBLE. And a S.A.T.A.N. program. Watchers are called ‘fallen angels.’ Duncan writes, “Superstitions and mythologies are used to confuse, discredit and manipulate cultures or individuals using these communications weapons… during mind hacking interrogations both with physical and remote renditions.” (Remote renditions achieved with directed electromagnetic weapons and brain computer interface. The DEW’s being held by ‘plain-clothed’ gangstalkers- or those wearing invisibility suits).

    Why would interrogation and mind control scripts be named after popular movies, books, Bible? Duncan records, “For example if a target describes the Bible script being done to them, any observer (police, psychologist, etc.) would just assume that they had read the Bible and is having psychotic break from reality.” These scripts are used Duncan explains, “… to make the target believe that the handlers are omnipotent and know everything. The scripts also serve to misdirect the anger of the target away from the U.S. government and to some ghost, alien, or demon. The scripts keep the ‘programmed soldiers’ (gang-stalkers,) on track and a repeatable way to train them to do their illegal work.” (The guy in the video reading from Duncan’s book said he talked with a counselor a year ago after targeting began with directed energy weapons JUST TO PAY someone to listen, since he didn’t want to involve family and friends. One of the first questions the state sponsored counselor said to me was, “Do you feel like you are in a movie while this is happening?” Replied, “No.”)

    Duncan writes, “Humpty dumpty script is about breaking the target to pieces and all the king’s horses and men can’t put him back together again. The is another program to crack the human mind.”

    Duncan writes that brain computer interface and targeting with DEW’s for mind control is easier if they create depression in targets, “… because they have less brain activity in the frontal lobes which are used to control will and motivation. This makes them more susceptible to brainwashing and programming techniques. Lack of sleep breaks down the will too. The idea is to take control of the sense of self and the will of the person. Excessive stress from torture causes brain changes from cortisol in the frontal lobes and prolonged pain shrinks the brain… Sexual humiliation is pretty common in break down techniques.”

    At this point in his book, Duncan quotes the inventor of the electric chair and the light bulb- Thomas Jefferson as saying, “There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.”

    Duncan writes that in remote renditions “… showing images of eyes… in addition to the statement… “We are watching you.” is a way to encourage discomfort in the TI. Duncan says, “The internet is a barrier of remote renditions (isolation,) as victims have formed support groups.” This paragraph was, “… released by the Pentagon despite the un-American values of many grotesque humans hiding in the crevices of “national security.” Records Duncan, “The downside of torturing in modern civilizations is the public reaction to visual evidence of pain, death, and blood. The United States has overcome this problem with use of neurological weapons and “invisible pain rays.”

    Duncan notes, “No-touch torture still includes the same list as physical torture: Stress positions, greatest fears, drowning, fire, heights, poison, threats to loved ones, pain to sensitive body parts (throat, groin, eyes, ears, head, heart,) offensive images, sounds (tinnitus, rock music, etc,) mal-odors, tastes, sensations, threats, bribery and blackmail, etc.” (I actually began crying reading the above paragraph in Duncan’s book, for most of this has been done to me, and it was just good to hear someone of AUTHORITY admit this is being done to targeted individuals!) Mal-odors are induced by mind-control. The target can be programed to smell ‘ammonia,‘ and other scents that are classified through CIA and military psychiatrists influencing civilian definitions of mental illness, as the, “… smell of schizophrenia.”

    Also, the artificial or synthetic ‘synchronicities’ (coincidences) are definitely a huge thing in my world. They’re almost TOO immaculate (from the timing of events, the license plates you see at the right time, sitting down at a specific place in a cafe’ to be in perfect view of a ‘message’ on the wall, people seemingly knowing your thoughts or doing something to indicate that they know something private or secretive in your life, etc..). The V2K voices give me a word or phrase and then a day or so later, some ‘scenario’ plays out that corresponds to the very words spoken. A guy named Phillip said this below (with my response below his):
    “Umm..same here. All my holidays have been sabotaged…they even have preemptively played into certain keywords that made no sense being repeated over and over until the holiday occurred, where the keyword creates meaning (which gives you a false sense of clairvoyance on their part) that I would have no way of predicting so much to a point, that it’s hard to understand how they could have predicted it themselves, save that you get the sense that far more people were involved than just the narrow scope of offenders you thought were pranking you. It’s gotten to a point they had me believing the whole city I lived in were in on it, including my family…which scared the shit out of me.”
    Here was my response to him below :
    “Yup, they do that with me too. They speak words via V2K into my head, and give me ‘hints’ about what will take place the next day for example. Then the next day comes and certain scenarios take place that you immediately pick up on and realize that this is what those voices were telling you the night before. It seems so unbelievable that they’d even know this would take place. I believe this is some high technology that we can’t even fathom yet, but it’s certainly not spiritual. It’s a false sense of clairvoyance as you said to make it SEEM spiritual. All these ‘Christians’ flooding the comment sections of these T.I. videos was astounding for me when I first started watching these T.I. videos. It just occurred to me why so many religious people are being targeted. Whether God is or isn’t real, is besides the point. The fact is, all of this stuff already seems like crazy whack-job talk to the outside world as it is, but when people start claiming that this is also ‘spiritual warfare’, it discredits the entire thing and falls into the trap of the Perps who specifically target highly religious people, because they know these religious folks will put a ‘paranormal’ cover-story onto it, which will hide the actual technology from the masses.


    The Technology is so advanced that it will feel as if you’re a neolithic caveman trying to comprehend how they pull certain things off in your reality. It will almost seem as if they have ‘REALITY ITSELF’ up-linked to a SuperComputer and it’s used as a processor to simulate everything going on around you. It’s not quite that, but it’s similar. Consider the newest videos games.

    Look at the 3-D graphics, how real everything is and most importantly, the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) within the game. When you aren’t holding the ball, the other players are moving as they’ve been programmed to do. Whether a sports game or a first-person shooter game, all the characters are there moving about almost with a ‘mind of their own.’ Now we’re just talking ‘video games’ or ‘game systems’ here, what type of tech. do you think our government has in their possession? Definitely much more potent and greater than that!

    This is how they pull off certain things that seem too unbelievable in your every day life (if you are a Targeted Individual – under their covert GangStalking Programs). They have everyone’s neural bio-signature connected to a system (SuperComputers, Satellites, Circuits, Microwave ELF weapons, etc..) which all work in tandem to influence real people’s thoughts, actions, words, behavior, etc.. SIMULTANEOUSLY through all of this high-technological advanced equipment (which is really no different than what the programmers do by pre-coding the behavior of these video games with the A.I. characters).

    They use the V2K weaponry to beam voices into the person’s head, and then the SuperComputing System does an meta-analysis – algorithm of different scenarios and variables that will cause ‘REAL PEOPLE’ to act as A.I. characters in a video game, placing them at the right place at the right time, which will coincide with what the V2K told the Target. This will give the impression that this is some ‘supernatural’ entity, but it is not. It’s predictive programming and it’s a tool in their belt for their programs against the Target (one of many).

    Arthur C. Clarke said this :

    “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

  379. Hello I am FELICITY MARCURLY, from Arizona . I am
    publicizing this amazing testimonial of my life to you because i
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  380. The Demented scum bags have taken over the Asylum.
    George Orwell must be ecstatic in his grave right now.
    Be impulsive. Reading of your mind is not an art. Only cowards with dastardly intent hide behind satellite /Telecom and Putin style GRU gestapo tactics to achieve dubious objectives.

  381. This is happening to me now, mostly! How will it stop? What the fuck, I’m not your fucking target peasants! Leave people the fuck alone, no man or woman in the United States of America deserves this stupid shit. I am no one’s play toy leave me and my fellow Americans alone or this will be addressed publicly. You people know not what you do, it is not worth your dumb fucking peasant lives. What the fuck do you want from me?????? No more games, I need mu duffle bag too you loser tards! Do not Fuck with me ever for eternal life, or else!

  382. I am seeking pay for these unauthorized studies on my life. I have been confused throughout my education process, I’ve had constant headaches, unable to finish college due to memory loss. I’m paying off unnecessary student loans because I could not finish. I have terrible sleep habits. Please find out how I can get my loans paid off, go back to school with no headaches and memory loss, I need money for the rest of my existence because of this pain & suffering I’ve been caused. These people need to be stopped. It’s no fun at all, I deserve better! Please help me figure out my options ASAP.

    • Hi, I also have a large amount of Federal Loan debt for my student loan and because perpetrators sabotage every attempt to find a decent, long-term job during my last 8 years by deleting my online applications or contacting prospective employers to deny me interviews or even next steps in the process, I don´t have a continuous income like many of us, so I enrolled in the IDR plan (pay as you earn plan with Fedloan) having monthly payments at zero dollar. Hope this can help you. By the way, I am a T.I, regular citizen, for the Obama mind control program….for the black bad boy under the U.S. Navy operations and evil Google.

  383. They verbally talk and threaten Sex offending #1 strategy next even say you raped someone as a” Corner you to make you look like a guilty person or block your thoughts to make screw ups to get in trouble!!!.. if first idea doe not work!!! … they want to control and embarrass you and then thought physiological silent unheard outside your body real threats using implanted implants that were possible bought under illegal operations or stolen FBI/ military spy covert mind reading or audio implant put in you by a fake or impersonator !!….
    A military police told me how they do this and it gets very vulgar, threatening and dangerous cause they can stalk and follow you through signal anywhere any time around the clock… These ARE NOT Police or Military or FBI they are thugs, MOCKERS using learned police and military activities and or criminal activators trying to set you up, so they can eliminate you from witnessing or talking about stuff that could link them to a criminal activity in your city, town or neighborhood! and they might be supplying or unknowingly working with an enemy or a person who hates our USA! They are mind game players using thought to provoke or even set up situations that would case you trouble while they sit back and watch you get in trouble!
    That’s how they get you! The mind players has gone internally try it implant to person with mind reading they have! ….. to see if it is true until then no one can’t say it is not!

  384. The United States of America has been a police state since 9/11. Cops and feds have been using a myriad of surveillance equipment to harass, spy, damage, and terrify the targeted population. Most of us are activists, battered women and minorities. The Rutherford Institute or the Cato institute are both great sources of information. My guess is that some of you have been victims of Stingrays or other illegal surveillance equipment and because the cops and the FBI are railroading people in every possible way, you are terrorized and afraid.

  385. This is a demonic crime called the invisible crime, that is produce through light, technology, electricy, and witch craft. The people involved had to give something in order to commit these crimes Even sale their souls to the devil or, and receive payment for these crimes. If you believe in prayer, pray for them because someone who does this, obviously needs help. You tube-Gang Stalking, the world has gotten a whole lot creeper, Please Watch. I found no one helps you. If we don’t come together as a whole these cimes will not stop. People look at you like u r crazy because the way the crimes and violations r being committed, u must believe and pray that God will expose the invisible. I found in dealing with this police, lawyers, city hall and people do no know what electronic magnetic harassment is. Only we can bring awareness by banning together physically.

  386. Fuck trump and his evil administration Obama wasn’t that bad at all. 2020 please get here already it’s time America receives the kennedy of the 21st century apt to take on all the issues threatening human existence trump is miles short of the goal and I boldly say fuck trump again and again and his dick riding possee which lacks originality they must always quote trump

  387. The shibollets and Philistines ,you see now you will definitely see no more.
    All TIs say a big AMEN to that. GOD will arise and ALL his enemies shall be totally destroyed. Another big AMEN to that.

  388. trump is a racist and a coward who will never let u beat your addictions.he put voices in my head that abuse me ever second I’m awake.

    teaches me to be nothing but a racist to myself.and hate myself.everyone else.

    I am chipped by the government and terrorists and I hate my life.
    How do I get free?
    I have my own place and feel free to email me.


  389. My name is Mark Iannicelli and I have suffered from V2K and Direct Energy Weapon Assault for30 years.
    I am advocating for targeted individuals to become involved in hospital security.
    The Moody’s, Meriwether, Mulholland from the Brunswick, Georgia USA area followed me abroad to prevent me from gaining employment and political asylum.
    If your organization can help me get Political asylum from the United States government that has labeled me an enemy so they can use the National Security Act scam to be a loop hole for state sponsored organized crime of torture and murder for profit.

  390. They have infiltrated our beloved TI site.
    They follow us around,read all our mails.Demented individuals/Organizations.They are even intent on preventing the continuation of this comment.


  392. Email is send 21, 24 Febuary 2019 Azlso 3 March 2019 todate parliament petition is nzot sign therefore if you could update regarding azbove aznd Bzelow request this is appreciated
    Dear Sir / Madam,

    I the undersign I am writing to as aBSc Tellecommunication victim of The London Pentonville Prison Authority V2K Electronic harassment you are on record as Voice to skull media organization and also as an someone who is deeply concerned and trying to raise awareness regarding the seriousness of crimes committed by voice to skull Harassment technology ” as Dr ALLEN BARKER Ph.D at MIND CONTROL – TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS stated “much of the technology is truly amazing and has great potential for positive uses. But unfortunately, in practice, it has been tested on nonconsensual subjects and applied to violate fundamental human rights in almost unthinkable ways.” your help is appreciated regarding
    1: sign petition see petition link address bzelow
    2: publish note and petition link address for for 3700 to sign at your fzacebook also meyour media Blog address also at your media Journalist czontact email address
    3: state electronic Jzammer which is help regarding your voice to skull electronic hzarassment

    also confirm azbove request is Dzone at czontact address aznd email address to post and send your mzedia nzote wzhen request is:
    Mr Yaya Jawara
    Czontact Email address is : yayajawara@yahoo.co.uk
    sign this petition if you are serious regarding stopping voice to skull electronic hzarassment also your help is appreciated

    US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailymotion

    US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailym…
    TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called “perps&quo…

    regard Yaya Jawara BSc Telecommunication

  393. Reading this blog and the comments make me very sad. Please take a google look at ‘delusions of persecution’ , and get evaluated by a qualified mental health professional. Genuinely can improve your life. I saw that as someone who has family members who suffered in ways you’ve described, and now is doing very well, and also as someone who has worked in the mental health field and know how people suffer. I’ve seen it drive people to be unable to function day to day and end up in the hospital, or from doing very well to start slide down into remission by starting to isolate themselves from others, stopping activities they once enjoyed, and stopping caring for their activities of daily living. I know from talking with family members and others in a heat of these symptoms that my comments will be discounted, or at worst incorporated into the delusions that i’m somehow out for them as well, but i reallly encourage people to even just try seeing someone who you can talk with about how you feel. Even if you don’t buy it at least try talking with a QMHP about how you feel (best to try a couple people till you find someone you get along with, personality and style wise), what could it hurt? Take care of yourselves please, theres help out there.

    • Hi Jeff. Most TIs are in touch with medical facilities and with psychiatry. But there is also real persecution going on too in the world and people are being tortured. It is not just about ideas but real phenomena of burned skin, headaches, people really following us and miming us and mirroring us in everyday lives, and also personally I found poisons and I could not get anybody to do a test. You are simply naive. I am sure you are a kind soul, but you have no idea what you are talking about. There is so much evil in this world that you are not aware of, that if you knew, you could not handle it. Therefore you put it on ignore, and in your world, everything is fine. Your bubble is not the entire reality out there. Do not be ever concerned about TIs not seeking psychiatric treatment, but pills do not help against poisons and all new tech they use on us. NO, you do not know. Your experience is limited and neither are you interested in knowing because you think you already know. So, please, give us a break, and continue sleeping. Do what you can in the context of where you are.

      • Hello, can you delete my previous posts? Particularly the posts with my phone number and home address on it? My name is Beverly Jonas. Please delete all of my posts. I talked to wordpress about it and they stated that I had to ask you. Please don’t delete my most recent post. Thank you.

      • my experience is real. i was in Barstow, CA next to 2 major freeways for 1 year and couldn’t get a ride and i even had money to pay. my companion is with me of 23 years and he experiences the exact same thing. we can’t survive…cannot get jobs,housing,rideshares and recently my bank account and paypal were closed for no reason. if anybody can help: onlinepresence@tutanota.com

    • I am Remegio Balane and a TI also. I understand why tou soundly advices the TIs for psychiatrical consultation. But I assure you TIs are not insane. It is the Psychotronics Technology that victtimize people around rhe world. Please visi: Targetred Individuals Association UK. We have many scientist and experts there that are also TIs. You van havenvaluable access there about the technology like in this web site.

    • Hello,

      This is Beverly. I made a few posts a few years ago when this first started happening to me. They are all the way at the top somewhere. To this day, I still get emails from TI’s asking about my posts.

      Let me give you an update.

      I tried to start a movement. It did not work out for several reasons:
      1. TIs are too paranoid and do not trust other TIs.I noticed that they trust you even less if you seem strong and are dealing with it better than they are. It seems the more severe your symptoms are, the less likely you are to be accused of being a perp.
      2. TIs would rather get on the internet and spend hours complaining about what’s happening to them. When it comes time to get together and get organized no one shows up. We have to network online as well as offline in order to win. There is strength in numbers. Unfortunately, we are losing.
      3. TIs think that they are doing what needs to be done in order to solve the problem. Protesting, petitioning, and seeking to get laws changed – it will not work. The individuals who are behind this program have no regard for the law. They are not afraid of being exposed. Everyone knows what’s happening already. Few will admit it, but this sick system is impacting everyone. The only solution is to stick together and help each other in any way possible, no matter what the consequence is.
      4. There are a thousand different theories to explain why this is happening to us. We spend far too much time debating this when it actually is not the main idea. Why and how are not as important a question as “What now?” In other words, we are spending to much time focusing on the wrong things.

      Despite all of this, I have not completely given up. I started my own business. I offer work from home opportunities to everyone, especially TIs. Trouble is, I haven’t hired a single person who considers themself a Targeted Individual. It seems that no matter how often I reach out, they don’t want my help. If you are reading this and you are interested email me. You will be working as a customer service agent from home. Yes, most customers are rude and mean. Some are even perps. But it’s still better than working at a place where all of your coworkers are harassing you. At the end of the day, you will be working in your pajamas. And there are many ways to relieve stress. If you join my company, we will be doing those things together.

      My email is BeverlyJonas@outlook.com

      The job is only available to US residents, and some states are not eligible.

    • jeff you are either delusional or an agent. your delusional brain thinks that live in democracy lol
      mental health system is part of gang stalking / targeting. entire society is corrupted under rule of nwo

    • Jeff,
      Your comments may be ignorant or at least unsympathetic to someone’s reality and coming from a person with a mental health worker I find this sad & delusional. How can you prescribe someone a mental health diagnosis due to a seriously mental experience I know how and why because it’s an easy fit which is why it goes on so much though not so much to make it mainstream… the only mental thing in these situations is what someone is experiencing and yes some maybe delusions but surely not all how can someone with no previous mental health issues suddenly start going mental the likelihood for this is statistically very low so how can it be so highly respected when its diagnosed this way… do you seriously think every individual case of which someone reports being targeted is mental health apparent… that my friend is mental not the described actions…. since when did mental health become so universally adaptable??? Why do we have serial killers rapists wars etc???? Because human nature is both good & bad and the need for power is stronger than any drug that is why individuals are targeted plus punishment… I don’t expect you to alter your stance but please think about your ignorant application of mental health diagnosis…. it’s absolutely mental only in blanket application though some can’t not be telling the truth regards patrick Leslie

  394. Take a picture of your self. Zoom in on the picture really close. You’re going to see a pattern of numbers. Then have
    Non Ti take a picture of you. The numbers won’t be there. The more you know the better.

  395. Targeted by an unknown source and they are torturing me mentally and have been severely torturing me for 5 years threatened to murder my entire family from day one they claimed in the beginning that they were government people and tormented me harass me and said that they were going to Target my entire family and my family business I I have no idea what it is or who it is but they are very very scary and a danger to my family I’m concerned about my family going what they say negative brain dead they have demonstrated everything that they do and they targeted individual and put them in their government their soul spirit kidnappers and clone human beings and make negative and torture the negatives and torture their spirit and soul build what they call a neighborhood in your mind and around their electron is a magnetic field and put negative entities in their mind and all around them and create negative energy and make the human beings go negative so they are unable to write the Riser vibration they do techniques of putting things in their mind such markings of a satanic government do such things as said entities into mind and alter it with such devices that create negative energy I’m not really familiar with this thing so I don’t know what this is but it’s very hard for me to cope with and I don’t know how I’m going to get through life cuz it’s just getting harder and harder and they’re getting more evil and I can’t it’s non-stop 24/7 for 5 years and people don’t understand they seem to think that it I’m making it up in my mind but when these things said from day one for 5 years and they target my beautiful family and I’m very concerned for my family my family seems to think that nothing is happening but when it’s very real to me and they don’t understand the severity of it they think that it’s just something that is my thoughts and it’s not my thoughts it is mind control mind torture and I am the prisoner and they are targeting my children and saying that they are going to make them go negative which I assume is brain-dead or mentally ill and they say that they put it up on the internet which I’m assuming in the in spirit world or I don’t know if it is the internet of the human beings to send negative energies or they call negative people to my families neighborhood which is their mind I’m guessing please if anybody can give me any information about what they think this is I and how I can protect myself and protect my family from going mentally ill from going being targeted and going being possessed and being made negative I drive down the street in my car and my car will not run correctly because there’s so much negative energy directed towards me and my son was in the car was the other day and it was double the amount of negative energy I don’t know what this is please somebody help me how do I get the

  396. How are you now Targetted Individuals? It seems so long that we are not in constant communication here. I am a TI since 1990 and is still under Psychotronics attack to the present (2019). Most of TIs are jobless. And can’t afford to acquire even a second hand celphone. But we can still communicate here if we have time. God bless you all.

  397. Unknown people over in Central Wisconsin think they can change, control, take over , move in silently into unsecured areas like dead and roads with woods and take your place with impersonator after learning all about you even your thinking and voice and everything about you…, sabotage, Sex offend anyone, being under a cover of covert telepathy and cell phone implanted teeth hidden in the jaw below the teeth where root was and play mind games and oh he isn’t going to and he better not do anything to anyone’s family! They were talking about it because they are doing this in other countries and they think they will be the ones to rule here and take everything through secret listening devices while they are an round where ever you are meaning the listening teeth in your jaw or face area or mouth areas! Some are leaning this stuff on games with telepathy stuff involved, Schools and books teaching about Implants and stuff on internet about implant telepathy! Wow what an interesting life we a will be having if this is what’s going to happen hopefully not!

  398. Hi I’ve been targeted my whole life but I’ve only just realised how they do it ,this is my personal story during a stay in a psychiatric hospital they implanted an electrical device into my brain which constantly vibrates and gives me electric shocks I also remember being tapped twice on the left shoulder and told I would act weird and everyone will think your weird you will keep breaking down and have panic attacks my whole family turned on me and quite a few of them have never spoken to me again the hypnotist had control of lots of people he said you will get out of here and never return you have to do this life on your own all alone do you hear me all alone it shows how easy it is to manipulate someone with hypnosis en mass this is how they start controlling people since then my life has been made a living hell I now know how all assassinations are achieved without people knowing how with hypnosis and mind control evil to the core

  399. Kitty Cat spy implants Used during the war!!, Cell phone implants, Audio implants Same thing Cochlear Implants the same only updated, Transducer implants hidden in tooth, jaw bone , root canal or near ear in check bone area.. …The same!!! tiny two way speaker with C.B. like vibrating to make sound clear heard like from a radio and now mind reading technology! University class talked about them and special technology show! Can’t hide anything anymore and many types to choose from! Gang people(?) or groups implant play pok-e man hunt and tag with their people using phone, tracking and computer all seen on U-Tube video and new show!!Now does the abuse part come in clearer with you as how it’s done? This is what was told to me by a top military person and police officer! But name withheld for privacy and their security!

  400. About 5 years I walked in to a Convenience Store To get smokes and other stuff
    And as I was paying for the Little goodies that I had set upon the counter the clerk said to me ” Do you see that man over there ? I looked around and to my surprise there was just one person in the store. A man about 30 and he was getting a soda from the fountain. I replied yes I do see him The clerk said Well that man follows you. I told the clerk that I believed he was right, But that i did not know why. The clerk then said…. What did you do ? To which i said ” In the last almost 40 years I have done nothing to any other human being; As a young man I could not make that claim… I am now 60. I also told the clerk that my debts were paid and that I owed no one anything. And since that day they have been with me almost every day. To those who do not know who they are or what they want it is simple…. Your complete and total self Destruction. Do not under any circumstance give in. do not self implode. their Methodology. is not perfect and if you fight they are the ones who self imp[lode. Tell anyone who will listen and scream to all that you are a victim of torture. For they are truly Bad people… The love of Christ is not in them. I have many, many stories and its time to share them. You have my7 email… Hoping the
    best for all ….. Dana Parsons.

  401. Okay i’ll just start from here, it’s 6:17 AM gmt+1 i’m in France, i’m just awaking from a veeery strange dream and i dont now why but i need to find answer to my questions, so i’ll try to be the more precise i can.

    First i’m not a beleiver of any kind of theory, i’d rather define myself as sceptic and please pardon my english it’s not really clear of what happening few minutes ago so let’s start with the beginig of that dream:
    I was playing a BR game looking like fortnite (and i really hate those game aside my son i never play it or just to please him) so i was playing a character and then a strange icon poped up on the floor in the game i walked on it then bam ! i woked up in a strange office, like open space style, with gentle people on the first floor, it was a tall bulding i cant say how many floors precisely but look like 16~20 floor building, somehow i found myself in a cabinet with a nice (looking like a doctor) woman we’re saying “that may sting moderatly” then she pick a orange and white large tube (felt like anesthesic in my mouth) and a veeeery long needle like 10 centimeters i remember few things from this “surgery’ a benzodiazepine nob around my head and “you may throw up dont worry”
    Next time i woke (still in my dream people) i had two smal implant on the lower left temple few inches between em and a strange implant in my mouth (looking like a torx screw) that passes through my upper jaw into my brain i suppose and a large plastic “label” stapled like a earring on my right ear, next phase i see what appears to be me (the character dont looks like me at all i mean in reality) with four other young guys in theirs twenties dressed like 1930 in a street that could be a large american city but very stranged Tech i remember that i was kinda panicked and i’d try to remove some implant myself (by pulling out from my mouth) i saw the long needle looking a very techie tool (like precision surgery) next thing i remember is a old computer black screen that say “next time type Holyword” with that exact spelling, i may remember more thing later, but even it’s still a dream that was looking so strange and so freaking real, i’m just sharing my thought from the weirdest dream that i ever made in my entire life so weird that i felt the need to explain it to unknow people on an obscure website that i found with even more strange keywords on the net, i dont expect nothing from you just let you know, and maybe someone had the same dream or close to mine, one thing i feel like telling you the very last days a made a lot of research about “erratas” i don’t know if it’s related or not have a good night for the transatlantic and a good day for europeans thank you for reading me till the end, hope my english wont be too bad ^^

  402. Okay i’ll just start from here, it’s 6:17 AM gmt+1 i’m in France, i’m just awaking from a veeery strange dream and i dont now why but i need to find answer to my questions, so i’ll try to be the more precise i can.

    First i’m not a beleiver of any kind of theory, i’d rather define myself as sceptic and please pardon my english it’s not really clear of what happening few minutes ago so let’s start with the beginig of that dream:

    I was playing a BR game looking like fortnite (and i really hate those game aside my son i never play it or just to please him) so i was playing a character and then a strange icon poped up on the floor in the game i walked on it then bam ! i woked up in a strange office, like open space style, with gentle people on the first floor, it was a tall bulding i cant say how many floors precisely but look like 16~20 floor building, somehow i found myself in a cabinet with a nice (looking like a doctor) woman we’re saying “that may sting moderatly” then she pick a orange and white large tube (felt like anesthesic in my mouth) and a veeeery long needle like 10 centimeters i remember few things from this “surgery’ a benzodiazepine nob around my head and “you may throw up dont worry”

    Next time i woke (still in my dream people) i had two smal implant on the lower left temple few inches between em and a strange implant in my mouth (looking like a torx screw) that passes through my upper jaw into my brain i suppose and a large plastic “label” stapled like a earring on my right ear, next phase i see what appears to be me (the character dont looks like me at all i mean in reality) with four other young guys in theirs twenties dressed like 1930 in a street that could be a large american city but very stranged Tech i remember that i was kinda panicked and i’d try to remove some implant myself (by pulling out from my mouth) i saw the long needle looking a very techie tool (like precision surgery) next thing i remember is a old computer black screen that say “next time type Holyword” with that exact spelling, i may remember more thing later, but even it’s still a dream that was looking so strange and so freaking real, i’m just sharing my thought from the weirdest dream that i ever made in my entire life so weird that i felt the need to explain it to unknow people on an obscure website that i found with even more strange keywords on the net, i dont expect nothing from you just let you know, and maybe someone had the same dream or close to mine, one thing i feel like telling you the very last days a made a lot of research about “erratas” i don’t know if it’s related or not have a good night for the transatlantic and a good day for europeans thank you for reading me till the end, hope my english wont be too bad ^^

  403. GOD has returned. GOD has came. GOD is between you all, in our world, again, alive.
    We are the human being. This planet is ours. We are the virus against Evil. And here there is no place for strangers nor traitors.
    Keep far from the fuck..g cross and from all the religions. They are all betrayers.
    Freedom is the only objetive.

  404. Hello ,
    I want to ask if you are familiar with technologies that can follow people’s thoughts remotely by the method voice to skills (v2k) ?

    I will wait for your reply.
    Thank you in advance

  405. Pingback: Autobiography of Singaporean Targeted Individual Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Very First Draft, Lots More to Add in Future) – Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming's Academic Qualifications

  406. hi there,

    I would like to thank you for your very informative website. I have been a TI for 11 years now and would like to know if there is any sites/ forums i can share my story with other TIs. It started in 2009 and i have quite a story, I was followed by Black SUVs and Black Helicopters at the start, on one occasion i had a black helicopter hover in front of my window at my flat and the pilot or military personal spoke to my mind via some form of telepathy helmet. I was followed, street theater etc for the first few months, scared and confused i left london for the countryside. I was aware that people could hear my thoughts and had a mental breakdown. The reason for being targeted could be many at the time i was heavily in to conspiracy videos on youtube and also i am a very strong believer in Jesus and god ( can communicate telepathcally/ prayer with him and hear his reply – ive heard his voice way before the v2k perps started, have memories of jesus voice back when i was 12. i also asked god to naiviely at the time ‘forgive’ freemasons which i think conbruibuted to my targeting . I believe and know ive had past lives and also along with V2K and all other symptoms hear voices of the dead so i have a lot to cope with 24/7 for as i said 11 years. Iam seeing a doctor as feel this helps keep me ‘sane’ but also be diagnosed to DID/Schizopria. I feel i am protected by god for my good deeds in past lives – as a saint. I would like any more advice and also where to share my story or go on a radio show to express my views.

    any help would be appeaicated.

    king regards Finbar

    lets help eachother – finbardonovan@gmail.com

  407. Try to answer the voices in gibberish and every time they start talking, moves your eyes swiftly. It sounds basic, but it has been working for me.

  408. Hi im TI from finland i want to know what kind dew they use my leg and my body. Im 50 years but my body is 80 years now. They do this to me 24/7 and they looking me 24/7 home car shopping jumping they want to know were im and they want to know my beain. Think what in see…. this is like a pricint

  409. Hey can someone help me by shooting my legs and backside with energy weapons or gamma rays or dew weapons in my car and home how can i protect myself?

  410. Here is what is happening:
    Once a Person had been targeted from “secret services” – first thing is to chip that person.
    Consequencialy during one of your visits to a dentist – you had been implanted with “targeting” chip placed in one(or more) of your tooth filings.
    After this point – Your location is tracked using that chip placed inside your tooth. There are evedences that Over the Horizon radar installation is used simular to HARP with combination of GPS.
    There is a piezoelectric cristal inside of the targeting chip that allows that chip to be re-charged / powered remotely via ultrasound (LRAD) or microwave beam emitted from installation simular to HARP over the horizon.
    Later on is a phase during which your common visited locations are studied and logged using location data from the targeting chip.
    Once Secret Services grasp information for your common locations and habbits they feel comfortable to deloy some of their payed agents.
    A powerful infrasound device invented from Sienetics Technologies, currently part of Picatini Arsenal will be covertly deployed closer to place where you live.
    On next stage Your brain will be blasted during your sleep with powerful infrasound.
    By this way bio-chmestry of your body will be changed – this will happened due to prevention of your body to sleep.
    To kill you faster – undercover agents will attempt to harm your hearth using microwave radar – that reads your hearth beat – those they will syncronize with infrasound weapon – applying presure over your hearth.
    Also – they will try to infect you with form of cancer which is harmless for normal person – but letal for you as your body so not produce enough hormons due to infrasound tratment.

    That is all.
    There is no any kind of mind reading machines neither anyone can see thru your eyes etc.

    Mass shooters phenomenon in USA is one of the indication of the use of this covert weapons.
    People who had been hit by infrasound weapon, cannot understand where the source of the beam is.
    They become delusional and finaly turned to a mass killers.

  411. This is happening to me. Not sure when it started but lived in walnut cove nc and that is where it became noticed…i need help before it kills me.

  412. Here’s my number. My name is Holly, I am a TI and I want to talk to other TI’s. Please feel free to text or call me. 8507360792. Or email me at nakiknox0711@gmail.com. I’m from Florida. I’m in the US and it’s happening over here! I got mixed up with the wrong people and ever since I realized what it is it’s getting easier but it’s still annoying!!! Please contact me!! I need to talk to other people ASAP! Oh and don’t let all the Schizophrenia ads that keep coming on your radio scare you it’s them playing games.

  413. Want to know how simple and old is the technology behind it? Just read Everybodywiki – Technical Psychotronics

  414. I am Remegio A. Balane and a Targetted Individual in the Philippines since 1990. I was birn in August 31, 1960. And I am 60 years old now in the year of 2020. I have v2k in 24/7 non-stop. The language of my v2k is Tagalog-the National langguage of the Philippines. I am gangstalked non-stop too. Blacklisted in any Job opportunity. I am an Electeonics-Electrical Technician. I made to be employed in Telecom Industry for 7 years and end in 2009. Most of the listed symptoms here in TI Symptoms Europe is ever present on me. Induced choke, chest pain, eyes and ears pain, angina. I have an enlarged heart now. In every attack… I just ground myself by walking barefoot on the concrete floor or touch the concrete floor and some metallic structure connected to earth. Try to be joyful always. The Osychotronics AI is programmed to sense our bad feelings and anger. Avoid these negative feelings. Always be happy and ignore your v2k voices. Most of all… prayers are the mist effective defense and attack on iur enemies. They hate prayers and prevent it to be recorded with our daily suufferings, rwactions to their attacks, and in our daily activities. Pray as if you have never orayed before. Read: Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley. The answer is in that book why we are being TIs. We are the “Tragedy” in rhis book and the New World Order is the ‘Hope.” And visit me in Facebook: Remegio Balane. Or just type that name in Chrome search box. Thank you very much!

  415. Maybe another answer to this dilemma….
    People are using bio hacking implants fop scams and phishing voices and for fake sex offender accuser activities. For false revenge/mental hospital set up .. or to hopefully block your life with threats to call police. Or to impersonate being a fraud real sex offender and or fraud gay activities to hopefully stop you from figuring or snooping into their drug or other trafficking or trafficking o activities or invading others privacy for sounds for their own perverted or activities wants! like hitting 4 birds with one stone at once? It’s to take over law and police/military or medical and lawyer and court authority even without them knowing

  416. Is there anyone who can help us. I live with my two young children in a very remote area which I moved to get away from the I now know to be gang stalkers, My horses have been totally taken over as they seem transfixed and vacant for most of the day, which I believe is due to a pulsating machine noise which can only be heard on video. Some of my horses cannot move their necks and I have some not very good photos of some type of ECT old fashioned thing on their heads. Another type of machine I heard was of a computer voice saying a sentence and at the end destroy. This was a weird beam which moved then once it was on a certain place went beep beep then a faster like drilling sound. I was woken up one night with a pain in my right eye I can only describe as being shot and am sure I could hear someone say “this way”. My home has been broken into lots of damage to my cars , A drone watches my home every night. I get the feeling that someone is in the house sometimes but can’t see anyone,. At night sometimes I get this horrible pain in my hip or pubic bone which never have I had before it’s like burning. I had an ultrasound and there was nothing but I swear these pains are very real and as I have never experienced anything like them prior to all this I thought I had cancer. I have just been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic as my sugar levels were so high. I am constantly tired. A lot of damage has been done around the farm and not by us. The police are useless . Please can you help.

  417. The reason the government so easily use in one in the community anytime, anybody, any where they want. Is because the about 15 years ago the government standardize putting little transmitter into the population’s ear. Where the government can secretly communicate directly communicate to people. That’s how they so easily slander a person’s character and tell what ever they want to people to get them to do what ever the government wants them to do. And that include secretly talking directly to the Attorneys, Police Officer and Psychiatrist. And they convince everybody not to admit anything. They record what everybody is doing through a satellite. Let say you’re having a conversation with a Police Officer, the government is secretly recording it and they’re secretly communicating to the officer and telling the officer what to do. The government is practising the same tactic throughout the population while they’re secretly recording all incident and what being said by the victim and secretly talks to people while they undermine the victim and destroy the victims credibality to the people.

  418. Pingback: TI “Symptoms” – Gang Stalked by the Psych World

  419. Hi my name is Cornell H Davis and i have been targeted, now it would be about 7 years now i have dates on this on this to looking to get some information from someone that’s willing to help this is not a game for us TI we are really looking for help if someone would give me call at 518-335-8965

  420. I would never of believed any of this without experiencing it… its absolutely fkin mental…. the only sickness is in the bastards that target someone bullies cowards…. accept what all your senses are telling you… not the lies your told by the institution meant to care for you. Targeting is 100% real please believe me fellow targets don’t let those that harm you even close family distort your perceptions fk them all your on your own and that’s how you must face it everything you think and feel may not be totally correct but the focus is to be believed don’t allow them to allow you to question your sanity stay strong people patrick Leslie Leslie targeted indivual from calderdale

  421. I am a Victim to the Voice to skull since November 15,2018. I do believe that life got harder once I was connected to this technology I had a full time big money paying job. Unfortunately the employer stole my social security numbers I got proof on paper then later I was threatened with murder of my wife and told they was going to kidnap my son also . These people also worked for my ex employer. I feel gang-stalked

  422. To think of the amount of money, resources, man power, technology and so on and so forth.. That’s gone into this sophisticated systemic social engineering program that is just pure unadulterated cruelty… is absolutely astounding…. I as a T.I wouldn’t of believed myself before I have experienced it.. That’s how sophisticated it is!!!! But I’m in no doubt whatsoever now… I think it’s soooooo sad how peoples lifes are on hold whilst their every moment when called on is wasted harassing a T.I

  423. Not sure how much more I can take from these mother fuckers. They are the baddest to f the baddest and the lowest of the lowest. Scum. Horrible ugly people. Cult like behavior. Nasty as can be. Inhumane.

  424. Absolutely bay city tx bullshit. And abuse been going on over 4 years.since I left bcisd. Bullshit for insurance policies..bogus

  425. I have exactly same symptoms except my hone has not been vandalized. In addition, they cyberbully and move pages/photos on the phone and laptop. They make it very difficult to work on assignments on computer.

  426. God said…” behold…..i send u as sheep among the wolves”….all u can really do is not give up….try to ignore the harrassment ….wear good earplugs when trying to sleep…and try to collect evidence with the right equipment

  427. GOD SAID….” Behold…I send u as sheep amongst the wolves “…..we are conditioned by the system to believe that success is measured by our financial status. This is all an illusion pounded onto us through manipulation by the media. I thoroughly recommend seeking out the video clips called ” the arrivals” there are around 52 of them. They will open your eyes to what is really going on in the world. Most of these clips can be viewed on youtube. Some have been edited out….such as the one with the truth about 9/11. All u can really do about being gang stalked is try to remain calm….ignore them….get good exercise….eat well….and collect evidence with the right equipment if u can afford it. They are demons and not people worth having in your life. You get to know your real friends and family in hard times.You must be a threat to someone in a position of power to be in the position of being gang stalked. So try to keep positive…be yourself and try to continue being a positive force to others with the time you have left in this world 🙂

  428. I Ken Fuller have been a TI since I was wrongfully raided on June 14 2017. I was a hard worker in the oil-field. I noticed that I was becoming someone that I wasn’t. I was a happy go lucky individual that would help anyone, anytime, anywhere. After 41 months of exactly what I just read, had happened to me. The voices, the ridicule, the sex crimes, it seemed as if I was quilty of a haness crime and lived with a warrant. I became isolated and reclused to my community and all that I lived for. I got hauled to jail for calling 911, 4 times in a month. It was suggested that I spread Covid to my whole town. Even as I write this, I feel as if I’m to be hauled off to jail for the rest of my life.

  429. Yes I accept that Hitler was a criminal what about The criminals actions of the Jews today The Pharisees Jews did more crimes than Hitler

  430. Kris McDonald i am a targeted individual Farmington west virginia looking for what to do about turning this in to the right law enforcement. What can I do

  431. Subject : Information for T.Is.

    Hello Targeted Individuals Europe,

    Thank you for what you are doing and for the help you are trying to provide.

    I would like to draw your attention to a website, which is not intended for the general public and aims to share with the T.Is some information, tips, and exercises.

    I am confident that the article “Escaping your mental cage” can significantly help those who are most aware of what is happening to them. It presents documents of the utmost importance, as well as various very practical exercises and advice.

    Link : https://www.ttij.org/articles-2/params/post/2213604/escaping-your-mental-cage

    It is up to you to decide whether this site is likely to be helpful to the people you know : http://www.ttij.org

    The aim of this website is not to give personal advice or to answer personal questions.

    Kind regards,

  432. Good afternoon ,could somebody tell me the contacts of T,I,S that l could send(share my story) my statement about my case which l send to human right court of europe ,to the police ,to the prosecutor of lithuania… I recently was realised from the psichiatric hospital where l was tortured already for the third time so l need help to fight with these criminal organisation.I have been targeted for more than a decade.

    Best Regards

    Tadas Pulkaunikas

  433. Maybe there is new product problem?…. ….Counterfeit mockery/copied but changed mechanics and electric signals..hearing spy aids? for mocking bio hacking voice of telepathy/blasting ( it’s blasting your hearing with sounds for revenge and voice threats and commands, tampering threats and money fraud and tracking threats, slavery without permission… or worse excetra…. activities! bio hacking used for covert targeting/harassment … laws needed and free help phone line “if you suspect your a target ” advisory lines through hospital and police?

  434. a little more help and info fore the victims and others






    rip aaron

    had a friend in the un force here in Finland and his life ended as aarons did, rip jyrki neitola.


    wee need to get heard by the human rights comity and the lands we live in, i do not want to be a victim any more, 20 year is to too much

  435. Hi, thank you for your home page.
    I am TI living in Japan.
    This mobbing and other things have been started to realize from September 2016.
    I would like to connect with other TI in all over the world.
    I would be happy if you write me back.

  436. This was made by Latvian communists (post-sowiet) and safety institution (SAB) that protects them. I was mentally healthy but stated that I have suffered a lot of communists regime. Since childhood (in sowiet time) communists described me as a slavery because my mother was not a communist. I allways had to work for half a salary and they ignored all my human rights, and freedom.
    I have to travel abroad for brain surgery as totalitarian Latvian state institution has secretly implanted brain reading microchips in my healthy brain, eye microchip and one in my back (possible RFID chip). It was a real genocide for my political opinions and striving for accepting of human rights in Latvia. I was mentally healthy and not a criminal! Now they remotely control my brain as a robot, turned off all the positive emotions and sexuality, reduce intellectual potential. By sending frequencies to the brain microchips they can make me feel and look like psychically ill, disoriented. They can even torture me so that I have difficulty to breath, difficulty to swallow. Since that surgery I have had 3 serious apnoea (choke during sleep) when I thought I could die. Voices-to skull sent by those totalitarian people torture me day and night and also damage psychics. I wander I am still not psychically ill but their goal is to make me a psychiatry patient. At my age of 53 they considered I have to be used for secret totalitarian brain experimentations. Something changed also in 2017, after the nose surgery – I had a scar behind the ear an at back. I lost emotions, such as love, joy, sexuality and couldn’t get calm and meditate as there was sent constant stress to my body (I feel terrible vibrations in my chest). They say they have spoiled my hearing, made it different, dependent of their will and they really can made it worse. They can also made my vision blurred, I have experienced that. I would like to live with my own brain and remove those illegal microchips that made me as a digital slave. The Latvian totalitarian mafia steeled from me and my family about 30000 euros making me a poor person so I have no money for the brain surgery and chips removal. They even threaten me that will isolate from society and will not allow to travel abroad, as they do everything to hide their crime against me. Even doctors are in totalitarian manner manipulated not to see microchips in MRI images of my head. They are manipulated to see me as psychically ill but it is not true. Such totalitarianism in a state, pronounced as democratic! Human rights are just ignored.

  437. Hello,

    I am being targeted using V2k and RNM software. I am in serious danger and I fear for my life.

    I am speaking with people all over the world who are helping me. Including icaact.org.
    I have an appointment with them in may in Brussels but will struggle to get there.
    Each person helping me has informed me to contact the U.N and Nils Melzer.

    Please see my LinkedIn page –

    On my linkedin profile you can see my connections and the people and organisations helping me. I have also copied some weblinks below.






    My tormentors claim they paid £30k for this technology and that an illegal doctor was involved, and that they were custom built and took 2 years to make.
    They are threatening me in many ways such as killing me, kidnapping me, having me locked up.
    And claim they would not have done this if there were any risk involved.
    My attackers are not military, police or government, they are civilians whom I know and have used the Dark Web.
    I accidentally ruined a few people’s lives in 2018 and am now being targeted.
    I have logged a few things with the police but they cannot help regarding the dark Web. Having been on the dark Web I can see many illegal places and you can do anything on it.

    My Symptoms are as follows –

    voices – of people I know, heard voices of the people who did this, other are emulations, at times they sound digital/disguised.

    I can communicate with them.

    Read my thoughts in real time, repeated back to me, comments back, recordings of myself being played back, my own thoughts played back, (if I think of a song it gets played imidietly) same with when I think of memories.

    Physical pain – stabbing, rape with a knife, burning sensation, broken limbs, nose bleeds with actual blood, ripping insides out, cutting throat, given a cold.
    (They will say they are going to do something and then it happens)

    Hallucinations – I knew straight away do these have stopped, one night I saw a fireman up a ladder at my window it looked hazy.

    Loud noises – like bombs

    Make me tired and unable to sleep

    Induced bodily functions

    Give me anxiety

    Drugging / so unable to walk

    Pupils large and others could see
    Same with smells

    Tastes – whenever I drink….

    The voices volume has a limit, the pain started off upsetting but not harsh, but has risen in intensity. Noises are very loud.

    I have had some scans with no evidence of implants so after advice and research I know this is RF and software.

    I am such danger and desperately require urgent help !!!
    I hope somebody can contact me as soon as possible.

    Alison Smith

    • Hi alison, i m a Fin Sweed living in Finland, if its possible for you to rest and not lose you mind get some sleap wenever you can, eat and drink, stay of meds If not nessesery, all meds.. If you get a psykos just go to a hospetal, sleep and take meds agenst psykoses like abelyfy ontill you are Back on youre feet, no need for you to be sceard, If The perps arnt fysical and there hurting you fysicli, its the scear tacktics and mind games, the perps need you tyerd and off gard on your toes, sleep, eat, drink but no alkohol, do you know The site http://www.cyber-torture.org , theris us people there alsow maby to conect to fore soport. My name is Henric Agve’n, 20 years of this hell cald beeing a target, im bad at writing in english, im terroriesd with sleap and awaike depevission all The time so am awake now and then, im on phone app watsapp My number is +358466415346 . Remember that you can trust the good people, look then contact and the police are good so If you need them thell them your a target, and If you are in a mind state of the perps tell like Aaron in Washington DC navy yard shooting. And the thing you told that you destroid peoples lives ,i hear it to,do not think of ennything more then having a good day and sleap. O and http://www.stop007.org Look at The affidavit

  438. I have been targeted since I was young and truth is I’ve been tortured so heavily for over 15yrs I think theyv finally killed me.im petrified,no support or real friends and I’m at my wits end.dont know what to do next,apart from go to a and e about my recent injuries. 0.j.a. csrdiff

    • Please stay strong… You are not alone in this…

  439. Please take caution…. Our bodies are wonderfully made and a temple to the consciousness that is the you that is loved. Our bodies act like antennae, of course, is the brain. The methods of how they are hurting us are not through an implant, it is through radio frequency-based technologies. Because the brain is acting as a receiver naturally already, they are tapping into an already present attribute in the brain’s behaviors. Do no harm to yourself, do nor harm to your bodies!!! and do no harm to others both of which to the best of your ability. You are loved, you are cherished and adored. Please it is all radio wave electromagnetic radiation-based weaponry that they are using on our minds, it is NOT an implant. In turn and with some study and a little self-assessment what you will realize is you are more wonderfully made than you could have ever comprehended. The brain has an electrical current, it operates through chemical electrical processes and this is the way the brain interprets consciousness. This means what our cell phones do, and routers, the brain is already doing…. naturally, without added components. Beautifully and wonderfully made each and every person… this includes every single one of you who are targetted without fault and simply living the relatively simple loving life we all do. There are promises for those of us who are tortured, if you appeal spiritual concepts remember you are loved…. forgive yourself for the induced ups and downs due to the torture, and try to find every opportunity to engage in and express your love joy and overall compassion. The more you practice the more you will remember, in your soul you are well… it is only the body they can harm. Be loved and please don’t do anything harmful to yourselves or others this includes looking for foreign objects that absolutely are not needed to have the experiences induced that are so difficult for each of us being tortured. God Bless!

    • Please help you’re selves to get the irc chat going

      Henric Agvén on June 17, 2021 at 9:30 pm

      at IRCnet

      It’s for all TI’s 24/7 but I can’t sit there 24/7 by my self because my computer and phone gets hacked all the time, so I need to do fresh installs to get to internet and mirc

      You all will get live feedback from everyone if we get it running, it’s free

      PS. You know what a troll is

  440. In Czech Republick ,8 years me stalked .M.Sindler ,Monika Bobrova ,RIAPS Trutnov ,One kill ,Dagmar Havlova .Adress Maxima Gorkeho 421 Trutnov

  441. Soon it will all be over just like I always had planned it , It’s not like it was my first Roadio .Rite SHADDOW ? That Rite! What goes around comes around says LADY IN WHITE DRESS. From A11ASf777 to (B2.)

      • Yeah, I got lots of people watching me. Says in the Bible do not stalk your neighbor. Yes, this is very much happening to me. There’s no question I got a picture of one of my neighbor keeping tabs on me yet I don’t do it to them.

        Evil ones spy on the godly ones, stalking them to find something they could use to accuse them. They’re out for the kill!
        Psalm 37:32

  442. I wonder if these thoughts have been looked into a for telepathy?
    Personal Licencing, schooling and training in your tech school or university and a personal psychological test for any type of implantable telepathy, garage grinder implantation, to protect from impersonators, harassment revengeful personality … :mock or non authorized spy operation, military, police or psychiatry actors or mind reading or unapproved legally by a judge or court ruling!
    Authorized telepathic implantable using electric certifications , using signals or high tower lines legal communications hook ups and or space satellite with implantable technology (They all have to have licence and what ever else right?) … laws that should effect this activity!!!No offender background or criminal background, abuse backgrounds / slavery backgrounds, stalking arrests, burglary arrests, hacking minds for own purpose …. can not impersonate, tape communications unless authorized by law?
    Tested to see if your allergic to anything implanted even to what it is made of and how to use when not to use like during lighting storm your not grounded!?can’t use them in “”””D.C. White House”””””, banks , nuclear company or any important building where secrecy is important or is lock down for only authorized individuals to protect our USA safety!t! Fright night stuff hey?

    • I can, a few years later but I can, wats app?
      I live in Finland and I have been targeded some 40 years and I’m 43 in June,. Sox being a ti.

  443. Good day to all. I am a TI since 1986. It began when in a sudden I got a Tinnitus. Jobs began to be hard to find. By 1993 my v2k came. By 1994 it became 24/7 on operation. Cursing and sexually moanings. Untill this 2022 Rhere is not a second that the military of this psychotronic and psychophysical weapon operators have given me rest. Head ache tooth aches, heart pain, induce stroke and dizzeness. That is the daily combination of attacks on me. I will talk about the posaible shielding to make here next time. Keep on praying. Witchcraft is also combined with the technology.

  444. This is extremely real, as humanity catches up the horror of what has been done to the civilian populations by government and their Stasi recruits will be horrifying and devistating to society. Better to find a peaceful solution while their is still time…

  445. Reading this probably does more harm than good. Personally, I don’t care anymore and pity those with nothing better to do than expend their creativity on trying to make me feel or be one way or the other.

  446. Hello my name is Jeremy Bennett and I am an 34 year old male and I can relate to all of the things mentioned above I have been trying to find out more about this and actually find is there a way to test for it if somebody can actually just reach out and give me a call I’ll tell you my story I have been dealing with this for a while now and it has ruined a lot of things it started sum where around the end of 2014 in grand prairie Tx at the Budget suites for years I have been trying to explain this to people and they have all call me either crazy or say that I’m on drugs and I have move from different cities and states and it’s the same every we’re I go I could really use someones help I just want to know how it was done who could of done it and how do I stop it I’m not able to keep a job I don’t even go out side I’m in the house all day it has truly been the worst thing in my last 9 years of liveing. And if not for sumone telling me about this thing called gaslighting I would have never stumbled across this and I wouldn’t be writing you guys today because I refuse to go through another year like this it’s not right and it is totally hell so just take that in to consideration. My contact information is (817)812-6115 / email address is. farmj180@gmail.com my social networks are as follows -F.B Jeremy Bennett/IG-jake farm thank u for your time . Ps. I know y’all may have a lot of people claiming this and that thing I know to me man I’m not one of them I was born in the projects I’m not one of them people even to even fathom or think about stuff like this so I’m just letting you know this is I’m not playing it’s no game and if you hear my story I’m pretty sure you would have agree so with that being said please get in contact with me so I can figure out what to do thanks

  447. Pingback: Life Insurance Fraud Handwritten On Signs #targetedindividuals #gangstalking - Corruption Buzz

  448. This torture is happening to me 24/7 in all aspects !! Romote neutral monitoring voice to skull gangstalking me. Lewistown Pa

  449. I am a targeted individual since 2017 my mother was a Eastern Star and she sacrificed my father and murdered him for his money and then she sent spiritual and physical Hitman Illuminati killers that’s what we call them. He try to send me in my children to our maker. Since then I’ve been going to the police the FBI and no one will help. This is very hard for me because I never been through this and yes I was born into the secret society my father was also a mason but I would have never thought my mom would have sacrificed us for money.this has helped me out so much it has given me a better understanding on how to survive as a targeted individual on my own with children. Thank you so much for this great information you are a blessing and please keep up the good work cuz there’s people like us that are really going through this horrific experience and I’ve been in isolation for the past 6 years it’s been tough but through my faith with the Divine mother and it’s divine father I have made it this far thank you so much.

  450. My name is Fiona Mehta, I currently live in Cirencester, Gloucestershire; I have been a TI for many years, however only truly becoming aware of my status in early 2020. The past 3 years have been awful; forced implants (implanted whilst asleep/drugged). As a result, I am in constant pain in lower limbs, hands and head.

    The worst aspects of this programme are the fact that a TI is ring-fenced from society, if we speak out about the torture, implants we are immediately labelled as delusional and threatened with sectioning, by doctors who are compliant with this programme! If not, then they are not up-to-date with clinical advancements particularly with nano technology, which quite frankly is surprising!

    Police are compliant because they claim not to be aware of MW weapons, psychotronic weapon; I have seen countless blogs/FOIRs dating back at least 2 decades which mentions use of these weapons! Ignorance is no excuse!!

    The UK is not the safe haven it purports to be! People like myself are victims of torture! The human rights charter that the UK signed up to is meaningless! There is no help, no support and the only way is to make the general public aware!

    I am unemployed, unable to find work, I am unwell, my physical health is failing, yet their torture us relentless! Today as I sit at home, by head is being targeted, my feet also plus vibrations which can cause blood clots, but definetly nausea.

    I also have to endure, some person, unashamedly, entering property by hidden means, and doing as they wish! I have no privacy! As I type I can hear someone walking around in the loft space of house!

    Like MI5 targeting programmes, they use TV/media against me! As unbelievable as this sounds, this has been well documented! All done in real time.

    I am threatened if I leave the house, so remain mainly indoors, unable to enjoy any physcial excerise. In fact have endured local police presense/sirens if I do venture out, to buy food.
    Many are involved; local businesses, neighbours and of course Freemasons!

    Those involved in this heinous TI programme will eventually fall upon their own sword.

    • It’s all nanotechnology also known as “the marking of the beast “.
      Repent and seek God. It’s the only way. Ohh, and no more bad foods. God like us to have healthy foods. Not eating every day and not looking for entertainment. God bless you 🙂

  451. Seiously illegal Barbaric crimes ever committed some of them was traced and charged and many more to come love respect happiness and freedom and joy physically mentally emotionally heal and freedom this technology and the machine it seriously illegal plus wireless invisible assault technology love respect happiness and love

  452. Thanks as to the Witte up regarding these topics the found sofstcation of these Hi-tech technology and was charged it Attempt murder plus slow death machinery

  453. Not me. They tried. They failed. I will destroy the MF’s just like the previous parasites that tried. It’s time to fight back with counter surveillance and fight fire with fire. If they do anything… they leave a footprint to follow. You just have to find it. I would like to start a team to help T.I.’s using the mirroring of the technique’s used against us and counter surveillance to find real hard evidence and identify the Handlers of this injustice. Contact me here…

  454. Good day! My name is Elena. I am from Russia. I am a targeted individual since 2017. Please advise if your organization can help me get Political asylum from the United States government.

  455. Hello! I am Targeted Individual from Poland. I have came here in hope of finding help against horrible harassments.

    Since long time I am targeted. Things started from stealing my privacy. Random people keep talking around me about things I have done in past days. Some people use repeating keywords. When I finally had enough of it I tried to fight, but it only gave me more problems. Later I have realised both of my parents are taking part of gank stalking against me. I was horribly surprised!

    Soon after that I started to hear voices (Voice2Skull). First, they were loud. Was able to hear them in every room. They were laughing and commenting my daily life. At begining, I was thinking they are neigthbours or someone put speakers close to walls so I hear it. I was mistaken, voices are heard only in victim head. Now I know for sure.

    I decided to leave country, hoping it will stop abroad. Sadly not, what is even worse, for exampole in Germany some girl pointed at me certain gesture that I have known from poland. It means that this thing is shared between countries. In other countries people repeat keywords, but translated to english.

    At the end of my journey I went to South Korea. There I was also oppressed. Somehow I was keep hearing voices there in my native language. I can’t believe this is all wordwide organised.

    Now I am constantly attacked by Voice2Skull. I can’t have peace in my own head. I can’t sleep. It takes 2-6 hours to finally fell asleep. Every single night. I am constantly tired and exhausted. I also have very bad problems with breathing, I believe it’s also caused by harassments. I am sick, with huge loan to paid off that I took for travels and I don’t even have energy to work and can’t find any work at all.

    I wish to find here someone who could help me with this V2K. I also offer my help to any Targeted Indivudual who needs it. I know how hard it is to be left alone with that.

    Best Regards!

    • it sounds like you’re tired, I haven’t come up with a v2k solution, I think audio Spotlight is in addition to synthetic sound, the site google patent offers a lot of information and reading, neuro feedback, human brain, there’s a lot, stop007.org is worth a look at that affidavit when you said you feel sick conditioning, placebo is something you can’t begin to believe in, I’ve been the target of electronic targeting decades now, v2k and ik2, neuro feedback, I’m tired when I can’t sleep and I sleep when I can. I’m Henric Agvén, the best place to be a victim is where you’ve had the most people, friends around you and where you’ve been known the longest as a complete image, victims are put on a journey to strangers because the soul is not a true image of a person and they can create their own images of a person. the best places are the smaller ones, cities with less than 60,000 people where you can see and make friends but you don’t fall under the crowd, you can always be a little crazy. it is allowed anywhere. remember to rest. I have watsapp 358 046 6415346 and my email is d.h.e.agven@gmail.com

      be safe people,. Henric

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